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Burned Once, Twice

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  “I want to go with you!” Maria yelled and tried to get out of Alexander’s arms, but he held her tight.

  “No, you and your friends are going home. While we wait for word there, you can tell me why you didn’t mention to me about this person being a damn demon either. Or how about the fact he was after you, too?” Alexander was fuming, but, then again, so was Gordon.

  To have this demon come into his club when it was protected by… Gordon stiffened and met Jake’s gaze. They both said it at the same time. “The Guild.”

  “What about the Guild?” Every vampire knew about the Guild. No one messed with them and Vepar’s son had just crossed their path.

  “We have a contract with the Guild protecting us and anyone who comes into our establishment since, well, always. It would seem we have more backup than we need.”

  Holbrook snorted. “Oh, this is good. Vepar has been trying to stay away from the Guild, too.”

  The air chilled and the scent of lemon filled the room. Gordon lowered his head and waited for the one from the Guild to show himself as the others followed suit. Every single species knew not to mess with them. Their power was so vast, not a single planet was safe from them as far as anyone knew.

  “Sir.” He acknowledged the presence as did everyone in the room, except for Maria and her friends who whispered to one another.

  “Maybe I should move the women out of the room?” Alexander stated, but the door closed on its own. Likely they couldn’t open it. “Or not.”

  An apparition appeared to Maria. “I will access her memory,” it stated.

  Alexander bowed his head but covered Maria’s mouth with his hand. “Not a word.”

  Maria shook, but remained quiet as the ghostly shape slid over her. Gordon hated waiting. The more time her kidnapper had their woman, the greater the chances she would be hurt. Already he struggled to control urge to hunt.

  Gordon gripped the edge of the desk but released it when smoke curled around his fingers. Finally, the entity moved away from Maria. “Take her home to rest. Your little one is safe in her belly.”

  The entity hovered in front of his desk. “Our treaty with Vepar has been broken. He can do nothing to save his son. Your woman will be delivered here soon.”

  Chapter Four

  Faith watched her ex-husband pace around the dump he’d brought her to.

  “This is all your fault! If you had shut your damn mouth and taken your punishment, none of this would have happened.” He whipped around, his tail smacking through the drywall.

  Her ex had totally lost his mind. Never had she seen him so worked up and foaming at the mouth, literally. His hands jerked back and forth, his eyes glistening with a yellow tint not normal for him.

  She slid a small knife out of her dress, for all the good it would do her. At least it made her feel like she was taking some action.

  He smirked. “You really believe that little thing is going to do you any good? You…” He stopped and sniffed he air. “No.” The big jerk lunged, grabbing her arm and everything went black again. His scream rang out and his fingers slipped away as she flew through the darkness.

  “Well fuck me!” Faith said. “Where the fuck am I now? A cave?” The bastard had shipped her to a cave and from the appearance of it, he had stayed here for a while. She tried not to gag at the stench. Bags of trash lay all over the place. She lifted her eyes, amazed to see the walls were not the dark gray of an ordinary cave but bluish green.

  A trio of strange creatures, outlined in light, stared at her from the cave opening, blocking her exit from the stench. Faith clutched the knife tighter at the newest threat. “Okay, Holbrook. Now would be a good time to show up.” She stood her ground, to retreat, like prey, could send the things after her.

  At first they stared at her, not moving, sniffing the air.

  Were they trying to see if she was a threat? “See?” she said, tucking her hand with the knife behind her back. ‘I’m a little bit of nothing. I’m sorry if I intruded on your place. I had no choice.The fucker sent me here,” Faith growled. “I hate when bigger men think it’s okay to hurt those smaller.” Her hand shook but kept a tight grip on the knife she still held. Faith watched them inch towards her.

  They stood like a dog with two front legs and two back, but their back was up to her chest. If they stood on their hind legs, one of them would be taller than Jake or Gordon, the other two only smaller by inches. “Why the hell did I think of them? They sure aren’t here damn it.”

