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Burned Once, Twice

Page 5

by Trinity Blacio

  “Do you feel it?” he said.

  “This man or whatever he is needs to be stopped. The sense of all of this…I don’t know to explain it.” Alexander’s attention went over to his son-in-law, Cain.

  “I feel it, too. The wolf wants to hide, and he’s never hidden from anything like this. Are we sure he’s even like you?” Cain questioned his brother.

  “No, we’re not. I’m really thinking he’s more, to come off with all he has obviously done. One, Terrance shouldn’t be dealing with this Yoffa now. He’s too young. It usually only attacks older men. Two, even Vepar believes something has happened to Terrance, like his insanity was brought on early for a reason,” Holbrook said and moved behind Adele who wrung her hands. “Brother?”

  “I know.” Holbrook clenched his fist but stayed closed to his woman. “But, I also believe this person might be the one who also started the mess you were dealing with a couple of months ago with your woman, Alexander.”

  “He’s dead,” Alexander said but Holbrook shook his head.

  “The small one is dead, the one who called out the attack, but who pulled his strings? There is a connection here, and it will take some time to figure out. I really believe this Xack has his hands in all of this.”

  “Do you have proof? What about the other women? Are they safe?” Cain moved to stand next to Alexander with Tara at his side. “They have lives. How can we send them home if they are in danger?”

  Gordon stood and pulled both Chance and Faith into his arms. It was obvious they were not going to get any answers tonight, and all the women were truly shaken. “I suggest we discuss this tomorrow. The ladies have had enough to deal with tonight. I do believe it would be best we pair the women up in rooms. I’m afraid we’ll need a guard in each room, too, since what we are dealing with is something that can appear out of the blue.”

  The women all grumbled then seemed to think twice, accepting the security. Gordon stared at Holbrook who sighed and reached out, taking Adele into his arms, shielding her from the others as the orgasm shook her body.

  A slight push on his stomach had him looking down. Faith went to punch him again. “What are you doing?” He took her small hand and placed a kiss on it.

  “Did you know about Adele?” Faith glared up at him.

  “Yes, we found out earlier, but this is between my brother and her. Now, come. I want to get you settled. Do you want your children with you?” He pushed them towards the rooms assigned to Faith earlier.

  “Do you think it would be better if they went to their grandmother’s? You know, safer?” The fear in his woman’s eyes had him itching to tear something apart.

  His brother confirmed his thoughts. “Vepar can protect them better there.”

  The front door flew open and Alexander’s father and mother stepped in. “There is no need to leave. We are now protected here,” Gordon stated, stepping aside to see around Alexander’s father to see Vepar, and four high profile daemons speaking together, but what drew his attention was the scent floating into the room. Lemon.

  Chapter Seven

  Faith recognized the scent from when they brought her back to Earth. She pulled her kids closer to her, stepping back into Gordon’s arms.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Denver’s attention went to Gordon.

  “The Guild is here. I take it the balance is off here on Earth?” Gordon asked a man entering the house.

  “It’s more, but, yes. After your brother did some exploring, he learned Terrance, and this Mathew who tried to kill Maria are all connected to Xack, who no one seems to remember.”

  She reached over to her friend Maria who had tears in her eyes. “What about the wedding? This should be a happy day for Maria. She shouldn’t spend it locked down here with all these people around.” Faith was getting pissed.

  “Hey, my wedding can wait. Plus, we’re really already married by the laws of his people. But this can’t wait. I think we should have a gigantic slumber party instead.” A small grin slowly appeared on Maria’s face. “Remember….”

  She held up her hand. “Don’t say it. I was sick for three days.” Faith laughed. “But, I’ll admit, we had a ball.” She gave her kids a wink. Her son had the good grace to step back.

  “I so don’t like that gleam in your eyes. You are not putting makeup on me or painting my nails!” he snarled and they all burst out laughing.

  “That was when you were small. Plus you’re a male so you’ll have to find something to do with them.” Faith pointed to Gordon and Jake who growled at her. “They come with me so get used to it. Maybe you can do some male-bonding thing.” Faith giggled.

