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Lush Seduction

Page 26

by Layla Arts

  “F–,” She came before she could finish talking. Her walls clenched around me and tipped me over the precipice I had been standing on. Euphoria surging through both of our bodies, because of the explosion from our release. I slowed down my speed, as we both came back to reality.

  My hands were supporting my body while I leaned against the table. My breathing was uncontrolled, and I got everything steady as quick as possible. Vicky was also composing herself sooner than expected. I pressed my lips to her stomach. I went up, kissing more of her body, and ending by her mouth.

  “You were so good, Vicks,” I spoke seductively.

  “Mmm, Hadrian.” Vicky breathed out against my mouth, with her eyes closed.

  “Baby,” I spoke. “Let's clean us up,” I instructed her, and she gave me a nod of confirmation.


  When she left the bathroom, she told me that she was already getting into bed. I was happy that she didn't try to cover herself up like most girls would do. After the sex, they were ashamed that I would see them differently, when in fact I actually didn't.

  She was the Vicky I saw every minute of the day, and it was always in the same way.

  I stared at my reflexion in the mirror and noticed that my hair was getting long, but there was no need to cut it short. I liked it this way, and I wasn't bothered with someone else's opinion.

  We got into her bed, me not leaving her side for a second. I choose every second to be with her if I could. The sheets were falling shamelessly on our warm bodies. The atmosphere was calm, not tense this time. We both had our boost, our needs, and now we were finally getting the chance of sleeping together on this peaceful night.

  We had done it this time much harder than the first time. So I knew that Vicky would feel a bit sore between her legs. I placed my index finger on her leg, and I slowly went up to her thigh. I moved over her bum, and I touched the side of her body. When I came by her ribcage, I slipped my arm around her body. Vicky nuzzled her head into her pillow, and I scooted closer to her. I wanted to close the space between us. However, I knew that it wasn't possible to disintegrate every small gap.

  I was never the guy to stay the night. I was never the guy who wanted to bind himself to one person. I always went back home. I went to one person, and straight to the other one. I didn't care. I was a selfish asshole who only wanted to have money, sex, and alcohol.

  The past with William was entirely different than my life at this moment. I didn’t feel like I had just done something awful like I had back in the day. I was trying to be a better person. I wanted to be someone who owned a heart, and I wanted to make people around me happy; Vicky in particular.

  Now, with Vicky, I was thinking differently. She was the only person that made me come back every time. I sometimes wished that I could just stay every night at her apartment or my house. Whatever she wanted. I just wanted to spend my days with her. I liked to hear her lame chatter because she would make me smile. We could be completely nasty to each other, but we would like that the most.

  I must have done something right to have her here with me. And I have no idea what made her decide to put effort in me too, because I still thought I was a complete arse. But, regardless, it was lovely to be with her right now.

  As we laid down on her bed, I could hear her breathing softly. She was probably already sleeping deeply, because I knew she was tired from what had happened earlier.

  The darkness was filling her bedroom, and I just stared in front of me. I saw a bit of lightning from outside shining through the window. Cars were driving past Vicky's apartment,. Vicky was used to living next to a busy street, but I wasn't. I couldn't get the sleep I wanted, but that didn't deter me from wanting to lay here with her every chance I could.

  I pulled Vicky closer in my embrace. My arms feeling her skin that was now taking some rest after our heated ride. I pressed my lips, which were totally plump by now, against her shoulder blade. She was stunning. Her naked body was pressed against mine. The feeling of completeness was inside of me, and I couldn't be a happier man at this point in my life.

  “I'm so lucky,” I whispered to her before we both drifted into a much-needed sleep.


  I decided to take a run around LA, after I had said farewell to Vicky when she awoke. She wanted to stay in bed, since tomorrow was the show, but I wanted to look alive today, so I decided to take a jog around town.

