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Lush Seduction

Page 22

by Layla Arts

  “You seriously have no brain, do you?”

  “I have one. I just got distracted by you, West.”

  “Don't blame me, Smith,” I spoke seductively.

  I saw Hadrian pull his boxers down, and I wasn't surprised to see him sporting a big one. Hadrian moved back to hover over me, and he continued our kissing session.

  It was wonderful to be engulfed by millions of sweet kisses, instead of getting fucked at the moment you said yes.

  Hadrian roamed his big hands over my body; being touched by him was such a pleasant experience. I was holding Hadrian's face while he kissed me deeply and beautifully.

  He started kissing the corner of my mouth, and he slowly made his way to my ear. His warm breath came in contact with my untouched skin. Goosebumps appeared all over my body when Hadrian whispered beautiful words into my ear.

  “I want you so bad.”

  The way he talked to me was incredibly arousing.

  A genuine smile appeared on Hadrian's face, and he started to plant kisses on my jawline. He traveled down to my chin, to my neck, to the valley of my breasts. He just went further and further, going to my stomach.

  I held my breath when he came closer to my core. His hands gripped my hips gave them a slight squeeze; far away from my wound and bruises.

  Hadrian opened my legs further, and he kissed the inside of my thigh. I felt him stroke my private area teasingly a few times before he looked up from between my thighs. A smirk was plastered on his face, and I quirked an eyebrow at him. He was teasing me now, and lord knows how much I wanted to slap him for doing that, but I kind of enjoyed it too.

  “Vicky – fucking hell, I want to know you on the inside.”

  Hadrian breathed out.

  He moved back to face me, but I didn't expect it to go so quickly. He shifted, and I felt him press himself inside of me. My mouth gaped open at the unfamiliar feeling.

  I hadn't made love to someone in such a long time, and I needed to get used to this overwhelming feeling of fullness.

  He was thrusting inside of me – carefully – making sure I wasn't in pain. His head was up, and I could see his chiseled jawline perfectly. The veins in his necks were thick and prominent.

  He was holding himself steady with one hand next to my body, and the other was holding the back of the couch. “Fuck,” Hadrian spat frustratingly. He looked back at me, and I saw that he was also quite surprised on how things turned out between the two of us.

  I shifted underneath Hadrian, but with that action, he thrusted inside my body. It was a very intense feeling that exploded inside of me. I moaned at his constant movements, and I saw Hadrian's mouth fall open at the sound of my moan.

  He enjoyed it. He enjoyed hearing me react when he was making me feel good.

  I was loving the sight of him being so vulnerable. Now that we were making love, his facial expression was so different. Like everything around him was gone, and I was the only person close to him. Which was, in fact, a bit true, but it was more than that. It was like I was the only one he could think about, see, feel, and hear. Like no one was downstairs, in the club, or even miles away.

  I arched my back, and Hadrian groaned extremely loud. I breathed out the air I was holding, and grasped onto Hadrian's back. He was moving inside of me fast, but not hurting me at all. I saw sweat accumulating on his body, and I felt his back getting hotter with every movement he made. Again, Hadrian groaned loudly.

  “Shhh. Be quiet, or everyone will hear us,” I told Hadrian. It was hard to speak in full-sentence given the situation; he took my breath away. The last thing I wanted was my colleagues walking inside and disturbing us.

  “Put a record on, or something that drowns us out,” Hadrian spoke breathily.


  Hadrian came closer, and he pressed his lips hungrily to mine. I held his face firmly and tugged my hand through his hair. I pulled his hair like he did with mine earlier. I slipped my tongue into his open mouth. I swallowed his soft moans, and I felt goosebumps spreading all over my body.

  Hadrian broke the kiss, but he kept thrusting into me. A soft whimper left my mouth, and I could tell Hadrian was enjoying the sight of me. “You're lucky you're bruised. Otherwise, I would have taken you against the glass.”

  “Next time,” I promised instantly

  “Planning ahead, I assume.” He started to smirk.

  “Shut up,” I demanded.

