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Death and Honor: Book 2 of 2

Page 16

by James Wisher

Xander strapped on the devourer and draped his shadow cloak over his shoulders. “Why did you compare him to me? Jayden’s a thief not a warrior.”

  “It wasn’t his skills I was comparing. When he went out on a job he seemed ready to bolt at any sign of trouble. When we worked together I knew you always had my back no matter what. I’ve never felt as safe as I did those months we were together.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I haven’t found anyone I could trust like I trusted you. We made a hell of a team and I see no reason we couldn’t again. When I finish my business in the north why don’t you come back with me?”

  “I’m no assassin.” Despite the protest Xander saw the idea intrigued her.

  “You don’t have to be. Many other people work for us. You can be my eyes in the city, keeping track of the city lords and the thieves’ guild. I doubt any of them would be stupid enough to betray us, but better safe than sorry.”

  “They’d accept me, just like that?”

  Xander grinned. “One of the advantages of my new position is they pretty much have to accept it.”

  “You’re that high up?”

  “I’m as high as you can go. The truth is you coming to work with me as my personal spy is important to me, but it’s nothing in the grand scheme of the Shadow Hand.”

  Kaylin smiled at last. “If it’s that simple I’d love to join you. I’m sick of this place.”

  “Good, I’ll stop for you on my way back.” He pulled up his hood and started for a shadow. Before he disappeared Kaylin hugged him from behind. “What’s that about?”

  “Just be careful and be sure you come back.”

  Xander turned around and kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”

  Xander stepped through a shadow and left her behind. He moved through the darkness and found fewer doors than usual. No surprise since it was daylight out. He stepped out of a shadow in an alley two blocks from the stable.

  One of the stable boys stood waiting out front. Xander flipped him a gold coin. “The black gelding.”

  The boy smiled at his good fortune and ran inside. A few minutes later he led the horse out, saddled and loaded with a pair of bulging saddle bags. Xander mounted up and rode out of the city.

  * * *

  Xander rode at a brisk pace and kept to the main trade routes. It took him two months to reach the outskirts of Lord’s Way. He turned off the main road around mid day and down a rough cart path carved through the forest. He reached the edge of a large clearing a few minutes later. Near the center sat a pile of charred timber. Scattered here and there slumped half a dozen wrecked outbuildings.

  Xander shook his head. “Be it ever so humble.”

  He urged his horse down into the clearing and rode around, eyes closed, remembering the day of the fire. Xander let the pain and fear fill him. He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he held and opened his eyes. “I know who did this.” He spoke to the ghosts that lived in his memory. “I promise he’ll die screaming. Before the end he’ll know who killed him.”

  He turned back to the main road and continued on to Lord’s Way. He set a good pace and arrived at the gate at dusk. The guards let him after a cursory inspection. He found a stable for his horse and went to visit the local thieves’ guild. Xander walked through the dark streets, unafraid of any potential attackers. If anyone lurking in the shadows thought a lone pedestrian would make an easy mark a second look must have changed their mind as he reached the back door the guild with no trouble.

  The Lord’s Way thieves’ guild operated out of a basement under a theater in the arts district. It had to be nothing more than a meeting place since they had no space to store loot. Xander rapped on the unmarked wooden door and waited. After a few seconds the door opened a crack. “This is the stage entrance, get lost.”

  “The Shadow Hand requires your assistance. I would speak with your guild master and I’m in a hurry.”

  “There’s no guild master here, now beat it before I crack your skull.”

  Was the man stupid or ignorant? Either way Xander was sick of talking. He side kicked the door off its hinges and sent the guard sprawling. Before he could recover, the devourer was at his throat. “The only reason I don’t kill you is I don’t want to look for the master myself. Now go tell him the Shadow Hand needs a moment of his time.”

