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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 7

by Jodie Halliday

  “What? I can log in for you if you like,” said Holly, well aware of not giving credentials to non-employees.

  “Don’t be cute Holly. Password?”

  “May12RickyM” she said. Her heart beat furiously as she knew that Maggie now had access to everything she did at work. Maggie jotted it down on the hotel notepad.

  “The touchpad isn’t working Holly. What happened?”

  She felt faint, problems and failures compounding themselves into a nightmare. “I think I spilled something on it earlier.”

  “Great, so this thing’s fucked as well!” shouted Maggie angrily. Andrew cursed behind her.

  “Sorry. No wait. Wait! In my bag. There’s another mouse!” Maggie rummaged around and pulled out the golden coloured mouse, found the end of the USB cable and plugged it in.

  “Huh, a gold mouse. It works. Maybe this is where your luck changes. It can’t get much worse, can it? Where are the event meeting minutes?”

  “In a directory ‘events’ then ‘Blockchain Banking’ then ‘November’, said Holly, trying to watch as she navigated through.

  “OK, found it, very good.” Maggie looked through the meeting minutes and nodded a couple of times.

  “Who’s Ricky?”

  “My boyfriend,” said Holly quietly.

  “What happened on May 12th then?” Holly shook her head with a panicked expression. “Holly?” asked Maggie after a short period of silence.

  “We made love for the first time.”

  “Where?” asked Andrew. Holly gasped, forgetting he was directly behind her. She touched her skirt, wondering what he could see. Her heart beat soared and she gripped the arm of the sofa again tightly. Her senses were tuned almost entirely to what was happening in her stomach and at the other end where her anus felt hot and untrustworthy.

  “In my bedroom.” She bowed her head, sobbing, her hair matted over her forehead, hanging limply over her ears as streaks of black makeup lined her cheeks.

  Maggie looked at the password on the notepad. “What’s the ‘M’ stand for?”

  “No, no please Maggie!”

  “What? What’s so special? Is he a runaway criminal? ‘M’ for murderer?”

  “His name, Holly!” said Andrew sternly.

  She drew in a deep breath and the gravity sank in. “Millsum,” she whispered.

  “What, John Millsum’s boy?” said Andrew, astonished.

  “Mmm,” said Holly, tears rolling again.

  “Wow, he’s kinda cute. Nice catch Holly,” said Maggie.

  “Huh, so you really are fucked Holly,” said Andrew angrily. “If this event goes south then don’t think for one minute that Ricky-boy is going to stick around after you’ve lost them a major client.”

  “Andrew’s right. It’s bye-bye job, bye-bye Ricky, move out of the house, take the car back, no references, home to Mum and Dad, right?”

  “No, no please!” shouted Holly. She made a grab for her laptop, wailing at Maggie, determined to keep hold of the one source of information that she could possibly barter with in this nightmare of an evening.

  “Hands on the sofa!” shouted Maggie. “These are just facts of life girl. Get used to it!” Holly thought of the lists of service providers which she had created, but couldn’t think where they were on her hard drive. She wiped her nose on the back of her hand and grabbed the seat again. Maggie leaned back, nodded at Andrew who remained seated behind Holly and shook her head slowly. “OK, here’s where we are you two. Holly has just got an email from Sean regarding some equipment suppliers but they’re not in this area. I have three that we’ve used previously in Atlanta. It is, however, Sunday evening and nothing will be open until tomorrow morning.” Holly bowed her head, sinking onto the arm of the sofa as a wave of nausea swirled through her. She could feel surges of decomposing food passing nosily through her intestines, lining up for the emergency exit.

  “I told you, call John and get someone on a plane right now!” said Andrew, flicking through screens on his phone. Holly turned at his voice and cried out as if in agony.

  “No, please! Please don’t do that!” she pleaded.

  “Hands Holly!” shouted Maggie. Holly quickly held the sofa arm again and sobbed loudly. Her head ached from the crying, the intense pressure of the past hour and the radical reversal of her fortunes. She saw the waste basket beneath the desk where Maggie sat and felt sure she would be sick into it before long.

