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Doctor's Orders (Copper Creek Book 2)

Page 19

by Wendy Smith

  Ash holds his hands up. “I believe I was having a conversation with the lady.”

  “I don’t believe the lady invited you onto her property.” Alongside Corey, Adam shoots me a smile.

  “I doubt you’re invited either.”

  Corey grins. “Hayley’s family. I suggest you get out of here and don’t come back.”

  Ash straightens and glares at Corey. “I’ll leave when Hayley tells me to.”

  “I already did.” Bolstered by Drew’s brothers’ presence, I stop trembling and face him.

  He backs away down the garden path. “Fine. I’ll talk to you later.”

  As I step down from the doorstep, Owen moves behind me, slinging one arm around my shoulder. He calls after Ash. “I don’t know if that’d be very good for your health.”

  I lean against him, my heart bursting from the actions of these three. They make me feel like part of their family.

  “You are so not getting all that action, Owen. Shove over.”

  In an instant, Adam is at my other side, his arm around my waist and tugging me toward him.

  “You two will pull her in half if you keep that up. Save some for Drew.” Corey winks, and I laugh, surrounded by people I can depend on. They don’t make me feel like part of their family. They are my family.

  Tears erupt from me, a combination of feeling safe and loved.

  “As long as you’re here, we won’t let him get near you,” Owen says, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “We’ve got you.” Adam nods.

  “Are you okay?” Owen asks.

  “I am now. How did you guys know to be here?”

  Corey laughs. “Drew called us. We wanted to be here when you got home to give you a proper welcome home and let you know we’re all here if you need us. When that dirtbag showed up, we thought we’d have a bit of fun if he bothered you. He didn’t disappoint.”

  “Neither did you guys. I appreciate it so much.”

  Owen smiles. “If you ever need me, I’m just down the road. I know I’ve said it before, but, just call me any time of the day or night.”

  I nod. “I will.”

  “Welcome to the family, Hayley,” Adam says.

  My heart sings at the brothers’ acceptance of me. Just as I’m about to leave, it’s as if I’ve been adopted. I love this town.

  If only my heart wasn’t a three hundred kilometres away.

  My little house is full of chatter and laughter.

  We spend the next couple of hours drinking coffee, with the boys telling stories of their childhood. Of course, most of them include Drew. The four of them are so close, and I think they all have some regret James isn’t older so he could have shared more with them.

  “We hated coming here,” says Corey. “Hated it. We thought we’d be living in this tiny town and that there’d be nothing to do.”

  “How wrong was that?” Owen says.

  “I said nothing to do, not no one to do.”

  Even I laugh at Corey’s words. Owen’s reputation isn’t without merit.

  My phone buzzes.

  I’m at work and thinking about you. When are you moving?

  I smile.

  “Drew’s ears burning?” Adam nudges my arm.

  “Something like that.”

  “I’m really happy for you two. I’m glad Drew found someone who I know is going to be good to him, and vice versa.”


  As soon as I can sort out work. I’m spending the afternoon with your brothers, btw.

  Don’t believe anything they tell you about me. So jealous I’m not there.

  I look up from my phone and at Adam. “Thanks for introducing us.”

  “Lily wasn’t impressed I asked him to come, but I’m glad I did.”

  I smile. “Me, too.”

  When there’s a knock on the door, my eyebrows shoot up.

  Corey reaches over and squeezes my hand. “I’ll get it.”

  I nod.

  He opens the door to Graham Taylor.

  “Hayley?” Corey asks.

  “Let him in.”

  Graham takes in the sight of me with Drew’s brothers and smiles. “Good to see you’ve got lots of support.”

  “Support? The guy’s a creep, but it’s not like he …” Owen pauses, looking between his brothers. “What’s all this really about?”

  I swallow, meeting Adam’s gaze. His frown tells me he doesn’t know the full story either. Clearly Drew and Corey have kept this to themselves. “I had a run-in with Ash Harris.”

  His eyes widen. “What? I told you to call me if you needed me.”

  I nod. “I know, but Corey was there for me. And Drew.”

  Owen frowns. “What happened?”

  “That’s what I’m here to speak to Hayley about. My visit to Mr Harris,” Graham says.

  “He was here today,” I say.

  Graham’s eyebrows rise. “Really?”

  “Still going on about the offer he made me.” I nod toward a chair. “Take a seat.”

  Graham sits and lets out a loud breath. “Well, he said you were there, but that you left of your own accord. But he’s even more paranoid now. He knows someone betrayed him, and he’s trying his best to find out who was involved in getting you out. Julia’s completely on the outer now. He won’t even speak to her.”

  “Wait. Get you out?” Adam asks.

  “He … he …”

  “He couldn’t convince Hayley to be with him so he drugged her and, well, Graham’s guys on the inside got her out before anything happened.” Corey sits on the couch beside me and slips his arms around my shoulders.

  Graham growls. “I’d prefer you not tell the world about our operation.”

  Corey chuckles. “Adam and Owen are entitled to know. Hayley’s part of our family, and once Ash dragged her into this, it became personal.”

