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Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone...

Page 3

by Argento, Whitney

She laughed, and the tension in the air eased a little.

  Catelyn hesitated for a moment, then said, "William told me that you were with Olivia."

  Aaron nodded. "That's right. You have a problem with that?"

  Whatever tension had eased returned immediately.

  She looked at him, surprised and hurt, and he registered it. "Sorry. I just..."

  "Don't be," she said curtly. "Let's go inside, I'm exhausted."

  He nodded, got out of the car, and went to unlock the door.

  Catelyn followed. Once in the mudroom, they both kicked off their shoes, hung their jackets, and headed directly up the stairs to the bedroom.

  "You want to shower?"

  "You go first." Catelyn hunted through the piles of laundry for her pyjamas.

  The house was a disaster. They'd been working six day weeks and twelve hour days and that did not leave much time for housekeeping. Catelyn was considering hiring a maid. Or perhaps selling the house and moving into an RV. What was the point in having a home if you were never there?

  Aaron stripped down, tossed everything into the laundry pile on the floor, and headed into the shower. Catelyn smelled unfamiliar perfume, expensive and sweet. Olivia, she supposed. She felt a remarkable absence of jealousy.

  She and Aaron weren't on the best of terms, hadn't been for a few months, but when they had to work, they worked well together. Hectic film schedules left very little time for petty arguments and squabbles.

  While the taps ran in the bathroom, Catelyn sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her face. What the fuck had just happened? She liked William, thought he was good-looking, he was tall and dark haired and light eyed and stubbled, and extremely competent, which was an underrated attractive trait... had she really just had sex with him, and had William's wife Olivia really just had sex with Aaron? It felt dream-like, unreal.

  She rose, wobbled a bit, and stripped out of her button-down shirt and jeans, dropping the dirty clothes on the floor that had become their laundry hamper. She caught sight of herself in the mirror, saw faint dusky prints appearing on her hips and thighs. Bruises. Bruises from William's hands, from where he'd hung onto her hips while he brutally banged her...

  She swallowed at the memory. She could smell him on her skin, faint smells of cologne and beer and soap and his body, could smell his come from the warmth rising from between her legs...

  She examined herself in the full-length bedroom mirror. There were scratches on her arms, little bite marks near her throat, on her shoulders. A suck mark on her left breast.

  Her fingertips trailed over these marks, and she shivered.

  The shower shut off. Catelyn looked around for a robe, not wanting Aaron to see all the marks William had left. She didn't know why she felt guilty; Aaron had just had his own romp with Olivia. No need to feel bad, tit for tat and all that, right?

  Aaron emerged from the shower, towel around his waist, before Catelyn could cover up. He looked his wife over, eyes lingering on the bruises, the scratches.

  "Did he hurt you?"

  She shook her head. "I need to shower."

  He caught her arm as she went past. "Tell me."

  She raised her eyes to his. "He didn't hurt me. At all." Her gaze softened. "It was good." She looked him over. He had a few scratches on his back. "Was your... did you..."

  "It was good," Aaron said, and Catelyn sighed.

  "Alright. Now I'm going to shower."

  She gently disengaged her arm from his grip, stepped into the bathroom, shut the door.

  The hot water was a welcome rush of warmth. The nights were definitely getting much colder.

  Smells bloomed on her skin under the shower spray. Catelyn breathed deeply, eyes closed, letting water rinse over her, not lathering up yet.

  It was like William was in the shower with her, she could smell him that clearly, musk and sweat, his come mingled with hers.

  She slipped a hand between her legs. The flesh there was tender, a bit bruised. He'd been so rough with her. She was swollen and puffy, her labia flooded with blood, her clit full and ready again. Just the smell of him made her want him again.

  Catelyn showered quickly, scrubbing him away, wincing from time to time when she hit a tender spot, and after awhile she didn't smell him anymore.

  When she got out and headed to the bedroom she found Aaron already in bed, fast asleep. Olivia must have tuckered him out, she thought.

  She crawled in next to him, planted a kiss on his shoulder, curled up close to him.

  She thought she'd be asleep in seconds.

  She wasn't.

