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Prison Throne

Page 17

by T. Styles

  “Then act like it, Snow! And get up here before I go the fuck off.” He hung up.

  Snow made one more attempt to prevent her tears from falling but it was useless so she allowed them to roll. At one point she was crying so hard that she couldn’t see that the traffic jam cleared and allowed her a pass until she was honked out by the tractor trailer behind her. She cleared her vision by using her knuckles and pushed forward.

  Lately Rasim was sure proving to be unreasonable. At first it started with him suggesting that she refrain from making a move in the morning until she received his call. A few days later his suggestions turned into demands and he added that she had better create an email account and be accessible there too. His possession reached all time heights and it was harder to juggle him now than it was when he was home.

  With the threat of Rasim’s words still fresh on her mind, she hit it to the prison at lightning speeds. She removed her heel so that her foot could cover the gas pedal and she stomped on that like an expert drum major. Once Snow seriously applied herself, she was at the prison in thirty minutes flat before Visitor Registration was over.

  Sweating, with her heartbeat pounding against the walls of her chest, she threw herself on the counter and scribbled her name on the sign in sheet.

  Mindy, a fat correctional officer who hadn’t had dick since one of the inmates rubbed it against her inner jaw, for five dollars at that, grew heated when she saw her last name. There wasn’t a bitch in Cumberwoods or out of it that didn’t want Rasim. Why did she get to have him?

  However, she and Snow had another mutual friend and her name was Queen. She was paid to do a job and had plans to be the best hater within her ability.

  Stuffing her fists into her hips, she leaned back and scanned Snow up and down. She knew there was no way she would allow Rasim this visit and her only other duty was to find the proper reason why.

  She looked at Snow’s shoes and they met code. She observed the blue jeans and they met code too. She thought all was lost until she saw the cream top she wore. Although a C.O. with good intentions would’ve allowed Snow in anyway, because you really couldn’t see a thing, Mindy was anything but honorable.

  She rubbed the whiskers sprouting on her chin and said, “You got another shirt, right?”

  Snow looked down at her blouse, which was not revealing in the least. “No,” she said softly. “What’s wrong with—”

  “You ain’t coming in here with that,” she said shaking her head so hard she stumbled backwards due to getting dizzy. “You can’t be wearing nothing like that up in here. I’m sorry.” She shook her head some more. “If I let you in, I got to let other people in too and I’m not having that in my prison.” Feeling unbalanced, she flopped down in the rolling chair.

  “Let the girl go, Mindy,” Courtney said looking down at her coworker.

  Courtney was also a C.O. and whenever the inmates saw her face, they knew it would be a cool day because she respected the men despite the things they had done. She was a prime example that not every officer had ill motives, but it was the ones who did that fucked up the party.

  Courtney wanted the inmates to see their family members, knowing that without support they would go mad and then that could be trouble for all.

  Mindy, angry that Courtney’s happy-go-lucky ass was stunting her groove, leaped up and said, “Wait a minute, I don’t come bothering you when you’re doing your job so don’t come for me when I’m doing mine.” She was wagging her finger like a happy dog’s tail a little too closely to Courtney’s face. “I’m not having any of that in my prison. No sir-ree.”

  Courtney glared at the mean spirited woman because although she was easygoing, she still reserved the right to rise on a bitch or two. “Ain’t nobody telling you not to do your job. But the man hasn’t seen his wife since—”

  “How you figure?” she frowned. “His wife was up here last week,” Mindy advised trying to stir up the pot, which was already boiling over with shit. “So mind your business. Please and thank you,” she said sarcastically.

  When Snow heard that his wife had been up there last week, she thought she was watching someone else’s life. The top of her forehead tightened and her nose burned. The sensation spread itself downward to her chest and it felt like someone was crushing her heart. “Excuse me,” Snow whispered, “did you say that…that his wife came up here already?”

  Courtney, knowing the deal, shook her head and walked away. She tried to save Snow but Mindy opened a dumpster full of mess and she left her to clean it up.

