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Book of Dreams

Page 26

by Traci Harding

  ‘Why does Kyle get all the hugs?’ Matt objected, throwing his arms wide, and Kimba broke away from Kyle to oblige.

  ‘Matty, me mate.’ She gave him a huge cuddle, which came as a lovely surprise to Matt. Kimba didn’t usually go in for grand displays of affection.

  As Matt and Kimba’s hug turned into a quiet comforting session, Kyle and Zoe distanced themselves a little.

  ‘I guess it’s time to set the date for our wedding,’ Kyle commented and Zoe looked at him, as if he was taking the piss out of her again. ‘I only say that because with your uncle behind bars, you might need me to help transform the old family business.’

  ‘So you don’t think a woman is capable of successfully running a company on her own?’ Her smile was challenging.

  ‘Not with a baby on the way.’ He suspected that he knew what Kyron’s message from Baiame — that Kyle was here to protect the new guardian of the land — meant now. This prophecy didn’t refer to Mount Turrammelin but the whole country — under Zoe’s guidance, Nivok Industries would now benefit the land and not destroy it.

  His grin was so confident that Zoe thought better of flatly calling it a joke. ‘Arika told you.’ She struggled to repress her mounting excitement and panic.

  Kyle nodded, thinking his face would break if his smile grew any larger. ‘It’s a girl,’ he announced casually, and Zoe jumped on him with a hug and a squeal. There was some bouncing and a bit more squealing.

  ‘Steady on. You’ll damage her.’ Kyle had never imagined joy could be so intense; so this was what happiness felt like.

  ‘Right now.’ Zoe stopped still to announce her intentions.

  ‘What?’ Kyle pretended to misunderstand her. ‘I suppose we could just drop down under the bench —’

  ‘I meant I’ll marry you today!’ Zoe informed him with a slap of caution to his shoulder. ‘We’ve already got a judge.’

  ‘But don’t you want the full wedding, reception, dress thing?’ Kyle’s hand kept winding even though he’d stopped speaking.

  ‘No.’ She grabbed Kyle’s hand to still it. ‘Just you,’ she vowed with a kiss.

  The fight for Mount Turrammelin monopolised the news headlines that evening, exposing a hundred years of murder. The spontaneous wedding of the controversial heiress of the Nivok Empire came a close second in the story stakes and Matthew Ryan got an exclusive interview with the heiress and her husband on both counts.

  ‘Well, I have to say this is one hell of a way to work,’ Matt commented, sprawled out on the lounge in the honeymoon suite of the most exclusive hotel in the city. He had a glass of champagne in one hand and with his free hand he was sorting through several newspapers that had run his story on the court case.

  ‘Gosh, you look so pretty.’ Zoe kissed her husband’s cheek, as they watched Matt’s footage of their wedding on the late news.

  Kyle cringed; his wedding was his first appearance on television, and he’d been obliged to wear a tuxedo. ‘You’ve gotten pretty damn good with that thing.’ Kyle changed the subject, pointing to Matt’s camera, now lying idle on the coffee table.

  ‘Well, it helps when you have a camera that shoots broadcast quality.’

  Zoe had secretly purchased the new camera for Matthew in anticipation of their victory. Then, as the day had also turned out to be her wedding day, the camera had become the perfect gift for their best man.

  ‘Thanks, guys.’ Matt held up his glass to the newlyweds, who raised themselves to clink glasses once more.

  ‘The very least we could do,’ Zoe replied.

  ‘Where did Kimba get to?’ Kyle noticed her glass sitting unattended on the table. ‘Is she still on the bloody phone with those land project people?’ He rose to go and disconnect her. ‘We’re supposed to be celebrating, not working!’

  ‘I’ll go,’ Matt offered, retrieving Kimba’s glass and taking it with him out to the balcony, where Kimba had retreated to take the call.

  ‘You know, I suspect there might be something going on there.’ Kyle raised his eyebrows a couple of times in suggestion as he slid back up alongside Zoe.

  Zoe chuckled at this. ‘Oh, you are psychic,’ she joked, having suspected as much for weeks.

