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The Chronicles of Enhanced Males Part 1: Living Enlarged

Page 5

by Doc King

  Suddenly, I couldn’t move and everything turned dark. They used a taser, because I was behaving like a wild animal. The college didn’t file a report, because it was the last, ceremonial day, but this event had stained me and my reputation, which could only be saved by going to a place where no one knows me.

  I’ve been looking at the water flowing from the tap for several minutes now. Why did I have to think of him at all? Bryan Aldridge. Fucking animal. I’d choke him if I ever saw him again.

  Matt Dobkins? No, he’s way out of his league. Matt is just a toilet maid.

  I go back to my office. Laura looks at me with a smile that disappears instantly.

  - Mark, what’s wrong? You’re pale like a ghost.

  - It’s nothing. Everything’s fine. It must be low blood pressure. Nothing a cup of coffee can’t fix. – I try to smile, but I fail miserably.

  - I mean… if you’re not feeling well or… if you’re not sure, we can go out for a drink some other time.

  - No, no. Don’t be silly. We’re going. You and me. Just like we’ve agreed.

  That smile is back on her face again.

  I’m running tasks, but this time, I don’t look at the watch. I’m sure of this. A beer with Laura will do me good. Our talks always fix my mood. Why would this be any different? A casual conversation is just what I need right now. The two of us have learned how to stop talking when things go the wrong way. Start joking just at the right moment. We’re both mature enough to stick to harmless flirting.

  Are we?

  Turns out I was silly to worry. After work, we took a walk to the East Village. Wechsler’s is pretty crowded, but we find a spot. We order the currywurst and wheat beer the waitress recommended.

  - So this is your shelter? – asks Laura.

  - Something like that. I’m not a fan of fancy restaurants. I’m sorry, I chose the place without asking, maybe you wanted to go somewhere classier.

  - Do I look like that?

  - Classy? Well, yeah.

  - Flatterer. No, I don’t mind. I’m really an ordinary girl who likes to spend her weekends at home, under a blanket, watching movies and eating microwaved pizza leftovers. Nothing fancy. What? You look surprised?

  - Well, a bit. I’ve always imagined you as someone who’s out clubbing all the time, in tight dresses and high heels.

  - Oh, you’ve been imagining me?

  I blush.

  - I meant… Um…

  - Well, sometimes I am like that. Not that often, but I have my moments. Depends on the mood. You don’t expect women to be constants, do you?

  - Of course not. I love surprises.

  - Well, then, I’m glad I’ve managed to surprise you.

  We break into laughter.

  We continue talking with our mouths full, taking sips of beer after bites. We’re relaxed, as always. It turns out Laura and I have quite a lot in common. Two hours fly by and feel like two seconds.

  Afterwards, I walk her to the subway.

  - There. Did it hurt? – she asks me.

  - Well, no.

  - Making such a big deal out of what is simply beer and grub.

  - Ok, I won’t do it anymore.

  - Promise?

  - Scout promise. – I raise my right hand in the air.

  She kisses me on the cheek.

  The train arrives.I watch her go in. She sits right next to the window, with her back to me. She turns around to look at me once again before the train leaves. Gives me a magical smile and waves.

  My stomach is all fluttery. Shit. Just don’t fall in love.

  I go home. I’m not hungry. I do some jelqing before I go to sleep. I have to stop all the time because of the erection, because I’m thinking about Laura. Edging fails once again. Because I’m thinking about Laura.


  I wake up early in the morning. Hit the shower. I have enough time to do a couple of exercises. I owe you one more important exercise. Stretching. The technique consists of stretching flaccid penis clockwise, up, left, down, right. Every stretch lasts for 15 to 20 seconds. You count down, breathing regularly. It’s best to do stretching after you’ve had a warm shower, or after you’ve had your penis wrapped in wet, warm towel. You repeat it for up to 10 minutes. After that, I do a ten minute jelqing session. I get dressed and go to work.

