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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 17

by Jodie Halliday

  “Babe, you know I said that the event went well, right?”

  “Yeah, good job!”

  “Well, some things happened there that I want to tell you about. If I didn’t tell you then you would probably never know, but I want to be absolutely open and honest with you.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but on Sunday night, the day after I arrived, I was in such a state that all I wanted was for the ground to open up and swallow me.”

  “Hol, what the hell happened?” he asked, looking at her closely.

  “Ricky, what I have to tell you is for you only, OK? Please promise you’ll never tell anyone else.”

  “OK, of course Hol.” She kissed his lips and breathed in. “Hol, you OK, really?”

  “Yeah, I just have to tell you though. Everything was going well when I arrived, and on Sunday afternoon the Johnsons arrived. They’re the event sponsors and my clients.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of them, my Dad’s mentioned them before.”

  “We walked around the event halls and everything was fine until we came to one room and found that the system that distributes all the presentation content and electronic signage content wasn’t there. It hadn’t been ordered and while it wasn’t my job to order it I was accountable. Without it, there would be no presentations, no signage, no event. Nothing, Ricky, and it would have a disastrous effect on Blockchain Banking as well as Millsum.”

  “Jeeze, you poor thing, Hol!”

  “They ran through the problems that I had caused and how everything had gone from excellent to a total disaster in thirty seconds. I felt sick and they told me to be in their suite in about twenty minutes. I got to my suite and was sick everywhere, just couldn’t stop. I was shaking and so weak but had to get changed and made it to their suite just in time. I couldn’t stop crying and shaking and just stood there, bawling my eyes out and wishing I was dead!”

  “Oh babe, I’m so sorry. But you weren’t on the hook to order it though?”

  “No, someone on the team, but it was my team. They were so furious, threating to have me replaced, on the next plane home and so on. But most importantly, this system had to be found, ordered and installed quickly so testing could take place the following morning. Andrew Johnson was walking up and down, swearing at me, kicking things while his wife, Maggie, who’s the technical brains behind Blockchain, was calmer. Andrew’s old, like fifty while she’s just a bit older than me.”

  “OK, but I’m not sure why this is so secret Hol.” He hugged her close and kissed her forehead. She was sweaty, trembling slightly both from reliving the experience as well as her anticipation of his reaction.

  “Well, this is the bit that has to remain a secret between you and me. Please Ricky.”

  “Ok babe, of course!”

  “You might change your mind, and I understand, I really do, but here goes. They kept saying that if the system wasn’t installed the event would fail, Blockchain would be a laughing stock as would Millsum’s, I’d lose my job, this house, my car and so on. And they were right, Ricky, that’s what would have happened.” She sniffed and wiped her nose on her hand.

  “Oh god, babe, it sounds awful!”

  “Yeah. They got me to kneel on the sofa and I kept thinking that I was going to be sick, or even that, you know, Ricky, maybe that I’d poop myself right there, I was in that much of a state. I just couldn’t stop crying which made everything worse. Then Maggie said that she knew some people who might have a system and it was like someone had thrown me a lifebelt, right, and there was hope. I would do anything, absolutely anything to stop sinking into despair and have the event, my first event, totally ruined.” She gasped and failed to suppress her tears, shuddering as the terrible events flooded back. Ricky wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, rocking her gently as she tried to continue. “They made me an offer. They would try to fix it and in return I would pay them somehow each time they made progress. It was only Maggie really who could do anything useful but when I heard that she could help I accepted.”

  “Yeah, I would have probably done the same, anything to save the day, the company, my reputation, right?”

  “Ricky, I was kneeling on the sofa in my skirt. Andrew was behind me, Maggie in front. I was crying so much, in such a state and they said.” She broke off and gasped again, trying to control herself as well as gauge how Ricky was really taking the news. But there was nothing else to do now, she had to continue. “They said that whatever happened in the suite would remain between the three of us, but for every success that they had I would have to do something for them.”


  “Ricky, I had to agree baby. I just had to, if I didn’t then everything would be ruined, and if I did then there was a chance that they could fix it. I agreed, and they told me to lift my skirt and open my legs so they could see the shape of, you know.”

  “Jeez!” He looked at her with such pity and sympathy that she immediately knew that she had made the right decision. He touched her face, wiping her tears. “Your pussy, right?” Holly nodded. “Oh baby, it doesn’t take much to guess the rest.”

  “It gets a bit weird Ricky. When she found a system I just collapsed on the sofa but still thought I was going to be sick. She demanded my knickers and I took them off. She touched me there, made me taste myself. But once we all knew the system was on the way they changed and became so nice to me, like everything was forgiven, but I still had to pay them back. She kissed me, Ricky, on the lips, and, oh god Ricky, I’m sorry but it was so wonderful.”

  “It’s OK Hol, that’s pretty common these days from what I hear. Many girls experiment.”

  “I want to tell you the worst part then the rest. They got me naked and they took their clothes off as well. Once the system was on site Andrew had sex with me. I’m so sorry Ricky, but I had no choice, I promise. He didn’t come in me but I was so frightened that he would rip my insides up, that you and I couldn’t make love when I got back. But it was OK and he made love to Maggie instead. That’s the worst part.”

