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Lush Seduction

Page 17

by Layla Arts

  “What you and William have done is absolutely horrendous,” Vicky said – she sounded disappointed. “Secretly selling women to unknown men for sex – I can’t believe it. Those poor girls must’ve thought they would end up with the guy who was interested in them. We, women, fantasize too much about ending up with the first guy we meet.”

  She wasn’t going to sugar-coat what I did, and I was thankful for her honesty – even if that could be the end of whatever we were doing.

  “The fact that it could’ve been me makes me slightly sick. I could’ve been the victim of this, and been repeatedly used. I’m eager to chase this dream and perform, so I would’ve been an easy target for the both of you.”

  Then Vicky made her way to me. She took a seat next to me, and I was in shock. I could see that she was nervous – for fuck’s sake, even I, was bloody nervous.

  She didn’t say something back but pulled me in for a hug. She wrapped my arms around her waist, and she nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck. Her lips touched my warm skin, and it didn’t take long before I held her stronger to my body – my fingers digging into her skin.

  We were in each other’s arms, and that was the only thing that mattered the most.

  “Hadrian.” Her warm breath touched my skin.


  “I am not mad at you, though. I can’t be mad at you,” she confessed.

  “How can you not be mad?” I asked her confusingly – I was taken back by her words.

  She sat up and cupped my face gently.

  “I could have walked out of this house, dragged this argument out for days, but where would that get us? I won't walk away, I won't stay mad at you and let myself simmer in the hatred. I want to sit here and talk to you to tell you how I feel. We need to let each other know if we have hurt one another. We need honesty if this is going to work, and I want this to work.”

  Everything she said was blowing me away. She wasn’t mad?

  “I will not judge you because I surely haven’t done amazing things either when I was younger. And at some point, we are going to realize that we handled things wrong. We better realize it right now than never.” Vicky explained to me, and her hands held mine. “Secondly, I’m not some dramatic overreacting girl who is going to cry about every wrong move a guy in her life makes. Here you are, telling me the truth because you don’t want to lie. You are changing, Hadrian – for the better. And I’d be an utter bitch to just shove it in your face that you made a mistake in the past.”

  I couldn’t help but feel so blessed to have her in front of me; to have someone who wanted to talk instead of running away.

  “I’m also proud of you,” she said truthfully. “You had the guts to tell me everything without hesitating for a second. You didn’t want to hide this away from me. You care about me, yourself, and us.”

  A smile appeared on my face, and she traced her finger over my bottom lip.

  “Do you remember that day you told me you’d put effort in me?” she questioned me.

  “I do,” I replied.

  “You said that you didn’t know how it worked and what you needed to do, but you’d find a way to show it.”

  Now I realized what she meant by her words.

  “You just did.”


  Light was peeking through the window, hitting the curtains and us.

  Vicky stayed the night, and I couldn't be happier. Her presence was the most wonderful gift I could receive after our talk in the middle of the night. She was proud of me – something only my granddad ever told me.

  Her black hair was lying messily on the pillow, and my fingers were touching her exposed stomach. Her t-shirt had moved up, since she turned around in her sleep repeatedly. But I didn't mind, because her skin was soft like silk. Her stomach was moving up and down, and I could hear her breathing out the air she was holding now and then.

  This time I could stay with her in bed. I didn't need to leave because of William and his rotten behavior. I was able to lay next to her, hold her, and cherish this moment. Like I had told Vicky last night, I mostly wanted every woman away when I had enough.

  I had the urge to keep her closer than the day before.

  I pressed my lips against her bare shoulder. She didn’t move because of my touch, just a faint whimper left her mouth. Therefore I kissed her again – perhaps she was going to wake up now.

  And she did.

  Vicky turned around sleeplessly and laid on her back. She stretched out her body frequently before she felt comfortable once again. Her eyes were closed; she was still sleeping.

  Nonetheless, what she didn't know at this point was that she wasn't the only one who felt comfortable laying in this position.

