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Dazon Agenda: Complete Collection

Page 31

by Kit Tunstall

  Evelyn didn’t verbally respond. She simply removed the hair comb from the case, and then lifted the comb, showing the workmanship to her daughter. A moment later, with a small shriek of metal against metal, she separated the parts of the hair comb to reveal a wicked blade. “This is a modification courtesy of Karsh and Prince Ysaak. The emperor doesn’t know this hair comb is now a weapon.” Her mother reached into the box, withdrawing a clear vial filled with translucent liquid. It had a faint lavender sheen, but was otherwise undetectable as different from any other clear liquid. “This is a modification from Dr. Wy. It contains a chemical he’s developed that will break down the nanotechnology, but it has to be inserted at the hive point. That’s the only way it can work fast enough before the other nano can start repairing itself.”

  Her mind was awhirl, and she struggled to focus on which question to ask. “What’s a hive point?”

  “From what Dr. Wy explains to me, I think I understand the concept. When the nanotechnology enters the body, it’s usually injected into the spine, because it’s the most direct route to the brainstem, other than the brainstem itself. There’s too much potential for damage to directly inject nanotechnology that close to the point where it’s all attracted. Regardless of where they’re injected in the body though, the nanotechnology migrates to the brainstem first, building its connections and pathways, sort of like its own little headquarters, before replicating and sending nanotechnology throughout the body. It’s like the brain of the system.”

  “The brain in the brain.” She shook her head, uncertain why she had the urge to giggle, since none of this was at all funny. She suspected it was simply nerves. “So you have a substance that will destroy his nanotechnology, but how is it supposed to get into him?”

  Evelyn slipped the items back into the box as she spoke. “That’s where you come in, my dear. You’re not going to Dazonia Major to marry that asshole. If you’re agreeable, I’m sending you there to assassinate him while the others put in place the rest of the plan.”

  Jordan’s mouth dropped open, and she was genuinely shocked at her mother’s words, though a glimmer of the idea had started to penetrate her brain. “You want me to kill him? I’m not trained to do that.”

  Evelyn allowed a little anxiety to show. “I know you aren’t, but that’s what makes you even more ideal. He’s going to be blinded by lust, and he’ll underestimate you. He sees you as nothing more than a human woman, which isn’t a valuable item to him anyway, aside from your womb and…” Her mother trailed off, waving toward the lower region of her lap. “That. He won’t expect you to be any danger to him, so once you have him alone, you have an opportunity to end this. Prince Ysaak will be nearby, ready to fold into Dazonia Major and take over, since he’s next in line for the throne. There are other facets of the plan that are in development, and I’m not at liberty to share all of them with you just in case —”

  “In case they figure out what’s going on and torture and interrogate me?” She didn’t feel any better seeing the confirmation in her mother’s gaze. On an intellectual level, she knew what this must be costing her mother, to offer Jordan up as the assassin, placing her in a dangerous situation without any guarantee of success or safety.

  That didn’t keep the emotional side of her from feeling betrayed and angry, and she had to breathe deeply to hold in the impulse to scream at her mother and storm out. Fear prompted her to refuse to cooperate, but logic allowed her to see this might be the best opportunity they had to bring down the emperor and Ha. “What about Ha? Someone has to deal with him too.”

  Her mother nodded. “That’s all part of the plan. If things go accordingly, you’ll depose Aryk, Ysaak can step in for him, and Ha will be dead. There might still be some resistance, and it’s possible that Earth women will still be targeted for abduction on a smaller scale by Dazons who supported Aryk, but at least we won’t be fighting an entire civilization that’s far more advanced than us. Dr. Ha wants our wombs, and Aryk wants absolute power. Ysaak just wants peace, the same as us, and if there was any other way to make it happen, don’t for one minute believe I would be okay with choosing this way. I don’t want to send you there, and I won’t force you to go. I just wanted to present the option to you and let you make the decision.”