  Ricky was silent and she feared that he would let go of her and start to get dressed. He breathed out loudly and tilted her face towards him. “And they didn’t hurt you, are you sure?”

  “Yeah, positive. But, look, I, um, I spent two nights with Maggie. The first time was part of the payment and the second one, last night, was sort of my choice.”

  “Oh my god, Hol, I thought you were the quiet type!”

  She giggled, increasingly happy with the reaction she was getting. “We had showers and baths together, Ricky.”

  “But girls aren’t your long-term preference are they?”

  “No, oh Ricky, no way. But the opportunity was there after being forced upon me where I had no choice. It felt like something so different that I wanted to experiment, but with some sort of push behind me, you know, like I had an excuse?”

  “I’m sorry Hol. I think you’re trying to make light of what was a really terrible time. I have no idea what I would have done, but from what you say you had no choice. Either you walked out and definitely lost your job and damaged Millsum’s reputation, or you took a chance, right?”

  “But it felt like blackmail at the time Ricky, I was horrified that they could even think of such a thing!”

  “It wasn’t blackmail in my view. There wasn’t a threat from them that they would carry out if you didn’t comply, was there? If you said no and walked away, then the event would fail - not because of what they did, but because of your omission. If you agreed, then the three of you would try to repair the damage, although there was no guarantee. But if you wanted their help then they asked for some sort of compensation.”

  “Maybe you’re right. But Ricky, please don’t tell anyone. Promise?”

  “Of course, Hol, I promise.”

  “You know, part of me sort of liked it once the thing had been delivered, after the pressure was off. Oh, and there’s one more thing.”

  “Let me guess, H

  “I don’t think you will. They made me get rid of my hair.” He looked at her face, then the penny dropped and he frowned.

  “Down there?” he said, nodding towards the end of the bed.


  “They did it?”

  “Yeah, shaved it off”

  “Both at the same time?”

  “No, he started it then Maggie finished it off.”

  “So they covered you in foam then shaved you?”

  “Ricky! Are you enjoying this?”

  “This bit I am, definitely. God Hol, that’s so hot!” she said, sliding his hand down over her breasts and onto her stomach. He raised his eyebrows, looking for permission. She nodded and his fingers slipped under her knickers. “Oh yeah! Hol, that feels so great! So you slept with this girl after they had done this?”

  “Ricky! You’re a dirty old man!”

  “Tell me Hol!”

  “Yeah, after they had done this!”

  “Can I ask another question?”

  Holly exhaled in mock irritation. “Go on then.”

  “Did she, you know, kiss you down there?”

  Holly smiled and nodded. “Ricky, it was amazing. She was so gentle.”

  “And you did that to her?”

  “Ricky!” she squealed but knew he needed an answer. “Yeah.”

  “I’m so proud of you Hol!” He pushed the covers back and knelt between her legs, then quickly pulled her knickers down without his usual manners. “Oh god, Hol, you’re so amazingly pretty!” he whispered, leaning down towards her.

  He kissed the skin above her clit and she groaned with pleasure and relief. His hands thrust under her buttocks and she parted her legs willingly, delighted with his desire and her growing need for him. His tongue found her pussy and explored her vagina, probing as the stubble of his chin rubbed gently on her thighs. Holly grabbed his hair in both hands and pulled him hard against her pussy, guiding him, demanding his tongue. He lapped at her just as she remembered, totally different from the way Maggie did but nonetheless the attention was delightful and he was all hers. She reached down and touched her outer lips.

  “Suck this part, gently, between your lips,” she said, wondering how she had plucked up the courage to guide him. He responded however, taking one lip and gently sucking it, adding a little swirl of his tongue as he released the flesh. “Yeah, like that, really slowly. Oh jeeze, yeah. Then here, not my clit yet,” she said, guiding him to her little inner lips and the entrance to her vagina. “Yeah, good boy, very slowly, gently for now. Oh fuck yeah.”

  After several minutes she pulled his hair and he slid up over her chest, grabbing her wrists.

  “Make love to me Ricky,” she said, gazing into his eyes as he pinned her to the mattress.

  “Promise you’ll never let it grow again, you’ll keep it shaved.”

  “I suppose you want to shave it?” she asked as the tip of his hard cock found her entrance.

  “Would you let me?”

  “Maybe,” she said, giggling.

  “Oh god I love you Holly Craig!” he said as his cock slid in. She knew from his face and words that he held her blameless for what had happened with the Johnsons and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her mind came back to the present, the smell of his hair, his muscles, his cock, and the way he was pushing into her and withdrawing part way, taking her with him. She felt him fill her and struggled to free her hands but he held her tight, kissing her lips then nuzzling her ear. Her legs came up and wrapped around his back, helping him to thrust as deep as possible. She closed her eyes and the feeling of him inside her made her arch her back, straining her arms as they remained in his tight grip. She was home, in her warm little bed with her boy and the truth was out and it didn’t hurt at all.

  “I love you too Ricky Millsum, I really do!” she said as they both began the quick climb to orgasm.