  When Kimba spotted Matthew with two glasses of champagne in hand, she quickly wound up her call. ‘I’ll get back to you first thing,’ she assured. ‘I will. Goodbye.’ She folded her phone away, and gave a heavy but satisfied sigh. ‘Three point one million dollars,’ she announced with a huge smile.

  ‘That’s fantastic!’ Matt placed the glasses aside to hug her.

  ‘That offer ought to be more to Zoe’s liking.’ Kimba took up her glass and raised it to Matt, before taking a long gulp.

  ‘How are you doing?’ Matt asked in all seriousness. Kimba’s world had spun around many times today and she’d not been given a chance to sort through the matted web of emotions.

  ‘Well, let me see.’ Kimba considered her day. ‘My ancestral lands have been saved and my father’s murderer is fast on the way to being brought to justice. I’ve won my first major court case, seen two of my best friends married and with child, but I also lost my great-grandmother, the most amazing spirit I have ever known and I lost a dear friend in Felix, too.’

  ‘I am really sorry about Felix.’ Matt felt somewhat hypocritical saying this, since he had been harbouring feelings for Kimba all this time, but he honestly meant what he said. ‘I only knew him a short time but he was a good friend to me and I know he was a good boyfriend to you.’

  ‘Well, actually,’ Kimba took another sip of her drink for courage, ‘we split up before I came down here for the court case.’

  Matt’s heart leapt into his throat and he felt guilty to be so delighted.

  The moment of truth upon her, Kimba raised her large dark eyes to meet Matthew’s baby blues. ‘I didn’t think it was right to be with Felix, when I was constantly thinking of someone else.’

  ‘Hey, check this out.’ Kyle made his way on to the balcony to inform Matt and Kimba that the news broadcast had just confirmed that four filthy, dazed, but unharmed, men had been brought into North Queensland police by the local clan of Mount Turrammelin. They had confessed to being commissioned by James Nivok to kill an Aboriginal elder, and to destroy some video footage which had resulted in a second death. This upped the tycoon’s tally to five suspected counts of murder.

  When Kyle found Matt and Kimba in each other’s arms, lost in a kiss, he backed up quietly.

  ‘What is it?’ Zoe rushed to see and was delighted by the development. ‘Now that’s the perfect ending to a perfect day.’ They returned to the lounge, and Zoe picked up the remote to switch the television off.

  ‘Hold on …’ Kyle caught sight of a picture of a Tasmanian Tiger, and relieving Zoe of the remote, he turned up the volume to hear the tale of how three fishermen had taken an extraordinary photograph of a Tasmanian Tiger. Kyle couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Could today be any more perfect?’

  ‘I can think of something that would make it so.’ Zoe hit the off button for the television, and kissed her husband seductively.

  Kyle needed no further prompting. He stood and swept his bride into his arms to carry her to bed. ‘It seems that dreams do come true.’



  That is the end, young warrior. There isn’t any more. The words have all been read, their wisdom imparted.

  The book’s narrative voice, which Kyle heard in his mind as he read, was now that of an old woman and not male at all.

  It was a shock to emerge from the spell that the words had cast over his reality. ‘It was all fiction,’ he realised. ‘But there has to be some fact to it, surely? It was so … elaborate!’ He sat upright and clutched the book to his chest. ‘Oh, my God!’ Kyle realised he was a changed person and placed the book aside to run both hands through his hair. ‘Is this me, daring to believe in something?’

  He did believe.

  Kyle believed in himself
and that anything was possible for him. It may only have been a story, but Kyle felt an inner confidence that he’d never known he had. He knew it was imperative that he aid Zoe and Matt through this Nivok business.

  ‘Zoe and Matt!’ he said aloud.

  What was the time? What day was it?

  ‘Christ, Book, how long have I been …’

  The book had gone.

  ‘ … out for?’ His heart sank. It felt like his best friend had just died.

  No time has passed. You haven’t lost a second.

  ‘Ron?’ Kyle roused himself from the lounge to find Kyron standing not far afoot. ‘You’re back!’

  Never left.

  ‘It’s so good to see you, buddy, I can’t tell you how much I missed having you around.’ Kyle would have given the beast a huge hug, but he was still lacking in the physical substance department.

