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Lush Seduction

Page 36

by Layla Arts

  “The car is ready.”

  “Are we going back to the hotel?” I questioned him confusingly.

  “No, love. I mentioned the Blue Moon earlier, remember?” I nodded immediately. “They aren’t performing today, but I was invited to a ball and was hoping you would accompany me?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  It didn’t take long before we had our coats and went to our next location. Harry’s hand was placed on my leg delicately during the ride. Again, I was looking through the window and amazed by the beauty of this city when it was dark.

  We arrived and got inside as fast as we could.

  “Enjoy your evening.” The man at the entrance said.

  “Thanks, sir,” I replied, and Hadrian pulled me closer to his side as we made our way in.

  As we walked through the hallways, the music grew louder. I peeked at Hadrian from the corner of my eye, admiring his strong demeanor. He looked so dominant as he escorted me down the hall; his head held high and his designer suit tailored to perfection. The music became too loud to ignore, and I looked ahead only to see a giant room filled with high-class people.

  Elegant chandeliers were suspended from an ornately painted ceiling, and tapestries lined the wainscoted walls. An orchestra was playing, emitting a perfect rendition of what I could only imagine to be a classic masterpiece. Couples crowded the marble dance floor, swaying in synch to the beautiful music.

  “May I have this dance, Miss West?” Hadrian asked me while reaching out his hand for me. I giggled softly, and I slid my hand into his.

  “It would be my pleasure,” I said.

  He pulled me closer to him; his hand was on my lower back while we swayed from left to right. I had to admit that Hadrian was an incredible dancer, perfectly timed to the instrumental music. “Who gave you dancing lessons?”

  “My best friend’s fiancé,” Hadrian told me while he pressed his cheek against mine. “Enough about me. You’re gorgeous, Vicky. Damn.” I smiled when he spoke in a whisper against my skin.

  “You don’t look like shit either.” I joked around.

  “Are we going to be nostalgic with our previous compliments?”


  Hadrian’s hand slid down to my bum, and I took his hand and moved it to its previous location on my back. “No PDA, Mr. Smith. This is a formal function.” I breathed out against his ear. I felt the grip on my hand becoming harder, and he pressed me closer to his body

  “I’m going to fuck you right here on this beautiful marble floor if you call me Mr. Smith one more time.”

  “I don’t want to get my dress dirty, so I’ll stick with Hadrian.”

  “Damn, I was looking forward to it.”

  Hadrian spun me around quickly; I stumbled into him, almost losing my balance. He held me protectively against him, my back to his front as we swayed. I turned to gaze at him as he planted light kisses down my neck to the tip of my shoulder.

  “I’m not letting you go, Vicky. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.”


  This was one of the most amazing mornings I had had in a long time. My eyes ghosted over the sleeping figure beside me, a male Adonis. His brown hair was messy, laying across his face, looking serene and child-like in his slumber.

  I admired his heart-shaped lips, softly parted as soft breaths escaped them. The sheets curled around his lower half, slightly below his v-line, showcasing his brilliant tattoos just for me. I bit my lip; he was beautiful. I never thought a man could be like this, but Hadrian was the embodiment of perfection.

  His chest slowly moved up and down, his right hand was lying lazily on his stomach. I was turned toward him, on my side, my elbow nestled into the soft bed as my head rested on my hand. I reached over with my free hand, lightly brushing the hair out of his face. A soft murmur left his mouth, and I grinned faintly at the adorableness of him in his sleeping form. He looked so cuddlesome, and I was well aware that this was an indisputable fact.

  There was just nothing wrong with him.

  His eyebrows furrowed as his muscles grew taut, stretching life into his rested body. I smiled – he was conscious. A giggle escaped my lips when one of his eyes peeked open, mirroring a leafy green color, breathtakingly beautiful.

  His other eye opened promptly when he acknowledged my staring, neither of us saying anything; just continued to admire each other for a matter of minutes.

