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Amelia's Montana Wedding (Love In Montana Falls Book 1)

Page 10

by Maya Stirling

  Lucas' eyes widened. "You know her? You've been spying on me," he exclaimed. Wilder readied himself for sudden trouble as he saw Lucas step forward, his fists tightening.

  "Now hold on there, young man. I'm sure you don't want any trouble out here. Not in plain sight of those good people back in the house."

  Lucas paused and considered what Wilder had said. Wilder saw Lucas glancing quickly back toward the house. Lucas drew in a deep, audible breath and his shoulders dropped.

  Lucas stabbed a finger inches away from Wilder's face. "I don't want to see your face again, Mister. Do you hear?"

  "I'm not sure that's gonna happen," Wilder said slowly. He squinted at Lucas' finger and smiled. "You could poke a man's eye out with that," he joked.

  Wilder saw the muscle at the corner of Lucas' jaw twitch.

  Wilder looked back toward the house and saw that the door to the Hardie residence had been thrown quickly open. He released the reins and stepped back. "You get along. You and I will have words some other time. Soon."

  Lucas gave Wilder one last look and then leapt back up onto the carriage seat. He grabbed the reins and scowled down at Wilder. "I'll find out who you are. You'll be hearing about this," Lucas said firmly. Then he flicked the reins and drove the horse forward, passing inches away from Wilder who casually stepped back to let the carriage move out onto the main street.

  Wilder looked at the Hardie house and recognized the figure who was striding down the dirt road toward him.

  It was Amelia. And she looked furious.


  What did he think he was doing? Amelia peered ahead of her and saw Lucas' carriage driving away and Wilder standing to one side watching it head out onto the main street.

  She'd seen what was going on from her bedroom window. She'd hardly been able to believe her eyes. Wilder had stopped Lucas' carriage and was having some sort of confrontation with Bethany's beau. And that, after they'd all passed such a lovely evening in the house. How dare Wilder Armstrong spoil a perfect evening.

  As she strode toward Wilder she was only grateful that Bethany hadn't seen what was going on.

  She was a short distance from him now. "Wilder! What do you think you are doing?" Amelia called out.

  Amelia saw Wilder turn and stare at her. He'd heard her call out to him and there was a look of visible surprise on his face. Hearing her shout his name had made his eyes widen and she was sure his jaw had dropped.

  Amelia covered the last few feet that separated them and dug her heels into the dirt. "What on earth were you saying to Lucas?" Amelia demanded, folding her arms tight and glaring at Wilder.

  Wilder looked up at the heavens and looked like he wanted to be just about anywhere else except standing in the street trying to avoid answering Amelia's questions.

  "Before you get the wrong idea...," he started to say, but Amelia interrupted him.

  "I think it was pretty clear what was going on here," Amelia said. "You were bothering Lucas Monroe. You two looked like you were about to come to blows."

  Wilder shook his head. "It's not what you think," he said.

  "Not what I think? How would you know what I was thinking?"

  Wilder just widened his eyes and looked at Amelia without saying anything.

  "Well? Are you going to tell me what you were doing?"

  "I can't. Not now, anyway."

  "What do you mean you can't," Amelia asked, suddenly feeling concerned.

  Wilder rolled back on his heels and thrust his hands into the pockets of his pants. "I just can't Amelia. It wouldn't be right."

  Amelia frowned. "Does it have to do with you being a lawman?"

  She saw Wilder's lips tighten and he stared down at his boots.

  Amelia sighed. "Lucas didn't look too happy with what you were doing."

  "I don't suppose he was."

  "He looked like he wanted to punch you."

  Wilder cocked his head to one side. "He could have tried."

  Amelia felt a rush of irritation. "You're just not taking me seriously, are you?"

  She saw Wilder look straight into her eyes and the irritation was suddenly replaced by an entirely different kind of feeling, one that Amelia immediately tried to tamp down. But, some fires couldn't be kept under control that easily.

  "If there's one thing I'm doing Amelia, it's taking you very seriously," he murmured slowly. His voice was deep and vibrant. It made Amelia's breath catch in her throat. She was sure she looked momentarily dumbfounded. What had he meant by that?