  With a long sigh, Jordan reached for the velvet box. “What other decision is there, Mother? This is our best opportunity to end the war.” She settled back against her seat, having her mother walk her through applying the poison to the blade, and then discussing several contingency plans with her before they finally parted, since she needed to return to the consulate and find a way to break the news to Sash that she was getting married—though she hoped to enact her part of the plan before that part became necessary—and her mother had a meeting with the Egyptian Prime Minister.

  She wasn’t imagining that her mother clung more tightly to her than usual when they parted with a hug, and she allowed herself to bury her face against her mother’s shoulder for a moment, wanting to beg for a reprieve as fear consumed her. Instead, she forced herself to step back before exiting the office to join her security team. They seemed unnecessary, since her mother was about to relay the news to Aryk that there would be a marriage and supposedly a treaty, but she still took comfort in their presence. It was a false illusion that made her feel safe from Aryk, but it was all she had at the moment.

  She couldn’t wait to feel Sash’s arms around her and draw strength and comfort from him, even if she couldn’t fully confide in him. As they folded back to the consulate, she figured that out for herself. She couldn’t tell anyone about her plan to assassinate the emperor, including her lover. Perhaps if he’d been her mate, she would have had to tell him the full truth, but it was safer not to tell anyone that didn’t have to know, and since Sash had never made any claim on her, and didn’t seem to feel she was his mate, she couldn’t tell him.

  She was certain he’d be angry either way, but she didn’t want to deal with his reaction. It could go one of two ways. The first was he might not care, at least not beyond the fact that she was being forced into this, as he perceived it. Even worse, he might care so much that he tried to stop her from going, and she’d have to anyway. That would break both their hearts. She didn’t imagine that was the case, but she clung to the hope that her news of the forthcoming union with Aryk might force a crack in the emotional wall Sash maintained between them.

  She didn’t see Sash for the rest of the day, but she wasn’t surprised when he showed up at her quarters that night. They spent more nights together than apart, and sometimes she wondered just how secret their secret liaison really was. She was too preoccupied with more important matters to care if word leaked out that they were having an affair. Who would care anyway? Neither one of them was married or involved with others, though technically that was about to change for her—but only if she couldn’t accomplish her mission before she had to marry the odious Emperor Aryk.

  He slipped into her bed, already naked, as was she. She’d been expecting him, and though she should tell him now, she decided to put it off for a while. Tonight might be the last night she ever had with him, because she couldn’t ignore the possibility she might be captured or killed if Aryk discovered her true purpose for agreeing to the match.

  Even though Sash wasn’t in love with her, as she turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck while she kissed him, she admitted to herself what she’d known for weeks. She had fallen hard for the commander, though it was futile. Humans didn’t have a mating flare, so she hadn’t relied on such an instinct, but he clearly did, and it didn’t tell him she was his mate.

  Loving him was only going to break her heart, but she couldn’t seem to stop doing it any more than she could turn away from his touch when his mouth slipped lower, gliding over her throat and across her shoulder, where he nibbled lightly. She twined her fingers through his hair, holding him closer to her as she savored his hands on her and his skin against her own.

  She w
anted it to be a night he’d never forget in case it was their last one together. He would probably find his mate someday, but Jordan wanted to leave an impression behind. She wanted him to think of her whenever he took another woman to bed, even if that was his precious mate. Intense anger at a woman she’d never met, who might not even exist, overwhelmed her for a moment, and she had to take several deep breaths to rein in the reaction.

  She didn’t like the thought of him touching anyone else, or of another woman’s hands on him. In her heart, he belonged to her, but unless he wanted to, she couldn’t enforce that in any way. The best she could do was leave him with a lingering feeling of regret at having lost her.

  She wiggled her way down his body, licking her tongue over his nipples, first one and then the other, as he moaned. He must have realized her intent, because he flipped onto his back, pulling her atop him in the process. She went slowly, dragging her tongue down the hard planes and angles of his golden-brown skin, smiling when his abdomen fluttered under her tongue as she grew ever closer to her destination.