  The creatures circled her, their red noses sniffing awful close to her. Faith didn’t like the fangs protruding from their black lips. “Please don’t attack. I’m really the innocent one here in this case.” She started to plead her case as fear started to take over.

  “They won’t hurt you. I’m afraid they are searching for the demon who was living here.” A cloudy figure materialized in front of her. “I have informed them he is gone and won’t be back. Are you ready to go home?”

  “You’re going to take me home?” She shifted a little, leery of anything she couldn’t identify.

  “Yes, to your Earth.” With no further explanation, the mist or cloud covered her. She grew cold and started to shake as once more everything went black.

  “I swear I wish someone would warn me when they’re going to do that.” Faith stiffened. “Where am I now?”

  “Easy there, Little Star, I’ve got you.” Jake ran his hand down her arm, his other one taking the knife she still held. Faith was in his lap.

  Slowly, Faith released the breath she’d been holding. “Thank God.” She buried her face into his chest and held on tight to his shirt. Faith didn’t hear anything as the sobs came. She was safe for now, but how long this time?

  Her body and soul were worn out from worrying about what was coming next in her life. The ups and downs had taken their toll.

  “Shhh, Little Star, you need to calm before you make yourself sick,” Jake whispered. “But, if it happens, you get to clean my shirt.”

  Faith sat back, wiping the wetness from her face. She stared at Jake and then she saw it. The little bit of laughter in his gaze.

  She sniffled. “I should warn you. I don’t do laundry. I dry-clean everything, and I use one of the most expensive places around. I mean, I can’t trust just anyone with these clothes.” Faith looked down, seeing the fresh blood, hers, on her dress and tears filled her eyes again.

  “Hey now, we can fix the dress, but where are you bleeding from?” Gordon said. “Lift her up, Jake. She’s bleeding under her dress.”

  “I’m fine,” she got out, but they pulled her dress off right there in their office.

  “Hey, anyone can walk in.” Faith tried to grab the dress, but Jake threw it over a desk.

  “No one can come in here unless we allow them. Now, let us see.” Jake waited for her and she lowered her arms, staring at the mark carved into her stomach.

  “What the hell? I didn’t feel any pain.” Faith shook, she was so pissed.

  Gordon put his hand over part of the carving while Jake covered the rest. Heat penetrated her skin and warmed her down to her toes, but what she was seeing was amazing. The skin was closing, healing right in front of her. Faith didn’t think she’d even have a scar.

  “How?” she questioned when Gordon removed his hand.

  “We are not what you humans call vampires, like Alexander’s people. We have their traits.We need blood to survive—not much, but need it.” Gordon traced the tat of her dragon. “We are much like these creatures, dragons, mixed with a Tasmanian devil, but huge and with scales. When we hunt, nothing stands in our way. We do differentiate good from evil, but that is about it. My brother and I are lucky we have learned to control our beast when hunting; often those of our kind don’t care to. It’s one of the reasons many of our people are not allowed here on Earth. When we do come, we, like the demons, are watched very closely by the Guild.” Gordon’s head snapped up and he snarled. “We have company.”

  Jake mat
erialized a long sweater. “This will keep you warm and covered. Your garment was beautiful, but I have a feeling you need comfort now.” He slipped the dress over her head.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, for the first time feeling comforted and taken care of. Jake sat down on the couch and pulled her back onto his lap hugging, holding her.

  Gordon opened the door with such force it slammed against the wall and glass broke causing Faith to jump, not recognizing the man who had been gentle with her.


  Gordon was furious, mostly because of who it was. But he and Jake were bonding right now with their woman. It was a very dangerous to be around one male bonding with his mate, but two could be a disaster. One more peek over his shoulder at their woman tucked in Jake’s arms calmed the animal inside, but not by much, as he growled at Lem.

  Gordon heard the gasp behind him and sighed, trying to pull back more. “What do you need, Lem?” He fixed the door without even raising a hand.