  The guard’s gaze followed the length of the black sword at his throat and up to Xander’s scowling face. The terrified man scrambled away, around a rack of costumes and through a hidden door in the back wall. Xander shook his head and sheathed his sword. The demon’s disappointment radiated from the sword, but he wouldn’t kill a man to satisfy the sword’s appetite, if that were even possible. He needed the thieves help and killing one with no good cause wouldn’t buy him any goodwill.

  A few minutes passed before a slender woman of middle years dressed in skin tight black leather came through the hidden door, a pair of over muscled goons beside her. “My apologies assassin, our door guard hasn’t been educated regarding his betters. How may I help you?”

  Not interested in excuses Xander said, “I need the location of Gabriel Kane, he’s an officer in the watch, and Duke Cariden.”

  “Are they your targets?”

  “That’s not your concern. Now where are they?”

  “The duke is easy enough. As of this morning he’s in residence at the mansion of an old friend of his named Baron Jameson. The second name isn’t familiar to me. The only officer named Gabriel is Gabriel St. Jaques, the Lord Mayor’s adopted son.”

  Xander nodded. So Uncle Duncan adopted Gabriel, how nice for him. “That’s him.”

  The woman smiled, looking relieved she’d done something Xander approved of. “He lives in the lord’s mansion. He also spends a great deal of time at the Church of the Bright Shield.”

  “You have my thanks, but should any of you try to warn either of them I will return and our next conversation will be less pleasant.” Xander pulled up his hood and disappeared into the shadows.

  He emerged several blacks away. Eager as he was to visit the duke he decided to find Gabriel first. This was as much his revenge as Xander’s and he deserved a chance to be part of it. Xander turned toward the city center where the lord’s mansion waited. As he got closer Xander found he was nervous. It was ridiculous. He’d killed men without batting an eye, but the thought of seeing his brother again set his heart racing. He smiled and shook his head.

  Xander stopped when he reached the iron fence that bordered the property. He looked at the dark grounds, his minding back to the times they’d visited Uncle Duncan. It seemed like another life. Xander stepped into a shadow and emerged in an unused guest room. He had no idea which room Gabriel used so he resolved to check them all.

  After seven failures he found a room that appeared lived in. A glowstone sat on the table by the bed. Xander rubbed it until it gave off a soft light. A quick search turned up Gabriel’s journal. He got as far as the battle with the river pirates when the sound of heavy boots on the floor outside got his attention. Xander doused the light and put it back on the table.

  He stood in the dark corner away from the door, not bothering to enter the shadow realm. A broad shouldered figure entered the dim room. Xander’s throat tightened when he saw his brother for the first time in so long. He stepped out of the shadows and Gabriel drew a gleaming sword form the scabbard at his waist.

  “That’s hardly the greeting I expected after so long, Gabriel.”

  * * *

  “And that’s what happened,” Xander said, his story complete.

  Gabriel stared at his brother, trying to reconcile the boy he remembered with the man sitting on the bed across from him. “It’s a miracle you survived the fire, much less everything else. I saw him you know, the slaver. I met him on the road when I fled after the battle. He seemed a little odd.”

  Xander laughed a humorless laugh. “He was worse than odd. Now, will you help me? Together we can avenge Mother and Father.”

  “I killed the demon that led the attack on our home, but I can’t find any solid evidence on the duke. With proof I can’t arrest him to face the king’s justice.”

  “The king’s justice doesn’t interest me. I will cut his heart out and feed it to the wolves.”

  Before Gabriel could respond the door to his room burst open and standing on the other side, a triumphant smile on his face, stood Morgrin. “I knew I’d eventually find a way to get even with you. Conspiring with killers? Hardly the proper behavior for an officer of the watch, especially the ever so perfect Gabriel Kane. I will enjoy destroying your reputation as you did mine. For all your arrogance—” Morgrin fell silent when Xander buried a dagger in the casing an inch from his head.

  “Some things haven’t changed. A worthless, obnoxious child has grown into a worthless, obnoxious adult.”

  “Do you pretend to know me?” A sneer curled Morgrin’s lip.