  Hadrian knew this was a great opportunity to irritate me, and just thrust inside of me harder. He opened my legs and wrapped them around his lower back. I bit my lip when I realized his thrusts went deeper in this position.

  “Oh, Hadrian.”

  “Shit,” he cursed too.

  “Had-” I tried to say his name, but pleasure took over. Hadrian stroked his thumb over my cheek.

  We were both on the edge of our climax, and he was trying so hard to make it happen sooner rather than later. My nails were digging into the skin of his upper-back. Hadrian moved closer to my face, and our lips were a few inches apart. He was breathing roughly against my lips and went faster with his movements. He held his head back, and he thrusted hard one final time, stiffening.

  “Oh my-” he muttered. “Baby.”

  I arched my back, and I felt an explosion of heat in my abdomen. I held Hadrian's biceps firmly with my hands. He was gasping for air, and so was I. Our chests moving up and down, trying to get more oxygen inside of our bodies.


  “Mojito for my lady.” Hadrian handed me a glass with liquor in it, and I thanked him nicely. A thin, silk duvet was laying over my exposed body, and Hadrian was lying next to me. I had put my underwear back on, so had he. I brought the drink to my mouth, and I enjoyed the feeling of alcohol flowing through me.

  I felt Hadrian place his hand on my thigh, and I smiled at him. We both heard music coming from downstairs, and I knew they were probably rehearsing for the next show. Since Hadrian had already explained to Judy that I wouldn’t be able to dance, I had nothing to worry about.

  “It was great, Vicks.” Hadrian brought me out of my thoughts with his words.

  “It was.”

  Hadrian set his glass down, and he crawled closer to me. His arms wrapped around my body, and I felt his burning stomach come in contact with mine. He was, even after everything, still aware of the fact that bruises covered my body, and that my wound was still causing me pain. He didn't forget it.

  I looked Hadrian in the eyes, and I brought my lips close to his. I kissed him on the mouth for a slight second and pulled back to make sure I could look him in the eyes again.

  “Waiting for you has been the best decision I made.” Hadrian whispered earnestly.


  The day passed exceedingly quickly, and I had an exceptional time with Hadrian. He needed to work longer than he anticipated, so I thought it would be a good time to head home. I could've stayed longer, but I didn't want to distract Hadrian from his work. He tried to convince me to let him drive me home, saying the city buses are full of 'lunatics’, but I refused vehemently. He was busy enough with his paperwork, and driving me home would interrupt him – yet again – so I wasn't going to let that happen.

  “Hadrian,” I said when he kissed me for the fifth time since I told him I was leaving. It was tough to talk to someone like him, by the time you were halfway through a sentence he had already forgotten what you were supposed to be talking about. “I really-,” I tried to speak, only to have my words muffled by his lips, “-need to get home.” I tried to explain, fully aware that he wouldn't hear a damn thing I said until he was a safe distance away from me, so I managed to softly push Hadrian away from me. My hands were resting on his chest, while he stood in front of me, looking me deeply in the eyes.

  “Don't you like my kisses?” Hadrian pouted childishly. I rolled my eyes at his feeble attempt to persuade me into another make-out session, but there were other priorities we both needed to attend to. I had a shift at the café tomorrow, and dance
in the evening; if I didn't get enough rest I would be exhausted tomorrow. After the eventful time with Hadrian, all my pent-up energy was gone and was in need of serious rejuvenation.

  “I adore your kisses, they are lovely,” I made it clear to Hadrian to not offend him. “But I really need to get some rest,” I whispered against Hadrian's lips, only then realizing that we had moved closer.

  “Was I fucking you too hard?” Hadrian questioned me in amusing panic.

  “No,” I assured him, trying to stifle a giggle at his less-than-romantic way of wording things. “I have no idea actually, but I am tired.” Hadrian stroked my cheek, and I grasped his hand when he touched me.

  “Well, Miss I-Am-Tired, get used to it because this won't be the last time.” I chuckled softly at his words, and I leaned closer to place a quick, and gentle peck on his lips.

  “I am going now,” I said. “See you tomorrow, all right?”