  I was being uncharacteristically kind, saluting everyone who walked past me. I had my earplugs in, music was blasting through my eardrums, causing my blood to sing in my veins. My favorite playlist was on repeat. I had definitive reasons why no one was allowed to look through the music that I have on my phone, my playlist titles were one of them. I had once shown Vicky what was in my library, but she found a Jesse McCartney song that I had downloaded, and she would never let me forget it.

  As I ran down the sidewalk, I decided to stop for a bottle of water at a small stand – all this running had me parched. It felt biddable and invigorating to feel the liquid transude through my esophagus. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand when I finished, and fastened the lid back on the bottle.

  I knew that I was pushing it today, I hadn't been active for longer than I care to mention, but I felt too antsy to sit still. I was on the verge of passing out, my lungs not being able to absorb enough oxygen to support my body.

  I sat down on a bench not far away from the small stand, and I relaxed. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and listened to the people bustling by.

  I was thinking about Vicky's body; how my fingers would trace over her compressible body covering, feeling the association linking one another. I made her feel so good last night, and that absolutely thrilled me.

  Whenever I thought about being inside of her, adrenaline would rush through me, increasing substantially with every minute. She made me feel more alive and energetic than anything I had ever experienced before.

  I turned my music off and searched for Levi's number. He was my relationship guru, I mean he clearly knew what he was doing if he was engaged, and I needed some guidance. I knew Vicky was satisfied with my fucking abilities, but now it was time to be a fucking magical boyfriend – which was a big deal for me since I sucked at commitment.

  “Hey man, I thought you were dead!” Levi squealed into his phone. I chuckled at his statement, and I was delighted he didn't reject the call. I would have been a goner if this man didn't exist on this earth.

  I took a rejuvenating breath and made myself at home on this rotten timber bench. It wasn't desirable to even rest my ass on, but I was too preoccupied to bother moving.

  “I'm calling you from 6 feet under, you forgot my flowers bitch!” I joked, and I heard Levi's familiar laugh on the other end. “I seriously need to talk to you.”

  “Have you done something stupid again?” Levi played around, and I knew he was making fun of me. I was notorious for making bad decisions, but this time I hadn't and Levi should be proud of me. My behavior was gradually improving, and I owed that entirely to Vicky.

  “I need some relationship advice,” I said through the receiver.

  “You fucking what?!” Levi panicked hastily. I pinched the bridge of my nose at his response. ”I knew you were shagging someone, and you were having a mint time, but I didn't realize it was a relationship. What the fuck is going on Hadrian Smith? Last month you would've dropped dead before committing to anyone,” he said.

  “I met someone, Levi,” I informed him strictly.

  “You are smitten?”

  “Don't get your hopes up now, Brimsey,” I spoke compellingly on the phone. I thought love was too strong of a word to use, it held an immeasurable amount of feeling that I'm not sure if ever be capable of.

  I liked Vicky, more than anyone I'd ever met, but love was way out of my league. I'm getting ahead of myself.

  God, I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about right now. What we had was so barely tangible, and not monumentally meaningful.
  “I have been thinking about asking a certain person to start a relationship with me.”

  “Have you been using drugs?” Levi asked me seriously.

  “No, I haven't,” I replied back. “I'd like more discernment from you. I genuinely like her, Levi.” I wanted to show him that I was trying to put effort in someone and that I meant every bit of it. Now I just needed to know what Vicky thought about this. “And you know how I am with people and relationships.”

  “You basically hate them,” Levi muttered gallingly.

  “I am not very fond of them.” I rectified Levi like a shot. “However, I do think you and Alexus are flawless together, but coming back to my dilemma: how am I going to do this?” I had asked Levi a lot of times about tips, but they were fundamentally about getting rid of the chick as soon as humanly possible.

  “Does she know that you like her?” Levi asked me, and I had to think about it. I have shown her that I have an affection toward her, more so than was normal for me, but – essentially – that was it.

  I wasn't forcing her to kiss my feet and tell me that her sun rose and set with me, I wasn't a fan of those kinds of things, but I wouldn't mind having her by my side regardless of whatever future could exist between us.