  Xander laughed again and Gabriel shivered to hear the coldness in it. “Know you, the three of us played together as children. How could I fail to recognize your fat, petulant face?”

  Morgrin’s eyes widened. “Xander? You’re dead.”

  “You’re not that lucky. Why don’t you run along and pretend you never saw me? It’ll be good for your health.”

  “You’re threats don’t frighten me.” Morgrin stammered and trembled.

  Like a blur of shadow Xander crossed the room and before Gabriel or Morgrin could move he had a knife at Morgrin’s throat, their faces inches apart. “You would do well to fear me. I swear if you cause any trouble for me or my brother I’ll come for you. I’ll come from the shadows when you least expect it. First I’ll drive needles into your eyes then I’ll think of something really unpleasant.”

  Morgrin swallowed and fell over in a dead faint. Xander laughed to himself and put his knife away.

  “Did you have to scare him so bad?” Gabriel asked.

  Still smiling Xander said, “Probably not, but it was fun.”

  Gabriel shook his head and sighed. “We can’t leave him here. Help me get him to his room.”

  Xander grabbed Morgrin’s left leg. “Which one?”

  Gabriel grabbed Morgrin by the arms and lifted him off the floor. “Second door on your left.”

  They carried Morgrin to his room and dumped him on his bed. When they got back to Gabriel’s room Xander said, “Now that we’ve dealt with that pest we can figure out how best to deal with the duke.”

  Gabriel sat on the edge of his bed, every minute of the past day weighed on him. How could he make Xander understand? He was an officer of the watch and he couldn’t sit there and plan the murder of one of the leading nobles in the kingdom. No matter what he may have done, and Gabriel was certain he’d done some terrible things, his duty was to find proof and arrest him. “We can’t just kill him.”

  “What?” Gabriel winced at his brother’s reaction.

  “I’ve sworn to uphold the laws of this land and those laws don’t condone murder. I can’t move against the duke without proof.”

  “Proof? You know he was involved with the raid that killed Father and Mother. Does your precious oath mean more than avenging their deaths?”

  Gabriel stiffened at the insult. Xander made it sound so simple; he wished it was. “Father would have understood. Honor and duty come before revenge. Eventually I will find the evidence I need then Duke Cariden will answer to the law.”

  “Men like him never answer to the law.” Xander paced like a caged tiger. “He’s too well connected. You could spend the rest of your life searching for evidence and when you found it he’d pin everything on some expendable lackey. No, the duke will answer to me. If your precious honor keeps you from helping then stay out of my way. I’ll do what needs doing.”

  “I can’t stand by and let you kill him. The watch will do its best to protect the duke until the law says otherwise.”

  “Will you fight me to protect that murderer?”

  “The watch will do its duty.”

  Xander nodded and pulled up the hood of his cloak. “If that’s the way you want it, but send no one you value because I will kill anyone that gets in my way.” Xander stepped into the dark corner and Gabriel lost sight of him.

  “Xander?” Gabriel grabbed the glowstone and checked every corner of the room, but his brother had gone.


  After a miserable night’s sleep Gabriel rose a little after dawn. He figured everyone else would be asleep and he had no interest in making conversation. Gabriel dressed, stopped in the kitchen to get leftovers for breakfast, and walked to the church. He didn’t worry about waking Solan. It didn’t seem to matter what time he arrived, the priest always seemed awake. How long did he have before Xander made his move against Duke Cariden? Gabriel figured at least a couple days. It didn’t matter; he still had no idea what to do about it.

  When he stepped into the church a warm sense of calmness settled around him. Something about the gray stone and cut glass windows made him feel at peace. The church was one of the few buildings in the city that remained from its founding. It had a sense of permanence that made Gabriel think some things would never change.

  He climbed the short flight of stairs and pushed open the always unlocked doors. He found Solan dusting the wooden benches in the chapel. The old priest smiled when he entered. “Good morning, Gabriel. I didn’t expect to see you so early after your adventure yesterday.”

