Playing the Hand You're Dealt

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Playing the Hand You're Dealt Page 30

by Trice Hickman

  “I’ll let you decide.”

  Tyler smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  We had eaten at nearly every restaurant in his town and mine. I wasn’t a good cook. Hell, who was I fooling? I couldn’t and didn’t cook at all. I couldn’t even make toast without burning it, so restaurants were our saving grace.

  It was eight o’clock, and usually when I arrived in town this time of night, we’d head straight to a restaurant and then to Tyler’s house afterward. But this time we went directly to his place. I was hungry but I controlled my appetite for food, because hey, he had other things I could munch on, if you know what I mean.

  When I walked through Tyler’s front door I instantly knew why he didn’t want to go out. “Oh, Tyler.” I smiled as I looked around the room and saw the romantic setting.

  He walked over to the stereo, hit the remote, and let Ledisi serenade us in surround sound. His recessed lights were dimmed low, the dining room table was set with elegant china, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers served as the centerpiece. I inhaled and caught the aroma of what smelled like utopia.

  “Let’s get you situated so we can eat.” Tyler smiled, taking my luggage back to his bedroom.

  He’d hired a personal chef to prepare our dinner for the evening. We settled at the table to enjoy a feast of ginger-infused rack of lamb, roasted new potatoes with red pepper relish, a vegetable medley with dill sauce, and for dessert, a scrumptious crème brûlée. It was sinfully delicious. After we finished our meal, we stretched out on the couch, put on a DVD, and opened a bottle of champagne. “To our love and the infinite possibilities,” Tyler toasted.

  I tapped my glass against his and took a small sip. I watched him as he enjoyed the chilled bubbly, and that was when my heart confirmed what I felt in my spirit the moment I walked through his front door.This was the night that it was going to happen.Tyler was going to ask me to marry him.

  A calm, happy feeling spread through my body. A month and a half ago I wouldn’t have felt that I deserved to be treated this well, especially not by a man as good as Tyler Jacobs. But he loved me, in spite of myself, and had shown me that I was worthy of good things. His belief in me inspired a change in my life that I never saw coming. I wanted to be a better mother for CJ, I wanted to be a better partner for him, and I wanted to be a better person for me. The love and faith that I saw in Tyler’s eyes made me feel like I could do anything.

  My good fortune and blessings made me realize that I needed to let go of my ill intentions for Bradley. Creating a scene with him would only set me back on the destructive path I’d walked my entire adult life, and I owed myself more than that.

  “What’re you thinking about?”Tyler asked, rubbing my shoulder as I lay in his arms.

  “How good this feels.”

  “Yeah, this is nice.”

  I tilted my head and kissed him softly. “I love you, Tyler.”

  We ignored the DVD that was playing and kissed for what felt like hours. Finally,Tyler led me by my hand to his bedroom. He removed my clothes, I peeled away his, and we lay across the sheets of his king-sized bed. Tyler kissed my neck, then slid his tongue across my collarbone as he parted my legs with his right hand. I let out a soft moan when I felt two fingers slip inside me. “Mmm,” I purred.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “Oh, yeah, Tyler. I like that.”

  I ground against his fingers as he kissed me, then he slowly moved his mouth down to my breasts, softly sucking when he found my nipple. The combined sensations he created above and below my waist made me weak. He removed his fingers, licked them, and then eased his way down to my middle. He spread my legs farther apart, giving him full access as he inserted his tongue where his fingers had been, going to work like a soldier. I let out another moan when I felt him gently probing, licking, and sucking me into his mouth. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he took his time showing me.

  He devoured me, making sure he ate every inch of me. I could feel my clit about to explode. “I’m gonna come,” I panted, nearly out of breath as I continued to grind my pelvis against his face. When I felt him swipe my clit with his tongue and then nibble it with delicate yet steady pressure, I arched my back and let out the mother of all screams.