  Chapter 11

  Holly used the weekend to generally relax and unwind from the turmoil of the Atlanta trip. She still had vivid memories of the awful Sunday night and her terror but the picture which seemed to remain in her mind was that of Andrew kicking the box in the Speaker Ready room and her feeling at that instant of letting them down. All the sex, cuddling and what felt like constant orgasms that week were not going to shift that mental image form her brain when she thought of Atlanta.

  She hung her dry cleaning in her wardrobe and swore that she would only use those pieces of clothing for special occasions. To complement the Dior underwear she did however go to the shops on her own on Saturday and bought two matching La Perla sets of underwear, one in pure white and another in cream. They would be for extra special occasions and remain hidden for now.

  On Monday she caught up with her team although they had exchanged news and information over the weekend. There was a lot of high spirits and much of it was driven once again by the short speech which Andrew had given at the end of the event. At ten thirty however, the phone rang.

  “This is Holly.”

  “Holly, it’s Judith, John Millsum’s assistant. Could you come up and see John please?”

  “Of course, I’ll be right there,” said Holly.

  She stuck her head into Lloyds office and told him where she was going but he just shook his head to the effect that he didn’t know what it was about. She visited the ladies room and made sure she looked presentable, then took the elevator up three floors to the executive suite.

  She found Judith and introduced herself.

  “Ah yes, go straight in please,” said Judith rather formally, nodding at the door. Holly knocked and entered. John Millsum was standing at his desk, on the phone. Holly quickly pointed to the door, silently asking if she should leave but John shook his head and pointed to the small, round conference table. She sat demurely while she pretended not to listen to the call, her heart beating as she tried to read his mood and the level of trouble she might be in.

  He eventually rung off but not before Holly had the chance to look at every picture, award and book in the office. Sitting on the edge of his desk he looked at her and sighed. She tried to work out whether it was a ‘what are we going to do with you’ or a ‘you initially showed so much promise’ look.

  “Good morning Holly.”

  “Morning Mr. Millsum.”

  “Holly, it’s John. Please.”

  “I’m sorry, John.”

  “It’s OK. Sorry to drag you up here from your work, but according to Andrew Millsum you are, as he termed it ‘hot property’. I think Lloyd told you that Maggie Johnson called early last week to sing your praises.”

  “Yes, he did, that was nice of her to recognise the team.”

  “Well, he spoke more of the team, she singled out you as the primary driving force. I heard about the issues you had and I’m going to leave it up to you and Lloyd to work out where Sean best fits in going forward.”

  “Thanks, we haven’t talked about it yet.”

  “That’s OK. But I wanted to personally let you know that Andrew said that the event generated a huge amount of business for Blockchain and much of it was due to the relaxed atmosphere that he and the attendees discovered, and he attributed the majority of that to you and your leadership.”

  Holly smiled, delighted that the all the planning efforts, and her desperate work with the Johnsons over that Sunday evening and through the week had been recognised. ‘Thanks John, I’d like to pass that message onto everyone downstairs.”

  “Yes, do that of course. But there’s one more thing. Andrew called me over the weekend and wanted me to arrange a bonus for you. Unfortunately, I can’t do that as bonus payments are driven by HR, our stock price, your grade and so on.”

  “John, he doesn’t need to do that, really!”

  “He wants to and then he said he would like to send a bonus to you directly. I am prepared to make an exception here, so would you be OK with that and if you are, can I give him your home address? The Johnsons are very impo
rtant clients and it would be a poor business decision to refuse, I think.”

  Holly considered it for a while and then nodded. “Can I make a suggestion then? That I use the bonus to take the team and Lloyd out for dinner, and if you could do a drive-by guest appearance to thank the team then that would be wonderful.”

  John grinned at the suggestion and nodded immediately. “Excellent, Holly.” He walked over, seemed to think about hugging her then shook her hand. She left the office, thanked Judith and returned to her floor. She dropped by Lloyd’s office, shut his door and brought him up to speed on the payment and how she wanted to use it. They set up a meeting for the following afternoon to discuss Sean.

  Four days later a letter arrived for Holly at her Foley Street address. She sat in the lounge that evening and stared at it for almost a minute, very conscious of what happened last time something like this arrived. Finally, she opened the envelope and pulled out the note.

  Dear Holly, Maggie and I wanted to share with you the hugely positive feedback that the event generated for the firm. With your guidance, cooperation and spirit the event was an enormous success and we continue to receive commendations from presenters, exhibitors and attendees alike. Their common theme is that they were exceptionally well looked after and were able to focus entirely on their business. You and your team were excellent and we very much look forward to seeing you again next year. As a token of our gratitude, please accept the enclosed.

  It was signed by Andrew and Maggie, with a heart instead of a dot over the ‘i’ in Maggie. Holly read it twice and thought fondly of them both, then touched the little heart to see if it might somehow deliver a magic message. She opened the second envelope and stared at a company check for fifteen thousand dollars. She leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. She thought about the lounge and her bedroom upstairs. It had been a very good place to live for over two years but it was now time to move on. With the check and her savings she had more than enough for a deposit on a small house and her income ought to cover the mortgage and other running costs, without a lodger.


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