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Conquering India

Page 8

by Conquering India [lit]

  “Do you think it was Johnny?"

  The quiet fury she saw leap into his eyes gave her the answer she needed, but she still needed to hear it from him.


  Sirens sounded in the distance, heralding the arrival of the police. She thanked the 911 operator, hung up, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  A young officer stepped out of his car and headed over in their direction as another one approached the house.

  "Sir. Ma'am, are you India Singer?"

  She nodded.

  "I’m Officer Franklin. Can you tell me what happened?"

  "I had a wedding I catered this afternoon and evening. Everything was locked up tight when I left."

  One eyebrow raised in question. "Are you sure?"

  Anger lit her blood, but she banked it. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure because he wouldn't have had to bash in my window."

  His cheeks pinkened and she felt a little guilty. He was young, but she just didn't have the patience to go through such asinine questioning.

  She opened her mouth. Wade beat her to it. "You want to check out Johnny Anderson. He was here this morning, left angry. India has a restraining order against him."

  Speculation darkened the young officer's eyes. The other officer was on his radio calling another unit, then he approached them, his lips in a straight line.

  "I called CSI."

  The other officer looked surprised. "There isn't any—"

  "No, but he did enough damage to call them in."

  "Ms. Singer, this is Officer Daniels."

  India tried to smile at the other man, but the tension in the air vibrated with testosterone. She went through some more questioning, asking who knew she lived there, what kind of problems she had with Johnny in the past. The CSI unit showed up, and the officers poured out of the van.

  Wade looked at her. "Will you be all right by yourself?"

  She snorted. "I'm surrounded by San Antonio's finest. I'll be okay."

  He hesitated. Another car came tearing around the curb. "About time."

  When Marc unfolded his length from the sporty little car, India could not have been more surprised. He strode over, his face an ice sculpture. Great, just what she needed, another man walking around ready to do violence, but no one there to take it out on.

  He didn't even look at Wade. He focused his clear eyes on her, concern easily read. "You didn't get hurt?"

  She started to shake her head and found herself pulled out of the cab into a bear hug. His massive arms enclosed her in warmth, killing the chill that had been sitting in her blood since she saw the window. She shivered and relaxed into his heat.

  "I’ll see what the officers are up to," Wade said leaving them alone.

  As if Wade's voice brought him out of some kind of trance, Marc eased away, apology in his expression.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to manhandle you."

  Tears filled her eyes. "No, it actually felt good. I've been trying, trying..."

  She hiccupped and the dam broke as fresh tears started to fill her eyes. The fright she had been holding at bay came crashing down on her head, and she started to shake. He pulled her back into his arms, and she curled closer, needing his warmth.

  His gentle strokes down her spine calmed her sobs. "I'm sorry."

  "For what? Getting upset your ex broke into your house? You have every right to."

  She shook her head. "No, really, I didn't mean to slobber on you."

  She tried to pull away, but he held her tighter.

  "I like you slobbering on me. Besides, you can be upset for both of us. The thought of you showing up earlier...and if Wade hadn't been here."

  He shuddered. Anger and fear rolled off him. For her? They had struck up a friendship through their phone conversations, but she hadn’t realized the depth of his feelings. Greedy for comfort, she burrowed closer, allowing his body heat to surround her. She drew in a deep breath and with it, his scent. Bay rum with a dash of Marc.

  Moments later, she pulled away, fell back onto the seat, and looked up at him. He cupped her face and slipped his fingers over his cheeks, wiping away her drying tears.

  "I don't even want to think about what could have happened to you."

  India did not doubt his sincerity. It vibrated in his voice. But there was something else, something that told her that this was more than just a friend worrying about a friend. And, oh, God, her body reacted to him. Her stomach clenched, her blood warmed. Embarrassed, she closed her eyes.


  She opened her eyes. "Don't what?"

  "Don't worry about that."

  How could he know what she was thinking? That she was desperately trying not to fall in love with both of them, but she couldn't. While she enjoyed Wade and craved his lightness of spirit, she also ached for Marc. So sure and steady, and both of them were driving her mad. How could two men she barely knew affect her this way?

  "We'll talk about it later."

  At that moment, Wade came forward, her overnight bag in his hand.

  She frowned. "What's that for?"

  "I thought you could go home with Marc.”

  “But the police—”

  “Have told me that they have what they need for now. They'll come by the apartment tomorrow if they have any other questions."

  "I have to go through, make sure nothing was taken."

  "You can do that tomorrow, but I don't think he took anything. That wasn't his aim."

  He handed the bag to Marc without any agreement from her.

  "Wait a minute. I haven't said I’d stay with you. I can easily call my friend Delilah and spend the night with her." That was if Delilah didn't have company—which she usually did on a Saturday night.

  Wade gave her a knowing look. "I didn't ask."

  Immediately, her body warmed, her nipples hardened. Johnny had broken into her house, and she was being manhandled by a man—a younger man at that—and she was turned on.

  Dammit, Wade had turned her into a nympho.

  Marc took her arm and helped her out of the truck. She turned toward her car, but he tugged her in the opposite direction.