  “Maybe, this is just the beginning,” I told Levi candidly.

  “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” Levi said.

  He was right – more than right. I could at least try to make something work between the two of us, and if it didn't go the way I wanted it to be, I wouldn't regret anything because I had tried.

  I held my bottom lip between my fingers, and I stared straight ahead of me. “How can I tell her this? That I want more?” I asked the smartass.

  “Think about something you haven't done for her; something she would love to do.”

  The phone call with Levi promptly ended, but it was enough for me to understand what I had to do.

  If I wanted to be closer to Vicky and enjoy her the way I wanted to, I needed to make sure she was in this with me. I had to do something for Vicks what could make her agree to this, but first I had to make a plan. It wasn't something I wanted to just throw together, I desire to put some thought into it. A romantic dinner wasn't my forte, it was very generic and highly overrated – Vicky would enjoy that about as much as I would.

  I walked back home; I was absolutely exhausted, so there was no way that I would be running back.

  When I arrived at my house, I unlocked my front door. I placed the plastic water bottle on the kitchen counter, and I threw my keys next to it. I merited a fresh shower after this foul–smelling activity.

  I pulled my shirt off, and I threw it in the hamper. I turned the shower on so that the water had time to adjust to the right temperature. My shoes were placed out of the bathroom, and my clammy sweatpants joined my shirt in the hamper. I saw the condensation gather and begin to drop down the glass, and I knew the shower was ready.

  The steam-filled air filled the shower cabin. My muscles would be tense tomorrow, since I hadn't jogged in what felt like years. I stepped underneath the gushing tepid water; I hadn't showered after my encounter with Vicky, so I deserved a heady shower.

  As I stood underneath the stream, I felt the stiffness of my muscles run away with the water. I grabbed the shower gel, and I started to cleanse myself. My body came in contact with the freshness of the compelling smell; this was better than the sweat dripping down my back.

  Usually, I would be touching myself cyclically under the shower, but I was too bleary-eyed. I rested my hands against the tiles, the solidness of my body was excruciating, and I hadn't had this physical torture in a long time.

  Warm water should reduce the effect of the muscle pain as a reflex action, but it didn't. Perhaps the most current endeavors made it insurmountable for me.

  I raised my head so the water could pour down my face and chest. My hair was drenched so I quickly washed them, and turned the shower off. I had no idea why my breathing was unsteady at the moment, but I just needed to get out of the cold area.

  I paced, unclothed, through my bedchamber. I grabbed a cotton towel and secured it around my abdomen. I knew I had to be at the Empire soon, and I was not in the mental condition to control decently, but I had to. My garment was ready and waiting for me; it was appropriate for a short work day, and I looked a bit more competent than with a pair of ripped jeans.

  The sound of my doorbell echoed through the house, and I groaned out of vexation. I hadn't received a lot of visitors in my house, but I knew it had to be someone I was friends with. Not everyone knew where I lived; only people I knew intimately. I put on my flip-flops that I had gotten on my trip to Argentina, and I walked down the stairs.

  My eyes locked with dark brown eyes from a distance. They weren't the ones I wanted to see again; his tux was securely suited to his body. I tried to come across as cheerful when I saw him. I opened the massive front door, and nothing more than his annoying voice came into my ears.

  “Hadrian, I've missed you,” William spoke dolefully.

  “Since when do you miss me?”

  “Because we are best friends,” William spoke rhetorically.

  “We markedly are.” I sarcastically cheered.

  I motioned William inside, and he hung his jacket on the coat hanger straight away. I sealed the door behind me, and I walked with William to the living room.

  He was familiar with my house, so he had made his way to the beverages rather hastily. It was too early to drink alcohol, but it was William, and he was up for it at any time of the day.

  “Ice?” he questioned me impulsively.

  “Always,” I said. I could see William adding the ice cubes to my beverage, and I automatically wanted to slap it out of his hands. He needed to fucking quit with drinking so much, but who was I to tell him to put the bottle down, when I was very fond of liquor as well. “How is everything going? We haven't spoken in a while.”

