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Amelia's Montana Wedding (Love In Montana Falls Book 1)

Page 18

by Maya Stirling

  The conversation was as enjoyable as the food. Mrs. Talmadge brought in delicious plates of chicken, proudly announcing it was her special, secret recipe. Amelia had to admit that it tasted delicious. Apparently home-cooked ranch food was another thing that made a mockery of Amelia's now discarded preconceptions about ranch life.

  Midway through the meal Amelia looked around the table at her hosts. They were obviously fine people. They looked so happy and so healthy. Maybe the life out in Montana just gave people the chance to live in a way that folks back East could only dream of living.

  As Amelia ate her food, joining in with the conversation, getting to know the people that Bethany would probably soon be calling family, her mind drifted to thoughts of what it would be like to leave her friend behind.

  Was Amelia really serious about leaving and going back to Boston? As she picked at the delicious apple pie which Mrs. Talmadge had served, Amelia couldn't help wondering if she were about to make the biggest mistake of her life.

  A few short days before, the idea of remaining in Montana would have seemed unthinkable. But, Amelia had seen the way people lived out here, and it had impressed her mightily. It hadn't simply been the persuasive arguments of Miss Hardie which had won Amelia over to the idea of life in Montana. No. It had been something far more important to Amelia than that.

  It had been meeting Wilder Armstrong which had really changed her mind about a life out West.

  He was, quite simply, the most incredible man she had ever known. He had impressed her not only with his handsome, rugged appearance, although that was probably more than enough. But, it had been the integrity and strength of his character which struck her almost as forcefully as his pleasing looks.

  Wilder Armstrong was a man you could trust. She felt that in her bones. He had a deeply ingrained goodness in him, and a heart that beat strong and firm with righteousness. The way he had pursued the truth about Lucas had shown Amelia that Wilder would not be stopped when it came to getting what he wanted.

  And, after what had happened in the restaurant, it seemed that what Wilder really wanted was Amelia.

  Amelia sighed just thinking about Wilder and saw, with alarm, that Miss Hardie was looking at her curiously.

  Not wishing for anyone to see how preoccupied she had become during the lunch, Amelia tried to disguise the fact that her mind had wandered to thoughts of Wilder Armstrong.

  "Are you enjoying your food, Amelia?" Miss Hardie asked with a telling, sly grin at the corner of her mouth.

  Amelia nodded, eyes wide and her mouth full of pie.

  Miss Hardie's gaze narrowed slightly and she returned her attention to the conversation she was having with Annabelle.

  Once more, Amelia's mind drifted to thoughts of leaving. It seemed almost inconceivable now that she would walk away from Bethany having helped her friend find happiness with Lucas. Amelia looked at Bethany and saw her gazing across the table at Lucas, who was gazing right back at Bethany. The two couldn't take their eyes off each other. Amelia had never before been so close to what looked like true love.

  But then again, wasn't what had happened with Wilder something like love?

  Amelia felt her heart race as she thought of Wilder.

  After the lunch was over, everyone moved to the parlor. Coffee was served and Miss Hardie promised to let Annabelle try some of Miss Hardie's favorite tea the next time she came to visit. The conversation continued in the same vein as before. Amelia saw Bethany becoming increasingly nervous. There still hadn't been any mention of matrimony. It was almost as if Mrs. Talmadge's unfortunate remarks had made everyone so conscious of the subject that no-one wanted to bring it up.

  Throughout the time in the parlor Amelia glanced repeatedly at Bethany and Lucas. they both looked like they wanted to be anywhere else except in the parlor.

  Finally, Lucas seemed to find courage from somewhere deep inside. "If I may, I'd like to accompany Bethany outside. I'd like to show her more of the ranch," he announced.

  Everyone knew just what that really meant and there was a unanimous chorus of agreement. Amelia saw Annabelle smile broadly at Gideon who frowned slightly, but Amelia could tell he was secretly as excited as his wife was about their son stepping out with Bethany.

  Lucas stood and extended a hand to Bethany. She rose and took his hand. Amelia saw Annabelle and Eloise exchange glances. Eloise smiled at Annabelle. It seemed like the whole Monroe family was on tenterhooks.