  She lay and thought about William, thought about what they'd done, what they'd do next time they saw each other.

  Call me in a few days, he'd said.

  She thought about her plans for the next day. Edit her photos, run about fifty loads of laundry, vacuum. Aaron was heading into the studio to take a look at the rough cuts. She was going to be doing grunt work at the house.

  Maybe William would be free.

  She would call him in the morning, she decided.

  With that decision, she fell asleep.

  William and Olivia arrived at their home. Olivia slipped out of the passenger side and yawned widely.

  "He did a number on you," William laughed, and she smiled sleepily at him.

  "I'm heading straight to bed," she said, stretching.

  "I'll be right up," he said. He watched her sway away, all slender limbs and wavy dirty blonde hair, lithe, graceful, the figure of a dancer.

  Catelyn was very different from his wife. She was small, short, her limbs roped with muscle, her movements economical and practical, all about efficiency, her hair poker straight and usually tied back in a braid or ponytail. She'd left it down tonight, and it had been so smooth, nearly slick under the fingers...

  William went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a double scotch. He went to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a washcloth. He walked to his armchair, set the cloth to his right, settled in the chair, then swirled the liquid in the glass, nosed it, took a small sip, let it rest on his tongue while he reviewed the evening.

  Catelyn had been anxious, and afterward she'd seemed guilty. Aaron had seemed defensive. Some of that was to be expected, but he sensed he should be careful. Their marriage might not be as solid as he'd initially thought.

  That aside, Catelyn had been... well...

  He took another sip of his drink and closed his eyes. He could see her body laid out on the bed, see her squirming against her restraints, thick black hair spread out on the coverlet, eyes shadowed and mouth pink and swollen and wet. Her movements hadn't been so practical and economical then. She'd been writhing and rubbing her skin against the coverlet, desperate for any kind of friction, looking for some touch.

  He remembered how his cock had looked dipping into her mouth, how hungrily she'd suckled him, wrapping her hot tongue around him. He remembered slipping his cock-head into her slit, how wet and soft and tight and welcoming her pretty little cunt had felt...

  He was getting hard again just thinking about it.

  Upstairs he heard the bed creak softly as Olivia lay down. She'd be asleep in moments, he knew. She always slept deeply after meeting a new partner. She liked to break them in energetically, get their attention.

  She wouldn't miss him for a few more minutes. He had time to indulge himself.

  William unbuttoned his jeans and drew his fly down and pulled out his phone and launched the video he'd taken in the bedroom.

  The room had had just enough moonlight to illuminate their bodies. He stared at the locked image, Catelyn on the bed, face-down, William massaging her. He watched the two figures on the screen intently, watched himself turn Catelyn over, rub her thighs, slide up and kiss her, watched her kiss him, watched himself coax her into nakedness.

  As the man on the screen undressed Catelyn and caressed her breasts, William drew his erection out of his jeans and lightly began to stroke himself, rubbing his thumb under the
head, looping his fingers over the tip. He was rock hard already. It was going to take several sessions with Catelyn to take the edge off. This was good. It had been awhile since he'd found an alternative partner who excited him this much.

  William in the armchair panted while William on the screen pushed his cock into Catelyn's mouth. He watched her head bob and her lips stretch wide around him, watched her hips jerk as he moved to lick her pussy, watched her writhe as he suckled her clit.

  William's hand jerked faster while William on the screen pulled Catelyn up on her hands and knees and began to fuck her doggy-style. From this angle he could nearly see her face, her thick black hair mostly obscuring her features, see her biting the shirt around her wrists, her eyes tightly closed. He could almost hear her moans over the tinny sound of music thumping up from the party below.

  William in the armchair groaned aloud when Catelyn on the screen orgasmed, the muscles in her back flexing and relaxing, her body arching back to him, her hair flipping up for just a moment, exposing her face, cheeks flushed, her eyes wide, her teeth sunk into the shirt...

  William in the armchair gasped when William on the screen started to pound Catelyn into the bed, hips slamming into hers, Catelyn keening and biting into the sweater, William on the screen just hanging on by a thread...