  I was still panting, almost delirious, when I felt Tyler’s cheek against mine. He brushed his soft lips close to my ear. “I love you, Sam,” he whispered. He reached over to his nightstand to get a condom and I readied myself for what I knew was going to be the very best sex I’d ever had. But instead of a condom, he pulled out a small black box, the one that I knew was coming.

  Tyler rested beside me and propped himself up on one elbow. We looked at each other in silence, letting the smiles on our faces speak for what we couldn’t get out.

  “You do it for me,” he finally said, “and I want you to be my wife.” He sat up, pulled me to an upright position, and opened the box. The room was dark and I couldn’t see the ring very well, but I didn’t need to. The size of the stone didn’t matter, neither did the other three Cs I would have normally concerned myself with in the past.What mattered to me was that this wonderful man who’d walked back into my life and had given me a second chance at love was telling me that he wanted me, and he was showing me by his actions. “Will you marry me, Sam?”

  “Yes, Yes, Yes!” I shouted. I held out my hand as Tyler slipped the ring on my finger. I hugged him tight and lay back on the bed as my fiancé and I made beautiful love.

  The next day, Tyler and I slept in, resting from our marathon lovemaking the night before.We didn’t venture out until late afternoon when we visited his best friend, Victoria Thornton, and her family, to share our happy news. She eagerly welcomed us into her opulent home, which looked like something straight out of a magazine and could even put Mother’s decorating to shame. She introduced me to her handsome, blue-eyed husband and their two adorable, well-mannered children.

  Victoria had actually helped Tyler pick out my ring. She was happy for us, which filled me with a great sense of relief. I’d been a little nervous about seeing her again because she knew all the dirty details of my past, and how I had cheated on Tyler in what felt like another lifetime. But she didn’t judge me. She was a successful businesswoman, wife, and mother, but she’d also made mistakes of her own. “I know what it’s like to fall down,” she told me. “The power lies in getting back up.” I was grateful for Victoria’s approval and support because she was like a sister to Tyler, and her opinion meant a lot to him.

  I was also touched that Victoria asked about Emily. Emily had been her daughter’s teacher when she lived here in Atlanta. After telling her that Emily was adjusting well to her new life in DC, which was mostly true, the strangest thing happened. Tyler and I were saying our good-byes when Victoria’s daughter, Alexandria, walked up to me and put her hand in mine. “Ms. Samantha, I’m sorry about your sister,” she said.

  I stared at the eleven-year-old girl. “What do you mean, sweetie?”

  “Your sister who died,” she said, tilting her head to the side as she gave me a sorrowful look. “I’m sorry that your sister died.”

  I was baffled, and more than a little unnerved by her comment and serious tone. “Alexandria, I don’t have a sister.”

  “Yes, you do . . . your younger sister,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Victoria stepped in, apologized for her daughter, and explained that Alexandria had a vivid imagination and often said unusual things. Tyler nodded in agreement, saying that he’d known her to be that way since she was a toddler. We all managed to laugh it off, but there was something in that child’s voice that put me a little on edge.

  It was raining heavily when we left Victoria’s house a few minutes later.We stopped by Barnes & Noble so I could pick up a few bridal magazines, then we were on our way to one of our favorite Thai restaurants. I managed to calm myself and put Alexandria’s words out of my mind as I prepared for a good meal. Tyler and I settled into a cozy booth near the
window and discussed wedding plans. I decided that I wasn’t going to tell Emily or my family until I returned to DC, and we both agreed that we wanted a small but very nice ceremony with all the elegant trimmings.

  “We need to make sure we rein in your mother,” Tyler said. “She’ll probably come up with a guest list the size of a small city.”

  After all the romance and excitement of last night, I forgot to tell him about the lingerie incident with Daddy. So I dug into my Pad Thai and recounted the entire incident from start to finish.

  “Wow, that’s crazy,” Tyler said in between bites of his chicken in peanut sauce.

  “Yeah, you can say that again. We’re getting married and my parents are headed for divorce. I’m just glad he’s finally going to be happy.”