  “Hang on Andrew, let me finish. Holly, do you agree that the main stages of repairing what you’ve fucked up are firstly identifying a source for the equipment, then negotiating a cost, getting the equipment delivered, installing it here in the Speaker Ready room with the event data and finally testing it?”

  Holly nodded. “Yes,” she said, the amount of work stretching out in her mind into Tuesday or Wednesday.

  “Good. So I will work on that as a project for tonight. However, that means that I can’t be with Andrew and we will both have a miserable memory of our special day. Do you agree that I should be compensated for my work Holly?”

  “Yes, of course!” she replied, unclear where the conversation was heading but if anyone was going to work on the PDS at all then she was fully in favour. Maggie slid out of the chair and stood beside Holly, moving her hair where it was wet and tangled then placed a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up.

  “Holly, Andrew and I have a saying, or more of what you might call an experience which we have named ‘Going to the Bahamas’. It came from a vacation that we had over there several years ago in which we met up with a musician in an orchestra that we were sponsoring. She played cello and as we got talking to her after a concert it became clear that she wanted to use the visit to the island to explore more than the island.” Maggie let go of Holly’s chin and stroked her hair gently, treating her as though she was a frightened pet who had chewed on a treasured possession. Holly’s heart was pounding, her breathing shallow as she realised that she had no power or leverage over the situation and if Maggie told her to run down to the lobby naked in return for not calling Millsum then she would almost certainly obey. The hand moved down over the small of her back and Holly wondered what Andrew could see between her stockinged legs. In the mirror in her bathroom she had looked fabulous but Holly doubted whether she made the grade as far as the Johnson’s were concerned after crying for hours and lying on the floor in a crumpled heap.

  “Maggie, please don’t,” said Holly breathlessly. The last thing she needed now was another internal sensation to monitor. Her mind flashed back to the bikini exchange and Maggie’s clean pussy.

  She felt her hand on her buttocks, then down on the back of her thighs. The touch was light but unhesitating.

  “Going to the Bahamas, Holly, means having fun with us, no pain, nothing illegal or public, just joining in. Afterwards, all that will be left will be happy memories. Does that make sense?” Holly rested her head on the sofa arm and gasped as the fingers ran over the smooth flesh between the top of her stockings and her knickers, two inches of softness and baby-like skin.

  “Holly?” asked Andrew, his voice firm, managerial, a man in control.

  “Yes,” she said, desperate to cry out as Maggie lifted her skirt over her buttocks and pulled her knickers tighter. Holly gasped and gripped the sofa arm tighter.

  “Ah, now we can see your shape, Holly. Just like I did when we paid our first visit. I told Andrew all about it, how you were so wet when you showed me your pussy!” Holly swallowed, deciding not to argue the point while she was at such a disadvantage. Maggie walked around and stood in front of her, raising her face again so she could look into her eyes. “Take your shirt off Holly.”

  “Please Maggie, please!” she said, blushing as tears started again.

  “If you want to fix the PDS you need to agree on a trip to the Bahamas with us. Is that what you want to do? You need to decide quickly Holly.”

  “Stop crying Holly and decide, now!” said Andrew behind her, exasperated.
br />   “Look at me Holly!” said Maggie.

  She breathed in, shaking her head as she gazed up into Maggie’s eyes. She had no choice and would simply have to trust them. There was a chance that they would have their way with her and the PDS might still not be functional on time, but the alternative was doomed to failure and would mark the end of her employment. She thought of losing Ricky too which made her head swim with panic and her stomach churned with anguish. Wonderful times such as the balcony, the apartment fire, his texts and tender loving, their inflamed passion in the barn at his parent’s house. All would become old memories without the ability to touch or hold him again.

  “OK,” she said.

  “OK what, Holly?” asked Andrew.

  “I want to go to the Bahamas with you.”