  “True,” William stated, and he placed the bottle back in the mini-bar. “I have found a new partner in crime.” He started to chuckle wickedly. “You are missing out some amazing chances to get laid, pal,” William said. I felt anger already exudate through my blood vessels. He didn't know when it was enough when he needed to give up.

  “Get out of my house,” I spoke demandingly through gritted teeth. William turned around fast, and he raised an eyebrow in complete bafflement. He gulped his liquor down before placing the empty glass on the table. My hands clenched into fists as I watched him being so overwhelmed by my sudden outburst.

  “I don't understand your behavior right now,” William said to me.

  “I don't get why the fuck you can't just quit it,” I fired back. “You think it is right to go through with our unbearable behavior toward women with someone else? I have clearly told you that we needed to quit doing this. Why do you continue?” I asked him dubiously.

  “You said you wanted to stop, I never agreed to it,” William told me, and he was right, but I no longer understood his desire to continue his disgusting behavior. “My business is not yours, Hadrian,” he spoke precisely.

  “Fuck off.”

  “You're not the Hadrian I used to know,” William said, disappointment evident in his tone.

  “And you're not the kind of friend I want to have,” I remarked honestly.


  I sat in my chair, whirling around. I could hear music coming from the podium, they were carrying out tests for the new audio equipment. I wanted the music to be heard clearly throughout the club, and this equipment would do just that.

  Charles was the man for the music equipment, but now I was beyond a doubt getting pissed. I knew he wanted to play classical music all day, but I deliberated he should bring it to a halt when it came to Mozart. I rammed my stool away as I walked to the door from my office. I pulled the door open viciously, and I yelled boisterously at him from my veranda.

  “Charles!” I yelled. “Please cut the shit or wear earplugs.”

bsp; “Of course, Mr. Smith.” He relinquished, and he turned the music off.

  Finally, I could put the pestering music to the back of my mind, and I walked back into my office. I had too much to do since I had just hired a new professional dancer. I could hardly read the contract, so I put my glasses on, the letters weren't a jumbled mess anymore, so I proceeded doing my work.

  As I scanned the paperwork, I was delighted to have such a breathtaking dancer join our team. Since Keeton turned out to be fucking Satan-reincarnate, Miranda would make a divine dancer. Levi even said she had talent.

  Auspiciously, he was with me at the club the day she came by. I had a database in the drawer of my desk where girls names were standing by with phone numbers included. If there was someone I needed as a backup plan, I could reach them instantly, and Miranda was one of the girls who was placed with the understudies.

  I knew she was coming later today to sign the contract, and I was, without a doubt, thrilled to have her talents on the team. I had always thought Miranda was outstanding, since the day I saw her perform her solo, but she wasn't on the same level as the other girls. They were just a fraction better. Yet, now that I knew Keeton was a psychotic bitch, I wished that I had chosen Miranda instead.

  Somebody knocked on my door, and I yelled for them to come in. I situated my glasses away, not letting them being conspicuous. I saw the decipherable face of a girl that I had seen before.

  Miranda had arrived, and her chocolate brown long straight hair wasn't unobtrusive, her lips puckered a strawberry red. I barrelled at the chair in front of me as I asked her to sit down. She placed her black handbag next to the chair, and I saw her taking a seat right in front of me.

  “Miranda,” I spoke overpoweringly.

  “Mr. Smith,” she countered.

  I shoved the contract toward Miranda, and a gratified smirk appeared on her face. I settled a pen beside the paper, and now it was her decision whether she wanted to sign it.

  “Please sign the contract, so we can further discuss future endeavors.”


  I was currently waiting on the balcony for Miranda and Andrea; Miranda was getting her measurements done inside my office, and attending that felt like something beyond my call of duty, so I stayed outside. I didn't want to give Miranda a wrong impression of me, I wasn’t looking for any sort of relationship, sexual or otherwise, with anyone else.


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