  “I didn’t expect to be here this early, but then I didn’t expect my brother to come home alive after all these years either.”

  “Didn’t he die in the fire?”

  “It seems not. He’s returned and while he was gone he’s grown into a skilled assassin. The boy I loved is gone. He also knows Duke Cariden was involved in the attack on our home. He’s sworn vengeance and I have no idea what to do about it.”

  “Your brother’s the one from our dreams.”

  Gabriel nodded and dropped on to one of the benches.

  “You have no doubts?”


  “Will he aid us or oppose us?”

  Gabriel smiled a tired smile. “He wants revenge. In as much as our goal and his coincide he’ll help. If we try to stop him…”

  Solan nodded. “It seems both of our dreams were true. He wishes to kill the duke so you are opposed yet he wishes to destroy the great evil, even if for less than noble reasons, so we are allied in that. Bring him here. I must speak with him.”

  “I doubt I can bring him here if he didn’t wish to come, but I will ask.”

  Something thumped against the church door. Gabriel jumped up, hand on the hilt of the Bright Sword. “What the hell?”

  Solan shrugged and started for the doors, Gabriel a step behind. Solan opened the door to find a rock with a piece of parchment tied around it. Gabriel bent down and picked it up, a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He untied the parchment, tossed the rock aside, and read the note.

  “What’s it say?” Solan asked.

  “We have Amanda,” Gabriel read. “If you want to see her alive again bring the key fragment to Baron Jamison’s mansion at midnight tonight.” The parchment fell from his nerveless fingers. “How could he use his own daughter?”

  “I’d be surprised if he had any idea what was happening. He left for his country estate late last night. I doubt his masters informed him of their plan.”


  Solan nodded. “I sent her to keep an eye on him. The duke has the three remaining pieces and we must claim them when the time comes.”

  “I need the key fragment.”

  Solan sighed and closed the door. “It’s unfortunate the girl is involved in this.”

  “Where did you hide it? I have to save her.”

  Solan shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I won’t trade the world for one girl’s life.”

  “What do you suggest, we let them kill her?” How could Solan be so cold hearted?

  “I can
make a copy of the fragment and put it inside the coffer. When you meet they won’t be able to tell it’s a fake.”

  “And when they open it Amanda’s still dead.”

  “Perhaps if you act as a diversion while someone else sneaks inside and rescues her.”

  “Xander.” Gabriel eyes widened when he realized what Solan was suggesting. “With his skills he can slip in with no trouble at all. If I tell them the kidnappers had something to do with the attack he’ll jump at the chance to help.”

  “After you save her, bring them both here. Amanda will be safe nowhere else and I must talk to your brother.”

  Gabriel nodded, eager now that he had a way to save the woman he loved. “Amanda will come, but I can’t speak for Xander. He didn’t even see fit to tell me where he was staying.”

  “I suggest you find him. I’ll prepare the counterfeit fragment. You should return around eleven so you have plenty of to make it to the mansion.”

  “Right. I’ll talk to Griff, his contacts might know where I can find Xander. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Gabriel left Solan to his work and headed to Watch Headquarters. If anyone could help him find Xander it was Griff’s friend Lucy. Since Gabriel already told his partner everything anyway he figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a little more.

  At the back entrance he found a hand full of off duty Watchmen standing around. They straightened as he approached, but he waved them to relax. “Anybody seen Griff?”

  “He’s next door getting breakfast,” One of the guys said.

  “Thanks.” Gabriel was happy not to have to talk in front of the others. He crossed the street to Tommy’s and found his partner at his usual table, a heaping plate of potatoes and eggs in front of him. Griff looked up when Gabriel entered and waved him over.

  “Hungry?” Griff asked.

  Gabriel sat across from his partner. “No, thank you. I have a problem.”

  “Fill me in.”

  Gabriel told Griff everything that happened since he rode out from the church the day before. When he finished Griff said, “You’ve been busy. I imagine seeing your brother again came as a shock.”


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