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DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1

Page 13

by Doris Miller

It is two weeks later. There are thousands of people on the stands cheering at a Basket Ball game. There are signs and banners all over the place reading THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON YOUTH BASKETBALL GAMES as a basketball game with two teams of white, black and Hispanic pre-teen boys takes place. The Diaz-Davidson Youth Basketball Team has the ball. One of the boys runs and dribbles the ball. He then throws the ball to Mike. Mike catches the ball then runs and dribbles the ball to the basket as the other boys hurry after him, “Over here Mike!” Mike throws the ball to the basket. It goes into the basket as the crowd cheers and shouts, “Yeah Mike! Go Mike!” Mike and the other boys continue to play the game as the crowd continues to cheer.

  At the entrance of the basket ball game, Mitch and two Hispanic boys walk past a crowd of people. A man passes by them and says, “Hey Mitch!” Mitch waves to the man as he and the two Hispanic boys keep going their way.

  A woman on the side shouts, “Hi Mitch!” Mitch waves to the woman as he continues to walk.

  A group of around 7 pre-teen white, Hispanic and black girls are on the side. They see Mitch and the two Hispanic boys about to pass them. They get excited. They turn and whisper to each other as one of them says, “Oh oh, here comes one of the twins!” The girls turn and look at Mitch.

  “Which twin is that?” a second girl asks.

  “I think this one is Mitch because Mike is the one that‘s playing basketball right now.”

  Mitch and the two Hispanic boys are about to walk pass the girls. They look straight ahead as they walk right past the girls.

  A third girl turns her head to the others and says, “Should we call out to him?”

  “No it won’t do any good,” the first girl says. “He’s most likely going to look at us then ignore us like they always do.”

  “Yeah you’re probably right.” The girls sadly stare at Mitch as they see Mitch walking away with the two Hispanic boys, continuing going about his business.

  There are several boys fussing at a playground entrance. Mike and Mitch’s younger brother 9-year old Samuel, has a bat in his hand, ready to swing the bat at some older taller boys he is fussing at. “Do that again! Do that again!” Samuel shouts.

  10-year old Troy, Mike and Mitch’s other younger brother walks right to the commotion and shouts, “Y’all better leave my brother alone assholes!”

  “What you gonna do about it?” one of the taller boy says.

  “You’ll see if you bother him one more time!”

  The tall boy angrily gets right up in Troy’s and Samuel’s faces as he throws his arms in the air shouting, “That’s right I‘m here! Y’all gonna do something about it!” A couple of adults come to break up the commotion.

  Twenty minutes later, Mike is sitting right on top of the taller boy, pinning the taller boy’s hands and feet right beneath his knees, beating the taller boy’s head and face in as the taller boy screams out in agony, trying to free himself from Mike’s grip. Mike continues to beat him. A hysterical crowd surrounds Mike, trying to break up the fight as Mike shouts at the taller boy, “What the fuck you bothering my brothers for, huh?!” Mike mercilessly continues to beat the taller boy’s head in as the taller boy’s face and head bleeds. “You better fucking leave my brothers alone, you hear me?! Don’t you ever mess with my family again, you got it?!” Mike mercilessly continues to beat the taller boy as the taller boy screams out in pain! The crowd continues to try to get Mike from off the taller boy but is having a hard time doing so being that Mike is so boiling angry, he appears to have superhuman strength! The crowd desperately tries to get Mike from off the taller boy!

  Several security guards run to Mike and grab him as one of them shouts, “What the hell are you doing?”

  Mike angrily tries to break away from the security guards shouting, “Get the fuck off me man! Get the fuck off me!” More security come and grab Mike! Mike angrily kicks one of the security guards right in the knee! The security guard yells out in pain as Mike angrily kicks another security guard in the knee! That security guard yells out in pain also as the other security guards try to subdue Mike. Security and the crowd hysterically gather around the taller boy as the taller boy lays motionless on the ground. More blood comes out his head. The crowd gets more hysterical!

  Police cars and ambulance race down the street!

  Back at the scene, the taller boy continues to lay motionless on the ground as a large crowd hysterically surrounds him.

  At the Diaz-Davidson Organization, Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn are inside the office talking as they read some forms. Miriam a Hispanic female staff member hysterically bursts into the room and says, “I’m sorry everyone, but there’s an emergency!” Everyone anxiously looks at Miriam.

  “An emergency?!” Barry says. “What emergency Miriam?”

  “What happened?!” Margarita shouts.

  “It’s one of the twins, Mike and Mitch!” Miriam says.

  “Mike and Mitch?!” everybody shouts.

  “My God what did they do now?!” Margarita shouts.

  “The security from the basketball game just called downstairs and said one of the twins Mike was beating up on some boy!” Miriam shouts.

  “What!” everybody shouts.

  “Mike was beating up on some boy?” Mary shouts.

  “Yeah!” Miriam. “They said he was beating on the boy because the boy was messing with two of his younger brothers Troy and Samuel!”

  “What!” everybody shouts.

  “Yeah! Security said Mike was beating on the boy for a while. They said Mike was sitting right on top of the boy, pinning the boy’s hands and feet right beneath his knees beating on the boy’s head and face as the crowd tried to break him off the other boy! They said the boy was screaming in agony, trying to free himself from Mike but Mike kept on beat him and shouting at him. They said Mike just kept on beating the boy’s head in that the boy’s face and head started bleeding! The crowd kept trying to get Mike from off the boy but was having a hard time doing so!”