  The day is filled with good news. Just as I expected, some teams are playing hard to get, but it’s nothing that can’t be solved in the future, once Streak becomes a well-known brand across the country. The most important thing is that the league is interested in the idea, so we focus on them. But first, we have to launch the product and watch it grow. I do some task distribution in my team. Matt is staying out of my way. Good. I’ll talk to Greg, so we can arrange a tour around the production sector.

  - We’re still on for tomorrow? – I toss in the question.

  - Of course. We’ll talk about the details tomorrow.

  Tomorrow night, we meet at a bar. They make great cocktails there. Still, we choose vodka.

  - This is hardly patriotic. – says Greg. – With all the domestic alcohol in here, we drink a Russian drink.

  - Don’t worry. It’s Finnish. – I add.

  - Ok, then. Na zdorovie. – he says and we both laugh our heads off.

  - No, seriously, you see, – he continues – moonshine is an all-American drink, but if they catch you making it, you’re fucked. But if you drink foreign drinks, you’re a patriot.

  - You should run for office. You’d do a great job, standing up for American interests.

  - Maybe I will. – he gives me a devilish wink.

  We toast and drink bottoms up.

  - Are you seeing someone? – I ask later on in the conversation.

  - Didn’t you say you weren’t gay?

  I’m dumbstruck.

  - Gotcha! – he laughs heartily – You made that face again. – he imitates me.

  I start laughing like crazy, but just because his laugh is so contagious.

  - Why do you want to know? – he stops laughing, but his expression is still pleasant. He doesn’t find the question awkward.

  - Well, you know, you told me last time that you were divorced, but I didn’t want to bother you with questions, because you mentioned that it was complicated.

  - Hmm, yeah. Well, I am seeing someone, but it’s even more complicated than my failed marriage. It’s partly the reason why my marriage to Jessica ended.

  - Have you got any kids?

  - Aha. A son, Raymond. He’s in college, in LA. There’s not much more I could say. – he takes a sip with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  He doesn’t wait for me to ask another question, but goes on.

  - Somehow I feel that life gave me a pretty strange role. The role of the one who always falls behind.

  I look at him over the rim of my glass.

  - Nothing ever went smoothly for me. Not for me as a player, not for me as a sportscaster, not even as an entrepreneur. I haven’t been a good husband, a good father. Not even a lover. – he smiles bitterly.

  - I don’t know about the rest, but we’ll change this entrepreneur part.

  He looks at me.

  - That’s why you came to ThinkBean. – I say in a serious voice, and then we fall about laughing again.

  Luckily, we stopped talking about serious matters on time. We continue our conversation in a more relaxed atmosphere, joking and talking about sports and other stuff. After all, that’s why we have gone out. To have fun, not to get all weepy.

  After a few drinks, I take him to a club, Redbeard. It’s been open for a few months. Some acquaintances told me it’s a cool place. They play electro, from the British 80s to hipster bands, which basically play that same music from the 80s, but with the conviction that they were the ones to discover and invent it. What’s more important than the music is the fact that it’s crawling with gorgeous women. That’s why the moment we step in, we start looking around the club, with half-drunken smiles on our faces, d
rooling like two virgin teenagers.

  As far as the eye can see, there are beautiful asses, tits, shiny, oiled-up bare legs and calves, perfect proportional faces, often with the help of minor interventions.

  The hostess takes us to the booth I reserved for us a couple of days ago. You should always think in advance, even when you don’t have a clear plan. They bring some champagne for us, until we decide what we will actually drink. We leave it unopened in the bucket and decide on the beer, any kind of light European lager, thank you very much.

  After a while, I notice that two girls are checking us out. One of them is a short girl with black hair, wearing a pink mini dress. Exotic kind of beauty. Could be anything, from Mexican to Lebanese. The other one is a beautiful American blonde in a black tinsel dress. They’re smiling at us.