  “Holy shit.” Owen’s eyes meet mine.

  “What the hell?” Adam says.

  “We think that’s part of his routine for convincing young women to join him. Seduction with a little bit of help.” Graham shifts his focus to Adam.

  “How has he not been arrested?” His eyes are wild with confusion.

  “They’re after him for something much bigger than what happened to me,” I say.

  Corey’s grip tightens. “I tried to make sure we had evidence, and that Hayley knows she has our support no matter what.”

  “I don’t even know what came back in my blood test yet.”

  “It was faint, and I think we got the blood just in time. There were signs of Rohypnol in your test.”

  My stomach rolls at the ease with which I was drugged. If Julia hadn’t turned against Ash, if Graham’s men had taken longer … How would I have felt waking up and thinking I’d slept with Ash?

  “He changed his pattern with you; I’m sure of that. He tried talking you into it, but you resisted. He’s worked out who to target, and when to back off. You’re different. You would have woken up and known something was wrong.”

  I nod.

  “So, the question is, what the hell is he doing behind those fences?” Owen asks.

  “I’ve narrowed it down to two things,” Graham says. “He’s either building an army or a workforce.”

  “A workforce for what? They might have those fences, but there’s nothing obvious going on beside growing food for themselves,” I say.

  “I’m not sure, but there’s something deeper. Our guys haven’t got close enough yet, but the day is coming when we’ll unravel everything.”

  I nod.

  “My immediate concern is you. If he’s got the balls to show up here knowing someone helped you leave, what else could he try?”

  “I’m leaving town.”


  “As soon as I can find a job.”

  Graham leans back in the seat. “I hope he’s not driving you out of Copper Creek.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m moving to be with Drew.”

smiles. “At least then I’ll know you’ll be safe.”

  I hope I am.



  “Tell me why you’re here.”

  This is my first visit to see Paul Jacobs. After I got his details from Jenna I looked him up, and colour me impressed. He’s not cheap, but dealing with PTSD, particularly in veterans, is his specialty.

  “I’m struggling, and I need help.”

  Paul smiles. “That’s half the battle right there.”

  Over the next hour, I tell him everything—Ben’s death, my injury, my difficulties that Jenna helped me through. And Lily. Like everything else in my life, it always comes back to Lily.

  “You’re scared you’ll hurt her again.”

  I nod. “I’m not stupid. She’s given me another chance she never needed to, and I made the most of it. Now we’ve got a successful business and a new baby, and she’s been through so much herself.”

  “From what you’ve told me, there are things from both your pasts that you’ve skimmed over. If you want to move forward together, you both have to be honest with each other.”

  I swallow. “I’ve always been scared. She feels like I abandoned her, and I did. No matter what I do now, I’ll never be able to make up for that.”

  “Maybe not, but that you’ve started opening up to each other is a good thing. The past is painful, but it’s what you do with that pain to make the future better that’s important.”

  I let out a loud breath. “I just love her so much.”

  He nods. “She’s the last person you want to hurt, but you hurt her, and while that’s not a good thing, it’s brought you here. Have you had any other instances of reacting to sounds like that?”

  “Not that extreme. A couple of times my ex found me curled up in the corner of the room, but the recent one was the scariest. I was back there, tasting the sand, smelling dead bodies.”

  His eyebrows knit. “And it was a gunshot that set it off?”

  “My brother shot a possum. My actual memory of what happened is pretty hazy, but Lily twisted her ankle when I shoved her to the floor.”

  Paul sits back in his chair. “How much treatment did you have back in the States? Did you get counselling?”

  “A bit. My ex works with veterans. That’s where we met. But I always wondered if it was enough, and if my seeming to be mostly okay was just because I lived with her and she’d been around people like me before. She knew how to talk me down, and what signs to look for.”

  He nods.

  “She taught me some relaxation techniques, and that works when it’s not too loud or when an attack is coming. But the other day I didn’t have time to try anything.”

  Paul leans closer. “It’s called an exaggerated startle reflex, and it’s very common in veterans with PTSD.”

  “I remember Jenna calling it something like that. What do I do to stop it?”

  “There are medications that can help, and I would recommend you keep coming to see me. I know you have to travel, so we could even talk via Skype or phone.”

  Nodding, I breathe a sigh of relief. “Whatever it takes. The most important thing to me is to keep my family together, so I need to do everything I can.”

  “What kind of counselling did Lily get after her trauma?”

  I grin. “Angling for business?”

  He laughs. “Caught me. No, it just sounds like there are open wounds on both sides. She went through an incredibly traumatic experience, too.”

  “I’m not sure, but she still has a fear of the dark. I set up a night-light system for our bedroom. Have to admit, it’s helped me a little to when I wake up from the dreams.”

  “Well, Adam. Apart from this, it sounds like you have a healthy relationship with each other. That’s going to help you.”

  I nod, and for the first time in a long time I don’t feel quite so agitated about the past. It’s time to let Ben go and move on with my life.

  My life with Lily.

  It’s a long drive home, but I can’t wait to see Lily. She’s not expecting me until tomorrow, and I spent some time doing some shopping before I started the journey.

