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Dazon Agenda: Complete Collection

Page 16

by Kit Tunstall

  How would Ysaak’s semen taste? As the fruit slid down her throat, she imagined being on her knees before him, taking his cock into her mouth, and discovering for herself. That left her breasts heavy and aching with need, instant heat spiraling through her belly, but she tried to rein in the erotic image images parading behind her eyes. She couldn’t afford to allow herself to get distracted.

  “Was it as sweet as you expected?”

  She wiped her chin. “Even sweeter.” For her part, she was referring to both the fruit and Ysaak.

  “Have you gotten your fill, Embeth?”

  She nodded as she pushed back from her seat, suddenly feeling the need to escape, or at least put some proximity between them. She glanced around. “I have an indelicate question, Ysaak. Do you have restroom facilities on your shuttle?”

  He smiled. “Of course. Allow me to show you where they are.” He led her to the section and showed her how to use it before exiting the craft again.

  After attending to her business, she stepped out of the shuttle, knowing she should suggest they move on, but still enthralled by the beauty and tranquility around them, even though it looked wild and dangerous. Ysaak stood closer to the edge of the cliff, so she walked over to join him. Without thinking, she put her arm around his waist and leaned against him. “Is this the favorite spot you were telling me about yesterday?”

  His arm came around her in a similar gesture, and he pulled her closer. “It is. I feel at peace here. When I was younger, I would sometimes jump from the cliff into the water below, though I’ve gained common sense and no longer do such things now.”

  She looked down, dizzy at just the thought of plunging so far before splashing into the turbulent purple water below. “I admire that you could make the leap to start with. I’m not that brave.”

  He chuckled. “I think it takes great bravery to fold across the galaxy to an alien planet in an attempt to find peace for both planets. It makes jumping off the cliff look insignificant, belisa.”

  She turned her head to look up at him with a frown. “What is belisa?”

  He tipped his head, seeming to be searching for a clarifier. “It would be like beautiful angles, I suppose.”

  Her lips twitched. “Do you think the translation program means angel instead?”

  He seemed to consider it for a moment, and it was clear the translation program was actively processing. A moment later, he grinned. “Yes, I suppose angel would be a much better fit than angles.”

  She giggled, allowing herself to snuggle deeper into his embrace, though it was dangerous. In that moment, she decided common sense was overrated, and she might even jump off the cliff with him if he brazenly suggested such a thing. At least a metaphorical cliff, and she lifted her head without thought as he looked down at her.

  A moment later, Ysaak’s mouth slanted over hers, and they shared a gentle, almost exploratory, kiss. Their lips molded together, and his tongue swiped over hers in small strokes before gently probing the seam of her mouth to gain entry. She granted the request without having to think twice, opening her mouth to accept his tongue, which she stroked with her own.

  He tasted sweet, almost so sweet that it bordered on bitter, and though the first taste was unpleasant, she soon adapted to the difference between him and a human male, and as the kiss deepened, she found his taste was addictive.

  “Embeth.” He whispered her name when he broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to hers gently as they looked into each other’s eyes. “I was certain it was a myth, or just an old-fashioned notion our people had outgrown.”

  “What was a myth?” Her voice was raspy with passion, and she didn’t sound like herself. For that matter, she didn’t feel like herself at the moment. She felt lightheaded and swept away by need.

  “The mating flare. I felt it the first time I touched you, but I didn’t want to believe it. It’s such a silly concept, and there are many complications involved, but I can no longer deny my mating instinct flares around you. You’re meant to be my mate, Embeth.”

  Her eyes widened, and her body jerked with spasms of pleasure at the words. Her brain wanted to reject them as silly and primitive, but every other part of her was embracing the idea with gusto.

  She tangled her fingers through his thick brown hair, pulling his head back to hers for another long kiss. This one was more frantic and full of ardor than the first one, and they were both perilously close to losing control. She could feel them edging toward the drop-off of the cliff, though it wasn’t a real cliff. If she let herself go, she might lose sight of why she was there, or do something to inadvertently sabotage finding a peaceful resolution with the Dazon.

  With that thought in mind, she forced herself to break the kiss, moving a step back from him, though her hands remained plastered to his chest, smoothing the silky fabric of his black suit without thought. “I can’t do this. Not yet, I mean. I want to, but—”

  “You have more important matters to focus on.”

  Embeth shook her head. “Not more important. Simply bigger. The outcome affects more than just you and me, so I need to focus on why I’m here and not allow myself to get distracted with passion.”

  “I know you’re right, but the more time I spend with you and touch you, the more difficult it is to control the mating flare. There’s a voice roaring in the back of my head that you belong to me, and it’s taking every vestige of control I have not to claim you as my mate right this moment.”

  With a long sigh, he dropped his hands from her. “Knowing that, I should get you back to the palace and safely out of the path of temptation, at least for now.” His voice had a faint edge of warning when he added, “This isn’t over though, Embeth. When the peace talks are over, and a negotiated agreement is reached, then you will be my mate.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she simply squeezed his hand with hers before following him back to the shuttle. Her body was clamoring to mate with him, but the idea of actually being his mate, of accepting him as the equivalent of a husband on such short acquaintance, seemed surreal and terrifying. But also exhilarating and more right than it should, she admitted to herself as she boarded the tiny craft and took her seat once more.