  “Take your shirt off then,” reminded Maggie. Holly undid each button with shaking hands and it fell to the sofa in a heap. She slumped forward, sobbing as an entirely new chapter in her life began to unfold. She hated the fact that Andrew could see the shape of her pussy lips underneath her pale yellow Dior lingerie and wondered what she had been thinking in wearing something so sensual and seductive. Maggie took her face between her palms and bent down, gently touching the cups of her bra. Their eyes met and as Holly gripped the sofa tightly, Maggie slowly leaned in and gently brushed her lips against Holly’s. She swallowed hard, shocked not by so much about what Maggie had just done but by the amazing softness of the woman’s lips and her own impulsive leaning towards her in response to that first touch.

  “Good girl!” said Maggie as she smiled broadly and touched her face like comforting a child. “We’re going to have such a wonderful night together, I promise.” She sat back down at the desk and Holly felt herself floating, unsure of what had just happened. Her first kiss with a girl and it felt like silk, utter luxury and far more arousing than anything Dior might make.

  “There’s a good girl Holly,” said Andrew. “You can stay like that for a while until there’s a break in the work.”

  “OK, first company, AG Production Systems Inc. Andrew, they’re the people we used about four years ago, worth a shot, right?”

  “Yeah, Ernie was the owner.”

  “That’s him.” Maggie put the hotel phone on speaker and dialed the number. A man picked up after four rings and Maggie grinned. “Ernie, this is Maggie Johnson, how are you?”

  “Maggie? Wow, I’m fine. How are you? How’s Blockchain?”

  “I’m fine and Blockchain is doing very well thanks. I have Andrew here with me and we’re at the conference center.”

  “Oh right, your shindig is this week, right? What’s up?”

  “We’re looking for a PDS and hope you can help us out.” Maggie looked at Holly and saw the look of hope and misery on her flushed, blotchy face.

  “PDS? Yeah, we used to carry them, but not sure if we do now, let me check, hang on.” There was a click on the line and Holly looked down at the ornate carpet. Her head ached dully with the stress and she thought that it was partly because she was dehydrated after her explosion in her bathroom. The line clicked again. “Maggie, no, we got rid of the things, if I recall you had to understand the command line interface and nobody had time for that sort of thing. Maybe they’ve updated the system but we don’t provide them anymore, sorry.”

  “Do you remember who you sold them to?” asked Andrew.

  “Hey Andrew. Yeah, probably to Gangway Systems in Florida. Yeah, almost certain. Want their number?” Ernie dictated the contact details to Maggie and they rang off after thanking him again.

  “So, Holly, that wasn’t very fruitful was it?” asked Maggie. Holly simply continued to stare at the carpet and shake her head slowly. She sobbed, sniffing between breaths, no longer caring about the impression that she might make on the Johnsons. “Next up is EventServ, they’re in Charlotte but that’s driving distance.”

  Holly said a silent prayer and watched as Maggie dialed the number. Her attention then moved to the woman’s lips and she wondered how something that lasted two seconds could have such an effect on her. Whatever happened about the PDS she felt a growing need to be kissed again and knew that to do so would be similar to selling her soul to the devil. The phone rang continuously even though Holly was quietly repeating the words ‘pick up’ in the silences between.

  “Huh, that was the owner’s home phone number. Maybe they’re out for dinner?” said Maggie.

  “Fuck! This is a goddamn disaster!” growled Andrew. Holly wondered if he would treat her like that cardboard box downstairs. Maggie left a voicemail and hung up.

  “Not looking good for you right now, Holly!” said Maggie, tapping at her keyboard. Holly simply closed her eyes and laid her head on the arm rest, arching her back a little more which elevated her buttocks. “Spread your knees a bit more Holly,” said Maggie without looking over at her.

  “What?” she mumbled.

  “For chrissakes girl, do as you’re told!” said Andrew, slapping the sofa cushion. Holly moved her left knee towards the edge of the sofa, aware that her pussy was now even more clearly visible to him.

  “Better Andrew?” asked Maggie.

  “Yeah, looks like she’s getting kinda wet though.”