  - Hey, Greg. Would you mind terribly if two ladies joined us. This booth is getting too big. Have I told you about my fear of open spaces? – I laugh like a fool.

  - No. I mean, you haven’t told me. And yes. Bring them over. I hope you didn’t think I was going to spend the whole evening with you?

  - You’re breaking my heart.

  I get up and walk up to the ladies. I introduce myself.

  - I’m Lulu – says the one with black hair. – And I’m Tawnee – says the blonde.

  You don’t say, I think to myself. Their names suit them. I measure them up as I spill the bullshit they obviously find funny. They’re hot. I imagine the tanned curves underneath those skimpy dresses. I then politely invite them to join us, which they gladly accept.

  We pop the champagne for the ladies. We all toast to the beautiful night ahead of us and the two of us continue charming them. They laugh at everything we say. We’re on a roll.

  - What do you say we take this to my place? – asks Lulu at some point – I live nearby.

  - Well... I guess we could come by for a drink or two. – I respond.

  Greg nods as he finishes his drink. Then he insists on footing the bill, and it takes me a while to talk him out of it. The ladies drag him out, laughing all the while, and I stay in and take care of the bill. I leave a sizable tip, and they see me off with smiles.

  I meet them outside. The girls are still talking and laughing, but Greg has a strange expression on his face. As if he’s shat himself. Like, literally, filled his pants.

  - Hey, shall we?

  - You go... – starts Greg – I can’t. I have a bunch of work to do tomorrow. And I’m drowsy.

  - Come on, are you kidding me?

  I look at him. It’s as if the fresh air has suddenly sobered him up and he realizes where he is, and it’s not the where he wants to be.

  - Greg?

  - No, Mark. Really. Thanks for a wonderful evening. We’ll do this again sometime. But I’ve had enough for tonight. I must be out of shape. Ladies, excuse me. – he smiles politely.

  He turns around and walks away. Hails a cab and we stay there, confused. I look at the girls.

  - I’m not sure if you’re no longer in the mood or the invitation still stands?

  - Of course it does. – Lulu responds with a wink – There’s still enough of us. You know what they say, two's company, three's a party.

  Wow, I think to myself.

  - Ok, lead the way.


  The apartment is one block away from the club, in an ugly brown-brick building with zigzag fire escape on the east side. The place is small and comfortable, with a large bed in the middle of the room. The largest I’ve ever seen. As soon as I come close to it, Lulu trips me and makes me land on the bed. I turn around and lie on my back.

  - Whoops. – she says.

  Tawnee is having trouble taking her heels off standing up. Lulu gets down on her knees and starts unzipping my pants. She’s looking me straight in the eyes, with the naughtiest smile on her face. She raises her eyebrow in surprise, once she feels under her fingers how big I am.

  - So, no drinks? – I ask, feigning disappointment.

  - We’ve had enough to drink.

  In one slick movement, Tawnee takes off her dress, which slides down her thighs and legs. She’s as hot as I imagined. She gets down on her knees as well and joins Lulu, smiling. The two of them first look at me, then at each other, and then they French kiss. Crammed in my pants, which Lulu stopped unzipping, the erection is getting painful. Fuck, take it out, I’m going to explode.

  As if she’s read my mind, Lulu pulls my pants and boxers down, licking her lips.

  - Fuck! – Tawnee says in shock once she sees my dick.

  Lulu laughs loudly.

  - You’re full of surprises. – she says. – I’m not sure I’ll have a condom that big.

  She walks up to the nightstand and opens a drawer. She pulls out three condoms with a smile.

  XXL. – she waves them in front of her face.

  She kneels in front of me again. Puts my cock in her mouth. She slides her lips just below the glans, swirling her tongue. Tawnee squeezes my balls with her hand, looking me straight in the eyes and biting her lower lip. Then she takes them in her mouth, stroking them with her tongue, creating a vacuum with her full lips. I feel pleasant pain and moan loudly.

