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Amelia's Montana Wedding (Love In Montana Falls Book 1)

Page 16

by Maya Stirling

  Amelia drew in a deep breath and looked at Wilder with renewed seriousness. "Who is the man?"

  She saw Wilder's lips tighten into a thin line. He sighed. "That's kinda difficult to explain right at this moment."

  "If you must know, that was the reason I was coming to see you this evening," Amelia said.

  "You were coming to see me?" Wilder replied, sounding startled. His eyes widened as if he could hardly believe what he had just heard. "Why?"

  "I promised Bethany I'd get an answer from you."

  "To what?"

  "The reason why you've been looking into Lucas' affairs. I know you couldn't tell me much before, but it's driving poor Bethany mad. She's starting to think Lucas is in some kind of trouble."

  Wilder frowned. "I'm sorry that she's got herself so upset."

  "She near fainted when we got home after meeting that man," Amelia said.

  She saw Wilder's eyes narrow. He seemed to be feeling genuine distress on hearing Amelia's words. Wilder leaned his arm on the table. His attention seemed to have drifted miles away. She reached a hand across and laid it over Wilder's arm. Amelia felt the smooth fabric of his jacket.

  Wilder's gaze rose quickly and settled on Amelia's eyes. "It was never my intention to cause Bethany any distress," he said. "But, I had to be sure that Lucas wasn't going to get away with committing a serious crime."

  Amelia involuntarily grasped Wilder's arm. "Is he guilty of a crime?" she demanded. "Has he done something bad?"

  "Up until an hour ago, I'd have said he had."

  "I saw Lucas riding away from the hotel when I arrived," Amelia said.

  "He was visiting with me," Wilder explained.

  Amelia knew that Wilder was about to tell her something so important that it would determine whether Bethany would remain in Montana Falls. Wilder must have seen her sudden change, because he clasped the hand she had laid upon his arm. His fingers pressed down gently on the back of her hand. His skin felt rough, but his touch was tender.

  "There's nothing to worry about, Amelia," Wilder said softly. His eyes were filled with reassurance.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Lucas came to my room. He explained everything to me. Although, most of it I already knew."

  "So he's innocent?" Amelia gasped.

  Wilder took the telegram out of his pocket. "I got this today. It confirmed what I already suspected. The man you saw me taking out of the saloon is going back to the jail house, and staying there a while."

  "The stranger?"

  "That's the reason why Lucas reacted the way he did. Him and Bodie already knew each other."

  "Is that the man's name?"

  Wilder nodded. "I can give you the lowdown later. Once I've had a chance to talk with Luke."

  "Bethany is going to be so relieved," Amelia exclaimed. She saw how Wilder was looking at her now, seeing her smile, watching the way the news was affecting her. He was clearly relishing the happiness she was feeling.

  "If she's going to marry Lucas then she needed to know the truth. Miss Hardie will also be pleased that she didn't make a mistake in choosing Lucas for Bethany."

  "Looks like Miss Hardie has a good eye for selecting husbands for her girls."

  Amelia frowned at Wilder. "What do you mean?"

  Wilder shrugged. "Nothing really. Just that I got the impression Miss Hardie liked seeing you and I together. Especially when you came running after me and took me to that tree."

  "I did not come running after you. I had something very important to ask you. And, may I remind you that you were the one who had me trapped against the trunk of that tree."

  Wilder's eyes widened. "That's not how I remember it. Seemed like you were pretty comfortable leaning against that tree."

  "With you pressing your attentions on me? I don't think so."

  Amelia turned her head away from Wilder. "I think it's time headed back home."

  "So Miss Hardie's place is your home now, is it?"

  Amelia frowned. "You know what I mean. She looked around the restaurant. At least I'm not holed up in a place like this."

  Wilder laughed. "When a man is doing a job, sometimes he misses the comforts of home. Never mind, I'll be gone soon."

  Amelia felt a sudden rush of emotion in the pit of her stomach. Her heart started to race and she removed her hand from Wilder's arm as if she had touched a hot coal. "You're not leaving before the wedding," she stated, almost as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  "You're sure there is going to be a wedding?" Wilder asked.