  As Lucas and Bethany left the parlor they were watched in silence by everyone in the room. Once the front door closed behind the couple, the conversation quickly resumed.

  Amelia was suddenly overcome by a combination of curiosity and the protective instinct toward Bethany which had caused her to travel with her friend all the way out to this wild place.

  It took every ounce of strength within Amelia not to race over to the window and gaze out at Bethany and her beau.

  Looking around she could see everyone else was similarly preoccupied.

  Finally, Amelia could bear it no longer. She rose, cup in hand and addressed everyone. "Can I get anyone more coffee? I'm going to the kitchen for some water. I feel rather thirsty."

  No-one took Amelia up on her offer, and she left the room as quickly as decency allowed.

  She made her way to the kitchen. Mrs. Talmadge looked around from the sink where she was busy cleaning a pot. "Can I help you, Amelia?"

  Amelia glanced over toward the kitchen window which faced out onto the yard. "Can I have a drink of water, Mrs. Talmadge?"

  "Surely you can," she replied reaching for a glass

  Amelia stepped over to the window and peered out. She saw Bethany and Lucas out by the corral. Lucas had one foot raised up on the lowest fence rail, and was holding Bethany's hand. She was looking up into his face, an expression of wide-eyed wonder written across her features. They looked like the perfect couple.

  Amelia felt a glow of satisfaction. She had never seen Bethany look this happy. Just to see that expression on her friend's face made the entire trip to Montana worthwhile.

  Mrs. Talmadge came to Amelia's side holding the glass of water. Mrs. Talmadge looked out the window and sighed. "They look so good together, don't they?"

  "They sure do," Amelia replied.

  "I don't suppose you actually want this water," Mrs. Talmadge said to Amelia, giving her a querying look.

  Amelia smiled and took the glass. "I just wanted to see them together," she said to the housekeeper. "Bethany is my best friend."

  "It's going to be a huge change for her," Mrs. Talmadge said.

  Amelia nodded. "But, it's what she really wants. I think she is going to be really happy here."

  "Ranch life is a whole lot different to life back East," Mrs. Talmadge said.

  Amelia looked directly at Mrs. Talmadge. "Bethany knows what she's doing. I think she knows what to expect out here."

  Mrs. Talmadge glanced out the window. "Lucas is really smitten with Bethany. He hasn't talked of anything else since he found out she was coming out here."

  Amelia looked out and suddenly gasped at what she saw there.

  She felt tears filling her eyes and, despite her best efforts, she let out a sob.

  "Oh, my. He's asking her," Amelia murmured.

  Mrs.Talmadge sighed. "Well, would you look at that" she said. "Isn't that something."

  Out by the corral, Lucas had gone down on one knee and was looking up at Bethany, who had raised a hand to cover her mouth. She was gazing down at Lucas. He was holding her hand and peering intently up at Bethany.

  It wasn't necessary to hear the words he spoke to Bethany. Amelia knew she was watching Lucas proposing to Bethany. Amelia could see the emotion on Lucas' face. She could see his mouth forming those special words that meant so much.

  Mrs. Talmadge leaned a hand on Amelia's shoulder. "There you go, my dear. That's just the sweetest sight on God's earth. A man and woman agreeing to wed."

  Amelia glanced at the housekeeper and saw
that the woman's formerly bluff manner had been replaced by moistening eyes and flushed cheeks.

  Amelia looked out and saw Bethany nodding her head, her smile as broad as the distant plains that lay beyond the ranch. Bethany nodded and laughed. Lucas leaped up from his position on the ground. They both gazed into each others eyes for a very long time and then Lucas leaned hesitantly down and kissed Bethany.

  At that moment Amelia turned away and moved to the middle of the kitchen. Mrs. Talmadge followed Amelia. "I think you might need to drink some of that water, after all," Mrs Talmadge said.

  Amelia lifted the glass to her mouth. "I think you might be right," she replied. Amelia drank some of the cool water and laid the glass down on the table. "I better get back to the parlor. People might be wondering about me," she said.