  I was on my side, she was on her back, and her hand was lying next to her side. She didn't know she was basically having the back of her hand pressed against a very sensitive part.

  And there wasn't a better way to wake up.

  I thought about everything her hand could do to me. A smile crept onto my face, just imagining this was a perfect idea. But it didn't sound ideal anymore when I recognized that my boxer was noticeably tighter in the front.


  If Vicky was going to wake up whilst I was in my current state – it would be everything but romantic. This was one of the moments I loathed myself for being a male. I was trying to get myself calm and stop being so overwhelmingly excited. Clearly, things weren’t turning out like how I wanted it to be. By merely looking at her hand, I was getting elated about all the things that could occur between us in the near future.

  Perchance, if I removed her hand from my body things wouldn’t turn out gruesome. I took a deep breath and reached for her hand.

  Placing her hand away was definitely the second hardest thing.

  “Mmm, Hadrian,” Vicky mumbled. ”What are you doing?”

  She sounded so sexy in the morning. Fucking hell.

  “Just keep your eyes shut,” I whispered.

  “Why would I keep my eyes shut?”

  I almost wanted to demand her to shut up. Why did Vicky ask me questions during this time of the day?!

  “It would be for the better.”

  “You're up to something,” she proclaimed and opened her eyes out of curiosity.

  I tried not to look down because she might do the same. And I was not ready for this. Howbeit, I was already pretty fucked since she looked down without me signing her to do. Her mouth went wide open, and she pushed herself up against the headboard.

  I wanted to save myself, so I stood in the corner of the bedroom, covering my bulge with my hands.

  “Oh my god, you weren't jerking yourself off behind my back, right?” Vicky panicked, while she grabbed the sheets and covered her body. “Not again.”

  “I would never do that!” I protested, and she raised an eyebrow. “Maybe I could do that, but that is not the point right now. I wasn't doing it at this moment.” I reached out my hand.

  “Keep your hand down there, please. I don't want to see it at this time.”

  “Yes, right,” I muttered and protected myself.

  “What is the reason for it? Because I clearly didn't move my ass this time.” She pointed out.

  I laughed softly, but I stopped immediately when Vicky shot me a death glare.

  “You turned around while you were sleeping, and you kind of placed the back of your hand against it,” I told her truthfully.

  I was definitely bad at explaining things in a good way.

  “Come here,” Vicky said, and she patted on the side where I was laying earlier.

  I took this as a wonderful opportunity to crawl back into bed and reach out to her.

  “No,” she said before I could lay my hands on her fantastic body.

  “What's wrong?” I asked her immediately.

  “You're not going to get close when that is able to touch me right now,” Vicky told me seriously.

  “Vicks,” I said and snickered quietly. “You and I both kn
ow that one day it will touch you,” I said with a bright smile.

  “Why did I stay again?” she asked herself loudly.

  “Because I’m overwhelmingly sexy and intelligent,“ I stated the obvious.

  “Well, then this overwhelmingly sexy and intelligent human can get me some breakfast,” Vicky said.

  “I can call a bakery that delivers, so we can stay in bed,” I said and placed kisses on her cheek. I felt her stopping me after the third kiss.

  “You're going to get breakfast for me.”

  “Why?” I whined.

  “Veronica had given me a couple of muffins, but then you decided to show up and drag me to your house. At least get me some breakfast.” She pouted and placed a peck on my cheek.

  “All right,” I groaned, and I saw Vicky smiling. “What do you want?” I asked.

  I reached for my phone so I could type what she wanted.

  “Mmm,” Vicky muttered, and I saw that she was deliberating in her head about what she was going to order. “I want a chocolate muffin, coffee, oh, and a chocolate croissant.”

  “Why everything with chocolate?”

  “Because why would I choose something for the same price without it, when I can get it with chocolate.”

  “Touché,” I spoke. “Can I get a kiss before I go?”