  “What!” everybody shouts.

  “You mean to tell us all those people and those security guards couldn’t get a 12-year old kid off another kid?!” Mary shouts.

  “No they couldn’t!” Miriam says. “The security said that they and the crowd desperately tried to get Mike from off the other boy! They said no amount of people was able to pull Mike off the boy! They said being that Mike was so angry, he was so strong that he appeared to have superhuman strength! They said it felt like trying to pull a wild animal off the other boy! It took several security guards to grab Mike and try to subdue him! Then the police came. They and the security are still holding on to Mike, but having a hard time because Mike’s cursing and kicking at them, trying to break away from them! They said the other kid is still on the ground not moving!”

  “The other kid is on the ground not moving?!” Tomas shouts.

  “Yeah! They think he might have a concussion!”

  “A concussion?!” everybody shouts.

  “Yeah. The ambulance came!”

  “The ambulance came?!” Margarita shouts. “My God!”

  “Well where’s the other twin Mitch?!” Tomas shouts. “Does he have anything to do with the fight too?”

  “No, Mitch is no where around!” Miriam says. “Security said some people said that Mitch had went off somewhere earlier with a couple of other boys! Nobody knows where he’s at right now! So far, I don’t think he knows about this yet!”

  “Oh my goodness!” Margarita says. She turns to her family and shouts, “Come one everybody! We have to hurry and get to Mike!” Margarita and her family grab their belongings and hysterically hurry towards the doorway as Miriam hysterically follows after them!

  Margarita and her family hysterically hurry down the hallway as Miriam hysterically follows after them! Margarita turns to Mary and shouts, “Yo no se por que esos dos muchachos no pueden mantenerse fuera de problemas!” />
  “Yo tampoco lo se Mama!” Mary shouts.

  “Esos chicos a tener que ser suspendida!” Tonio shouts.

  “Le dije a todos que Mike y Mitch deberia haber sido suspendido hace tiempo!” shouts Tomas.

  “Es demasiado tarde para eso!” Margarita shouts “Tenemos que tener prisa y de que ellos!” Margarita and family continue to hurry.

  Mary sees Mickey and a few staff members hysterically talking in the distance. Mary then shouts, “Mickey! Vamos Mickey vamos a ir!” Mary and her family continue to hurry down the hallway as several staff members hysterically follow after them! Mary suddenly stops and turns around towards Mickey. She sees Mickey and the few staff people still talking. She then shouts, “Mickey! No te dije que vamos a ir?”

  Mickey and the staff people hurry to Mary as Mickey says, “Estabamos hablando del incidente Mama.”

  “Esta bien. Llame a Diane en el hospital, luego llame a Nicolas y Michael y decirles que usted estara listo para ir a cualquier hospital la ambulancia va a tener a este chico. El resto de nosotros vamos a ir a la estacion de policia!”

  “Esta bien!” Mickey pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and hurries away as Mary turns back forward and hurries down the hallway!

  The paramedics are at the basketball area. They have the taller boy in a stretcher and put him into the ambulance. They close the ambulance doors and get into the ambulance. The ambulance then drives off.

  Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn come out from the back room of the police station. They approach the Diaz-Davidson staff members.

  “So what’s happening back there?” Alex asks.

  “Well Mike is claiming self defense,” Barry says.

  “He’s claiming self defense again?” Crystal asks.

  “Yeah,” Mary says. “He’s claiming that this other kid had harassed his little brothers and threatened them.”

  “Oh yeah?” Alex asks. “So what’s going to happen to him now?”

  “The police are going to release him into the custody of their parents,” says Margarita.

  “Into the custody of his parents, again?” Evette asks.

  “Yeah,” Margarita says. “His parents and grandparents are all back there with him now.”

  “Oh yeah?” Evette says. “So what are his parents and grandparents planning to do with him now? Take him and his siblings back to Puerto Rico?”

  “No not Puerto Rico this time,” Tomas says. “Germany.”

  “What!” the staff members shout.

  “Yes,” Mary says. “Their parents and grandparents are planning to have them all stay with their dad’s relatives in Germany for a while.”

  “What?” Evette says. “My goodness?”

  “Yeah,” Mary says. “Come on everybody, let’s go to the hospital and see how that other kid is doing.” Mary and everyone else turn and head towards the exit.

  Thirty minutes later, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio, and Marilyn are walking in the hospital hallway. They anxiously approach Diane D, Nicolas, Michael and Mickey. “Hi,” Mary says. “How is that kid doing Diane?”

  “The doctors were able to stop the bleeding Mom,” Diane D says.

  “But that kid still has a concussion,” Nicolas say.

  “Oh no,” Marilyn says.

  “What’s that kid’s name by the way?” Margarita asks.

  “His name is Rodney,” Diane D says.

  “Rodney?” Barry asks. “Is he alert at what’s going on?”

  “Yeah he‘s alert Dad, he’s awake.”

  “Well that‘s good to hear,” Margarita says. “Where is his family? We want to talk to them.”

  “They‘re in the room with him now,” Michael says.

  “Okay. We want to talk with them now.”

  “Okay Grandma,” Diane D says. Diane D and Michael turn around and lead the family away.


  Chapter 13

  Inside The Organization


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