  He broke the stare first, turning toward the digital clock that rested on the nightstand, checking the time before rolling back over. He knocked me on my back, resting his elbows on either side of my head to hover over me, before embracing me in an all-consuming, passionate kiss.

  “Morning,” he said, and I felt my lower region ignite at the sound of his deeper morning voice. It was so dazzling – like him. I brought my hands up to his face, brushing the hair from his forehead before pulling him in for another kiss. My love for him became overwhelming the longer I kissed him. It nestled in my chest causing both comfort and paranoia – this man had a hold on me the way no one else had; he was my happiness now.

  “Hi,” I greeted him back, as I pulled away. “How did you sleep?” I pushed him onto his back and curled up on his chest, resting my head on my arms that were lying on his bare chest. An adoring smile overtook his face as he looked down at me.

  “I slept well,” he spoke while putting a piece of hair behind my ear. I blushed at his comfortable touch that still gave me butterflies. “And you?” Hadrian retorted, his eyes focused on my lips while he waited for my answer.

  “Me too.”


  I couldn't acknowledge that this was a dream, but in some way, it was harder to comprehend that this was real. I was ecstatic, happy that he was here right now – with me.

  “What are we going to do today?” I asked Hadrian, running my fingers through his unruly, soft hair. I had wanted to do that all morning but didn’t want to risk waking him up. He closed his eyes at my action, his grip on my hips growing tighter.

  I should stop, or we’ll never make it out of bed.

  “We are going to take a stroll around the city,” he informed me. I smiled at him, sitting up and resting on my bum to straddle him, and he groaned achingly. “God, Vicky. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.” Hadrian remarked, and I let a snicker escape my mouth.

  “And you have no idea what you do to me.”

  When the words left my mouth, Hadrian went with his hand up to my neck, and he brought my face back down to his. Our lips reconnected, making my body crave for him. He brought his hands back down to rest on my hips, and I cupped his face while I continued to kiss him. His tongue skimmed my bottom lip, waiting for me to open my mouth. I parted my lips, and his tongue quickly darted inside.

  Hadrian pushed down on my hips, grinding my pelvis into his as I continued to kiss him emphatically. I had serious refusals for kissing with morning breath, but Hadrian made it comfortable. It was minuscule – I just wanted to kiss him.

  His hands made their way to my bum, and he squeezed it a few times. A soft moan left my lips while he was doing that and I felt Hadrian smirk against my lips.

  This little bastard.

  I put more of my weight on his lap, grinding back and forth on him. I could hear Hadrian growl in the back of his throat as I did this. If he were going to tease me, he would get it back tenfold. I stopped kissing him, breaking away to catch some air. I stared into his stunning eyes, admiring the way his eyelashes fluttered as he, too, tried to catch his breath.

  “Want some breakfast?” I asked Hadrian while moving my eyebrows suggestively.

  “Sure,” Hadrian replied, and he kissed my lips once more before I got out of bed.


  I pulled my hair-tie out of my tangled hair, running my fingers through it before pulling it back into a high ponytail. I opened the refrigerator and got the ingredients to make some pancakes. I mixed it in a bowl while standing at the marble countertop, waiting for the coffee to

  I felt my body stiffen as Hadrian slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. I could feel his arousal pressing into my lower back, and I smirked at how easily turned-on he was. Hadrian leaned closer to my neck, and his breath fanning over my skin.

  Progressively but feverishly, he placed soft kisses on the spot below my ear and down to the base of my neck. I released a heavy sigh at his actions, now he was teasing me. He knew I loved it when he did this.

  “Hadrian,” I whispered.

  My voice breathy, revealing my present turmoil. He pushed my hair further away from my neck, pulling it around to the vacant side. I let my head slowly lean to the left side, giving him more room. I could feel him nipping at my sweet spot before sucking harshly. My knees grew weak the longer he ravished my skin, his grip alone was keeping me standing.

  “B-breakf-” I wanted to let him know that breakfast was going to be ready in fifteen minutes, but I couldn't finish what I was saying as another loud moan escaped my lips.