  Amelia nodded. "Now that everything has been cleared up with Lucas, I don't see anything that will stand in the way. Bethany loves Lucas, after all."

  Amelia saw Wilder's mouth drop open in shock. "Bethany loves him?" he gasped. She wondered why he was so surprised at the statement.

  "She does. Very much."

  Wilder seemed thunderstruck. "But, that's so sudden. So quick."

  Amelia raised a brow. "I thought that's how things happened out here," she said defiantly.

  Wilder seemed taken aback. "Well sure, they do happen quick. Mail order brides sometimes don't even meet their husbands until they're at the altar. But that's a different thing."

  "How is it different?" Amelia challenged, her mouth pouting.

  "Well, you're talking about love, that's why."

  "Is it so difficult to believe two people could fall in love after having only known each other a few days?" Amelia asked. Instantly she realized what she had just said. She saw the way Wilder was looking at her, and knew that he also had understood the unintended meaning of what she had just said.

  Wilder cleared his throat and then peered deep into Amelia's eyes. "I don't know, Amelia." His voice dropped to a soft, vibrant growl that shook Amelia to her core. "What do you think? Is it possible that two people could fall in love that quickly?"

  Was Wilder talking about Bethany and Lucas? Or was he simply seizing his chance? Was he, in fact, talking about himself and Amelia.

  Because, in that moment, in spite of every objection she could think of, Amelia was sure that Wilder's question was as relevant to herself as it was to Bethany.

  Could it be that falling in love could happen so suddenly, so inexplicably?

  Amelia turned away and tried to compose herself. She could feel Wilder's gaze peering at her, awaiting an answer. Amelia was sure he could even hear the beating of her racing heart. Her mind was filled with a whirling mass of questions and chaotic thoughts. What was she to make of his words?

  And then Amelia turned her head, intending to say something to Wilder, anything that would take away the confusing thoughts. But, as she turned her head to face him, Wilder moved closer than he had been and reached out, touching Amelia gently on the arm.

  She gazed into his eyes, so close now that she could see, more than ever, the emotion lurking there. Amelia raised her chin and opened her mouth slightly, but found that words just would not come.

  The corners of Wilder's mouth creased into a gentle smile and then he reached up and touched the side of her face.

  Once again Amelia felt the impulse to object but, just as quickly, she gave in to the rush of sensation that overwhelmed her.

  His eyes widened slightly, seeking permission. Amelia sighed quietly and lowered her head imperceptibly, letting him know with a look that she was pleased that he was so close to her.

  Wilder leaned in and his head dipped. He kissed Amelia softly and gently. His lips were warm and persuasive. His hand went to the back of her head and she felt his fingers run through her hair.

  Amelia closed her eyes for a moment and leaned into him, accepting and inviting his tender attentions. Her heart, which had been racing, was now running faster than she'd ever known. She felt him ease her head closer to him, gently and softly with a tenderness which truly took her by surprise. Who would have thought that such affection lay inside Wilder Armstrong.

  Amelia leaned her head back and succumbed for the moment to the
wondrous feelings that coursed through her body.

  And then Wilder drew his head away and their lips parted. Amelia felt the sudden separation sharply.

  When she looked at him, she saw that Wilder's eyes were filled with wonder. He was gazing at her as if she were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, the entire focus of his world. And, for a moment, that was exactly how Amelia felt. She felt as if she'd suddenly become the center of Wilder's existence.

  "Amelia," Wilder gasped. He drew in a deep breath.

  She smiled at him and let out a long, soft breath. It seemed like an eternity since she'd drawn breath.

  Wilder leaned away. "I must apologize," he said quickly. "I don't know what came over me."

  Amelia reached out urgently and gently touched the side of Wilder's face. "Don't apologize, Wilder," she said to him.

  His eyes widened and she saw him open his mouth as if he was about to speak. She touched his lips with a finger. "Don't say anything."

  "But I shouldn't have..." he started to say and then paused.

  Amelia shook her head and smiled. Wilder lowered his head and she heard him sigh. He looked up and frowned. "What does this mean?" he asked.

  Amelia crinkled her brows. "What does a kiss ever mean, Wilder?" she replied. "It can mean so many things."