  I pressed my lips together and leaned further to Vicky.

  “Nope,” she rejected me. “You have morning breath.”

  “You only say that to tease me.”

  “Maybe,” she said and winked at me.


  I parked my Bentley in front of V's Café. I thought about claiming that kiss she didn’t give me in the first place.

  As I locked my car, I walked inside the café. This annoying bell rang, which I had heard for a million times now. The queue was making me lose my temper hurriedly – I needed to head home as soon as possible. It was goddamn crowded here, and I wondered why people even wanted to show up at ten a.m. in this small café?

  I definitely wasn’t dressed classy today. I wore a pair of sweatpants, with a white shirt. A snapback was on my head, and I could care less today about my appearance. I was hoping to be alone with Vicky today and spend a day in bed, but she forced me to get breakfast – something I would never do for anyone else.

  “Can I help you, sir?” The lady behind the counter asked me.

  I read her name tag and gave her a warm smile. “Sure, Annelise,” I said. “I’d love to have two chocolate muffins, one chocolate croissant and two coffee – one black, and one with sugar and milk,” I ordered

  “Do you want it to take home or eat here, sir?” She asked me politely.

  “I’m taking it home,” I informed her.

  “Okay, that will be twelve dollars.”

  I handed her the money before I stepped back and waited to get my bag.

  I smirked when I noticed someone familiar.

  I stepped closer to the guy who was working behind the counter – getting the milkshake prepared.

  “Hey! You’re Kent, right?” I questioned the blonde lad.

  As he looked at me, his frowned.

  “Yes,” he replied uninterestingly.

  “It's a beautiful day, isn't it?” I teased him.

  “Sure,” he muttered under his breath.

  I reached out for my order in the paper bag, and Kent glared at me.

  “Since when do you want to come here and order so much?” he questioned.

  “Since there is someone at my home waiting for breakfast,” I said, and I wanted to take the paper bag with me, but Kent held my wrist in objection.

  “Is Vicky with you?” he questioned through gritted teeth.

  “It is none of your business, asshole.”

  “Just keep your hands off her,” Kent warned me dangerously.

  “Why would I do that?” I questioned him mockingly and cocked my head to the right.

  Kent smirked at me evilly. “Because I am her boyfriend.”


  After my encounter with Kent, I found myself unimpressed by his attitude. He was pining for more than just friendship with Vicky, and I knew she would never lie to me, so it was obvious he was not her boyfriend. Kent tried to be scary, but in fact, I was mentally laughing at him the entire time. He wasn't her boyfriend. He wished he could've been, and I began to wonder if Vicky could see that her colleague was falling for her, badly.

  That smirk on his face didn't make me nervous about the things he could do because I would always be one step ahead of him. He tried to play the superhero, the one that would be there for Vicky when and if things didn't work out, but he would never be enough for her.

  It was Kent after all, better known as lame café boy.

  But if Kent thought he could 'claim' Vicky so easily, I'd show him who she really belonged to. If there was going to be a pissing contest between the two of us, I would surely win.

  I could already see his face full of tears; Kent was no competition. He might have looked cute – if I spoke like a woman, that is – but furthermore, he wasn't a man. I’d be surprised if the guy even possessed a dick, he seemed like a pussy to me.

  As I reached my house, I noticed just how quiet it was inside. I knew she wouldn't have left, so that wasn't my concern.

  I placed the breakfast on a tray, trying to be creative, and maybe slightly romantic, before I brought it to Vicky. I entered the room, expecting to see her sprawled out on the lavish duvet, but she was nowhere in sight.

  It didn't take long before I realized where she was, a smirk plastering my face. Kent's words immediately popped into my head, reminding me of the not-so-subtle claim he thought he had on her. I needed to find a way to get back at him; a solution to the Kent problem surfaced in my mind.

  I had to claim Vicky in a way he never would, never could.

  I licked my lips when I heard the shower running in the adjoining bathroom. I could imagine her in my massive shower, under the fall of the massaging jets, and enjoying herself.