  I missed you too, but we have a mountain to protect, a friend to save, women to woo!

  That’s when Kyle noticed that he was not the only one to have had a huge change in attitude now that Book’s tale was over. Kyron wasn’t huddled in a corner fearful of the physical world around him; now that Kyle felt stronger and more confident, so did his guardian.

  ‘Damn straight.’ Kyle clapped his hands, feeling they were both up for the quest. ‘Now, what the hell did Matt say he was doing today?’ It seemed like weeks since he’d had that conversation. ‘He said something about going to a television station … I’ve got no chance of getting to see him there. But, if my dreams serve me correctly, he’ll be running around getting keys cut tonight, and he’ll be visiting Zoe first thing tomorrow morning.’

  So, you’ve got to make sure you get to Zoe’s apartment before him and warn her that her uncle is coming over to surprise her and Matt. Oh, and don’t forget to tell her to hide her keys.

  ‘How do I know all that stuff is going to happen?’ Kyle started picking dirty clothes off the floor to replace the dirty clothes he already had on his body.

  Kyron shrugged. The same way you believe I am standing here?

  Kyle caught a whiff of himself. ‘Maybe I should grab a shower before then? And find my wardrobe?’ He tossed all the clothes back on the floor. ‘And the washing machine?’

  Could be for the best, the beast agreed.

  ‘Why are you taking me into Bargi’s abode?’ Kimba queried of Kyle as they alighted from her car. ‘When you said you had something to show me, I didn’t realise I’d be coming all the way out here! Do you have any idea how much work is involved in setting up this land fund and marrying that to the memorial project?’

  ‘Yes, yes, we all know you are a regular superwoman.’ Kyle managed to sympathise and mock her in one!

  The Book of Dreams had proven quite accurate — Kimba had indeed executed her role in the preservation of Mount Turrammelin masterfully. Other aspects of the story had proven far more difficult to manifest in real life, such as Kyle’s marriage to Zoe on the day of the court case. The couple had been forced to settle for an engagement, as, in reality, there were forms to fill in and waiting periods — tracking down Kyle’s birth certificate alone delayed the happy event for months.

  Kimba and Matt were still getting around their guilt over Felix’s death, but they had finally started dating.

  Zoe was not yet pregnant, either, but Kyle had no doubts that they would one day be blessed with the daughter his Matong Bargi had predicted. Kyle figured that the fairytale ending in Book’s tale was not meant to be an accurate account of events, but more a prediction of how circumstances would eventually unfold. However, some of the more fantastic aspects of Book’s yarn had, surprisingly, come to pass.

  Kyle grinned winningly at Kimba, and beckoned her to follow him to the entrance of Bargi’s one-time abode. He missed his great-grandmother, and he knew that Kimba missed her desperately too. But Kyle still carried Bargi’s essence with him, and that was a comfort to him and he wanted Kimba to be similarly comforted.

  ‘Oooooh …’ Kimba faked frustration as she stomped along after her cousin. ‘You’re getting as bad as the rest of our clan when it comes to time schedules, you know that?’ she posed, arms crossed, as she caught Kyle up at the tree-lined entrance.

  ‘Good,’ he decided, his mind on something else. ‘Watch this.’ Kyle held his hands together, and focused inwardly for a moment.

  Kimba rolled her eyes and was about to comment on not having time to stand there and watch him meditate, when she observed that light was starting to emit from between her cousin’s hands. He parted his hands and a ball of glowing energy sat suspended in mid air.

  ‘What is it?’ gasped Kimba, awed by his little trick.

  ‘It’s a present from Bargi … a little inheritance that I believe she’d want you to have.’

  ‘But what is it?’ Kimba giggled away her apprehension; she still didn’t understand.

  ‘I can’t really tell you what it is, but if you wish it, I can show you,’ he prompted, and Kimba couldn’t resist.

  She confirmed her acceptance with a nod and as she did, the ball rose and met her head with a blinding rush of golden bubbles.

  ‘Whoa there.’ Kyle caught Kimba and helped her to stay standing while she regained her wits.