  Maggie stood and came round behind Holly. She touched her buttocks then ran a finger along the damp strip of her knickers. Holly gasped at the feeling and slowly shook her head. “Wow, you’re right. How can you be wet at a time like this, eh?” Holly just shook her head, wishing she would make the final call and get it all over with. “Holly, answer please!” said Maggie.

  “Please Maggie,” she said, crying again. She breathed out heavily and coughed.

  “Holly. I need an honest answer. What happens in here is between the three of us, whatever the outcome with the PDS. Do you understand?” Holly nodded but said nothing, heaving with misery. Maggie came round to face her again and lifted her chin. “Good, so one more time, why are you wet do you think?”

  Holly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her answer went against all that she had ever been brought up to consider right, it ran counter to her love for Ricky and yet she knew there was no doubt about the cause. She looked up at Maggie’s face, who was waiting with a little annoyance etched in for good measure.

  “Your kiss,” whispered Holly as tears ran down her cheeks. The room fell silent as Holly waited, her look pained, desperate as she watched Maggie’s lips again.

  “Oh you angel!” said Maggie, grinning. She looked over to Andrew then back to Holly. “For that honesty you’ll get a reward.” She ran her hands over the girl’s back then down to her buttocks. With three fingers she slipped inside her knickers and gently felt along the length of her pussy.

  Holly squealed but made no attempt to move away. “No, no please! Oh god!” She felt the fingers slide out and again despaired as the few seconds of pleasure ended.

  “Oh my god, Holly!” cried Maggie as she felt the thick lubrication. She grinned at Andrew, came round to face Holly and then offered the girl her fingers. “Suck!” Holly leaned forward with only a second’s hesitation then took them between her lips. The taste was back, that happy creamy essence which meant calm, delight and sensuous nights in her young mind. She groaned quietly as her tongue snaked between Maggie’s outstretched fingers, lapping at the exquisite juice that had excited her so much in the past few months. She gasped as Maggie put her fingers into her own mouth and licked, all the while staring at her husband and not her. Holly felt him brush past as he stood by his wife. Maggie took her left hand and placed it against Andrew’s trousers.

  “Have you made him hard Holly?”

  Holly had no idea except for how Ricky felt sometimes when they fooled around together. Andrew’s trousers had a bulge from the center out to the side of several inches and when Maggie squeezed her hand she felt the ridge quite clearly. She nodded.

  “Yes, I think so,” she said, pulling her hand away.

  “No, he’s nowhere near hard. Let’s hope we find a PDS
so you can get all the way to the Bahamas, right?”

  Holly nodded, still staring at his trousers and wondering how her calculations could have been totally wrong. Maggie sat down at the desk and looked up the final number, while Andrew resumed his position behind her on the sofa. She could see a little patch of white between the buttons of Maggie’s shirt and watched in case she caught a glimpse of her breasts. Then the number rang and Holly slumped back onto the sofa arm, repeating her ‘pick up’ mantra again. Her head throbbed and she wondered whether she should lean forward if she was going to be sick so that it stood a chance of hitting the waste basket or backwards so that it went over her legs. Pick up! And it did.

  “Hello, this is Mike!”

  “Mike, hi there, this is Maggie Johnson from Blockchain Banking, how are you?”


  “Yeah, we used to be Banking Technology then changed the name.”

  “Oh right?” said Mike, still seemingly in the dark about who he was talking to. Holly felt sick and could tell she was seconds away from vomiting. She clenched her stinging anus tight, knowing that she really had little control over it.

  “You did some production work for us a while back. Oh, look, sorry for calling you on a Sunday evening but we have a bit of a panic going on at the event center.”

  “Oh right?”

  Holly felt the clenching begin again in her buttocks and the dread of a return of her diahorea while on the Johnson’s sofa rekindled her crying. Her nails dug into the ornate embroidery of the material, holding her steady as the trembling returned. She shook her head at the pain, the signs internally that something terrible was about to happen to her where her body would totally reject all civilized norms and simply explode in misery.

  “Yes, you provided us with some LCD screens projectors and a PDS up here at the event center. We’re hoping that you can help us out again.” said Maggie, looking at Holly and then Andrew with skepticism.


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