  “Breakfast can wait, gorgeous.” Hadrian spoke.

  Oh god, I wanted this.

  I turned around, looking into Hadrian's eyes, and pushed him against the island. My eyes scanned his body, taking him in, before landing on his tight boxers.

  I craved for his kisses.

  I craved for his warmth.

  I craved for him.

  I stepped closer toward Hadrian, trailing my finger down his naked chest. I made my way down toward the waistband of his boxers, looking him in the eye as I did. His chest was rising up and down vehemently. I bit my lip while my index finger slipping beneath the elastic his arms darting back to grip the edge of the counter behind him.

  “You know,” I spoke seductively, my finger skimming back and forth just below the waistband. Hadrian was staring at me, wide-eyed and lost. I slipped the rest of my hand into his boxers, palming him lightly. “It’s entertaining to see you like this, all fevered and vulnerable.” I said faintly.

  “V-Vicky,” he stuttered.

  “What?” I asked him sweetly, batting my lashes for added effect.

  I removed my hand, gripping both sides of his underwear, and slowly but teasingly pulled them down. I looked up at him innocently when his erection sprung free.

  “Shi-” I cut him off by quickly standing and crashing my lips to his. He reacted instantly, pushing against my hips to move me.

  I took a few steps back and stood against the counter while he pressed me against it. He lifted me onto the counter, moving his face to my neck.

  He kissed down my chest as he unclasped my bra, throwing it to the floor. My hands gripped his hair as he pulled my skin between his teeth. He continued to suck and bite it, as his hand palmed my other breast.

  I felt his hand traveling down to my panties to remove them. I lifted my hips to aid in their removal, and he slowly slipped them down my legs. I pulled Hadrian back toward me, continuing to kiss him.

  He laid me back on the countertop and slipped a finger inside me teasingly. He quickly slipped a second finger in as my hips began to buck up off the counter. I did not know that he was planning on putting a third finger inside of me until I felt it.

  I groaned, deafeningly, out of frustration but still enjoying every movement that he was making. Hadrian was pressing his thumb against my center, and it was unbearable. His touch meant everything to me.

  I quickly sat up, his fingers slipping from me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I licked his bottom lip and forthwith got some entrance, clashing our tongues together. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me from the counter.

  He reached over, opening a drawer before quickly closing it. He continued to walk, his length rubbing against me. I felt something hard hit my back, and I broke the kiss to turn my head. I was pressed against the glass wall.

  Hadrian lifted me higher with one arm, ripping open the foil packet with his teeth before rolling on the condom.

  “I don't want to let the cleaning lady find something,” Hadrian spoke against my earlobe.

  He had one arm around my waist as he rested his other hand against the glass. He lowered my body, sinking into me. My nails dug into his back, and I felt Hadrian letting out a loud moan.

  Hadrian once again rested me against the cool glass, as he gripped my thighs to hold me up. His pelvis was pinning me against the wall as he slowly moved in and out of me.

  I stopped kissing him and rested my head against the glass as Hadrian began to move faster. My moans grew louder as every movement got quicker. The feeling was dumbfounding; It felt like it had been forever since we last did this.

  “Fuck, Hadrian.” I breathed out brutally while digging my nails harder into his highly sensitive skin. I was here pressed against the glass, needing to relieve the pressure, but I couldn’t move.

  “God,” I spoke out, resting my head back in the crook of his neck. My breath was coming from his neck, and I felt his muscles tense with every push that he was making. My hands traveled to his biceps, and I held them robustly while he was still pushing in and out of my body.

  “C'mon baby,” Hadrian spoke scratchily. I nodded at his words, and I knew that I was just about there, ready to come and collapse against his body. He slammed into me, louder groans leaving my mouth, and it almost sounded like I was in immeasurable pain instead of pleasure.

  With every touch that he was making, I felt the fire getting hotter. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, pulling him further and deeper into me. Hadrian began to move slower, pushing me higher. I was on the precipice, scared to fall; this was going to be earth-shattering.