  She tried to draw herself back to the subject which had forced her out of the house. "I'm talking about your conduct toward my friend's beau."

  Wilder's eyes widened. "So he's Bethany's beau, now?"

  Amelia crinkled her mouth and shook her head. "Well, not exactly her beau. Not officially."

  "That's good news," Wilder said.

  Amelia gasped. "What are you talking about?"

  "I just think Bethany can probably do better than Lucas Monroe."

  Amelia stared at Wilder in disbelief. "So, not only are you a lawman, but you're also a matchmaker?"

  That made Wilder smile. He looked at Amelia and shook his head. "Sometimes you just make me laugh, woman."

  "I make you laugh, do I?" she said. "And I'll thank you to stop referring to me as your woman."

  Wilder nodded. "If that's what you'd prefer."

  "That is exactly what I want."

  "It's funny you should say that," he replied.

  "Say what?"

  Wilder moved closer to her and Amelia took a step back only to find herself against the wall of the livery stable. Wilder leaned in closer and she could smell his scent, a mixture of leather with a hint of soap. Wilder's eyes were locked on Amelia's. She felt her heart starting to race. Wilder rested one hand against the wall above her shoulder.

  "I've been asking myself something since we met, Amelia."

  She leaned back and peered up into his eyes. Those eyes had a hungry look in them, as if he suddenly wanted to devour her. She thought about ending the conversation and heading back to the safety of the house.

  "What have you been asking yourself?" she said hearing her voice crack slightly.

  She saw the corners of his mouth crease as if he were pleased at seeing the effect he was having on her.

  "I've been wondering just what it is you actually want, Amelia."

  "What do you mean?" she asked hesitantly.

  "You've come all this way out to the middle of nowhere just to help your friend find a husband."

  Amelia nodded quickly. "That's why I'm here."

  Wilder shook his head. "I don't think so," he said, a quiet note of certainty in his voice.

  "What are talking about?" Amelia said, turning her head to one side. Anything to stop looking into Wilder's eyes; anything to quieten the thundering of her heart.

  "I think you came out here looking for something," Wilder answered.

  "There's nothing out here for me," Amelia insisted. She peered up into his eyes and saw steely determination in them.

  "There's plenty out here for someone as beautiful as you, Amelia."

  "I need to be getting back to the house," she said twisting her body as if she were about to step away from his confining presence.

  "There's no hurry," Wilder said slowly. He leaned in even closer and gazed into her eyes. Until this moment she hadn't realized just how dazzling his eyes were. They seemed to shimmer as they fixed on her. Gazing up at him, she had a sudden sense of just how tall he was, just how strong his physique was.

  "Oh, I think I do need to hurry. Especially if you are going to start talking like this," she said.

  Wilder smiled. "I needed to say something to you. I figure this is as good a time as any."

  "Just what is it you're trying to tell me?" Amelia demanded. "That I came out to Montana to find a husband?"

  Wilder seemed taken aback by Amelia's forthrightness. He squinted down at her. "You do catch on quick, don't yo

  Amelia scowled at Wilder. "Please don't patronize me, Wilder."

  She saw his smile broaden at her use of his first name. Why had she done that? Surely it made more sense to keep things formal. Especially since he seemed to have the crazy idea that there was something between them. How had he managed to get that notion into his head? Amelia was sure she hadn't been leading him on in any way at all.

  "I'm not patronizing you at all, Amelia," Wilder said firmly. "I'm just telling like I see it."

  "Well, I'm afraid I don't see it the same way you do, Mr. Armstrong."

  Wilder didn't move a muscle after she said those words. He kept his gaze fixed on her and looked suddenly very thoughtful. "I don't believe you. A man can tell when a woman is attracted to him. And I know you think enough of me to give me hope."

  "Hope?" Amelia exclaimed. "Hope for what?"

  Wilder drew in a deep breath and sighed. "Hope that you and I can be more than just enemies."

  "Who said you are my enemy?"

  "I hardly get the impression that you approve of me. For now."