  “All right.” Hadrian agreed with me annoyingly.

  “Great,” I said.

  I grabbed my jacket and turned to walk away from Hadrian, but he managed to slap me harshly on my ass before I could get out of the way. I gave him the middle finger, before disappearing out of his sight. I really enjoyed Hadrian's company, and I would love to spend another evening with him, but unfortunately, I had other things to do as well.

  As I walked out of the Empire, my eyes caught sight of a man leaned up against a white pick-up truck. He looked so out of place here, unsure of what he was even doing.

  The wind was blowing harshly against my face, and I hated how bipolar Los Angeles' weather was. This morning I woke up with the beautiful sun, and after spending almost a whole day inside, I am faced with probably the second shittiest weather I've experienced since I got here, but luckily it wasn't raining. I took my zipper between my fingertips and pulled it up swiftly to close my jacket.

  “Excuse me, Miss?” I heard a man ask me.

  I stopped walking, and I turned around to face the man leaned against the truck. I gave him a warm smile, and I stepped a tiny bit closer to him.

  His brown hair was sticking up in different directions because of the wind, his blue eyes shining even with the lack of sun. He was handsome. His baby face littered with scruff from not shaving for a few days and his aura radiated ‘I look like I'm a badass, but I'm actually a sweetheart’.

  The smoke billowing out of his mouth when he exhaled only solidified my perception of this 'bad-boy' persona. Some loose pieces of my hair were obscuring my sight, so I quickly placed them behind my ears before I spoke.

  “Can I help you?” I asked him politely.

  “I saw you leave the Empire, and I was wondering if Hadrian Smith is in there?” he asked me desperately.

  “Why do you need to know that?” I questioned skeptically. He placed his hands in the pockets of his ripped skinny jeans, and a bright smile appeared on his face. I wasn't familiar with the man who stood in front of me, but he didn't look like the type who had bad intentions.

  “Because I need to speak to him, obviously,” he quipped. “Oh, I haven't even introduced myself,” he spoke, and he smiled cheekily at me. I saw him reaching out his hand nicely, and I took it with pleasure. “I'm Levi Brimsey.”

  “Vicky West.” I introduced myself. We both let each other's hand go, and I shifted from leg to leg. I looked around awkwardly, becoming uncomfortable with the impending silence. “So why are you here, Levi?” I asked him curiously.

  “Hadrian and I are very close friends,” Levi informed me. “We have been best friends since we were kids, and I wanted to invite him to a special dinner,” he informed me happily, a huge grin was spread across his face – wow, and he was good looking! His white teeth were shining, and I began to wonder how his teeth stayed so white if he was a smoker.

  “Now I am quite curious as to what this 'special dinner' is about,” I said playfully.

  “Well, it is for my girlfriend and me,” Levi said softly.

  “That sounds so sweet!” I beamed. “What is her name?”

  “Alexus,” he spoke proudly. “We are engaged.”

  It looked like we were two teenagers getting excited about having their first relationship when in fact we were both adults – and we hardly knew each other. But that was the funny thing about meeting strangers, you got very personal often within a few minutes.

  “Congrats, Levi!” I was genuinely happy for him, even though I had known him for barely five minutes. “By the way, Hadrian is inside. If I am correct, he should still be in his office.”

  “Thank you, Vicky.” Levi thanked me politely.

  We bid each other goodbye, and I walked to the first bus stop. Red and the other dancers were already gone so I had to walk back home on my own or take a bus. When my eyes caught a taxi, I was determined to grab a cab instead of waiting on a bus. I walked toward the cab, and I knocked on the window. I could see the old man rolling down the glass, and he gave me a friendly and welcoming smile.

  “Could you take me home, sir?” I asked him.

  “Definitely,” he assured me. I opened the door for the passenger seat, and I closed it behind me when I was seated comfortably. “Just tell me where you need to go to,” he instructed me, so I told him where my apartment was.


  I flipped the pancakes while the music blasted through the stereo. I was singing along because no one else was around. After everything that had happened today and last night, I definitely deserved delicious home-made pancakes. I not only made the best ones, but I also got to make them whenever I wanted them. I didn't need to visit a restaurant and basically wait for five years until I got my food.