  "I think it was worth coming to the kitchen, just to see that wonderful sight. Don't you agree" Mrs. Talmadge said with a smile.

  Amelia nodded. "Yes. It was."

  Amelia walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. As she was about to start toward the parlor, the front door opened and Bethany rushed into the hallway.

  She was breathless with excitement and ran to Amelia. "Oh, Amelia! He asked me to marry him!" Bethany exclaimed. "And I said yes. Can you believe it?"

  Amelia hugged Bethany. "Of course I can, Bethany. Congratulations," Amelia said.

  Bethany's eyes were filled with tears of happiness. "We have to tell everyone," she gasped.

  Amelia glanced at the front door and saw Lucas standing there looking proud and very happy. "Congratulations, Lucas," Amelia said. She went to Lucas and hugged him. "You just got yourself the best woman in Montana for a wife. You know that, don't you?"

  Lucas nodded. "I sure do," he said with one of the widest grins Amelia had ever seen on man's face.

  Bethany came and grabbed Lucas by the hand. "Quickly. Everyone will want to know the good news."

  With a wide-eyed glance at Amelia, Bethany literally dragged Lucas behind her as she raced into the parlor.

  Amelia didn't follow immediately. She paused and heard the voices from the parlor. She could hear both Bethany and Lucas making their announcement and there was a collective cheer from everyone in the parlor.

  Amelia turned to Mrs. Talmadge who had emerged from the kitchen. The two women exchanged a satisfied look.

  Amelia went to the door and grabbed the handle. She was about to close the door and start toward the parlor when she glanced outside.

  She froze.

  Amelia squinted her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. There was a man on horseback making his way beneath the high wooden sign that marked the entrance to the Monroe ranch.

  Amelia's heart started to race and she was seized with a sudden feeling of panic.

  The man who was riding up to the Monroe ranch house was none other than Wilder Armstrong.


  Wilder hadn't taken long to make up his mind.

  Once he had decided that he had no choice but to act.

  Back in town that morning he had attended to the business of arranging for Lucius Bodie to be kept safely in the Montana Falls jailhouse until help arrived from Minneapolis. Of course, Lucius hadn't been happy about that, but Wilder knew that the man's days of freedom were well and truly at an end.

  Wilder had thought about going over to the Hardie household and saying what he knew he had to say to Amelia, but he had restrained himself, not wanting to risk spoiling what was going to be an important day for Bethany. Wilder figured he'd done enough to cause distress to that young woman without making matters worse.

  But, choosing not to go and speak with Amelia had just driven Wilder crazy all morning. And, on top of the sleepless night had just passed, Wilder knew that he might not be at his best if he'd gone to Amelia desperately seeking an answer to the one question which burned in his mind.

  So, Wilder had waited. He had planned to wait until Bethany and Amelia returned from the Monroe ranch, before he went and spoke with Amelia. He had tried really hard to wait in the hotel, running what he had to say over and over in his mind.

  But, forcing himself to remain in that hotel room had been the most exquisite torture he had ever had to endure.

  He knew he had to act, knew that if he threw this chance away, he'd never be able to forgive himself.

  The thought of asking Amelia that all-important question had driven him mad all night and most of the morning. He wasn't even sure he had the courage to ask Amelia such a question. He had faced some pretty difficult situations in his life, but none compared to the prospect of asking Amelia that one, momentous question.

  Finally, he had given in to his desperate need and had dressed himself in the finest clothes he had at hand, which wasn't saying much. The clothes he'd travelled with would have to suffice. As he examined himself in the mirror of the hotel room he knew he could have dressed up better. The tight fitting jacket, loose white shirt and grey pants would have to do. His best clothes were still back in Minneapolis. Depending on how things went today, he might be moving his belongings to Montana Falls.

  That thought made his pulse race even faster.

  He had ridden his horse out of town like a man possessed. There was only one thing on Wilder's mind, and he feared that if he had misjudged Amelia then he might be about to make the biggest fool of himself.