  Tyler wasn’t too shocked about my nonchalant attitude regarding the state of my parents’ marriage. And the fact that I was actually happy that my father was having an affair hadn’t been lost on him either. After so many years of working with troubled youth and their dysfunctional families, he had seen it all.

  Tyler paid the bill and we were on our way out when a handsome man caught my eye. It was Bradley! He was sitting at a small table, scrolling through his iPhone while he sipped a drink.We had to walk by his table in order to leave, so there was no way I could avoid him.

  “Hey, isn’t that Bradley?” Tyler said as we headed in his direction.

  I hadn’t told him about the situation with Emily and Bradley either, so as far as he knew they were still together. I felt a twinge of heat rise inside me when I thought about how he had maliciously set out to hurt my friend. I wanted time to think about how I would handle confronting him, but it was too late, we were at his table.

  Bradley looked up as we approached and gave us both a smile. “Hi, Samantha, hi, Tyler.” He greeted us with mild awkwardness. “Good to see you.” He rose from his seat, gave Tyler a brotherman pound, and then leaned in to give me a light hug. I wasn’t good at pretending, so I didn’t try to force a smile. But I wanted to show my growth, so I nodded and remained silent as he and Tyler exchanged a few opinions about the Falcons quarterback and the Hawks’ new roster for the upcoming season.

  I couldn’t believe the way Bradley was talking with such ease, like he hadn’t done a damn thing! I was starting to get heated just looking at him. “Excuse me, I need to use the ladies’ room,” I said, feeling I was about to lose it.

  Tyler nodded. “Okay, babe. I’ll pull the car around so you won’t get wet in this nasty rain,” he said, then went back to his conversation with the bastard.

  I couldn’t get to the restroom fast enough. Once inside, I stood in front of the sink and took several deep breaths. I looked into the mirror, proud of myself for having such restraint because it had taken a lot for me not to go the hell off. After one last cleansing breath I walked back out, ready to leave. But what I saw next stopped me dead in my tracks. An attractive woman who could have been Emily’s twin came up to Bradley’s table, bent over, and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before taking a seat beside him.

  As I got closer, I could see that the woman wasn’t as attractive as Emily. She picked up her menu, giggled something into Bradley’s ear, and they laughed in that goofy way that new lovers tend to do. I was so pissed I wanted to scream, but I reminded myself that I was bigger than this. I needed to stroll by them, keep my mouth shut, guard my temper, and meet Tyler out front.

  When I approached their table on my way out, Bradley stood and walked over to me. I prayed he wouldn’t speak, but he did. “Take care of yourself, Samantha.” He smiled. Then, after an awkward pause he said, “Um, when you see Emily, please give her my best.”

  Okay, now that took the damn cake! I couldn’t believe that this bastard had the nerve to mention Emily’s name after what he’d done. And if that weren’t bad enough, he went a step further by having the audacity to stand there and actually look sincere as he did it. Now it was on and poppin’! I glared at him. “You fake-ass, no-good, low-down, dirty rat bastard muthafucker!” I hissed.

  Bradley’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped open in shock. His date looked stunned, letting her menu fall to the table as she watched just as wide-eyed as he was. Bradley stared at me as if to ask, What’s going on? His innocent bit made me even madder.

  “I can’t believe the way your punk ass treated my friend,” I continued. “You’re a sorry piece of shit! But let me tell you one damn thing, you pathetic son of a bitch, what goes around comes around, and I hope you get yours right up the muthafuckin’ ass!” I looked past him in the direction of his date and said, “Good luck with this one, sister!” I turned on my stilettos and walked out the door.

  When I buckled myself into the front seat,Tyler could see that I was upset. I filled him in on what Bradley had done to Emily, and told him about the confrontation we’d just had.

  “Sam, you’ve got to control your emotions and your mouth.”

  I crossed my arms and looked out of the window toward the restaurant. “Did you see how that son of a bitch acted all cavalier?” I said. “He screwed over my best friend!”