  The connection between my phone and the stereo was disconnected because someone started to call me. I reached out to grab my phone, and I answered it on speaker instantly. My dad's voice filled the room, and I smiled when I heard his warm and calming tone.

  “Vicky, kiddo, how are you?” My father asked me excitedly.

  “Hi dad,” I greeted him back enthusiastically. “I am doing absolutely fine. How is everything back home?” I haven't had contact with my parents over the phone for a good two, almost three, weeks. So hearing him again was making me curious about how life was in Texas.

  “It's going all right. You know how hard it is for your mother sometimes with rheumatism taking over, but we manage to get through it every day.” Just the reminder of my mother and her illness made me want to go back.

  People think rheumatism isn't that big of a deal, but she can hardly keep a hold of objects. Her hands hurt, and she can barely walk because of the pain in her feet.

  I turned the Bluetooth off and brought the phone against my ear. I placed the pancake on the plate, and I walked over to the dining table.

  “Are the medicines working?” I asked my father nervously. She had started taking new medication a few weeks ago, and I hadn't heard how she was feeling after she started taking them.

  “The doctor said they are slightly different than her previous ones, but she hasn't really felt a lot of progress.” My father spoke. “Next week, we will be discussing whether she is able to take new ones.”

  “Just tell her that I think of her, okay?”

  “Always, sweetheart,” My dad assured me. ”Your mother and I miss you.”

  “I miss you both, too,” I told him honestly – I missed them so much. “I will be coming back to Texas as soon as my financial situation is steady. I work as much as I can to pay the bills, and if I take a holiday to visit the both of you, I might not live here for much longer.”

  “We know that you're working so hard, and we will give you the time you need.” The supportive words from my father made me emotionally unstable. I loved my family so much, and being away from them for such a long time wasn't something that I wanted. I cared a lot about them, and now with my mother's health deteriorating, I wanted to be there for them.

  “I need to go, Dad. Otherwise, my dinner will be cold,” I said through the phone.

p; “That is all right, dear. I will speak to you very soon.”

  “I hope so,” I told him. “Bye, dad.”

  “Have a wonderful evening, kid.”

  I heard the line go dead, and I slowly placed my phone on the kitchen counter. Having someone so close to you, who is sick and won't be able to get better – ever – is the most awful thing to experience. The day we heard my mother had already been suffering from rheumatism for five years, we felt sorry for her. We always thought she had rheumatism, but they never confirmed it.

  'Just take an aspirin, and everything will be over within a few hours' they had said, but that was never the case. She was sick, and she needed medication, but unfortunately, the doctors were too blind to see that she had been suffering for years. How could they not notice? It was obvious that my mother was in pain, and yet they thought she just needed an aspirin.

  Well aspirin my ass, because that was the biggest load of crap I'd ever heard.

  I was laying in my bed with different blankets over my feet. For some weird reason my toes were frozen, painfully frozen, so I needed to warm them up. I was on my phone. I wanted to spend my evening in my living room, watching TV series repeatedly, but I didn't have the energy to move. I was exhausted, and I knew that I had to work at V's café tomorrow, if I wanted to get money in my bank account.

  As I laid in bed, I repeated the whole journey with Hadrian in my head. No one had told me that the couch he used as bed had been used by more than just the two of us. I knew his past, and I was aware of his previous intentions with women. That didn’t surprise me, but still, I thought it was a generous gesture.

  I almost screamed when I felt my phone vibrate roughly while I was holding it. My heart was beating erratically, and I rolled my eyes when I saw that Hadrian had messaged me. I opened the message he sent me, and I read it with curiosity.

  Hadrian: “I am thinking about today ;)”

  Vicky: “Maybe I’m doing the same thing.”

  Hadrian: “It was such a good time killer.”

  Vicky: “It was.”

  Hadrian: “Have you considered coming to the Empire early, tomorrow?”

  Vicky: “Eager to have me, Smith?”


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