  “Men do not bond!”

  “Thank god you are okay, Faith!” Terrance’s mom stepped into the doorway with Vepar.

  “Are we allowed?” Alexander stepped forward with his hand out.

  “Of course you are. We can’t thank you enough for helping protect my woman’s friend. Already these ladies mean a lot to me, and any help protecting them would be greatly appreciated.” Alexander stepped aside, allowing them to enter.

  “Well you have three of the best standing behind you, but with this thing my son has befriended, I don’t know if we can offer much protection. Even some members of the Guild are nervous, and I’ve never seen that.” Vepar pulled Bethany closer to him.

  “I went and spoke with Terrance. It’s one of the reasons we’re all here.” Bethany got a faraway look and tears filled her eyes. “He was my little boy, just yesterday. This thing took so many years of my boy away from me, but…” Bethany shook her head and stared at her. “From what I could get understand, Xack is fascinated by all of you. My son couldn’t remember where he met whatever it is. Every time he thinks about the man, he reverts back to a raving madman.” Bethany shook her head. “But the times he was normal, he regretted everything he has done and warned this thing isn’t finished. It’s like he’s testing all of you. For what, I couldn’t find out.”

  Behind her, Gordon snarled. “Relax, Scale Man.” Faith patted his stomach before reaching out and taking Bethany’s hands. “Again, thank you for all you have done. Now, if you will excuse me, I need a nice hot bath and to get my kids settled. Sorry, guys, you’re staying together in the same room,” Faith told her kids. “Maria, the next room, okay?” Faith moved towards the rooms in question.

  “Yep, I knew they were coming, so it’s all ready. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Maria came over, hugged them, and then gave Gordon and James one of her looks. “You take care of my friends.” She wagged her finger and Alexander laughed, throwing her over his shoulder.

  “Only you would go toe to toe with a Nella. You have no self-preservation whatsoever.” He smacked her ass hard. “You are welcome to stay, Vepar, but, if you will excuse me, I need to have a serious talk with my woman. My personal assistant can ready a room for you.” A tall, thin man entered the hallway. “He’ll show you to your rooms. Mom, Dad, your rooms are ready, too,” he stated, starting down the stairway with Maria hitting his back.

  “Put me down.You do this every damn time,” she screamed and yelped when he slapped her butt again.

  “Be quiet!” he ordered and she stopped her struggles as they descended to the bottom floor.

  “Will we see you tomorrow, Bethany?” Faith took her kids’ hands.

  “Yes, but we’re going home. Be careful. I don’t want to lose you three. You’re all I have now, other than Vepar here.” Bethany hugged each of them before turning to Gordon. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about you and your brother. I’m trusting you with my family, so please protect them.”

  Jake stepped forward and bowed to her. “We would give our life for her and the children. They will be protected. I give my word.”

  “As I give mine.” Gordon squeezed her shoulder from behind.

  “Come on, guys,” Faith said. “The tub is calling my name and you two have to be tired after driving all the way from California.We will discuss that matter tomorrow.” Both of her
kids moaned.

  “Mom, I’m how old now?” Denver grumbled.

  “I don’t care how old you are. You will always be the little boy I held in my arms.” She took a deep breath, tears filling her eyes. “I had to give up your sister, you know. I’m sorry I’m so protective. When your grandmother was talking about your dad earlier, I knew how she felt.” Faith put her hand over her chest. “In here. I would die if something happened to each of you. So, give me some sort of peace, Denver, please.” Faith almost begged, needing for her son to understand.

  “You have to pull the heart stuff, don’t ya?” Denver pulled her into his arms, hugging her and Chance. “You two mean the world to me. We’ll find our sister after all this is behind us. But, if it means so much to you, I’ll be more careful.” He kissed the top of her head like she was a child. In size, Faith was. He towered over her. “But, Mom, you have to give me some leeway here.” He stepped back and stared at her. “I’ve been working with Vepar.”

