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SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle

Page 25

by Seton, Cora

  It hit him square in the chest.

  He reached out and cupped the nape of her neck, drawing her against him. Before she could resist he lowered his head and claimed her lips. A tiny sigh escaped her, her hands sliding around his waist to grip his back.

  Damn, she tasted as good as she smelled. Donovan deepened the kiss, feeling a burst of male pride when she allowed him in. Slowly, he backed her up against the wall, groaning when their bodies came in full contact.

  Needing to be closer, he leaned more fully on her. Her answering moan about brought him to his knees.

  Cloe pushed against his shoulders, her mouth leaving his.

  “No. I can’t do this,” she breathed.

  Donovan stepped away from her. He’d never force a woman. But, damn, he wanted her more than his next breath.

  Cloe touched her lips with a trembling hand. “I’m sorry,” she said before spinning and practically running for her bedroom.

  This time he was certain she wasn’t coming back out.


  Cloe leaned against the door of her bedroom, trying to steady herself. What had she been thinking, kissing Donovan like that? Guilt flooded her, making her breath catch in her throat. Lance was gone, but it still felt like a betrayal.

  How had this gotten so far out of control?

  She ran her tongue over her swollen lips, tasting Donovan there. Despite what her brain said, her body wanted him. More than she’d ever wanted a man. Including Lance. She’d been attracted to him, in love with him, but he’d never set her on fire like Donovan did.

  What did that mean?

  Cloe let out a long sigh and pushed off the door to get ready for bed. No way could she go back out there tonight. Not when her emotions were so screwed up. But, oh, she wanted to. So, so bad.

  Tugging her pajamas on and climbing in bed, she silently berated herself. Because only a fool would put herself out there again.

  She couldn’t make another mistake like the last one. Not even with a man whose kisses threatened everything she’d tried so hard to forget.


  Donovan rolled off the couch, changed into workout clothes, and slipped into his running shoes. No sound came from Cloe’s bedroom, so he ducked outside for his run. His shoes made little sound on the pavement as he pounded out a five-minute mile. Then another two before dropping and hammering out sit-ups and push-ups on the back porch.

  With a glance at his watch he sprinted into the house so he could catch a shower before Cloe got up. Her alarm would go off in fifteen minutes. He only needed ten.

  Fisting his shirt behind his head, he pulled it off on his way to the bathroom. He stopped short when he saw Cloe standing in the kitchen, the carafe to the coffee pot in her hand, staring at him.

  Heat flared in her eyes before she spun around and poured the water into the pot.

  “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t realize you were up.”

  “I woke up a few minutes ago. Thought I’d make coffee before you got up, but I see you got an early start.” Her voice wavered and she cleared her throat.

  “Morning routine. Thought I’d be finished before you needed the shower.”

  She kept her back turned, fussing with the bag of coffee beans. “You work out like this every morning?”

  “Yes, mostly to stay in shape, but partly because I like it.”

  “Well, it’s working.”

  Donovan hid a grin. After the kiss last night he wasn’t sure she’d give him a second look. Ever. This proved she wasn’t as immune to him as she wanted to be.

  “Care if I grab a quick shower?” he asked.

  “No, go ahead.”

  Amused she still wouldn’t turn around, he strode into the bathroom and closed the door. He showered in less than five minutes, wrapped a towel around his hips and cursed himself for not grabbing clean clothes first. Cloe wasn’t the only distracted one at the moment.

  He exited the bathroom and found Cloe standing there holding out a cup of coffee. She’d already dressed in fitted t-shirt and shorts that showcased her gorgeous legs.

  “I thought you’d like—oh.”

  Her eyes dropped to the towel riding low on his hips, then slowly rose to meet his. No shyness this time and damn if he didn’t adore that.

  “I’d love a cup, but I need to get dressed first.”

  Actually, it wasn’t the coffee he wanted at the moment. With her sleep-mussed hair and a morning glow on her flawless skin, she looked good enough to kiss. Something he couldn’t stop thinking about.

  “Yes. Dressed,” she murmured.

  He grinned. “Unless you want me to wear a towel all day.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. Then she shook her head and took a step back. “No. I’ll keep this warm for you while you get dressed.”

  “Back in three.” He grabbed his bag and strode into the bathroom before she saw the evidence of his attraction to her.

  Minutes later he joined her at the kitchen table. “Your turn.”

  “I think I’ll finish my coffee first.”

  He took a drink of his. “Working today?”

  She nodded. “I have an account that needs finishing before the New Year.”

  “I thought I’d run out and get some groceries. Can you take a break this afternoon?”

  Her hands wrapped around her mug, fingers tight. “I know you’re helping me out by staying here, but I don’t think it’s necessary. I really can take care of myself. And if this guy makes any more threats I’ll report it to the police.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone. We don’t know what is motivating this guy. That makes him dangerous.”

  “We don’t know that for sure.”

  He sent her a skeptical look and she shifted in her chair, her brows pulling down.

  “I don’t like stealing you away from your family and your work. Christmas is coming soon. You should be spending it with them, not holed up here with me waiting for something that might not happen.” She stared into her coffee. “Your holiday leave probably isn’t that long. I can’t be responsible for keeping you away from the ones you love.”