  “Look, I don’t get involved in inmate affairs,” she said rolling her eyes. “I’m just letting you know that you not getting in here with that shirt.” She shook her head again. “No sir-ree, you not coming up in my prison with that shit on.” With that, the hating ass bitch strutted toward the back shaking her head the entire way.

  Defeated, Snow turned around, pushed the glass door open and took the walk of Denied Visitor Shame. When she made it to the parking lot, and then her car, she allowed the gallons of tears she held to flow freely. Otherwise it would have been impossible to drive the full four hours home.

  What did Mindy mean by his wife came last week? Snow wanted answers and she wanted them now.

  She was about to pull off when Rasim rang. She put the car in park again and waited for the greeting to select the proper keys and accept the call. The moment she did, Rasim yelled, “Where the fuck—,”

  “Did you have a bitch up here last week, Rasim?” she snatched the mic from that nigga. “Because if Selena coming up here to see you, I’m done this time! I’m not fucking playing!” Snow was on fire and it felt good unloading on his ass. That is until she heard, click.

  She overplayed her hand.

  “Hello…hello.” She looked at her cell phone and saw the call was ended.

  In all of the years she’d known or been married to Rasim, he never hung up on her before now. She was so devastated that her lips trembled like knocking cymbals and she lost her appetite.

  She didn’t want to fight with Rasim. She wasn’t about that life. All she wanted was to be there for her husband and support him in his journey. Didn’t he see that? Couldn’t he feel her love?

  Somehow Snow pulled herself out of the parking lot and took the long drive home.

  The next morning she was lying in bed, on her side looking at the wall. Her head throbbed so bad it was hard to move. Would Rasim call her back? Would he send her an email? The answer was unequivocally no.

  For two whole days he avoided all contact with her, sending her emotions on a frenzy. He didn’t even call to ask about business. Thinking something must be wrong, she reached out to his counselor, Joanne Franklin, and discovered he was not locked down or in trouble. She hung up before asking if he was sick so she got back on the horn and called the infirmary but he wasn’t there either.

  It was obvious what was going on. He was sitting on his prison throne, probably eating smuggled in outside food and ignoring her purposely. But why? Was she that bad of a wife to deserve the isolation? To be frozen out of his love? When he knew how much she loved him?

  She decided to write him a letter.

  Dear Rasim,

  I have been reflecting on our lives together. We’ve been in love since we were kids. I want you to know I have your back always. And although we haven’t been doing too good with our love, I know things will get better.

  She wrote a few more lines and then folded it up. When she mailed the letter she went back into the house to quarantine herself. It had been a week since she heard from her husband and approaching two.

  In the beginning she would give Mute Candy the benefit of sending a text saying that she was fine. But when another week passed and she didn’t see her friend’s face or text, Mute Candy broke into the house.

  Snow was lying in the floor in front of the TV, balled up in a comforter when she found her. Mute Candy cleaned Snow’s pussy since it was obvious by the way she smelled that she did not. T
he girls got her dressed, fed her and they all pulled her into the sunlight. For the first hour Snow was too devastated to talk but during the second hour she bawled her eyes out.

  Since they were in the car when the mental explosion occurred, Mute Candy rubbed her leg and each twin rubbed a shoulder in an expression of love. Although they knew the pain she was having could only be repaired with the return of Rasim, they would not allow her to fall into the abyss without at least giving it a try.

  Three hours later, the twins and Mute Candy had hugged her so much Snow couldn’t do anything but smile. She was still devastated but she refused to tell Mute Candy what Rasim was doing. She knew she would be back with her husband and hated the tension her best friend and man would have during the rough times.

  The only thing was that Mute Candy was far from dumb. It didn’t take long for her to analyze the situation but she didn’t burden her with her opinions either.

  A bitch was involved.

  Point. Blank. Period.

