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Framed: A Psychological Thriller (Boston's Crimes of Passion Book 2)

Page 20

by Colleen Connally

Sitting in front of his computer, Kincaid drank down his beer. McNeil had gone down to the bar for a drink and dinner. Kincaid promised to meet him after he Skyped with Cruz.

  Rubbing his tired eyes, he placed the paper down on his desk. “Rankin has been like a man possessed since doubts emerged about Harrison’s guilt. He’s the one who slipped me Harrison’s original drug report.”

  “It should have been a game changer for the case. Why wouldn’t his lawyer not fought to have it presented?” Cruz stared at him intently through the computer.

  “A competent lawyer would have,” Kincaid said. “I believe it was the reason Ashcroft was confident he would have gotten Harrison off.”

  “The kid couldn’t have been conscious, not with Rohyphol in his system. Do you think it’s grounds for an appeal?”

  Kincaid shrugged. “Harrison signed a confession. Betcha he didn’t know about the report. He needs a damn good appeals lawyer.”

  “Or a damn good investigative reporter on his side.” She paused. “You want to hear the recent developments on Ellis Dean?”

  “Reason for the Skype. Whatca got?”

  “We found—”

  Kincaid’s phone interrupted the conversation. The ID read Sony. He raised his hand. “Give me a sec. Got to take this.”

  He answered. “Kincaid.”

  The next minute, his heart leaped up into his throat. “I’ll be right there.”

  Turning back to the monitor, he reached to close it. “Gotta go. Ellis has found Riley…not far from here. Sony says she has some crazy plan to get him to talk.”

  “Wait!” Cruz cried. “It was the reason for my call…he’s in Charleston? Fuckin’ unbelievable. Kincaid, Ellis is a dangerous man. Brophy believes he is the one who shot you…killed Edmunds and the Barlows.

  “We found his safe house this morning, but he was already gone. He’s a desperate man. Go! Go now!”

  Kincaid didn’t bother to shut off his computer. He had already grabbed his keys. He was gone.

  * * * *

  Looking over her shoulder, Riley walked down the front steps and out the wrought-iron gate. She could feel Clayton’s eyes watching her from the living room window. His words of caution still rung in the ears.

  Ellis had become unstrung and unstable. With the real threat on her life, no one could ignore his behavior.

  Her head told her to be careful. Don’t do anything foolish. But she couldn’t pass up this opportunity. Ellis had come to Charleston for some reason. Could it be to find her?

  Riley’s heart fluttered with each step. Her legs trembled so she didn’t know whether she could walk straight. But she was determined to face her fear.

  Almost to her car, she hit the unlock button. Maybe they had been wrong…

  “Leaving before we have a chance to talk in private?”

  Her heart leaped into her throat. The night breeze picked up as she turned slowly to the voice. Ellis.

  She had known the possibility he was out here waiting in the dark. She had prepared. Yet his presence had scared the hell out of her.

  “What are you still doing here?”

  “Waiting to see you.”

  Riley made no response, trying desperately to keep her nerves in check. Get him to talk. Get him to talk.

  Leaning back against the car, she took a deep breath. This was Ellis. A man who had irritated her since she could remember.

  “I needed to see you,” he said.

  In the dim street light, she saw his eye twitched. Reminded her of Freddy when he was strung out, but Ellis didn’t do drugs and he certainly wasn’t drunk.

  “Get to the point.”

  “I have it on good authority that you are a person of interest in Olivia’s death.”

  His words carried soundly in the night’s air. There was no mistaking he was accusing her of murder. She looked at him as if he had sprouted horns and a tail.

  “You are crazy. I’m the one who got shot at…!”

  “Did you? Really…or did you make it seem that way?”

  Indignant, she flared. “That’s ridiculous! How in the world would I have done that? Better yet, why?”

