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SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle

Page 9

by Seton, Cora

  Dan blinked. He hadn’t expected Regan to kick him out of the house quite so quickly. But why wouldn’t she? He was being a lousy guest.

  “Regan,” Mason began, but Dan cut him off.

  “It’s okay. Thank you, Regan. I’d better go and pack.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “Are you angry at me?” Sarah asked when Regan came upstairs and informed her the cab would arrive soon to take her to the airport.

  “I think you’re being an idiot.”

  Sarah suppressed a smile, despite the awkwardness of the situation. “I probably am, but I can’t stay with Dan here. Not now. We—” She couldn’t tell Regan what they’d gotten up to last night, and she struggled to express her feelings. “I should have held back, but I didn’t. Now it’s just too uncomfortable.”

  “I hope you aren’t making a huge mistake.”

  “I’m not.” But she wasn’t at all sure about that. Maybe she was making a colossal mistake. After all, what other man had ever made her feel like Dan had? For a few short hours she’d felt closer to someone than she ever had in her adult life. She’d thought Dan understood her through and through.

  She’d been wrong.

  Now the future stretched before her empty of all meaning. She already knew the military couldn’t give her what she truly wanted; the chance to be a part of an elite group. The chance to lead. She’d have to find a new career where she could shine. She hadn’t the faintest idea what that might look like.

  The honk of a horn had them both moving toward the door.

  “I’ll miss you,” Regan said as they went downstairs. “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you.”

  A pang of regret pierced Sarah’s heart as the smell of a delicious breakfast wafted over her. She’d miss the boisterous meals here at the ranch. She was being an idiot, just like Regan had said. She was sabotaging a wonderful vacation with a friend to avoid the embarrassment of being near Dan. “We’ll have to get together again soon.”

  She knew that wasn’t likely, though. She doubted she’d get another invitation to the Hall, and she had no home to welcome guests to.

  She nearly collided with Dan in the front hall and frowned when she took in the duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He was obviously leaving too.

  “That’s my cab,” he said. “I’m going to the airport.”

  “That’s my cab,” she retorted. “I’m flying out on the next plane.”

  They only hesitated a second before they both dashed for the front door.

  “Oh, for God’s sake!” Sarah heard Regan exclaim behind them, but she was too engulfed by the need to win this final race to care. They both hit the doorway at the same time, struggled through it while doing their best to slow the other down and then Sarah pounded down the front steps and dashed through the snow toward the yellow cab. She got a flash of the driver’s face as he took in their headlong race to reach him. The man’s eyes widened and he flinched back as both of them crashed into the vehicle at top speed.

  “I won!” Sarah cried. “I won! Get away from my cab.”

  “Your cab? Bullshit—it’s mine!”

  The cab’s engine roared to life beneath them. When it started to move, Sarah jumped back in shock. “What the hell?”

  It executed a tight U-turn and took off down the lane, bouncing and shuddering over potholes until it reached the country road.

  “I guess neither of you won.” Regan’s caustic words sliced through the ensuing silence. “Maybe it’s time to stop competing so damn much and think about something else for a change.”

  Sarah hung her head as she slowly turned around. “Guess we’ll have to call another one.”

  “Why are you in such a hurry to leave?” Dan said suddenly, his tone betraying his frustration.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t explain—not with an audience.

  “Come on, Mason, let’s go inside and give these two a chance to talk.” Regan took her husband’s arm and led him back up the porch steps.

  “Well?” Dan threw his duffle bag down in the snow and circled around to face her. “Do you think I can’t handle being your holiday fling? I’ve had worse thrown at me than that.”

  “My holiday fling?” Her voice rose. “You’re the one looking for a fling. I was looking for a partnership.”

  He cocked his head. “A partnership? That’s what I offered you. I told you I wanted to figure out if we were right for each other for the long haul.”

  “Not that kind of partnership. A business partnership!” Was he playing dumb? “You said you were looking for investors—for partners. Mason thought I might be a good fit. I thought you might actually consider me for one of your trainer positions. But no—not Mr. SEALs-Are-So-Damn-Special. Far be it from you to sully your little naval brotherhood with a lowly female soldier.” She looked from the Hall’s closed front door to the empty street behind them. “Fucking hell.” How was she supposed to get to the airport now?

  Maybe she’d better walk. She picked up the bag she’d dropped when the taxi took off and marched down the lane.

  “Where are you going? Sarah!” Dan jogged up beside her. “Come on, let’s talk this through.”

  “I’m done talking. I’ve heard everything I need to know.”

  “Well I haven’t said everything I’m going to say.” Dan grabbed her arm. She instantly slid into a Krav Maga evasive technique but Dan was on to her methods and countered it. Sarah hit him with an elbow strike, but Dan countered that too, catching her off balance and thumping her to the ground. “Damn it, hold still so I can talk to you.” But Sarah wouldn’t hold still for anything now. They scrapped for several minutes before Dan managed to sit on her and pin her in place. His cheek was bleeding from where her fist had connected with his face and he touched his fingers to it. “Son of a bitch.”