  Instead of pushing the issue, she and the twins took Snow to get her toes and nails done and then they went to the Cheesecake Factory for a few stiff drinks. When Snow was grinning and holding regular conversation, Mute Candy felt she was good.

  With Snow all loved up and feeling better, she returned her home. And that’s when her nigga called.

  She was sitting on the edge of the bed removing her shoes when she answered her cell. “Hello.”

  “Snow,” he said softly. At first she thought she was dreaming because she didn’t hear the Cumberwoods greeting. But when he said, “Are you there?” she knew it was her man. He had a cell phone inside the walls.

  What was a king without his spoils?

  “Y-yes,” she stuttered.

  “What you been doing?”

  She responded by crying so hard he barely knew what she said. She missed him so much that hearing his voice stimulated her soul and caused a torrent of emotions. “Where…where…where have you…you been?” she managed while hiccupping in the process. “I wanted to die, Rasim. Why would you do this to me? Are you trying to kill me?”

  “I’m here. Where else would I be?” He sounded so cold and unsympathetic it was horrible. In the past he could never face her crying and would work overtime to make her feel better. In this situation, he didn’t apply himself at all.

  “Did I do something wrong? If I did, is it something I can do to make things better?”

  “You checking on stuff?” he asked referring to the business in code words.

  “Yes…I am…of course,” she responded as she rolled herself into a ball on the edge of the bed.

  In one phone call, Rasim had undone all of Mute Candy’s work.

  “You know I wouldn’t let you down like that.” She looked at a space on the wall, between the door and her dresser.

  “I can’t tell. Lately you been weak. I thought you would hold me down, Snow? I thought you would ride for me while I was in here. You lying to me now?”

  “I thought I was. If I’m not, I’m so sorry. Rasim, please tell me what I’m doing wrong and I will correct it instantly. I’m begging you.”

  “You gonna come next weekend?”

  Snow wanted to but she was horrified. She could tell by Mindy’s vibe that she didn’t fuck with her and getting rejected in front of an entire prison was humiliating. What if she attempted another visit and she couldn’t get in? Would Rasim take that out on her too? “I’ll try hard, Rasim. I promise. But I don’t think the C.O. likes me.”

  “Try harder,” he said before hanging up.

  True to her word, Snow got herself dressed in the baggiest clothing she owned when it was visit time. Although Snow didn’t have much of an ass she did make up for it in the boob department and worked overtime to hide her titty blessings.

  Since her clothing was horrible because they didn’t expose any of her curves, she fixed up her hair and makeup really pretty. And it worked too. She was gorgeous despite her gear and she hoped she would look good enough for Rasim.

  When she felt presentable, she dragged herself out of the house and to the car. As she steered down the highway, she quivered the closer she got to the prison. To an outsider, it would appear that Snow was making too much of the matter. But Rasim was her everything and she hated when they quarreled. If she couldn’t see him this time, she knew it wouldn’t be good for her marriage.

  So she thought it was time to call for reinforcements.

  This time it wouldn’t be Mute Candy.

  She needed God.

  “God, I know lately our conversations are few and far between. And I know that I haven’t been one of Your favorite people. But I know You are a forgiving God. And I know You know that everything I do is out of love for my husband. Whether good or bad, I am honoring Your word. Colossians 3:18 says, ‘Wives, submit to your husbands, as it is fitting to the Lord’. So please, God, please let me see my husband today if it be Your will. And only if it be Your will. Amen.”

  When she made it to the prison, she was the first one inside and her heart rejoiced when she saw Courtney, the nicer C.O., standing behind the counter. But what she didn’t realize was that the devil had a full time job. While Snow was approaching the sign in sheet, Ole’ Hating Ass Mindy was preparing a fake calamity as she wrote.

  Mindy grabbed the intercom, pressed it against her dry lips and said, “Officer Doughty, you’re needed in Cell Block 4! Officer Doughty, you’re needed in Cell Block 4!”