  “What? When did you start? Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” She glared up at her son.

  “Because I knew you’d be acting like this. Mom, I’m over twenty and I need to learn about the other half of me. Who better than Vepar to teach me?” Denver said.

  “He does have a point. Vepar is one of the most….” Gordon was about to say deadly, Faith knew it.

  She spun, glaring at him. “Don’t you even say it. Don’t you think I know how deadly he is? But Denver is my baby.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. “Allow me to hold onto him a little while longer.”


  Gordon decided he’d rather face his enemy than see tears in Faith’s eyes. He wiped the droplet off her face. “But it is better he can protect himself and your daughter if needed. You are tired. Get your little ones settled and I’ll run your bath for you. Rest assured, Vepar has already assigned a warrior to be with your children.” He pointed at the demon man behind them.

  Her son stiffened and would have remarked about something, but Gordon placed his hand on his shoulder. “It would ease your mother’s worry, along with your grandmother’s to have the added protection, along with your grandmother. Would you deny them this?” he asked.

  Denver slumped his shoulders. “No, but I feel like a child again.” He raised his hand. “I know, Mom, I’ll always be your baby, but someday you are going to have to realize I’m not a child anymore.”

  “I know, Denver, and your grandmother does, too, but….” Faith stopped as Denver moved away from her.

  “Give him time. He’ll come around. Right now, it’s in him to protect your two, but having you remind him he’s a child does nothing for his confidence,” Gordon told her gently.

  “I know, but I’m so afraid what happened to his father will happen to him. I guess it’s called letting go, which I’m not very good at.” Faith moved down the hall with Chance next to her.

  “I don’t know about you, but if she cries one more time….” Jake mumbled as they followed Faith down the hall.

  “I know, brother, I know.” Gordon watched as Faith got her kids settled. By the time she left them, Denver had hugged his mom tight, telling her he’d see her in the morning.

  He held out his hand. “Come, Little Star. Jake has your bath running.”

  “I’m tired, Gordon. Even inside, I feel emotionally drained.” She stepped into her room. “Thank you for the flowers, but you didn’t need to.” She walked over to the flowers and smelled the roses, which they hadn’t placed there.

  “Come here, Faith,” Gordon met Jake’s gaze as he came out of the bathroom. His brother surveyed the area, the rose petals all over the bed, floor, and a black teddy on the bed. All of which neither of them had placed there.

  The fire inside him blazed full force, and it took everything he had to calm the blaze.

  A small knock on the door behind him and he knew Holbrook was there. “Come in,” he growled, the door opened itself.

  “So, whatever has done this has breached our security, even passed the Guild?” Holbrook studied everything with one of the Guild next to him.

  Faith stiffened and he knew she could smell the Guild. “What’s going on?” She slowly moved in a circle taking in everything, her gaze landing on the black teddy. “You didn’t give me the flowers? He was here, wasn’t he?” She hugged herself. “Chance,” Faith whispered, spinning around and running for the door, but Gordon was there first.

  “We go together.” Gordon grabbed onto her as Jake stepped before her. As soon as they were out the door, Gordon knew it wasn’t going to be good. There was blood on the floor under the door they had left not minutes before. Whatever, whoever this thing was, it had been in the house all along, and no one knew it or even sensed it.

  He picked up Faith twirling her around as Jake and Holbrook joined them. “Shhh, don’t think the worst.” He tried to calm her, but what went through his mind weren’t happy thoughts.

  “The guard is dead.” Denver came up to them holding his arms out for his mom. He had a cut above his eye, a bite mark on his arm.

  “Chance?” Faith asked, as he placed her into Denver’s arms.

  Gordon only saw the guard. “He took her, Mom. There was nothing I could do to stop him,” Denver told her, as Vepar flew down the hall with Alexander and his father.

  “My little girl!” Vepar’s scream shook the house. “Gordon, you can track this thing?”