  The man had enough common sense not to even move his head towards his woman right now. “I heard something you should know, but I don’t need my body in pieces around your club. It pertains to a contracted hit.” Lem stepped back. “On your woman.”

  The words echoed in his head and Lem was indeed lucky he had stepped back. The scream Gordon let loose sent others running, and he would have lost all control if not for a soft hand, covering his now-large clawed one.

  Her scent hit him first; otherwise, Gordon didn’t know if she would have been safe. Jake moved up behind him and squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll deal with this. Let her help you.” He stepped around Gordon and faced Lem. “Come, tell me about it.”

  “Big guy, you okay?” Faith whispered, staring up at him with her star-filled eyes. “You’re not going to shift into that dragon here and now, are you? I mean, I’d rather have you shift when we’re alone. I’ve always heard it was hot to have a man let loose his inner beast while making love.” She almost purred, rubbing her cheek against his chest. “Plus, I really don’t want to see any more violence today, please,” she added, squeezing his hand.

  Very carefully, Gordon wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back into the office, shutting the door. He buried his nose into her neck, holding her. “There will be no loving tonight. You need to rest, Little Star,” he mumbled against her warm skin, kissing her tenderly. “We need to take you back to your friend’s house. She is worried about you.” He squeezed her hand before cupping her ass. “You are so beautiful, the thought of someone wanting to hurt you…” He tensed up, but she countered his move, sliding her tiny hand down and cupping his cock.

  “If you’re going to get all snarly on me, let’s get kinky, shall we?” The crazy one went to her knees in front of him and started to unzip his pants.

  “What are you doing?” he asked although knew what she planned.

  “Taking some of the edge off you. We don’t need you going off on anyone when we walk out that door, do we?” Her warm, soft hand grasped his cock and pulled it from his pants.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. “You do this, there is no turning back. Are you sure? Then again, it’s already too late.” He ran a finger down her cheek.

  Her answer was her actions. Faith’s mouth covered his cock, even though he still loosely held her hair. “Suck me, pretty lady.” He watched her take as much of him into her mouth as possible. She wouldn’t be able to fit him all in.

  “That is a pretty sight.” His brother came in and closed the door behind him. “But it does seem only fair we return some loving.” Jake dropped down behind her and lifted Faith up onto her hands and knees.

  “Spread those legs and don’t let go of him.” Jake growled and exposed her cute, round ass as he tore her undies from her. “So wet and needy.” He leaned down and attacked her pussy with his tongue. If her big round eyes were any indication, his brother was using the tongue of their beast on her.

  “Just think, that is only the partial size of our tongue and our cocks.” He slid farther into her, almost gagging her, but she surprised him by relaxing her throat muscles, taking more than he expected. “That’s it, Little Star,” he growled, earning a moan around his cock.

  She gets excited by your growls. I do believe we have a very needy woman on our hands, big brother, Jake sent him.

  “Very needy, and I expect the both of you to take care of my needs fully. Since I happen to be giving myself to you here,” Faith interrupted.

  “You can hear us. How?” Gordon asked.

  Laughter danced in her eyes. “Do you really want me to stop to answer that and, Jake, you stop, I’m going to tie your tongue into knots.”

  Gordon grinned. “Please continue, Little Star.” He moaned when she used her teeth to scrape the side of his cock.

  His grip grew tighter and knew the beast was close when he snarled, “Don’t challenge us, Little Star. You’re so not ready for that kind of play.” He pulled partially out of her mouth and back in, fucking her mouth as gentle as he could.

  Their little spitfire was not ready for what they planned on giving her, but soon Faith would crave their loving, needing it to survive.” He stiffened. She reached up and rolled his balls, squeezing him ’til the pressure was too much. Gordon released his hot seed down her throat, but she only moaned, taking what he gave her.

  “Now, Jake, give our Little Star what she needs.” Gordon pulled his cock out of her mouth as his brother showed their woman a small sample of their loving.