  When Courtney ignored the call to assist Snow with her visit, as quickly as possible, the hater grew desperate. “Officer Doughty, I’ll help the visitor,” she said with an attitude over the speakers. “Go now and see what they want! I will help the visitor!” She was doing a little more than what needed to be done on the intercom but haters were always extra.

  Not trying to ignore a call, thereby losing her job, Courtney stopped the sign in process and looked at Snow with sad eyes. “I’m sorry. I really am. I tried, sweetheart.”

  Courtney knew what was about to go down. Snow would not be seeing her husband today or any other day if Mindy had anything to do with it. Reluctantly Courtney proceeded to Cell Block 4 with her head hung low in recognition of Snow’s pain.

  True to her hating game, Mindy crawled from the back and looked Snow up and down. She was shaking her head so hard she was getting dizzy but this time she would not sit down. She wanted to remain planted for this bitch.

  Truthfully it didn’t matter what piece of clothing Snow wore. Both of them knew it. So Mindy stabbed her dark fists into her hips and said, “You not getting in with that on.” She pointed at her body.

  “With what on?” Snow asked in a low voice knowing the war was already lost.

  “With everything on. I can’t have all of that up in my prison! No, sir-ree! Now get out of here. Visit denied.”

  “Please, Officer, all I want to do is—”

  “Excuse me,” she yelled throwing her hand up in Snow’s face. Her fingers were so close to her nose that she could smell the chocolate cookie she gulped down seconds earlier. “I said I’m not having all of that up in here. You’re dismissed! Please and thank you.”

  Snow’s head lowered as she examined the clothes that covered her body. She could not have found a looser outfit if she wore a plastic bag. Defeated, she turned around with her beating heart in her hands. Snow Nami didn’t like that feeling. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t like the shit at all.

  It was a full moon later that night when Mindy was getting off of work. And a few wolves from southeast DC were waiting in the parking lot, eager to tear her apart. Hard hitting bitches with zero love in their hearts for officers of the law, they whipped Mindy so bad her uniform tore off. All in the name of Snow.

  Because Mindy was a career hater since birth and had wronged so many, she was clueless on whom to blame. But she would have three weeks in a hospital room while nursing a cracked forehead, a fractured collarbone and two broken legs to consider possible motives.
/>   When Snow made it home after the attempted visit, she waited for Rasim’s call. She felt like a student waiting on her parents after receiving all D’s on her report card. For some reason she figured it wouldn’t end well.

  In the past he blew up her phone immediately pending a failed visit but this time was different. Why? Rasim didn’t hit his beautiful wife until 7pm that evening and every second, every single minute, was pure torture.

  “So you don’t know how to dress now, huh?”

  Snow couldn’t believe her ears. As if he didn’t know what he meant to her, he chose to berate her on the phone like some bum bitch.

  Instead of losing it again, Snow went back in her mind to the prayer she made before going to the prison. She asked if it be God’s will to let her see him. Perhaps it wasn’t, because she didn’t get in.

  Without a word more, Snow slammed the phone down in his ear. Angry about everything she experienced, she decided it was time to clean up her house and her life. She’d deal with her husband tomorrow.

  In the past, a thorough cleaning always got her mind off of her troubles and it was time to return to the basics. So Snow spun around the living room, kitchen and bathroom so well that you could eat or fuck on the floors.

  Rasim called like he was crazy but she refused to answer the phone.

  When she was done in the house, she went outside to sweep the porch. One house over on the left, Old Lady Bridget was sitting in her chair rocking and frowning as usual. She still didn’t like the young couple, believing they were terrorists, and nothing would change but her wigs. In fact her brown skin earned a new wrinkle every time she came outside and saw one of their faces.

  Snow ignored the bitch. Besides, she had gripes of her own. She continued to busy herself with her chores until a truck with the words KING AMONGST KINGS Auto Body Shop strolled up in front of her house. A pretty fat chick with rosy cheeks rolled the window down and said, “’Scuse me, but is Rasim in there?”


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