  She looked down at the hand wrapped around her arm, then up at Marc. "I'm not leaving my car."

  He glanced over it, his expression not giving away his thoughts, but when he looked at her, she was amazed to find amusement lighting his eyes.

  "Listen, it might be a piece of crap, but it's my piece of crap. If Johnny shows up here again, there is a good chance he will do something to it."

  Marc sighed. "Okay. I'll follow you."

  With a roll of the eyes, she wiggled out of his grasp and headed to her car. She said nothing else as she slipped into her seat. She went to close her door, but Wade stepped up. Bracing an arm on the body of the vehicle, he held the other one with his hand.

  When he leaned down, she saw the concern in his gaze. "Be careful and don't let Marc rile least until I get home."

  Before she could respond to his comment, he gave her a quick, hard kiss, then slammed the door in her face. Just that little touch, not exactly sensual, and she was trembling. The man had her hot from a kiss that lasted less than five seconds. She had to be crazy going to his apartment. India knew she was in dangerous territory. The rational side of her brain was screaming to run in the opposite direction. But another part of her wanted this, craved to have a crazy fling with a hot hunk of a man. A younger hot hunk of a man.

  Brights flashed in her mirror and she looked up. Marc sat in his car behind her, waiting. Another little tendril of heat sped through her blood leaving her almost dizzy with the brutality of it. She was definitely going mental. She pulled away from the curb, and reminded herself neither man had said they would share her.

  Just thinking about that, about the pleasure both of them could bring her, had every drop of moisture in her mouth evaporating. Her whole body tingled, and lust danced over her nerve endings. She tightened her hands on the wheel, her knuckles white. She knew if they we
ren't there, they would be shaking. The thoughts swirling in her head were too delicious, too insane to even contemplate. Besides, she had no idea if what Wade said was true. Marc had never indicated that he was attracted to her in that way.

  The memory of the way he held and comforted her came back to her and she shivered. But if he was, and they asked her, she wasn't too sure she would be able to tell either of them no.

  * * * *

  Wade walked back up and talked to Officer Daniels. "Anything?"

  He shook his head. "CSI is still working the scene."

  "Any word on Anderson?"

  The young officer frowned. "We have no proof it’s him."

  Aggravation sat heavy on Wade's chest. Damn the bastard. He should have seen this one coming. Men like Anderson were cowards. They picked fights with people they knew they could beat, and they did things like defile a house. Granted, Wade hadn't thought Anderson would go this route...but still, Wade should have seen it coming. Just the idea that India could have been at home when he showed up had Wade's blood icing.

  "I know it's him. I saw him this morning, saw that look."

  The officer gave him a measuring look. "You’re the owner of T and J Security?"

  He nodded.

  "Ex-Marine, right?"

  "Son, there's no such thing as an ex-Marine."

  The officer smiled then looked back up at the house. "Yeah, from what you said, and what I've been able to gather from the officer Ms. Singer's been in contact with, it sounds like him. The writing on the wall is in red, but it's not blood, definitely paint."

  Wade had known that. The smell was still fresh when he walked in. But it had been the word, not the actual paint that upset Wade. They both walked up to the front of the house, and just inside the door, on the wall facing the entrance, Anderson had painted the word “Whore.”

  Chapter Seven

  Marc pulled into the parking garage of their apartment building. He watched India park her piece of shit car in the visitor slot. Anticipation hummed through his veins, his cock twitched with need. He had known the moment Wade called and told him the situation that India would be coming home with them. There would be no argument from Marc. To think of what that bastard did to her house. He took several bracing breaths trying to calm himself down. India didn't know yet about the things the bastard had written on the walls. But if Marc ever met the coward, he would make him pay for every fucking letter.

  A knock on his window had him jumping, and he found India standing there watching him. Oh, great. The big security expert was just surprised by the woman in his protection. But then India twisted him inside out since the moment he met her.

  He knew she was confused, but at the moment, that didn't matter. What she needed was comfort and security. They would have to tell her the worst of it, but that could wait.

  He stepped out of his car, grabbing her bag as he rose out of his seat. He locked his car and took India by her elbow to the elevator.

  “Do you think Wade will be long?”

  “He’ll want to do something with your windows before he leaves.”

  He pushed the button for the elevator, and he could feel her study him.

  “I could have taken care of it.”

  Now it was his turn to look at her. “Wade will take care of it.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  There was a tension in her voice that hadn’t been there earlier. He figured some of the shock had started to wear off. He followed her onto the elevator.

  “I know you could have taken care of it. Wade understands that, too.”

  She glanced at him from beneath her lashes. “While I appreciate everything both of you are doing, I just want you to know I don’t like being handled.”

  He said nothing as they reached their floor and she followed him to the apartment. Unlocking the door, he waited for her to step over the threshold before he followed her, then locked the door behind him. He put her bag in their spare bedroom, then led her to the kitchen.

  “How about something to eat or drink?”

  “How about you tell me what this is all about?

  “What do you mean?”