  She grabbed onto Gordon’s legs and rested his head on them. “Oh my god, more!” she moaned, throwing her head back and pushing her body against Jake’s face.

  Jake’s hands shifted to claws as he knelt behind her, the beast close to the surface. Gordon held onto her shoulders. “Don’t move; take what he gives you,” he ordered, watching his brother make love to her pussy with his tongue, her scent filling the room as Faith screamed over and over, her body shaking and breath quick as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Again,” he ordered and Jake didn’t disappoint. This orgasm harder than the first. He swore her eyes crossed as her arms gave out and she would have hit the floor hard. But Gordon wrapped an arm around her and pulled her off the floor, cradling her in his arms. His brother stood, a smile on his face, along with her juices.

  He set their woman on the desk, helping to straighten her clothes while she gathered herself. “Let’s go.Your friends want to know you are okay.” Gordon tucked his cock into his pants, before he swung her up in his arms again as Jake opened the door and stepped out into their club searching, but saw nothing. He stepped aside waiting for him to proceed.

  Chapter Five

  Faith didn’t care if she’d just met them or not. They were hers. Plus, they cuddled so good, and she had never been held like this in her life. She peeked up at Gordon. He had a strong chin, high cheekbones, and full lips she just wanted to nip at, but Faith was afraid he might bite back. All he had to do was turn those hot eyes on her and she swore they were burning her from the inside out. But Faith needed to tell them, before they did anything else.

  “I can’t have children anymore,” she whispered, waiting for them to throw her out of the car they were putting her in, but Gordon just squeezed her leg tighter his heated eyes focused on her.

  “Sure you will, as soon as you are brought over. You’ll be able to have as many children as we want to. That is one of the traits we share with the vampires. Our blood will heal you inside. Sort of like being reborn in your female parts.” Gordon’s gaze traveled down her body as he lowered her into their car, placing her in the middle of the bench seat.

  “Wait, you mean I’m going to have the nasty every month again? I’m going to go through menopausal hell again?” her voice shrieked and Faith cringed inside.

  “Shh, no you will never go through your change again, but, yes, you will have your monthly, which is good. I want to see you swell with our babies inside you. Did you know a female carrying ou
r children also produces a hormone that drives their males crazy?”

  “Really, and what does the male want to do to his female?” she teased Gordon, but it was Jake who answered, tugging on her hair and staring at her.

  “He fucks her over and over till they are both tired. Just think. You have two of us. Both of us will need you, want you.” Jake climbed into the car and towered over her, giving her a quick, hot, demanding kiss right after Gordon strapped her in.

  “Over and over, every which way we can think of.” He winked at her before moving to the driver’s side door. Gordon swung in on the passenger side. He hated that they needed to drive, but Faith couldn’t take their kind of travel until she had started the change.

  It took close to twenty minutes to get to Alexander’s home, all the while Faith stared out the windshield. He could almost see the wheels turning in her head. “You’re not going to leave us, Faith. You were meant to be with us, and we’ll protect you.”

  She tilted her head to the side and started to smile. “I wouldn’t have done what I did if I didn’t believe that, but usually….” Faith focused back out the window. “Usually when something good happens in my life, all hell breaks loose. I don’t think I can take much more.” A single tear rolled down her cheek as they pulled up to Maria’s and Alexander’s home. Gordon turned in the seat next to her. “Believe in us.” He stared up at Jake who jumped out of the truck and went around to his side, scanning the area.

  “Come, Little Star, your friends wait for you.” Gordon unbuckled her and lifted her in his arms.

  “Why do you call me that?” She laid her head on his chest and stared up at him.

  “Because when you are excited, nervous, or angry, your eyes sparkle like stars.” The front door opened and Maria ran out. Gordon set her on her feet and Maria engulfed her in a hug.

  “Girl, you ever do that again—I’m going to use your words here—I’ll gut your ass!” her friend yelled and tried to give her the look.


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