  Sash twined a hand through her hair, seeming to want to guide her to where he wanted her mouth, but he didn’t impose his will on her. He simply held his hand there and allowed her to arrive at her own pace. When her mouth reached his perfectly smooth, cylindrical cock, he let out a low moan of pleasure as her lips glided over the tip.

  Her moan echoed his, and the almost bittersweet taste of him flooded her tongue. He produced a steady stream of the sweet fluid, and she sucked it eagerly, enjoying both his taste and his reaction to her mouth. He moaned and thrashed, and having him at her mercy was satisfying, especially since she wanted to leave a lasting impression.

  Perhaps she should have pulled away, saving his orgasm for penetration, but he tasted so good, and he made such sweet sounds, that she couldn’t force herself to stop. She brought him over the edge, and Sash’s erection tightened in her mouth before he came, waves of his release cascading over her tongue and down her throat with ease. Dazon cum was thinner and sweeter than human males’, making the act even more pleasurable for both of them.

  Sash tugged gently on her hair, easing her up his body again, so he could lift his head while tugging hers down. Their lips met in a fiery kiss a moment later, and she gasped when his fingers surged inside her, pressing lightly on her clit in the perfect place to make her hips jump. “What are you doing?”

  He gave her lazy grin. “I’m catching you up.”

  She couldn’t argue with that decision, especially since his fingers were so talented at what they were doing. Considering Sash had been a virgin until they had become lovers, he had picked up quite a lot over the intervening weeks. Sometimes, he seemed to be teaching her new things.

  They continued kissing as he fingered her, her juices soaking his hand in no time. She came with a small, keening cry as she contracted around his digits, and his mouth swallowed the sounds.

  They maintained their frantic kissing as he angled her hips, moving her slightly downward so his cock, returned to full rigidity, could slide inside her. As always, he left her feeling stretched, but in a pleasant way, and she rocked her hips as she sat down on him, sighing with satisfaction when he was completely inside her.

  They moved together in a rapid pace, their frantic urgency obvious in both the way they kissed and the way they made love. For her, there was an extra edge of desperation to it, and she wanted to cling to him. She hovered on the edge of telling him everything right then, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment, especially since it might be one of their last few together.

  She was also afraid to open her mouth and confess how much she loved him, because it would just be awkward. If she had been his mate, he would have known by now, and he certainly would have told her. She didn’t think he would deliberately hurt her, but he would tell her what she already knew—she wasn’t the one destined for him, and he didn’t want to lead her on and one day break her heart when he found his mate. She couldn’t bear to stand to hear those words come from his lips, so she kept her mouth closed to avoid all conversation.

  The only time her resolve weakened was when she started to orgasm several minutes later, and her mouth dropped open as she gasped out his name. She could feel the words hovering on the edge of her tongue, but she wouldn’t allow her treacherous heart to spur her to speak them. Instead, she kissed him with more fervor than ever as he spilled his seed inside her, and they were one for a long, blissful moment.

  She lay with him afterward, trying to compose her thoughts and figure out the best way to tell him she was marrying the emperor without fully revealing the plan and risking everything. Feeling as mellow and blissful as she did at the moment, perhaps it was a bad time to have the conversation.

  She would be vulnerable to suggestion, both his own and hers, and she might end up withdrawing her consent to the union if he spoke enough logic. She had to admit it wouldn’t take much to convince her heart to forget about the idea of marrying and assassinating Aryk, because that organ wasn’t in the decision at all. She wanted nothing to do with Aryk, and she was too exposed at the moment. She’d be susceptible to his suggestion to let it go and find another way.

  There might be another way, but it wouldn’t be this fast, and it might not have such a high potential for completely eliminating the emperor. She had to do what she’d agreed to, and she couldn’t let anyone talk her out of it, including herself. With that in mind, she simply snuggled closer to him, letting her thoughts wander as the urge to sleep gently stole over her, and her snores joined his a few moments later.