  “Fuck!” I screamed out when my body tensed up. Hadrian wrapped his arms around my waist once more, holding me as my walls clenched around him. He murmured incoherently as he, too, found his release. Subsequently, Hadrian pressed his lips to mine, swallowing my moans.

  “Lay me down.” I breathed against his lips.


  Hadrian and I started walking around Central Park.

  After we had arrived yesterday, I was devoted to exploring more. I had been too preoccupied with the thought of New York, that I didn’t even know what I wanted to see. It was marvelous that I made it to this place. I knew that I wouldn’t be here without Hadrian. He gave me opportunities and made my dreams come to life.

  I saw Hadrian slip on a pair of RayBans. Today, he looked so laidback than when he wore his typical attire. You wouldn't usually see a multi-millionaire businessman in this get-up, but it suited him.

  We walked hand in hand through the park, wandering down the stone paths. I had never been here, but Hadrian came here every time he was in New York. He said they made the best hot chocolate at a tiny cart in the center of the park, and then proceeded to explain why it was the best.

  “Once you get the hot chocolate here, you’ll never want it from somewhere else. It’s milky enough to make it frothy. It has the perfect amount of chocolate in it.” Hadrian told me while we were standing in the long line. So many people showed up here, in the cold, just for a drink. This just didn’t happen in Texas or LA.

  I really wanted to pay for Hadrian and I, but he wouldn’t let me. Since he brought me along with him, he was going to be the one paying for everything.

  I wasn't accepting this, so I paid while he was talking to a lady that stood in line with her dog. I wasn’t going to complain, this fancy hot chocolate was probably the cheapest thing we would get in New York City.

  “Be careful, baby. It's very hot,” Hadrian said immediately when I brought the paper cup to my lips.

  “I will,” I assured him before drinking the warm liquid. We proceeded to walk through the park, and onto the bustling streets. Hadrian held my hand protectively while we crossed the street. “You don't have to break my hand, Hadrian.”

  “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Thank you for the attentiveness, Smith.”

  “And thank you for buying me hot chocolate, but it wasn't necessary. I can easily pay for
it.” Hadrian informed me. I took a few sips from the hot chocolate, and damn it was hot, but it tasted like heaven.

  “It is just a hot chocolate, Hadrian. It’s no big deal.” I shrugged.

  The little things Hadrian and I did here in New York were most charming. I’m glad Hadrian knew me well enough to know I wasn’t into the superficial things.

  I didn’t want to go shopping on Fifth Avenue; I didn’t want to see a concert at Madison Square Garden; I just wanted to do the things he enjoyed doing in this magnificent city.

  I looked at Hadrian who appeared distracted. We stopped in front of a fountain and sat on the edge. It was cold, and it felt like my bum would freeze, but I was okay with it because I got the privilege to be here with Hadrian.

  I rested my head against Hadrian's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me. I was freezing, and his body heat comforted me.

  “If you could go back in time, to a point in your life where you were the happiest, where would you go back to?” I unexpectedly asked Hadrian in a whisper.

  Loads of people were walking by; chatting, taking pictures, listening to music, and just enjoying themselves here. I needed to admit that I was highly overwhelmed by the beauty of this city. I completely understood the allure, and why tourists flocked here. You would never get bored; there was always so much to do.

  “At this moment, I wouldn't want to turn back anything. Ask me that question another time,” Hadrian told me, then Hadrian asked me a question: “What scares you the most?”

  I bit on the inside of my cheek as I was thinking of a suitable answer. Obviously, there were many things that scared me, but what would be the most terrifying of them all?

  “Ending up alone,” I said confidently. I could enjoy a day on my own, I was okay with that, but I had an innate fear of ending up alone. I hated to think that I wouldn’t have someone to turn to, someone to rely on.

  “Why’s that?” Hadrian questioned.

  “I hate feeling lonely. It is the most terrible feeling in the world. I can be alone, but I don’t want to end up alone,” I said while looking into Hadrian's eyes, his beautiful jade green eyes.


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