  “You’re such an ass.”

  “I probably am.” He was as mad as she was. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk this out.”

  “What on earth is there to talk about?” The minute she was out of here she was going to start to pound calories and bulk up. It burned her that Dan could use his superior weight to his advantage. Just let him try it when her scale topped two hundred and fifty.

  “Us. The training program. Us.” He wiped his cheek with his arm, smearing the blood. “You should have said you were interested.”

  “Of course I’m interested. I’m leaving the military. I don’t know what else to do.”

  “You never said that. All you did was try to prove you were better at everything.”

  “So did you.”

  Dan took a deep breath. “I guess I did. I was afraid you thought my plan was a stupid idea. To be honest, I don’t know if it’s going to work.”

  Sarah flopped back, all the fight drained out of her at his admission. “Are you kidding? It sounds like fun—except for the part where no one will take me seriously.”

  “Of course they’ll take you seriously. You’re one of the best soldiers I’ve ever met.”

  “Right—a soldier. Not a SEAL. Not a member of the Special Forces. You sure as hell haven’t taken me seriously.”

  Dan slid off of her and helped her up. “Sarah Metlin, you have no idea how seriously I take you.” He moved closer. “You don’t have to prove anything to me. You’re as capable as anyone I know.”

  “I’ll have to prove myself to everyone.” She brushed the snow off her jeans, using the movement as an excuse not to look at Dan. She was still looking for that stamp of approval, wasn’t she? When would that ever stop?

  “I guess you will. But we all will, to some extent, right? In every group there’s going to be some idiot who thinks he’s better than us.” Dan smiled. “We’ll let you sort him out.”

  “Thanks a lot.”

  Dan took her hands. “I’d protect you from all the idiots if I could, but somehow I don’t think you’d like that either.”

  She shook her head.

  “Look, you convinc
ed me. You have no idea how much respect I have for you.”

  “Really?” She allowed him to encircle her with his arms. He dropped a kiss on her lips that made her ache for more.

  “Absolutely. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have as my partner.” He kissed her again. A deceptively soft kiss that soon deepened into something that showed her just how much he wanted her. When he pulled away, Sarah was dizzy and put a hand out to brace herself against his chest. When she looked up he was gazing at her in wonder. “How can someone so soft and beautiful be so strong and capable, too? I don’t think the government could design a better weapon than you. They’re going to be sorry when you leave the Army.”

  She smiled at his praise and leaned against him.

  “Sarah.” Dan’s breath puffed against her neck and sent delicious shivers down her spine. “I’d like more than a business partnership with you. Can you handle that?”

  She pulled back in confusion. “Handle what?”

  Dan ducked down to kneel in the snow and a chill ran from the crown of her head down to her toes. Her lips parted but no sound came out. She couldn’t breathe.

  “This isn’t a proposal—I don’t have a ring. We’ve barely had time to get to know each other, either. What I’m asking you is, will you allow me to propose to you when we do know each other better?”

  Her silence stretched out as Sarah thought she would never forget this moment. The crisp snow underfoot. The wide blue sky overhead. Their friends all crowded onto the porch—

  Sarah’s eyes widened. When had everyone come outside to watch? A glance down told her Dan was waiting, too, growing impatient.

  “Okay,” she managed finally, knowing suddenly it was the right answer. Knowing too that her life was about to change so drastically she couldn’t imagine what would happen next. It was scary to let someone like Dan in, and to allow him to get to know her well enough that marriage was something that made sense for them to talk about, but she wasn’t going to be a coward in this. “Yes! Yes, you can ask me to marry you when the time is right.”

  Dan surged upward, lifted her into his arms and swung her in a circle. “Did you hear that?” he called to the crowd on the porch. “She said yes to my pre-proposal!”

  They cheered while Sarah buried her face in Dan’s neck, laughing. “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked him as he carried her toward the house.

  “Positive. Don’t even think of backing out now,” Dan warned her. He set her down and led her by the hand up the steps. “Regan? Mason? Do you think you could stand to have us stay a few more days? I need to spend a lot of time with Sarah.”

  “Absolutely,” Mason said. Regan simply threw her arms around Sarah’s shoulders and hugged her tight.

  “I’m so thrilled for you. I knew you two were meant to be together.”

  “I don’t have any gifts for you,” Sarah said early the following morning.

  “I’ve got everything I want right here.” Dan meant it, too. He couldn’t be happier with the way this vacation had turned out. His heart swelled every time he remembered the look in Sarah’s eyes when he pulled out the engagement ring—like she’d received a present she’d hardly ever dared wish for. He’d have to remember that his tough-as-nails soldier wife had her tender places and make sure that he was there standing strong beside her to help protect them.

  “I still can’t believe you even mentioned marriage.”

  “I’m not going to let some other guy steal a beat on me. Do you need a reminder of how good we are together?” He shifted closer to her, lifting his head to look at the clock. “Think we have time?”

  “I think we should make time.” Sarah laughed with delight when Dan pulled her on top him, and he made sure to heartily enjoy his Christmas present.