  The plan was for me to stay at Drew’s place, but I couldn’t wait to come home. Copper Creek is a quiet town, but leaving my family alone for the night doesn’t sit right with me. Besides, I miss them.

  As I drive into the yard, Lily appears at the back door. She beams as I step out of the car and walk toward the house.

  “How did it go? I thought you’d stay the night at Drew’s.”

  I let out a loud breath as we walk into the kitchen. “It was good. I stopped off to see Drew, but I just wanted to come home. I think I’ll sleep better with you.”

  Her lips curl into a smile. “There are leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry, and you just missed Max. He grumped about you not being here, but he went to sleep pretty quickly once he was in bed.”

  “Dad?” Max appears in the doorway.

  She rolls her eyes. “Speak of the devil. I thought you were asleep.”

  “I was, but you two make so much noise.” Max wraps his arms around my waist. “Where have you been?”

  “I had to go and see a special doctor.”

  His blue eyes fill with concern. “Are you sick?”

  “No, bud. I’ve been talking to him about my days in the army.”

  “Can you tell me, too?”

  Lily meets my gaze, her eyes so full of love.

  “Sure, but not tonight. You need to go and get some sleep.” I bend, and press my lips to his forehead. “Love you, Max.”

  “Love you too, Dad. I knew you’d come home tonight.”

  “Of course you did.”

  He turns and disappears toward his room, and I drape my arms over Lily’s shoulders. “Want to go to bed too?”

  “Maybe after we know for sure that Max is asleep.”

  I laugh. “I’ve got a present for you. Go sit in the living room.”

  A confused look crosses her face. “A present?”

  “Something special for my girl.”

  I go to the table and open my bag. Sitting right on top is the small velvet box, and my stomach clenches as I take it out.

  How’s Lily going to react? Things seem to be okay between us again, but does she trust me enough for this?

  I don’t know how I’ll take it if she says no.

  “Ready?” I call.

  “I don’t know. It might help if you tell me what it is.”

  Taking a deep breath, I walk into the living room. She’s sitting on the couch, and her eyes are wide as I cross the room and drop to my knees in front of her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something I should have done a very long time ago.” I open the box, and her mouth drops open.

  “Adam,” she says softly.

  “You’re it for me, Lily. You always were. I asked you once before and everything went wrong. But everything’s going right for us, and I’m hoping we can try this again. I know we need to be more open, but I want to be more open with you forever. I want to promise that in front of our friends and family. Will you marry me?”

  Tears roll down her cheeks, and she nods. “Of course I will.”

  I remove the gold ring with the teardrop diamond from the box. “I picked this out because I think I’ve caused you enough tears. This is the last one.”

  She laughs, wiping her face with her fingers. “It’s beautiful.”

  The old ring I bought the first time around still sits on her finger. She’s told me it carried her through the months her mother abused her, and it brought her comfort for all the years we were apart.

  “I don’t want to take this off,” she whispers.

  “Then, don’t. I’m sure there’s enough room for both. Something old and something new.”

  I slide it on her finger. It’s a little loose, but nothing we can’t get fixed up.

  She throws her arms around my neck and I hold her tight.

you two getting married?”

  Lily laughs at the sound of Max’s voice, and she plants a kiss on me before letting me go and nodding. “Yes, baby. Your mum and dad are getting married. Come over here.”

  Max rolls his eyes. “It’s about time.”

  He’s right. It is about time.



  The first week back sucks. I’ve arranged a trip for the weekend to see my parents and introduce Drew. If I can deal with his mother, he can deal with mine. The important thing is that we’re together, and we’re strong.

  I’ve seen no sign of Ash, but Margaret tells me he’s approached her about providing maternity care for the community. I wonder if he knows I’m leaving and won’t be involved. At least he’s making an effort.

  Driving to Hamilton, my excitement grows the closer I get to Drew. I’ve put out feelers for jobs, and there are a couple of opportunities. All I can do is hope one of them pans out and that I can move soon.

  Drew’s waiting at the door when I get there. For some reason, he’s excited about going to see my parents, even though I’ve given him plenty of warning. The thought of seeing Dad again warms my heart. Mum leaves my stomach sinking.

  “Hey, princess.” He greets me warmly, pulling me in the door and into his arms. I take a deep breath, inhaling him. His lips press against mine, and I open my mouth to let his tongue in.

  I giggle.


  “You had bacon for breakfast. I have no idea where you put all that food.”

  He grins. “It makes those little soft pockets in my abs.”

  “There’s nothing soft about your abs.”

  Drew hooks his arm around my neck and pulls me closer. “If you want, we could just hang out here and you can check out that claim.”

  I sigh. “I wish. But we have to get going.”

  He nods. “I do have some news I want to tell you, though.”

  “What is it?”

  “I put in an offer for the house, and I think Daryl’s going to accept it.”

  My breath catches. “You’re buying a house? This house?”

  Drew raises a hand to my face, using his fingers to push a lock of hair behind my ear. “I want a home. For us. I mean, if you want to.”


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