  Amelia pushed Wilder's arm to one side and stepped away from the wall. She straightened her dress and pushed some loose locks of hair back into place. "I think you have behaved abominably this evening. Not only have been interfering with Bethany being courted by Lucas Monroe, but also in assuming that there is anything more than a mere acquaintance between yourself and I."

  Wilder cocked his head to one side and narrowed his eyes. He paused before speaking and when he did his words made Amelia's heart race even faster. "All I know is that I can hardly get you out of my mind."

  Amelia rolled her eyes and gasped. "There you go again!"


  "Assuming that there can ever be anything between us. If Miss Hardie could hear the way you're speaking right now, she'd give you a piece of her mind."

  "I think Miss Hardie knows more about how relations between men and women work than you give her credit for."

  "I know Miss Hardie better than you. I'm sure she would never recommend you as a suitor to anyone," Amelia declared. Her heart was thudding faster than ever now. She was grateful the darkness hid the flush on her cheeks.

  In spite of her outburst Wilder still looked victorious, as if he'd finally gotten something important off his chest.

  "I need to get back to the house," Amelia said turning quickly away from Wilder. As she started to move away she felt him gently take hold of her arm. She turned and looked into his eyes. "It wasn't my intention to disturb you, Amelia. If I have, I'm truly sorry. Perhaps you're right. I was too forward. It won't happen again."

  "You still haven't explained to me why you were talking with Lucas," Amelia said angrily.

  Wilder lowered his head, and she knew she wasn't going to get an answer to that, no matter how hard she tried.

  "I have to get back," she said quickly.

  Wilder released her arm and peered into her eyes.

  "Don't mention any of this to Bethany," Wilder said.

  Amelia's shoulders sagged and she sighed. "Bethany had a real nice time tonight," she replied. "I wouldn't want to do anything to spoil that. I can only hope she didn't look out the window." Amelia glanced back toward the house. "When I left she was lying on her bed staring dreamy-eyed at the ceiling."

  "I didn't mean to cause any harm," Wilder said. "It's just that Lucas has some questions to answer. If he's any good for Bethany, then he won't have any trouble answering them."

  Amelia turned back and faced Wilder. "What kind of questions?"

  Wilder frowned as if in physical pain. She could see how hard it was for him to keep silent on the subject of Lucas.

  Eventually he spoke. "I can't talk about it, Amelia. Maybe soon."

  "Are you going to see Lucas again?"

  "I might pay a visit to the ranch."

  "You better take Luke with you. In case there's any trouble."

  Wilder grinned. "You worried about me?"

  "No. I'm worried that something might happen to Bethany's beau."

  "It sounds so sweet when you say it like that. I just hope Lucas is as sweet as you all think he is."

  "Why wouldn't he be?"

  Wilder tried to reach out a hand and touch Amelia on the side of the face, but she pulled away from him. He withdrew his hand. "It's getting cold. You best be getting back inside. If Miss Hardie sees you out here talking with me, there'll be real questions and you'll be the one who has to answer them."

  Amelia knew he was right. Anyone who saw them together like this would think there was something going on between them. Right now, she was absolutely convinced that there was nothing between her and Wilder Armstrong. So, how come she felt those butterflies fluttering inside her stomach every time she looked into his eyes.

  With a shake of her head, she turned away from him and started back toward the house, hoping that Miss Hardie hadn't seen any of what had happened in the last few minutes.

  Amelia walked back to the house knowing that Wilder was probably watching her the whole time. She pushed open the garden gate and climbed the stairs. She tiptoed across the wooden boards of the porch and opened the front door as quietly as she could. She turned to close the door and looked all the way back down the road. Wilder was standing there, tall and erect, his gaze fixed on the doorway. He looked like he hadn't moved since she'd turned her back on him.

  Amelia restrained the sudden urge to smile at him. From this distance, he probably wouldn't have seen the expression on her face, anyway. She closed the door quietly and started up the stairs trying to avoid the creaky boards on some of the stairs.

  Just as she reached the top of the stairs, Miss Hardie opened her own bedroom door.