  “Not to worry. I have work to do, too. I brought my laptop with me so I can get it done. Just pretend I’m not here.”

  The look that passed over her face almost made him chuckle. She may keep her secrets buried, but her face told all. It would be as hard for her to ignore his presence as it was for him to ignore hers.

  “Then we do this under one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “If your family needs you, you go.”

  She drove a hard bargain. “Counter offer?”

  Her lips pressed into a thin line but she didn’t object.

  “If I need to go, you go with me.”

  If possible, her lips thinned even more before she spoke. “You’re taking this protection thing a little far, aren’t you?”

  “You’re worth it, cara.”

  Her shoulders lifted in a sigh. “I’ve lost this battle, haven’t I?”

  He grinned. “Look at it as a win for your survival.”

  She rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth tipped. “All right, all right. But don’t you dare avoid your family so you can be here. Got it?”

  “Got it,” he mused.

  With a satisfied nod, she rose to her feet. “I’m gonna shower then get to work. I can take a break at lunch to go to the grocery store.”


  She disappeared into the bathroom and emerged minutes later. Her damp hair hung down her back like blond silk. He watched her walk to her computer and sit down. Minutes later she was engrossed in her work. Deciding to do some work himself and pull his thoughts out of the gutter, he got up and grabbed his laptop. Flipping on the television and turning the volume down as to not distract her, he got to work checking emails and catching up.

  Doing his best not to notice the sexy woman across the room.

  Around one he decided to call it quits since Cloe hadn’t. Cl
osing his laptop and setting it on the coffee table, he rose to his feet. “Time for lunch and groceries.”

  Cloe glanced up from behind her computer. “One o’clock already. No wonder I’m hungry.” She tapped a couple more keys, then stood. “Let me put on some jeans and I’ll be ready.”

  It didn’t take her long to change into a pair of form-fitting jeans that made his mouth water. She’d put on sandals, her painted toes looking more sexy than a woman had a right to be.

  He led her to his car and closed the door once she got in.

  “Do you have a list?” she asked when he slid in driver’s seat.

  He tapped his forehead. “All up here.”

  She belted herself in as he pulled onto the quiet street. A glance in his rearview mirror alerted him to a dark SUV that pulled out of a parking space four cars down. None of Cloe’s neighbors had an SUV of that model. He’d taken inventory during his run this morning. Could be family of a neighbor, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  So as not to alert Cloe, he took a few more turns than necessary to get to the grocery store. The SUV stayed a couple car lengths back, but made every turn Donovan did. Definitely not a coincidence.

  They had a tail.

  Parking midway down the lot, he turned off the engine. Cloe moved to get out. He put a hand on her arm to stop her.

  “Wait here for a sec,” he said, and climbed out of the car.

  The SUV sat idling a few spots down. The windows had been tinted so he couldn’t see the driver clearly. With determined strides he headed toward the vehicle.

  Halfway there it revved its engine. Donovan didn’t break stride. Almost there, he narrowed his eyes on the man sitting behind the wheel. He couldn’t be sure if it was the man who had hit Cloe or not, but he’d bet it was.

  Wanting to rip the guy in two, he approached the SUV. The driver revved the motor again, then whipped the vehicle around and squealed out of the parking lot. Donovan clenched his jaw. Had he been alone, he would have chased the bastard down.

  “What was that all about?”

  He looked over to see Cloe standing next to him.

  Not wanting to worry her, he put an arm around her shoulders and steered her toward the entrance of the grocery store. “Nothing. Thought I knew them.”

  “You don’t need to sugarcoat it for me. It was him, wasn’t it?”

  Beauty and brains. Made it damn hard to protect her.

  “I can’t be sure. The windows were tinted. If I had to guess I’d say yes.”

  “He’s following us now?”

  “Looks that way.” And he didn’t like it one bit. The guy wasn’t doing anything he could take to the PD. Just being an asshole.

  Cloe stopped walking, bringing him to an abrupt halt. She didn’t step out of his embrace though.

  “He’s messing with us. That really annoys me.”

  Donovan’s respect for her ratcheted up. “Me, too,” he said, urging her forward, happy she hadn’t pushed his arm away yet.

  “Why do you think he’s doing this?” she asked quietly.

  He squeezed her shoulder. “I’m not sure, but we’ll figure it out.”

  “Thank you.”

  They had reached the automatic doors. He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Happy to help.”

  He let her go once they stepped inside the grocery store and grabbed a shopping cart. Together, they gathered what was needed. Donovan couldn’t remember the last time he’d done such a menial task that didn’t involve danger and terrorists. It felt pretty damn good.

  Jill had never gone grocery shopping with him. She always seemed to be dieting and didn’t eat much. She’d hated the big meals his family sent home for him. Barely ate the meals he prepared when he was home.

  Cloe was the complete opposite and he liked that. Made him want things he knew he shouldn’t.

  Things that could get his heart broken again.

  Chapter Eight


  Balancing grocery bags in both arms, Donovan followed Cloe into the house. Her gasp made him stop short just inside the doorway.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “What happened to my house?”