  He stared at Faith who reached up and touched his cheek. “I haven’t tried. We didn’t have anything to go on. But now, I’ll try.” Gordon stepped around Vepar, hating that Faith would see the monster everyone was afraid of. “Jake, stay close to her. Don’t allow her out of your sight,” he ordered, closing the door to the room, sealing himself inside with the body.

  His woman’s child was gone, and no one took what belonged to him. Gordon called upon the Nella living inside him, releasing him.

  “Find her please.” He heard Faith’s plea as bones cracked. Scales now covered Gordon’s body, which was a smaller version of their true size as he paced the room, collecting all the evidence, before he would begin his hunt.

  Chapter Eight

  Her heart was either gone, or it was ripped into tiny pieces lying at her feet. Nothing made sense anymore. All her life, Faith had gone out of her way to make sure her children were protected and wanted for nothing, well, at least the two she had with her. While making sure they respected those around them. But nothing prepared her for this, nothing. She would rather have them pawing at her than have this kind of pain filling her.

  With a blanket around her, Faith stared out the window at the grounds of Alexander’s home, but everything was a blur. Jake’s arms were wrapped around her tight, making her feel secure and protected, not saying anything. Knowing there was nothing anyone could say. Her son sat on the floor next to her. He knew she needed to be able to touch and see him.

  She glanced down at the bite mark on his arm and shivered. “Jake, can you inspect his arm? Is there something moving in the bite mark?” Faith watched horrified as some kind of worm thing seemed to move through her son’s skin.

  Lemon scent and cloud vapor covered her son and Faith knew one of the Guild now inspected her son. She didn’t know about these beings, the Guild, but they had saved her, so she could only hope they would help Denver.

  “The Guild are the most advanced people and dangerous. They are like the human’s police, patrolling any major disturbance. I’m sure this new threat has them confused and pissed, since it seems this thing, whatever Xack is, has been here for a while on Earth without them knowing about it.”

  Denver winked at her. “It’s kind of like getting an x-ray, but you can feel them moving through ya. Damn, that hurt.”

  All three of them watched as a white worm-like creature at least a foot long was pulled from her son’s arm. “Okay, it’s gross to have that thing wiggling around inside me.” Her son actually sounded like the child she knew so well.

  “Denver,” Vepar growled and po
inted to her.

  “Oops, sorry, Mom.” He reached up with his good arm and squeezed her leg. “Didn’t mean to get all gory on you.”

  Behind her Jake placed a kiss on her neck, rubbing his cheek against her. “You going to get sick on me, Little Star?”

  “Wait.” She closed her eyes, trying desperately not to get sick. “Bathroom,” she muttered, and seeing the men so fast would have been comical had Faith not been about to lose it.

  Jake carried her there as her food rebelled in her stomach, coming up to greet the porcelain crown in a very fashionable way, all over the place. “Fuck,” Faith snapped between gags, hovering over the open portal.

  Kneeling beside her, Jake wiped her face. “Thank you for not getting that all over me.” He winked.

  As soon as Faith was done heaving, she sat against the tub, finally taking in all of the man kneeling before her. He was her man, handsome and strong. “Tell me, why me? What draws these psychotic assholes to me, my family, and my friends? If it hadn’t been for me and Terrance, that ass wouldn’t have gone after Maria.” She studied her hands, her vision blurred with tears. “Tell me so I can stop it. I can’t do this anymore. I’m too tired.” She glanced up, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I want my baby girl back in my arms, I’ve already lost one. I’d trade places with her in a second, you know that, right?”

  He sat down next to her. “Gordon is the best tracker in our family. He’ll find your baby girl and bring her home. As to why you attract these men, well, you have to consider. Terrance wasn’t always like this. This thing-creature-man-like thing changed him, and you had nothing to do with it.” Jake lifted her into his lap. “It may appear like it, but, Faith, this thing could have latched onto anyone, not just you. Who knows, maybe he wants us to think he wants you….” All the muscles in his body hardened under her. “Come on, baby, we need to talk to Alexander.”


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