  ‘Golly.’ Kimba was a bit dazed for a second, but it passed. ‘What did you just do to me, rainbow man.’ She laughed when she saw all the colours his body was emitting. ‘I can’t believe what I’m seeing!’ She backed up, hand on mouth, to observe him better. Then she noted he was not the only thing in close proximity that seemed to be radiating colour and light-energy. ‘Everything is glowing green and gold, it’s like a really beautiful trip!’ she joked, and then denied ever taking any sort of hallucinogens. ‘But this is what I imagine the world would look like on a really good trip.’

  ‘The voyage hasn’t even started,’ Kyle advised with a smile as he took her by the hand and led her down along one side of the tree tunnel that arched over the little stream.

  ‘Kyle?’ Kimba’s gaze was darting about the canopy, and she was looking a little wary. ‘This place is crawling with …’ Kimba obviously wasn’t too sure about what she was seeing.

  ‘Yes?’ Kyle grinned, as the tunnel parted and he spied Kyron standing on the other side of the waterhole.

  Kimba screamed, jumped and gasped for breath when she spied a huge yowie standing across the way. But her fear dispersed in a flood of joyful tears as the beast just calmly waved at her.

  ‘Meet Kyron.’ Kyle rubbed her back to comfort her, but she hit him all the same.

  ‘You could have warned me … damn!’ she cursed, and then laughed.

  ‘How come every time you show up, I get hit?’ Kyle queried his guide and Kyron shrugged.

  But, you usually get hugged too, it replied more hopefully.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Kimba gasped, upon realising she had a telepathic connection with the beast, whereby she hugged Kyle, excited.

  There you go.

  ‘The telepathy gets them every time!’ Kyle agreed, pulling Kimba off him. ‘And before you yell at me again for not warning you … there’s a mass of wee earth elementals gathered around our feet.’

  Kimba looked down and her wary-cum-horrified expression inspired a round of laughter from the creatures.

  ‘Don’t fret, I’ll handle this.’ Kyle strode away from her, whistling to the creatures. ‘Come on, I’ve got a mission for you lot.’

  Kimba relaxed when they all scampered off after him. ‘Well. This certainly gives Doctor Dolittle a whole new slant.’

  ‘Doesn’t it,’ Kyle quietly agreed, very proud of the achievement. He sat himself in front of the Matong Bargi’s tree, allowing the creatures to run amok over him as he focused on the earth.

  ‘What are you doing with them?’ Kimba wondered at his intent.

  ‘We’re making another present, but this one is not for you. It’s bound for another old friend of ours.’ He held up a finger to request her patience, and looked back at the empty patch of groun
d. ‘Warrawee, bimble thambaroo, yappulum nganauwe peggeralin.’

  Kimba’s eyes opened wide as the creatures began hurling themselves into a glowing mass of energy that had erupted in response to Kyle’s chant. The glowing mass began to take form as the creatures enhanced the physical volume of the manifestation.

  ‘Warrina yetni tumpinyeri!’

  By the time the legal system got through with James Nivok no amount of money was going to save him from serving a true life sentence; the day he would get out of prison would be the day he died.

  His money didn’t get James any special privileges in prison, either. In his cell there was a bunk, a toilet and a bench. Nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to gain — this was his life from now on.

  Despite the court judgement, James still believed that he’d been betrayed — first by his father, then his brother and finally his niece. He resented them all, but none so much as that half-caste wizard that Zoe had married. If there was one person he wished he’d disposed of, it was Kyle Burke.

  Every waking minute since he’d been in confinement, James had been pondering how he might exact his revenge; there was precious little else to do. He had limited access to reading material — he had been denied any financial publications or anything to do with the business world — and the literature that he did have access to didn’t interest him.

  But today when James was returned to his cell for lock-up, there was a brown paper parcel on his bunk. It was simply addressed to ‘James’.

  He was rather surprised that the warden didn’t comment, confiscate or at least investigate the package.

  When he opened the parcel James could hardly believe his eyes. The book looked like a grimoire with its strange little creatures, although the title read Book of Dreams.

  ‘I don’t read fiction,’ James scoffed. ‘Who the hell left this here?’

  Still, as he had nothing better to read, and there was some time until lights out, James thought, What the hell. He opened to the foreword, written in an unusual rainbow typescript. James had never seen anything quite like it before.


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