  "Can it be that we...?" he began to say, but Amelia quickly drew back from him. He stopped in mid sentence.

  Amelia lifted the glass and drained the remainder of the water. Amelia placed the empty glass down on the table. Wilder's eyes narrowed. Amelia sat upright and looked at Wilder. "I should be going," she said. It seemed like the only thing she could say after what had just happened.

  Wilder paused and for a moment she was sure he was preparing to disagree. Then he sighed and looked questioningly at Amelia. "Are you sure you feel up to it?" he asked softly.

  Amelia raised her chin and nodded. "I'm sure."

  Wilder glanced at her shoulder. "What about the pain?"

  For a second she wondered what pain he was referring to. The pain in her shoulder or the pain of walking away so soon after kissing Wilder.

  Amelia shrugged her shoulder, demonstrating that there wasn't much discomfort. "I've had worse," she said.

  She saw his lips curl into an appreciative smile. "I'm sure you have," he agreed.

  Amelia straightened the collar of her dress and stood. Wilder rose quickly and stretched out a supportive hand. Amelia shook her head. "No, I'm fine," she told him.

  Wilder took a step back and shifted awkwardly on his heels.

  Amelia looked around the empty restaurant. "Perhaps we can share a meal at this fine establishment, sometime. Before we both leave Montana Falls," she said, not quite believing she had said such a thing. She knew it was all an act, that she really wanted to tell him how his kiss had made her feel. But, she continued to pretend that it had meant nothing.

  Wilder nodded. "That sounds...wonderful," he said hesitantly. She could see the disappointment in his eyes. She didn't like leaving him like this, especially after the kiss they had shared. The memory of the kiss was still making her heart race. But, she was also working hard to regain whatever composure she could muster. It was the first time she had been kissed in public. She was glad no-one had peered in through the restaurant window.

  Amelia walked to the reception area. Glancing out at the boardwalk she saw that the street was quiet.

  Amelia turned to Wilder and extended a hand. She saw Wilder's brows furrow as he glanced down at her hand. "Thank you for your assistance," she forced herself to say. Her voice was shaking and she couldn't understand why.

  When he took hold of her hand she felt a rush of sensation. She could tell he wanted to say so much, tell her things she probably would prefer not to be said in such a public place as the reception area of a hotel.

  "Are you sure I can't accompany you back to Miss Hardie's?" he asked with a last hint of desperation in his voice.

  She almost agreed but forced herself to shake her head. "I'd prefer to be alone, Wilder," she said. She saw his shoulders drop slightly.

  He nodded and bowed his head every bit as formally as a Boston beau. She saw that he had been rendered suddenly speechless.

  "If I don't see you before you leave, I hope you have a safe journey," she forced herself to say.

  Amelia saw Wilder's face pale slightly.

  Before he had a chance to say anything she smiled at him and started to walk out of the hotel. It took every ounce of strength she had to maintain her composure as she turned her back on Wilder and walked out into the street.


  When Amelia arrived back at Miss Hardie's she went straight up to the bedroom. She found Bethany lying on her bed looking as worried as she had looked earlier. Amelia sat down on the edge of the bed and gently shook Bethany's shoulder.

  When Bethany turned around and sat up, Amelia felt a stab of emotion upon seeing Bethany's red eyes. Her friend had obviously been crying.

  "Oh, Bethany, my dear," Amelia said hugging Bethany. "You mustn't cry like that."

  "I can't help it, Amelia. I thought everything was going to be so wonderful," Bethany sobbed. "And now I just don't know what to believe anymore."

  Amelia drew Bethany closer and hugged her even tighter. She felt her friend's shoulders shake.

  After a moment Amelia looked into Bethany's tear-filled eyes. Amelia smiled at Bethany. "I have some wonderful news, Bethany," Amelia declared.

  Bethany's reddened eyes peered at Amelia. "What?"

  "I just spoke to Wilder, and he just told me that everything is going to alright."

  Bethany's mouth opened. "How?"

  "Wilder explained it all to me. Lucas is completely innocent of any wrong-doing."

  Bethany gasped. "He's innocent? But how?"