  “Because you are a half-breed whore. Your daddy was a spineless wimp who had all those highfalutin’ ideas that went nowhere. Nowhere,” he repeated in a low, deep voice. “He realized how worthless he was and killed himself. You are no better. Lying on your back. Spreading your…”

  He stepped toward her. Than a voice rang out.

  “Riley, I thought you said to meet here at nine. Sorry I’m late.”

  Out of the darkness, the familiar voice walked in her direction. She recognized him in a heartbeat. Josh!

  He wasted no time and opened the passenger door for her.

  “Ellis Dean. I didn’t realize you were in Charleston. Sorry—don’t have time to chat. We’re late already.”

  Giving her no time to protest, Kincaid pushed Riley inside the car and slammed it shut. Immediately, he rounded the car and slid behind the wheel.

  Kincaid drove off, leaving Ellis in the middle of the street.

  * * * *

  An awkward silence dominated the car ride. The only words Kincaid had uttered was for her address and that was through clenched teeth. Nothing more.

  He was angry. So angry. At her.

  The car screeched, taking the exit a little too fast. The car slowed to the speed limit. Riley took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She was a bundle of nerves.

  She turned on the radio. A country love ballad. Most times, she loved listening to the song. Tonight, she clicked it off and sat back.

  Finally, she said, “I’m glad you recovered nicely. I’ve been worried.”

  “Have you?” he asked, his voice tense, irritated.

  Maybe she should have said nothing. Let him drop her off and leave. It would be for the best.

  “Yes,” she answered. “You must know why I left.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t. Why? Why the hell would you think I would be safer? You had to realize I would continue investigating. Where would you think it would lead?”

  Tell him. Tell him the truth. You wanted him to come to Charleston. He had to come to Charleston.

  “I thought you would stop,” she lied.

  “Bullshit,” he muttered tightly. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you’re up to something. You had to know I would put together your connection to Sony.”

  “You were with Sony when I texted him?”

  “Matter of fact, no. He called me to meet him there.”

  “He’s following Ellis?”

  “Along with your friend, Dennis, and the police.” He glanced over at her. “You don’t know, do you?”

  “Know what?”

  “Ellis is a wanted man in connection with your uncle’s case. Federal charges. Aiding and abetting.”

  She sat back. That would explain Ellis’s desperate behavior…to a certain extent.

  “He was looking for money from Clayton and Dennis,” she offered, much like a child who got caught red-handed in the cookie jar. She had no defense. It had been reckless.

  “Damn it all, Riley. What were you thinking, using yourself as bait? You know someone wants you dead. For all we know, it’s Ellis. Matter of fact, he has become the number one suspect.”

  “What better way to flush the killer out? I can’t hide for the rest of my life.”

  “You can until he’s caught.”

  “If he’s caught,” she retorted.

  The GPS announced a left turn down a long stretch of a narrow paved road. The headlight beams shone on a gated entrance. Riley reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a plastic card.

  Kincaid swiped the card through the electronic lock. The next minute, the gate rose and he drove onward.

  Riley had found a log cabin on St. John’s Island to rent. No more than twenty minutes to downtown Charleston, she was close enough to the city, yet, with the peace and privacy she needed.

; The car pulled up to the end of the driveway and parked. The outside floodlights came on, as well as the indoor. The log cabin was quaint and private with nothing but woods surrounding it. The porch was screened in, with rocking chairs on each side of the door.

  He pulled the keys out of the ignition. She shook her head. “Keep the car and go back to Charleston. I’m safe here. I’ll call Sony for a ride in the morning.”

  She didn’t give him a chance to reply, but leaped out of the car. The screen door swung behind her as she unlocked the door. She barely had the door opened when he stormed out the car and up the steps.

  He caught her arm and swung her around. “I have something to say.”

  “I know. What we had is over. I told you I’m not the person you think I am…I’m sorry…”

  “Riley, shut up.” He pulled her against him and kissed her hard.

  Instantly, heat spiraled through her, making it difficult to remember she shouldn’t allow this. Oh, but she wanted him. He kissed her again. She forgot everything except his lips on hers.