  “Look at me, Sam,” Tyler said, in a tone that was demanding yet calm. I turned and looked at him as he reached for my hand. “Bradley will get his payback, but not from you. Now, I’m serious, you’ve got to stop shooting off that mouth of yours.You can’t fly off the handle just because the mood hits you. I’ll help you with some anger management techniques if you want, but something’s got to give. Baby, I love your fire and the way you fight for the people you love. But every war doesn’t need to be fought. Chill, all right?”

  Tyler stroked the back of my hand the entire time he spoke, soothing me with his loving words. This was why I needed him in my life. Other men from my past would’ve either blown it off or cosigned my madness by jumping in and escalating the drama to another level. But Tyler was responsible and levelheaded, and he balanced me.

  “You’re right, and I’m sorry,” I said, feeling embarrassed. “You sure you still want to marry a drama queen like me?”

  “I know what I’m getting myself into.” Tyler leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. “We’re all a work in progress.”

  I knew I was blessed to have such an understanding man. There I was, a foul-mouthed hell raiser, engaged to a man who possessed patience and kindness. And there was Emily, a kind-hearted gem, alone with no romantic prospects. That’s not right, is it?

  I knew what had to be done, and it was something I should’ve taken the lead on a long time ago. Once I got back to DC, one of the first things I planned to do was help Emily find a man.

  Chapter 34

  Brenda . . .

  A Strange Knowing

  Brenda sat in her first-class seat, consumed with worry. She was on a flight returning home to DC after spending what had started out as a fun-filled weekend in New York, but had ended as a Big Apple disaster. For the first time in her life, Brenda was uncertain about her future and didn’t know what to do. She’d always been in control, making the rules that everyone around her had to follow. And even on the rare occasion when things didn’t work out the way she envisioned, she always had a backup plan to ensure that she’d still come out smelling like a rose. But now, things had suddenly changed and she was at a loss for what to do.

  Her weekend had begun so well on Friday when she arrived at LaGuardia airport. Harry had arranged for a driver to meet her at baggage claim and then whisk her away to a suite at the Carlyle Hotel. He had wanted her to stay at the Four Seasons again, but she felt it would be a bit too risky to return to the place where they first rendezvoused. After all, she was there in the city on legitimate business related to her volunteer activities. She had a meeting the next day with the docent director at the Frick Collection to discuss their consortium program, and then a private dinner party later that evening at the home of a prominent arts patron.

  Brenda didn’t feel the least bit guilty about having an affair because she knew deep down that h
er husband was doing the same thing. They hadn’t slept in the same bed in over a month, and they barely saw or spoke to each other anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that not only was he having an affair, he was etching out a plan for divorce, and Longfellow’s card was proof.

  Brenda still couldn’t believe that Ed was actually making plans to leave her, especially after all the years they’d been together. In the first few days after she realized what he was up to, she began to calculate various ways to save her marriage. But one by one all of her angles proved to be fruitless. Finally, she knew that only one strategy remained. She had to gather concrete evidence to prove that Ed was having an affair.

  Initially, she considered hiring a private investigator to follow him, but after carefully thinking it over, Brenda knew she’d be wasting her time and money. Ed was smart and tactical, and he often used private investigators to gather evidence for his clients’ cases. He knew the drill all too well and how to cover his tracks. He wouldn’t get sloppy, not with so much at stake.They had amassed a small fortune over the years and she knew he would try to hold on to as much of it as he could.

  Brenda decided to lay low for a while so she could figure out her next move. She resisted the urge to see Harry every weekend as she had wanted. Instead, she chose to limit her visits so she could stay close to home and keep an eye on things. But being home depressed her even more. Ed was always gone, Gerti barely spoke to her, and Samantha avoided her. Samantha had even begun to move some of CJ’s things into her home and was spending more time with him, so Brenda never saw her grandson either. Emily hadn’t been to the house since the night of the party, and even Dorothy seemed too busy lately.

  Brenda knew she deserved to be happy and fulfilled, and she was determined to make sure that she enjoyed herself, for at least one weekend. So she agreed to meet Harry for a trip down memory lane.


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