  Setting the bags down on the floor, he pushed Cloe behind him. “Wait here.”

  He crept through the rooms, stepping over upturned furniture and broken dishes. Someone had ransacked her house. And he knew exactly who had done it. This, he could report to the PD. As he did recon he made the call.

  After checking every nook and cranny inside and outside, he met Cloe at the door where he’d left her. She turned confused eyes to his.

  “I don’t understand why he’s doing this,” she said. “He hit me. I had the right of way. It was an accident.”

  Donovan put his hands on her shoulders. “I know. But I’ll stop him, Cloe. You have my word on that.”

  “I should call the police.”

  “Already done. Why don’t you see if anything has been stolen while I put these groceries away.”

  With a small nod she walked slowly into the room, stooping to pick up a piece of a broken vase. “This stuff isn’t even mine,” she said sadly. “The house came fully furnished. How am I supposed to tell Mrs. James that her things were destroyed?”

  “Insurance will cover replacements. This wasn’t your fault. She won’t blame you.”

  Cloe spun around to face him. “It is my fault. I live here. I’m responsible.”

  He realized she was angry, not on the verge of tears like Jill would have been. Not that he couldn’t handle tears, but it would kill him to see Cloe cry.

  “These are just things. You could have been here. He could have harmed you.” The words came out more gruff than intended, but, damn it, he could have lost her.

  She sobered immediately. “You’re right.”

  He took a step toward her, but she held up a hand. “I’m fine. I’ll just do inventory the best I can before the police get here.”

  “Be careful. There’s broken glass all over the place.”

  Her short nod before she turned away tugged at his heart. Cloe was a strong woman, no doubt. But this shook her. As much as she tried to hide it.

  Grabbing the bags, he strode into the kitchen and began putting the groceries away. He’d just finished when a knock sounded on the door.

  “I got it,” he said, going to open it. Two officers stood on the porch. “Officers. Thanks for coming so quickly.” He opened the door wider so they could enter.

  They questioned him and Cloe before taking notes on the destruction.

  “Nothing is missing, Miss Carter?” The tallest of the two asked.


  “And you suspect the same man involved in your accident is responsible for this?”

  Donovan pressed closer to Cloe, putting more distance between her and the officers. “We have no hard proof, but between the phone call and him staking out her house this morning, it’s a good chance it’s him.”

  “Can you describe the vehicle?”

  Donovan gave them the details of the SUV, his slashed tires, the phone call and presence at the back door. The officers took it all down, but he knew what they were thinking. Besides preparing a report for insurance purposes, there was nothing they could do.

  “All right. We’ll be in touch if we have any more questions.”

  Donovan showed them out, then turned to face Cloe, whose face still hadn’t regained color.

  “There’s nothing they can do, is there?” she asked.

  “Not without evidence. Come on, I’ll help you clean this up.”

  Two hours later they had the place back to normal. All the glass swept up, the furniture put back in place.

  Cloe wrapped her arms around her waist. “I feel his presence here,” she said with a shudder.

  Donovan put a coaster back on the coffee table. “Go pack a bag. We’re staying at my place until this is over.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “One hundred percent. I’ll pack up the groceries while you
get your stuff together.”

  Relief showed in her eyes before she hurried into her bedroom. He didn’t blame her for not wanting to stay here. Not after this. Besides, he needed to get her somewhere safer. The guy had escalated. There was no saying how far he’d take things.


  Donovan pushed open the spare bedroom door, saying a silent thank you to his mom, who always made sure the sheets were clean. God bless her. Her intentions weren’t purely just being helpful while he was deployed. He knew how she felt about her children fornicating. She didn’t hide her opinions. She expected his spare room to be used if he had a ‘guest’.

  Jill had been the only other woman he brought to his house. Too many women wanted to be with a Navy SEAL just to say they had. He wasn’t into that scene and didn’t want any of them knowing where he lived, so he didn’t do SEAL ‘groupies’. Some of his teammates got into it, but not him.

  His mom would be proud of him for using the spare bedroom for the first time. Jill had been pretty, but Cloe knocked him sideways. Just spending time with her made him want to know her secrets. Want to protect her. Make love to her. Especially after that kiss.


  He’d signed on to watch over her, not take her to bed. No matter how appealing.

  “Sheets are clean,” he said to Cloe as she brushed past him. The scent of spiced apple drifted past his nose.

  “Bathroom is to your right if you’d like to shower before bed.” They’d stopped for a bite to eat at the restaurant on the way here. His brothers suspected something more was up with Cloe, but Donovan didn’t elaborate when they pulled him aside to question him. They had kept them at the restaurant longer than he intended. Now, Cloe looked exhausted.

  “I think I’ll take you up on that.”

  His gaze wandered to the bed, inappropriate thoughts filling his head. “I’ll let you settle in.” He retreated before he did something stupid like invite her to stay in his bed tonight.

  He grabbed a bottle of water and stretched out on the couch. He was dead tired, but knew sleep would evade him with Cloe undressing in the next room. Her footsteps were light, but he heard her go into the bathroom and close the door.


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