  The communication system in her room was programmed to her preferences, so the news program popped on at seven-thirty the next morning, just as it always did. It was a way to stay informed, and it also doubled as her alarm clock. Normally, she was able to pop out of bed fairly easily and begin her day, being a morning person, but today she just snuggled against Sash, enjoying his arm around her as she stared up at him, waiting for his eyes to open.

  His breathing had changed when the TV came on, so she was certain he was waking up. A moment later, his dark orbs were visible when his eyelids lifted. She smiled at him, wondering if they could squeeze in a few more moments of intimacy before their day began.

  She had no idea when she was supposed to meet the emperor, or when the dreaded event had been scheduled, but she imagined it would take weeks, or perhaps even months, to iron out all the details, considering she was marrying an emperor, and she was the daughter of the President of the United States. Surely, that would take a long while to sort out. In the meantime, she would spend as many hours as she could steal away from the real world here with Sash. First, she had to tell him the truth though.

  It proved difficult to do so when his mouth captured hers for a long kiss. They both had morning breath, so they canceled each other out, or so she told herself as she lost herself in kissing, banishing thoughts of her toothbrush in the other room.

  His hand crept down her body, cupping her buttocks, as his mouth gently tested hers. He froze for a moment, and she thought she had accidentally hurt him when she brushed her fingers over his testicles.

  It wasn’t that. A second later, she realized his attention had strayed from her to over her shoulder, and his entire body was stiff. With a resigned sigh, realizing their morning interlude was over, she rolled off him and turned to look at the television. Jordan let out a gasp when she saw her own face plastered across the news, beside an image of the emperor someone had spliced into the display. It was obviously two separate pictures, but someone had thrown it together to make it look like they were joined.

  She didn’t have to listen for long to confirm the news was sharing details of her forthcoming marriage to Emperor Aryk, and she glanced from the corner of her eye at Sash, whose lips were sealed in a straight line, and his entire body radiated disapproval. “I wanted to tell you last night, but I didn’t.”

  His gaze darted from the screen, and his head turned slowly in her direction. “
Why not?”

  She bit her lip. “I didn’t want to ruin what might be our last night together. I don’t know when the wedding is scheduled, but I can’t be caught with my lover when I’m supposed to be marrying the emperor.” She bit hard on her tongue, realizing how close she had come to betraying she wasn’t going to marry Aryk if she didn’t have to. “I didn’t want you to find out this way though. I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head, looking completely confused. “I just don’t understand this. How can you agree to marry that horrible man? Don’t you know the things he’s done, and what he’ll continue to do? You can’t go through with this.”

  He was saying everything she wanted to hear, and she completely agreed with his words, so it made it difficult to argue. Only knowing she must, and remembering the hair comb she had carefully placed in her dresser last night, helped her remember what was at stake. “There’s no choice in the matter. This will buy peace.”

  He snorted. “All it will buy is a lifetime of misery for you. I don’t know what he’s promised, or how he’s even contacted you, but it’s all lies.”

  She straightened her shoulders. “My mother set it up, and it’s the only option we have.”

  He shook his head. “It’s no option at all, so forget about the idea. You aren’t marrying him.”

  Exasperation tinged her words when she tilted her head slightly to glare at him. “Why do you care? I’m clearly not your mate, so what does it matter? You’ll find another bed partner to fill your time until you discover your mate, and I’m content with my decision. I’m doing what has to be done. I think you would recognize the importance of that. I don’t know why you’re reacting this way.”

  She truly didn’t. If she wasn’t his mate, why was he taking it so hard? She held her breath, realizing she was desperately hoping for him to admit she was his mate. She wasn’t certain what that would do to her decision, or how she would proceed with the plan if he said the words, but she hovered on the edge of desperate anxiety and anticipation, waiting to see what he would say.


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