  The thought of the pleasure she would receive if I were to be in there with her, pushed me through the slight mist that had entered the bedroom, and past the threshold of the open door. The open door made me believe she didn't plan on my quick return.

  I pulled my snapback off, smoothing my hair out, before stripping out of my clothes. I was bare in seconds, and I placed my clothes in a neat pile, off to the side.

  I could hear soft mumbles falling from Vicky's mouth, and I imagined all the different sounds she could make with that beautiful mouth.

  She still didn't know I was standing there, trying to ogle at her naked body through the clouded glass of the shower. I could see her glorious ass through the fog, and I applauded myself for returning from the café hastily.

  I was comfortable with exposing my naked body. I had never been shy about myself, but I knew Vicky wouldn't be so open. I had to make her trust me – to feel comfortable being completely exposed to me, before I could take this to the next level.

  I started to think of my motives, why I was encroaching a naked Vicky in my shower, and it became apparent to me that it had nothing to do with Kent.

  While his domineering perception of Vicky made me sick, I had wanted Vicky since the moment I set my eyes on her, that's why I was doing it.

  I snapped out of my own thoughts as I pushed the glass door of the shower open, moving towards Vicky at a cautious pace. I was not going to press her against the wall and force myself on her, I wanted to take this slow, and make her feel whatever it was she wanted from me. She had done so much for me these past few days. She deserved the pleasure I so graciously wanted to bestow her with.

  Hearing me enter the shower, she quickly snapped her head towards me. Her face paling at the bare sight of me, but the glint in her eye told me she was enjoying it too. I walked up to her, her back was still facing me, giving me a full view of her glorious body.

  There wasn't a flaw in sight. The water trickling down her freshly–washed skin was a
n insane turn–on, and I could feel myself growing hard at the mere sight of her. She tried to cover the exposed parts of her body, arms moving frantically to cover her breasts and the apex of her thighs.

  “Don't,” I spoke in a soft tone, then realizing how dementedly I actually sounded.

  Vicky didn't respond, she tried to grasp that I was in the shower with her.

  As I approached her, I could see the discomfort in her eyes. She hadn't thought I would come into the shower while she was in there. I had my needs, and at that point, they were telling me that if she really didn't want me in there, she would've kicked me out the moment she saw me.

  She didn't kick me out, and she didn't leave either. She wanted it. I placed my hand on her shoulder, gauging her reaction, still not sure if she'd even let me touch her.

  I stepped closer, pressing my exposed length into the curve of her bare bottom. I placed my lips onto her soft, wet skin; the burning desire of having Vicky that close to me returned full force. A soft whimper escaped her lips when I placed a dark hickey on her shoulder.

  The hand I had rested on her shoulder slid downward, toward her hip. I relished in the feeling of her soft skin beneath my calloused fingers. I pressed myself harder against Vicky's back, lowering my head to breathe out a warm breath against her ear. Small goosebumps clouded her skin; the effect I had on her was apparent.

  “I am not going to do what you don’t want,” I announced in a quiet whisper. “I am just going to touch you.” I made it clear to Vicky.

  “Okay,” she muttered softly.

  I traced my index finger teasingly, over her private area, becoming only aware of what I was getting myself into. I slipped one finger inside of Vicky; her walls were soft and warm. Vicky leaned back with her head against my chest, groaning in pleasure at my small intrusion.

  My finger began moving in and out of her, and Vicky closed her eyes. The water was still pouring down from the showerhead, making her body so much warmer. I pulled out of her, stroking her clit a few times before entering my finger inside of her again. She elicited a soft moan, her hands searched for something to grab on to.

  I snaked my left arm around her waist, holding her steady and giving her something to clench on to. She hadn't attempted to cover herself since I had begun our shower activities. It pleased me that she was so willing to accept my company, and I placed a gentle kiss on the nape of her neck in acknowledgment.


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