  She leaned her head out of her bedroom. There was a look of concern on her face. "Amelia? Is everything alright? I saw you step out for a while just after Lucas left."

  Amelia paused in the hallway and tried not to show the awkwardness she felt. "Everything's fine Miss Hardie. I just needed a little fresh air."

  Miss Hardie's brows narrowed. "Are you sure that's all?"

  Amelia swallowed noisily. This was just like being back at the finishing school in Boston. Why did she feel like a naughty schoolgirl sneaking back into the dormitory after an illicit escapade?

  "Everything is fine. I'm just going to our room. I'm sure Bethany has a lot she wants to talk about."

  "I'm sure she has," Miss Hardie said softly. "This evening went very well, I thought."

  "I agree. Bethany seems so happy."

  "I'm glad. Although there is still much to do before we can be sure."

  Amelia frowned. "Sure about what?"

  "About Lucas Monroe. I don't know what it was, but there seemed to be something bothering him this evening." Miss Hardie smiled. "We can talk about it tomorrow. In the meantime, you and Bethany get some rest. I have a nice book I'm going to tuck into bed with."

  "That's lovely," Amelia said starting to head toward her room. "Goodnight, Miss Hardie."

  "Goodnight, Amelia."

  Amelia headed down the hall and opened the door to the bedroom. She tried to keep the noise down in case Bethany was sleeping. She needn't have worried because Bethany was lying on the bed just where Amelia had left her, eyes wide open, the exact same expression of delight written across her features.

  "Where did you go?" Bethany asked.

  Amelia started to unbutton her dress. "I just went out for some fresh air."

  "Wasn't he wonderful?" Bethany asked.

  Amelia smiled at Bethany. "Yes, Bethany. Lucas was wonderful."

  Amelia readied herself for bed, got under the sheets and turned down the lamp.

  In the darkness she heard Bethany's soft voice. It was filled with satisfaction. "Tonight went well, didn't it, Amelia."

  Amelia nodded in the darkness. "Yes, Bethany. It all went very well, indeed."

  As she closed her eyes Amelia asked herself if she was actually referring to Lucas Monroe.

, was she talking about what had just happened between her and Wilder Armstrong?


  When Wilder awoke in his hotel bedroom next morning the first thing he thought of was the brief time he'd spent with Amelia the previous night.

  How had he managed to mess up so darned well? Not only had he failed to get any kind of answer out of Lucas Monroe, he had also revealed some of his true feelings to Amelia.

  And, he knew he hadn't meant to do that. Not so soon anyway.

  As he rose from the bed and started to get ready for the day, he couldn't shift the image of Amelia's face from his mind. When he'd been leaning in so close to her, he'd been able to inhale her sweet scent and gaze deep into her blue eyes. He'd been so close he had almost been able to feel the heat of her body in the cool of the night. It truly had been good to be so close to Amelia.

  Wilder looked at his tired face in the mirror and frowned at his reflection.

  Wilder remembered that he'd promised to visit Miss Hardie for tea at midday. He knew that invitation had to be honored. He'd never be allowed to forget it if he didn't turn up for that.

  Wilder smiled. It would be nice to see Amelia again. Also, he'd get a chance to find out how Lucas Monroe's visit had really gone. He figured Miss Hardie and Bethany would be happy to give him the low down, even if Amelia would probably be determined not to tell Wilder anything.

  Wilder finished shaving and got dressed. He put on a fresh white shirt, jeans and waistcoat. He put his gun belt on and grabbed his Stetson. He glanced out the window. It looked like it was going to be another sunny day in Montana.

  There was work to be done. He figured he might have to send a telegram to his office back in Minneapolis. There were a few questions he had to ask about Lucas Monroe. Having met the man, Wilder was surprised that someone like Lucas could possibly be involved in any kind of crime.

  Then again, it wasn't unusual for young men to be conned into getting involved in criminal matters. Maybe Lucas had just been naive. Perhaps the information that had led to this investigation was incomplete or unreliable.

  If Bethany Lennox was intending to marry Lucas Monroe, then Wilder knew he had to get answers to those questions.


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