  Amelia quickly told Bethany what Wilder had revealed to Amelia. Bethany listened with her mouth hanging open in astonishment. Amelia didn't tell Bethany anything about nearly being run over by a horse and carriage.

  "Does this mean I can marry Lucas?" Bethany exclaimed.

  Amelia smiled at Bethany and nodded vigorously. "I believe it does. If you really want to," she exclaimed, suddenly sharing Bethany's excitement.

  Bethany screamed and threw her arms around Amelia and hugged her so tightly that Amelia winced at the pain she suddenly felt in her injured shoulder. But it didn't matter. The pain was nothing when compared to witnessing the sheer joy that filled Bethany.

  "Thank you, Amelia," Bethany said. Once again her friend's eyes were filled with tears, but this time they were tears of happiness. "I don't know how I can ever thank you, Amelia."

  "You don't need to thank me, Bethany. I will always be your friend. You know that, don't you?"

  Bethany's brows furrowed. "Are you leaving?"

  Amelia frowned and she gave Bethany a puzzled look. "Why, yes. You know that I will have to leave after your wedding."

  Bethany looked at Amelia. "Are you sure? I mean, you and Wilder seemed to be getting along so well," she said.

  Amelia gasped. "Me and Wilder? Are you trying to do some matchmaking of your own, Bethany Lennox?"

  Bethany shook her head. "Of course not. That's Miss Hardie's job, after all."

  Amelia quickly changed the subject. It was just as well that Bethany knew nothing about the kiss at the hotel. "You need to be thinking about your own courting. Not mine," she declared. "And your own impending wedding."

  "But, Lucas hasn't even proposed yet," Bethany said.

  Amelia shook her head. "Don't be silly. Lucas spoke to Wilder. He already knows he's done nothing wrong. And, Wilder seemed to get the idea that tomorrow is going to be a big day when we visit the ranch."

  Bethany leaped off the bed. "I need to tell Miss Hardie the good news."

  Amelia stood. "Let me do that. In the meantime, you've got a lot to do to get ready for tomorrow."

  "You are still coming to the ranch with me, aren't you?" Bethany asked.

elia smiled and laid a hand on Bethany's arm. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

  Bethany hugged Amelia again. "Thank you, Amelia. You are the best friend anyone could possibly have."

  Amelia sighed. "You get some rest. I'm going down to speak with Miss Hardie. I'm sure she'll be pleased at what I have to tell her."

  Amelia left Bethany in the bedroom. She couldn't help smiling as she closed the door behind her. Bethany had been transformed by the news.

  Amelia found Miss Hardie in the parlor. She was sitting in her favorite chair by the fireplace. She was knitting and placed the needles and wool down when she saw Amelia enter.

  "I thought I heard someone screaming up there," Miss Hardie said looking at Amelia seeking an explanation.

  Amelia sat on the sofa. "I just gave Bethany the good news."

  Miss Hardie's brows rose. "I take it you spoke with Wilder."

  Amelia explained what Wilder had told her and Bethany's reaction to the news. Miss Hardie smiled and nodded slowly. "I knew everything would be alright," she said with a satisfied tone. "I'm very rarely wrong in my judgment about the character of a young man or woman."

  "I've never known you to be wrong about anything, Miss Hardie," Amelia said.

  Miss Hardie shook her head. "Come now, Amelia. Everyone gets things wrong from time to time. No-one is completely infallible. Look at you, for example."

  Amelia frowned. "What about me?"

  Miss Hardie smiled. "I thought you would come here with Bethany and then just leave after Bethany gets married. But, I misjudged you."

  "What on earth do you mean, Miss Hardie?" Amelia asked trying to contain her emotion.

  "You seemed so sure of yourself. And you seemed so certain that a life out here wasn't for you. But, I was wrong."

  Amelia was almost at a loss for words. What was Miss Hardie talking about?

  "But, once I saw you with that fine young man, I knew I had misjudged you, Amelia," Miss Hardie declared. She was smiling at Amelia as if awaiting a response.

  Amelia paused before saying anything. "Are you talking about Wilder Armstrong?"

  "Of course I am, dear," Miss Hardie said.

  Amelia drew in a deep breath. "But, Wilder and I have only just met each other. How can there possibly be anything between us?"


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