  “You drove me crazy with worry.”

  She looked up and was hypnotized by the longing in his deep-blue eyes. All her senses became alive, overriding her sensibilities. This was a mistake, but he was the one thing she couldn’t resist.

  “I would die if anything else happened to you. You saved me and were shot…you could have died…I couldn’t…um…”

  He silenced her again with a kiss and she was lost. He felt too good. His lips brushed against hers, and then his tongue. She no longer cared about anything but her desire for the man who held her in his arms. She didn’t have the willpower to fight the overwhelming sensation he evoked within her.

  Their bodies pressed together. She drew in a breath, along with the scent of him. She had missed that heady masculine combination of skin and elixir that was the essence of Josh himself.

  His mouth grazed the side of her neck. Her head tilted back, encouraging him to continue. She liked the feel of his whisper-light teasing kisses. He nipped her earlobe. Heat flared between her thighs.

  God, she loved his kisses, his touch…his caresses.

  He slid his fingers into her hair. They danced across the nape of her neck, and then slid down her back. He unfastened her bra and moved down, lifting her shirt over her head. Cupping her bare breasts, he brushed his thumbs against her already tight nipples.

  “Beautiful Riley,” he whispered, soaking up the sight of her naked breasts. “Sexy, sexy Riley.”

  He took her hand and led her inside the house. He kicked the door shut with his foot and pushed her back against it, locking it with his free hand.

  She laughed, tasting his lips again on hers. His tongue plunged inside her, stroking and dancing. He pulled her closer.

  Wiggling back far enough, she helped him with his shirt, and then tossed it to the side. Her hands ran down his chest to his jeans and unbuckled them. Before she could move her hands farther down, he gripped her hands and raised them over her head.

  With her hands held against the wall with one hand, he lowered his head and took one of her nipples in his mouth. He sucked deeply, using his tongue and teeth to tease and taunt her. Her blood pulsed. She moaned; every part of her throbbed.

  “I want you,” he murmured in a low, seductive voice. “I want you. Now.”

  Simple words, yet powerful. He lifted his head and his mouth reclaimed her mouth. His hands undid her pants and pushed them down. Her panties went with them. Slipping his hand between her thighs, he found her wet, swollen center.

  She couldn’t think. She was ruled by the magic his fingers created. “The bedroom,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “Don’t move. I meant now.”

  Releasing her for a brief moment, he stepped out of his jeans. Then, he pressed her back against the wall. Bare flesh on bare flesh.

  Her legs parted; she shuddered when he entered. He wasn’t gentle. He took her hard. She wanted it harder. She gasped his name, fighting for a semblance of control.

  He grabbed her hips and thrust again and again. She felt him stiffen. She came. Her orgasm washed over her with an intensity that made her body scream. Clinging to him, she cried out as every inch of her body succumbed to the pleasure he gave her.

  She was transported high to a realm of untold bliss. Gradually, slowly, she returned to the world around her.

  They held on to each other. The only sound to be heard was the rasping of their breaths.

  * * * *

  Riley woke sometime after midnight in Josh’s arms. Turning over, she found his deep-blue eyes staring down at her.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  For a moment, she remained silent. Her emotions toiled. No, she was far from all right, but at this time and space, she was where she wanted to be.

  “Yes,” she said.

  At least until the morning comes. Until then, she would take these last few hours with the man who lay beside her.

  Lord, she was a weak creature. She had gone to great lengths not to be alone with Josh. Had she not arranged so Sony could help him? She was on a mission, which had nothing to do with love, but her heart had betrayed her…left her vulnerable.

  It was the same heart that couldn’t take the inevitable breakup. As soon as he knows the truth.

  But the truth was exactly what she needed him to discover. It was the only thing that mattered.

  If she had been worldlier, she could have handled this type of sexual relationship, where nothing was expected from either side. She had known when he had kissed her the first time that they shared an intense, mutual attraction.