  But, as Wilder raced across the plains toward the Monroe ranch he told himself he didn't care. There was only one woman for him, and he knew that now. Amelia Crawford had taken possession of his heart and he wasn't about to let her escape from him.

  Not now that he was so sure she felt the same way about Wilder.

  He had seen the look in her eyes when he had kissed her. Wilder had seen the passion burning inside that woman. He was convinced there was love there.

  Love for Wilder.

  And that was fine.

  Because he loved Amelia like he'd never loved anyone in his life.

  Wilder drove his horse faster and soon saw the Monroe ranch. He saw two figures walking into the house. From the trail he wasn't exactly sure who they were, but he guessed they looked like Bethany and Lucas. Maybe Lucas had already asked Bethany the question.

  Maybe he was too late, Wilder thought. Did he have the courage to ask Amelia the same question? And, so soon after her best friend accepting the hand of the man Wilder had worked so hard to clear of involvement in the crimes of Lucius Bodie?

  As he rode into the yard Wilder saw a figure emerge from inside the house. His heart almost stopped in his chest when he realized it was Amelia. She was gazing at Wilder and walking slowly toward him.

  He was sure she had recognized him. She looked so amazing. Everything about her was just incredible, Wilder told himself as he rode the remaining distance, pulling his mount to a halt. He leaped down and raced to Amelia.

  Wilder saw the surprise on her face as she saw him come toward him.

  "Wilder? What are you doing here?" Amelia asked.

  Wilder took Amelia gently by the shoulders. He heard her gasp and she glanced down at his hands as they held her tight. But, she didn't make the slightest movement to remove his hands. That gave him the encouragement he so desperately needed. She looked so amazing. Her eyes shone with a combination of keen intelligence and barely restrained passion. It was a heady combination.

  "I came to tell you something," he breathed. He peered deep into her beautiful eyes and saw them light up. Did she already know why he had come racing over the wilds of Montana just to be with her? Had she figured out why he would do such a thing?

  "Bethany and Lucas just got engaged," Amelia said quickly, almost as if she wanted to focus Wilder's attention on something else.

  Wilder smiled at Amelia. "I'm real happy for them," he said quietly. He drew Amelia closer to him. Her eyes widened and he gazed down at her sweet lips, wanting above all else to kiss her right here in front of the Monroe ranch house. But, he knew he couldn't do that.

  Not yet. />
  "I guess you could say I came to you about something similar," Wilder stated.

  Amelia's mouth opened in surprise and once again he had to restrain the impulse to kiss her.

  "What do you mean, Wilder?" Amelia asked.

  Wilder smiled. "You know I like the way my name sounds on your lips, don't you, Amelia?"

  Amelia's brows furrowed and then she smiled at him. "I'm pleased you like it, Wilder," she replied.

  "I do, Amelia. And I always will. If you give me the chance."

  He saw her eyes narrow, but there was also a hint of understanding in her gaze. "What do you mean, give you a chance?"

  "Just what I say." Wilder drew Amelia even closer to him, savoring the feel of her arms, inhaling the scent of her perfume, gazing deep into her eyes, searching for permission.

  "Ever since I met you, Amelia, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. Every time I see you I feel more alive than I've ever felt before."

  Wilder saw a flicker of astonishment in Amelia's eyes. But, he was determined to continue. He had thought about what he would say to her, rehearsed the words, memorizing them. He wasn't about to give in so easily.

  "You amaze me, Amelia Crawford. You are the most incredible woman I have ever known." Wilder reached up a hand and caressed the side of Amelia's cheek. He was pleased when he saw her eyes close. She leaned her head against his hand and he heard her sigh. Perhaps he hadn't been fooling himself, after all.

  "And you are simply the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

  Amelia's eyes opened and she smiled at Wilder. There was acceptance in that gaze. Acceptance of Wilder's sweet words.

  "I came here to tell you how I feel about you. All I can say is one thing, Amelia. I love you. With all my heart."

  Wilder felt Amelia stiffen in his grasp and he thought he had shocked her with his declaration. Had he been too forthright? Had he misjudged Amelia?


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