  Several hours later, after gifts were opened under the tree and a fabulous Christmas brunch enjoyed by everyone, Dan went with Mason to check on the cattle. Along the way he opened up about his and Sarah’s hope to open their business somewhere close by.

  “I know a place where you could open your business,” Mason said. “Right here. There’s plenty of extra space on the ranch, and we’re close to mountains and rivers—everything you could possibly want.”

  “I wasn’t asking—”

  “I know you weren’t,” Mason told Dan. “But it makes sense. Look around you—see what we’re up to here? All of us and our wives banding together to make a life? That’s no accident. That’s how you build something special—by working as a group.”

  “You’d better ask your brothers—and the women—what they think before you start making offers like that,” Dan said.

  “I will, and you’re right—I can’t make any promises yet, but I’m sure I know what the answer will be.” Mason shook his hand. “Congratulations. Sarah will make you a hell of a wife someday. Regan’s so happy for you two she could barely sleep last night.”

  “She wasn’t the only one who stayed up all night.” Dan grinned at the memory. He and Sarah hadn’t been able to get enough of each other once they’d gone to bed. He remembered how she’d been flushed and breathless after a round of lovemaking, her hair spread over the pillow, her body rosy with exertion. She was magnificent. A force to be reckoned with. He’d do anything to keep her happy for the rest of her life.

  Mason looked amused. “I’ll bet. Why don’t you go spend some time with your new girlfriend and I’ll put the question to the rest of the group?”

  “Sounds good. And whatever the answer is—you’ve done more for me than I can ever pay you back for, buddy. Thanks. I mean that.”

  Mason clapped him on the shoulder. “No problem.”

  “Do you think they’re going to vote us off the island?” Sarah asked as she and Dan walked into the dining room where the couples who lived on the ranch were already seated. She slid into a chair next to Regan, and was encouraged by her friend’s wide smile. Regan reached over, took her hand and squeezed it.

  “You’re in,” Mason said without preamble. “We’ve talked it over and of course we’ll have to discuss some details, but the gist of it all is we’d be glad to welcome your business onto our property. We can lease a portion of the ranch to you for a number of years and help you build what you need.”

  “We couldn’t ask for more than that. Thanks. Thanks to all of you.”

  Sarah beamed as Dan shook hands all around. With his arm around her and the room filling with the happy chatter of the rest of the couples, she felt a glow of belonging she’d never thought she’d feel anywhere else but in the Army. She and Dan had talked the business over and had begun to brainstorm ways to work together. As he asked her opinion and listened to her suggestions, Sarah realized her dream was coming true; she would be an equal partner in the business as well as in their relationship.

  “When are you going to propose to Sarah for real?” Regan asked.

  “On New Year’s,” Dan stated confidently. “I bet I can convince Sarah in six days that I’m the man for her.”

  “Double or nothing?” Ella challenged.

  “No more bets!” Regan exclaimed.

  Dan pulled Sarah close for a quick kiss.

  “You’re going to join Dan’s business?” Mason asked her.

  “That’s right.” Dan wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Once she’s out of the Army, I don’t ever plan to let her leave my side again.”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do when I leave the Army.” Sarah snuggled into his embrace. She’d be tough as nails when she helped run the camps, but she was glad she could be soft around Dan.

  “You know what this means?” Regan said. “We’ll be neighbors!”

  Sarah’s heart swelled until she didn’t know how her chest could contain it. She felt like she’d found her true home.

  And her true love. Feeling Dan’s arms tighten around her, she knew she’d finally met her match. She couldn’t wait for their lives together to begin.

  The End

  The Navy SEAL’
s Christmas Bride is part of the Heroes of Chance Creek series. To find out more about Mason, Regan, Austin, Ella, Zane and Colt, check out The Navy SEAL’s E-Mail Order Bride.

  About the Author

  Cora Seton loves cowboys, country life, gardening, bike-riding, and lazing around with a good book. Mother of four, wife to a computer programmer/eco-farmer, she ditched her California lifestyle nine years ago and moved to a remote logging town in northwestern British Columbia.

  Like the characters in her novels, Cora enjoys old-fashioned pursuits and modern technology, spending mornings transforming a one-acre lot into a paradise of orchards, berry bushes and market gardens, and afternoons writing the latest Chance Creek romance novel. Visit to read about new releases, contests and other cool events!





  Other Cora Seton Titles

  Heroes of Chance Creek

  The Navy SEAL’s E-Mail Order Bride

  The Soldier’s E-Mail Order Bride

  The Marine’s E-Mail Order Bride

  The Airman’s E-Mail Order Bride

  Cowboys of Chance Creek

  The Cowboy’s E-Mail Order Bride

  The Cowboy Wins a Bride

  The Cowboy Imports a Bride

  The Cowgirl Ropes a Billionaire

  The Sheriff Catches a Bride

  The Cowboy Lassos a Bride

  The Cowboy Rescues a Bride

  The Cowboy Earns a Bride

  Flash Fire

  An Out of Uniform novella

  Elle Kennedy

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