  He watched his screen self stiffen and ejaculate into her, and a moment later he followed.

  William sat for a moment, panting, catching his breath.

  The whole crew had a week off before shooting for the next film began. He knew Aaron would be busy editing and catching up on his own side projects, but he also suspected Aaron would make time for Olivia in his busy schedule.

  He knew Catelyn would be editing the photos she'd taken. He wondered how soon he should call her. A week wasn't much time.

  He shook his head a little, picked up the washcloth he'd set to his right, cleaned himself up. He put the empty scotch glass in the sink, walked the washcloth over to the laundry room and tossed it in the machine, then headed up the stairs to his sleeping wife.

  He should have told Catelyn to call him tomorrow, regardless of how eager it seemed.

  William slid into bed next to his wife. She was, true to form, sound asleep. He ran his fingers over her shoulder, admired her pale skin and soft blonde hair, nearly copper in the dimness of the room.

  He settled his head on the pillow and was asleep almost immediately.


  Catelyn was in William's bed, sitting with a white sheet draped up around her torso.

  She had the sheet tucked under her arms, the white fabric contrasting her deep gold tan. Her hair was loose over her shoulders, glossy and black, like crow's feathers.

  Olivia sat beside her, sharing the white sheet, her skin creamy and luminous against the fabric.

  Catelyn faced Olivia, stroking her waves of lightly curling blonde hair with the back of her hand. Olivia drew Catelyn closer, fingertips on her chin, closer, her hand opening to stroke the curve of her jaw, closer, Catelyn's lips parting and Olivia's mouth softly opening to kiss the other woman.

  Catelyn was pushing the sheet away from Olivia's shoulders, exposing her lovely breasts. Catelyn's hands trembled a bit as they tentatively stroked Olivia's breasts, running her thumbs lightly over the hard pink nipples. Catelyn bent her head to Olivia and drew one nipple into her mouth, and Olivia threw her head back with a sigh. Olivia brought her hands around to cradle Catelyn's head, draw her closer, and Catelyn moved her mouth to suckle at the other breast.

  Olivia opened her pale eyes and stared at William. "Are you coming?"

  William glanced down at himself. He was nude, standing a few feet from the bed, staring at his wife and his new lover.

  Catelyn was growing bolder, running her hands over his wife's body, pushing more of the sheet away, exposing her narrow waist, the gentle swell of her hips, the reddish curls just above her swollen wet slit...

  Olivia gently pushed Catelyn's head down and Catelyn began to tentatively lap at Olivia's labia. She licked her lips, lapped again, gained confidence, began to suckle at her clit. Olivia groaned.

  "On second thought, William, you stay right there. I can train her all on my own."

  Catelyn brought her hands up to stroke Olivia's breasts while she licked Olivia's pussy with increasing assurance, and Olivia whimpered her approval.

  William wanted to move forward, pull the sheet off of Catelyn and slowly sink into her warmth while she ate his wife, but found he couldn't move. His feet seemed firmly attached to the carpet.

  "I can't come to you," he complained, and Olivia laughed a little.

  "It's alright, William. She can handle it."

  "No worries, William," Aaron said at his shoulder.

  William turned. Catelyn's husband was beside him, lean and fit, fully dressed in his usual black leather jacket, t-shirt, skinny jeans, and brown leather shoes. Aaron clapped a hand on William's shoulder. "I can take it from here."

  He stepped easily past William, who still found his feet bound to the floor by some invisible force. William opened his mouth to protest and no sound came.

  Olivia smiled at Aaron, welcoming him. Aaron leaned over Catelyn to kiss Olivia slowly, savoring the taste of her mouth. Then he pulled Catelyn's hips around and off the bed, letting Catelyn continue laving Olivia.

  Aaron unzipped his jeans and freed his cock. He adjusted Catelyn's thighs, ran a fingertip up her slit, confirmed she was already soaking wet, and slid his erection into his wife with a single hard thrust.

  Catelyn moaned and kept her face buried between Olivia's slender thighs. Aaron started moving hard, rhythmically, slipping a hand down to stroke his wife's clit while he fucked her.