  They hadn’t known each other long, and it was far too soon to rush into something as serious as bonding or marriage, but once business was concluded with the Emperor and Aryk, she intended to explore whatever this thing was developing between herself and the Second Prince. She owed that to both of them, just in case there was something to the mating flare idea.

  Chapter Four

  She was having a terrible dream. She knew she must be dreaming, but it was more of a nightmare. She was paralyzed and unable to move or speak, and it reminded her of the night terrors she had experienced as a child. The mission and the stress of it must have stirred them up again, leaving her locked in her subconscious and at the mercy of her mind.

  She was unsurprised when flashes of Jorvak Ha’s face filled her vision, and she tried to scream and thrash, though she couldn’t move. Embeth was desperate to wake up, but she could do nothing but ride out the duration of the dream. Everything was hazy, though she remembered pain and the need to scream. Finally, the paralysis broke, and she woke with a cry of terror trapped in her throat.

  Her heart was pounding, and she sat up abruptly, reaching for the sensor pad that turned on the light. A moment later, the warm glow of the lighting system filled the room and chased away all the shadows. It had been one heck of a nightmare. Her heart was still racing, and she was faintly damp from perspiration. She wiped her brow with the silky coverlet as she struggled to regain control.

  Suddenly, she didn’t want to be alone, but it wasn’t Damon she wanted. Instead, acting more on instinct than logic, she pressed the communication button near the sleeping platform and asked the person who answered to send Prince Ysaak to her room. In her vulnerable state, she knew she shouldn’t invite him in, but she wanted to feel his arms around her in a reassuring fashion
, to know she was safe.

  He arrived quickly, and she sobbed with relief when Ysaak entered the bedroom, coming straight to the sleeping platform. She held out her arms, and he didn’t hesitate to join her on the soft cloud of a bed, taking her into his arms.

  Feeling him hold her was reassuring, and finally the fear started to dissipate. She was still trembling, and she rolled close to his warmth as he whispered softly against her temple. His words finally penetrated the haze of her thoughts, and she realized he was asking her what had happened. “Nothing really. I just had a terrible nightmare. I don’t remember the details, though Jorvak Ha was there. I was probably dreaming I was one of the poor women he had kidnapped and experimented on.”

  He made a soothing sound as he rubbed her back. “I won’t let him touch you.”

  She lifted her head, giving him a feeble smile. “I don’t think I’m a target anyway. I don’t have Kaiser’s Syndrome. It was simply my imagination and the stress of the mission, I’m sure, combining to give me terrible nightmares. I used to have night terrors as a child, and I’m occasionally still plagued by them when I’m overly stressed.”

  He nodded. “I just want you to know I would do anything to protect you from Jorvak or my brother. I don’t believe you’re a target either, but no one will harm my mate if I’m alive to prevent it.”

  Her heart stuttered at his words, and though she didn’t commit to the idea of being his mate, she could no longer fight her own need to feel his arms around her…and more. She started kissing him, and there was no hesitation on either side. She didn’t hold back, and she was certain he had unleashed whatever scraps of self-control he’d clung to in order to keep from doing this earlier, when they had stood near the edge of the cliff and looked down over the waterfall.

  She had studied enough of their culture to understand how to make his suit disappear, and she flicked the button on his neck when she found it, moaning her delight when he was naked before her a moment later. Clearly, he felt the imbalance and set about removing her cotton nightgown.

  He stripped it over her head and tossed it away without regard for its landing spot before his mouth returned to hers, consuming her with obvious hunger.

  She let her hands roam over his golden-brown skin, tracing every line and nuance, making note of his rippling muscles, and the way his body spasmed when she sucked on his tongue.

  “My mate,” he growled against her lips as he broke away from her temporarily, but only to adjust their position so that he could lift her higher. “Perfect body and perfect skin.”

  His words were heady and made all the more tantalizing by the fact she was certain he was telling her the truth. Men had called her beautiful before, often going for her curvy frame and luscious butt, but none had seemed to find her as perfect as he did.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, stroking the bristly hair at the side of his head with one hand while the other brushed against the nape of his neck. His mouth sought out her left breast, sucking forcefully on the generous mound as his tongue teased her nipple. She rubbed her body against him, needing release and something more from him.

  His mouth moved her other breast, and she whimpered her pleasure when his tongue twirled around the taut bud. “Ysaak, I need you.”

  “I need you too,” he said roughly against her breast, part of her nipple still in his mouth obscuring the clarity of his words. “I need to taste and touch you and know every inch of you, my precious mate.”

  She pushed him back gently, pressing against his shoulders until he got the message that she wanted him to lie back. He let out a groan of frustration when his mouth separated from her breast, and she made a soothing sound by clicking her tongue softly at him. Embeth slid slowly down his body, her wet pussy leaving proof of her arousal on his skin as she went.