  She sighed. “I can’t play games. I’m not good at them. I dated very little before I was married and not since my divorce. I was married for most of my adult years, and Johnny was the only man I slept with before Wade.”

  She blushed after she announced that. Marc stood their transfixed by the sight of her. The lights of the Riverwalk sparkled behind her, and she looked so delicate…so tempting. The idea that she had only one lover before Wade had every ounce of blood in his brain heading south.

  He had to take a step back to keep from lunging for her. “We don’t play games, either. And nothing will be discussed without Wade here.”

  She didn’t look happy with that. She turned her back to him, watching the activity down on the Riverwalk.

  “How about a bath?”

  She shot him a questioning look over her shoulder. He raised his hands in defense.

  “I meant alone. It might ease some of the tension of the day, help you relax.”

  She shrugged, but turned to head to her room. He stayed her with his hand and pointed her to the large bathroom he and Wade shared.

  “You should use ours. It has a tub to die for.”

  * * * *

  Pleasure washed over India as she sank below the surface of the hot water. When Marc said the tub was to die for, he wasn’t kidding. The oval shaped tub could fit at least three people and was deep enough for her to stand in, but there was a ledge for reclining. It was actually more of a miniature pool in a way.

  Water lapped at her chin as she closed her eyes. When India’s Traveling Feast started making good money, she was going to get a tub like this. A professional kitchen with a six burner gas stove and two ovens…and this tub. She could care less what was included in the rest of the house.

  The warm water drew out some of the tension and helped soothe the sore muscles from two days of hard work. She’d been rewarded with several new contacts, and one of the bridesmaids had already made an appointment next week to book her wedding reception. Things were definitely looking up.

  Well, that is if she ignored the fact that her ex-husband broke into her house. It still irritated her that Wade had kept her from seeing the house. She knew something had happened, and the worst of this was not over. When Johnny needed someone to come rescue him, he would not give up. If he owed money to Victor, he didn’t have any other choice but to latch on to her again. It made no sense in her mind. She didn’t have the cash flow to help him even if she wanted to, which she didn’t.

  She pushed aside worries about Johnny, of what he had done to his life. She couldn’t help him now. She had a new life to get started with. The old India would sit in the tub and worry herself into an ulcer about it. There was nothing she could do, so she might as well lock it away, worry about it tomorrow.

  Besides, she had a younger lover, one who shared women with his friend. A sharp jolt of heat lanced through her. It was one of her favorite fantasies, one she read time and time again, but she’d never thought it would come true. But just the thought of being shared, of two mouths exploring her, teasing her...She shivered. Wade had been an extraordinary lover, so attuned to her every need. If Marc were half as good, she would probably die from pleasure.

  Even just thinking about being in bed with both of them had her body shimmering with heat. God, what the hell had gotten into her? Most women would be happy with just Wade, but here she was hoping for both of them to take her. Damn, she thought with a laugh, she’d become a greedy nympho.

  “Nothing like finding a naked woman in our tub enjoying herself.”

  * * * *

  Wade smiled when India’s eyes popped open. Despite everything that happened today, he felt much of the tension drain from his body. Just knowing she was in his home, waiting for him…nothing had ever made him feel this content. Damn, but she made him happy. The damp h
eat had her hair curling even more. Her skin had a pleasant flush, whether from the warmth of the room or her embarrassment, he didn't know. Either way, the sight of her flushed and naked made him want to gobble her up.

  “Wade.” Embarrassment colored her voice.

  His smile spread as he approached the tub. "What?"

  She cleared her throat.

  When she said nothing, he sat down on the edge. "Not like I haven't seen ya naked."

  "Not in bright overhead lights."

  "Ah." He didn't move, wasn't about to budge. Instead, he slipped a finger beneath the surface of the fragrant water and stirred. The ripples spread, causing the water to lap up against her breasts. Her nipples hardened, and Wade couldn’t resist slipping his fingers around one and tugging. She shivered.

  “Wade.” Longing filled her voice and spoke to his soul.

  “How are you doing?” Wade tried to keep his voice calm. It wasn’t an easy task. From the moment he entered the apartment, he knew things had changed. Marc’s actions had told him more than any words would have been able to. He never allowed people in their private bedrooms, especially their bath. It was a clear indication that his feelings on the subject of India had changed.

  “Okay. I was just thinking about getting out.”

  Wade slid his hand to her other breast. “Don’t rush on my account.”

  “Or mine,” Marc said.

  Wade glanced over his shoulder and found his best friend standing at the entrance of the bath, leaning against the doorjamb. Excitement sizzled through Wade’s blood as he thought of their night ahead. When he turned to face India, his heart jerked. The momentary trepidation he saw in her expression worried him. He expected it, planned for it, but he hadn’t prepared for how it would make him feel.

  She opened her mouth. No sound came out as she looked from him to Marc then back to Wade again.

  “I told you that we shared women,” Wade said.

  She nodded.

  Wade had to tamp down on his agitation. He could not rush her. She wasn’t a groupie from the bar. India wouldn’t go looking for an opportunity like this, as the women before her did.

  “Y-you want to share me?” Disbelief, arousal, and fear colored her voice.


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