  Catelyn moaned louder, hips twisting and writhing while Aaron worked her. Olivia pushed her hips up into the woman's face and sighed. "Stay focused, sweetheart."

  Aaron put his hand on the back of Olivia's neck and pulled her to him, kissing her again, the three of them locked together. He put his other hand on Catelyn's head, pushed her face down on Olivia. William could hear the sounds of her lapping and sucking Olivia's cunt.

  He tried again to move, couldn't. His erection was painful, pointing straight at the three on the bed, a string of precum dangling from the tip, his cock leaking with futile desire.

  Catelyn arched into orgasm and Aaron fucked her just until she started to come down. He pulled out, cock red and slick and shiny with her wetness. He stood and moved over to Olivia, who promptly pulled him into her mouth.

  William nearly cried with frustration, watching Olivia suckle her new lover while his new lover eagerly lapped at her. Catelyn had slipped the fingers of her left hand inside Olivia while the fingers of her right lightly rubbed her clit and labia. She kept her tongue running up and down the slit. Olivia's mound was swollen and puffy and shiny and wet and he could tell by the sounds she was making that she was nearly ready to come.

  "Keep going, Catelyn," Aaron panted while Olivia sucked on his cock. He fisted his hands in her hair and pushed her down farther on him. "She's almost there."

  Olivia cried out around Aaron's cock in her mouth, body quivering with her orgasm, and Catelyn's hands moved faster, her tongue lapping quickly.

  "God you taste good," Catelyn sighed against Olivia's slit.

  Olivia couldn't answer, her mouth full while Aaron grunted, stiffened, and jerked his hips into her face.

  William could see her throat working as she swallowed him down.

  Aaron released her head and Olivia slowly slid off of him, his cock leaving her mouth with a pop. She licked her lips and smiled lazily up at him. He bent to kiss her again, and Catelyn came up from Olivia's lap, mouth and chin shiny with Olivia's come, and the three of them shared kisses...

  William hadn't realized how painful and frustrating arousal could be.

  "Get up, William, come on," Olivia said, smiling from between Aaron and Catelyn.

  William opened his eyes.

  "Did you sleep well?"

  Olivia was snuggled up next to him in bed, hair tousled and eyes heavy with sleep. Just Olivia. Just the two of them.

  The bedroom was still dim. The sun hadn't risen yet. Olivia's internal clock woke her at 6 regardless of alarms, and she didn't like being awake alone: she always woke him too.

  He let out a jaw-cracking yawn. "Had a hell of a dream."

  "Oh yeah?" She slipped out of bed now that he was awake.

  He listened to her pad to the ensuite, pee, flush, start brushing her teeth. She emerged from the bathroom while she brushed. She slept nude and she was a lean and gorgeous silhouette in the bathroom door, toothbrush in her mouth. "What was your dream about?"

  William rolled out of bed, his hard-on nearly as painful now as it had been in the dream. Peeing was going to be an adventure.

  Olivia followed his thick cock with her eyes. "Oh, I see."

  "You were having sex with Aaron and Catelyn but I couldn't join in. It was incredibly frustrating."

  "Mmm." Olivia kept brushing as William padded past her to the toilet. "Aaron was a lot of fun yesterday. I'm hoping to catch him a few more times before you guys head off on your next job."

  "And Catelyn?"

  "I haven't talked much to her, but she seems nice. Bit vanilla, though. I wonder if she's experimented much with women." Her words were muffled by the toothbrush.

  William stood with one arm over the toilet to brace himself and somehow managed to point himself down far enough to hit the bowl. "She's a little shy, but she's probably open to it. She thinks you're very beautiful."

  "You know, she's right about that." Olivia smiled a foamy smile, then padded to the sink to spit and rinse. "A woman can look at another woman and call her beautiful without being sexually interested."

  William rolled his eyes. He knew this.

  "All the same." Olivia examined her face in the mirror, smoothed her hair back. "She is very pretty. In a practical, sensible way."

  "Not exciting to you?"

  She shrugged. "You seem to like her."

  "That doesn't answer my question."

  "Let me get to know her a bit better. I'll call her up for a coffee, then I'll tell you what I think."


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