  She settled between his knees, urging his legs to spread further as she confronted the proof of his arousal. His cylindrical shaft thrust proudly upward, and she examined it for a moment, surprised by how ergonomically shaped he was with his rounded tip and no obvious head. There was a slit at the tip leaking his fluid, and she bent her head to taste.

  It was even sweeter than his kisses, and she found herself eagerly drinking from his erection as steady streams of his arousal flooded her tongue. She sucked and bobbed her head, loving his growls of pleasure and the way his hips thrust urgently toward her mouth. When the steady stream of his semen became a torrent, and he called out her name as his body spasmed, she lightened her suction and flicked her tongue across the tip, uncertain if he became sensitive like a human male, but not wishing to hurt him as he exploded into an intense orgasm.

  His tip continued to weep sweet nectar, and she licked it away as she waited for his breathing to return to normal. His skin had flushed slightly more golden, and he almost glowed in his luminescence. The sight of Ysaak in a post-orgasmic state was breathtaking, and it made her want to send him there again.

  With that thought in mind, she began to ramp up the intensity of her suction again and yelped a protest when he suddenly lifted her off him, almost violently, though he didn’t hurt her.

  “No,” he almost roared at her as he pushed her into the mattress, pressing her back firmly into it as he parted her thighs and took up residence between them. “I must be inside you now, my mate.”

  Her body was eager and ready for him, and despite his intimidating size, the perfect design of his cock made it easier to accept all of him than she would have expected. His girth eased inside her slippery passage a moment later, and she moaned as he stretched and overfilled her in a delicious way.

  “I knew you were mine when I saw your picture.” He almost completely withdrew before thrusting back into her again. “Tried to deny it… Fool… Mine,” he completed with a growl as he began to thrust rapidly in and out of her.

  She met each thrust with her own intense need, slipping a hand between her body so she could stroke her clit and bring herself closer to the edge that much faster. Their joining was frantic and intense, and everything she had ever wanted, but nothing like she had expected.

  Briefly, as she hovered on the edge of orgasm and could feel his shaft twitching inside her in preparation of his own release, she considered the idea of asking him to pull out. Realizing there was no danger of pregnancy, since she wasn’t suffering from Kaiser’s Syndrome, she ignored the impulse and clamped her thighs around him to pull him even deeper inside her spasming sheath.

  They orgasmed at the same time, and they shouted out their mingled pleasure as they came together, and when he whispered, “My mate,” against her ear, she didn’t have the strength or the inclination to refute the assumption, at least not then. Being in his arms like that, and in a vulnerable state from passion and release, she couldn’t find a valid reason to refute his assumption that she was his mate.

  Chapter Five

  Embeth woke alone to the annoying beeping of the alarm she had programmed on her smartphone. Ysaak must have slipped out sometime in the early morning hours, and though she understood the need to be discreet, she still keenly felt his absence.

  As she rolled out of bed, her head was swimming, and chills shook her. Her entire body ached, and it was like having the ‘flu and a migraine all at once. She barely made it to the en suite bathroom before she vomited, having to spend several minutes leaning against the toilet before she was certain she could stand up.

  Falling ill was an unexpected turn of events, and she hoped she hadn’t picked up some dreadful alien virus for which she had no immunity, though she had learned during her research that Dazons rarely suffered from any illness, since most had been eliminated due to genetic manipulation and nanotechnology. More likely, it was something she’d picked up on Earth before her departure, and it had taken a few days to incubate.

  A quick shower left her feeling just slightly better than death, and she managed to slip on a loose black dress that was appropriate for the morning meeting, but wasn’t too taxing to put on.

nbsp; A glance in the mirror revealed her complexion was more gray than brown, and she looked awful. Though she lacked the energy to do it, she forced herself to apply enough makeup so that she didn’t look like she was about to keel over. She didn’t think she was critically ill, but she was definitely the sickest she’d ever been in her life. Not that she would allow that to keep her from hopefully getting a peaceful agreement settled with the emperor that day.

  She had barely finished preparations when there was a chime at her door, and the hydraulic doors parted to reveal Damon standing there, with Ysaak a couple of feet behind him. “If you’re ready, Ambassador Williams, I’ll escort you to the meeting room,” said Damon.

  “That won’t be necessary, Lieutenant Connors. I’ll take the ambassador.”

  Damon seemed nonplussed by Ysaak’s words, but he inclined his head.

  She fell into step beside Ysaak, leaning heavily against him for a moment as a wave of lightheadedness swept over her. She trembled from a chill, and his arm around her waist.

  “Embeth? What’s wrong?”

  She gave him a shaky smile and concentrated on walking forward. “I woke up feeling ill. I’m sure it will pass, and I’m certainly not delaying our talks because of a touch of the ‘flu.”

  He looked concerned. “Why don’t I take you to the medical facility before the meeting?”

  She shook her head, almost immediately regretting the motion because caused a wave of nausea to overtake her. “No, that won’t be necessary.” Since the Dazon relied heavily on nanotechnology for health, she assumed the solution offered to her would be in the form of nanotechnology.


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