  He lit a fire in her. Made her feel alive with a mere touch…

  She leaned up and kissed him. It was all it took to once more forget everything except each other.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  With coffee in hand, phone in the other, Kincaid sat on the front porch in one of the rocking chairs. He had just got off making calls. One in particular to Sony. He needed a ride to the prison this afternoon. He wasn’t about to leave Riley without transportation.

  He had asked her to come with him, but she had refused. Prisons made her nervous. He understood.

  Finishing up his business, he made several calls. One of the first—a call to Cruz. Ellis had vanished into the night before the police arrived. No one in Charleston had seemed to be informed that Ellis was a wanted man.

  Certainly, no one was aware of the possibility he was a killer.

  The next call went out to Rankin. Kincaid wanted him to be aware that Ellis was in Charleston and was wanted by the FBI. Asked him if he could use his connections to have a couple of uniforms patrol the area.

  Kincaid didn’t think Ellis knew of this place, but he didn’t want to take a chance on Riley’s safety.

  The last call was to McNeil to make sure all the arrangements were set for his interview with Taylor. Finished, he set his phone down and stared out at the sunrise.

  The sun climbed over the horizon with the promise of another scorcher. But the morning air was perfect for breakfast and contemplating his day.

  Reluctantly, he had to agree this was a great place for Riley to hide away. The cabin was secluded, yet protected. The long driveway was the only way in and the entrance was gated. A security system was also in place.

  The house itself was charming and rustic, with vaulted ceilings. The furniture and antiques gave it the country feel, quaint and comfortable. In a different circumstance, it would have been the perfect getaway.

  He waited now for Riley. She was showering. Then the time would come to talk.

  Last night, he had lost control as he did every time he was around the woman. The stubborn, obstinate…beautiful, desirable woman.

  When he had gotten the call from Sony, he couldn’t get there quick enough. If anything had happened to her…

  The realization hit him this morning—he was in love with Riley Ashcroft.

  She loved him, too. If she thought he would ever forget
her whispering into his ear when he was wounded, she was sadly mistaken. He hadn’t a clue why she was pushing him away, but he was bound and determined to find out.

  “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?”

  He glanced over his shoulder. Riley stood on the threshold of the sliding glass door. Her hair looked toweled-dry. She had let it grow longer. It curled and framed her face, making her hazel eyes look enormous.

  “I was just thinking how peaceful it seems.” He placed his coffee down and stood. “You want to talk?”

  “Honestly, no,” she said, but stepped out on the porch anyway. “I would rather leave things as they are.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “And that would be?”

  “Why do you want to press this? Don’t we have enough to worry about than to analyze the hell out of our attraction for each other?”

  “I thought we were working together on figuring out what secrets your family holds…you do remember Harrison Taylor?”

  “Yes, I remember Harrison Taylor very well.” Instantly, she went on the defensive. Her voice tensed and turned icy.

  “Then talk to me. Tell me why you ran.”

  “Someone was trying to kill me.”

  “Exactly,” he pressed, grinding his teeth together. “Don’t you think I would have done anything to protect you? I could have—”

  “You almost died.” Her trembling hand covered her mouth and then she admitted, “I ran…I ran back to my home.”

  “Here in Charleston. So what is Boston to you?”

  She lowered her gaze and shrugged. “Are you really asking what you are to me?”

  “If I am, don’t you think I have a right to know?”

  “I can’t do this. Not now.”

  She took a step back, but he would have none of it. He caught her by her shoulders.

  “I can. I can tell you exactly where I stand.” He cupped her face in his hand. “I love you.”

  As simply as he said the words, he kissed her. Somewhere in the moment, she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  This was what he wanted. This was right, what they had. He had never had this feeling before or felt something so intensely.

  Abruptly, the moment ended. A car drove up the drive. Sony had come to take Kincaid to his appointment with Harrison Taylor at the prison.


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