  Lulu’s lips are going lower and lower, to the middle of my penis. I feel her teeth making pleasant friction.

  - Am I rough? – she asks me at one point.

  - No... – I barely utter with a moan.

  The two of them kiss again. Darting their tongues, as Lulu jerked me off.

  Then Tawnee takes it in her mouth. She’s not as skillful as Lulu. She’s trying to impress me and put my whole dick in her mouth. She managed to do it twice, smearing mascara around her eyes.

  Lulu pushes us both onto bed. I lie on my back. Tawnee spreads her legs above me. She’s got a beautiful cunt. Shaved, tiny pink vulva. I lick her pussy as Lulu blows me again. Tawnee is moaning louder and louder as I roll my tongue around her clit. My hands squeeze her breasts and nipples hard. I can hear a silent scream after every moan. I’m all wet with her juices around my mouth and chin. Lulu is down there, taking my whole cock in her mouth, I can feel it. She does it much better and she’s more experienced than Tawnee.

  Like a good organizer, she moves us again, so we make a circle on the bed. I’m licking Tawnee’s pussy, Tawnee’s licking Lulu’s, Lulu’s blowing me. We’re turning into an ouroboros of sexual pleasure.

  Tawnee lies on her back and Lulu goes down on her. She turns her firm ass to me and looks at me seductively. I put on a condom and shove my cock inside her in relief. Her pussy’s tight, even for a much smaller dick than mine. I first fuck her slowly, and then speed up more and more. She licks Tawnee’s pussy in the same rhythm, and has her screaming at the top of her lungs. It turns me on even more. I move my hips faster and faster. Lulu moans louder and louder. She turns her face to me. From a dominant woman who knows what she wants, she turns into a submissive, fearful girl. She knows what men want, and this change of mood gives a man the illusion of power and control. Like any other man, I’m turned on by this.

  Lulu takes my dick out of her pussy and gets up. Tawnee pulls me closer, moaning louder and louder, her moans turning into screams of passion as she starts riding my cock. Lulu is standing on the side. She has a narcissistic smile on her face, as she caresses my nape. She puts her hand between her legs and begins to masturbate as she watches Tawnee and me fuck.

  Tawnee is moving her hips faster and faster. Her sighs are getting more and more frequent. She cums, with short, inaudible sighs coming from her mouth. She’s shivering all over.

  Lulu takes my cock out and takes off the condom. She continues jerking me off. I cum all over Tawnee. Streams of sperm splash across her stomach and her breasts as I moan loudly. Lulu is sliding her hand down my penis more and more slowly. Tawnee lies with her eyes closed and her head turned to the side. Her hand is between her thighs that are pressed together and still shaking.

  - Oh, fuck... – I utter. – So good.

  - Now we can have a
drink. – Lulu says with a smile and goes to the fridge.

  She returns with a bottle of champagne. In the yellowish light coming from the hall, she looks like a painting on canvas. Nature’s masterpiece.

  The two of us are drinking champagne. Tawnee is still lying on the bed, with her eyes closed and a smile on her lips.

  - Want a drink, baby? – Lulu asks her.

  She shakes her head and moans lazily. Then she gets up and takes several quick, bouncy steps to the bathroom. I can hear the shower running.

  Lulu takes the glass from my hand and leaves it somewhere on the side. She looks at my crotch. The situation down there remains unchanged. My cock is still rock hard. Lulu is carefully sliding her fingers down the skin with pulsating, intertwined veins underneath.

  - You have a wonderful cock. – she says.

  She takes it in her hand and slowly strokes it up and down. I moan. Then she opens a condom and puts it on. She rides me, slowly impaling herself on my cock. I squeeze her but. She pushes her big breasts into my face. I suck one and then the other, biting the nipples, making her sigh loudly. She knocks me down onto the bed and continues riding me, by crouching and laying her hands on my chest. Tawnee comes out of the bathroom.


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