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Page 18

by Franca Storm

  He laughs. “You already got our VP in your pocket.”

  His words hit me hard.

  He must see it on my face, because he asks, “What?”


  “Ain’t called you, has he?”

  I shrug. “It’s only been a couple of days.” And I am not one of those girls who obsesses when her boyfriend neglects to call her. Besides, I’m too busy to dwell on it. He’s got stuff to do and so do I.

  “Yeah, but he’s got it bad for you, sweetheart. Don’t add up.” He winks at me. “I’ll do some recon.”

  “No!” I cry. Wow, take it down a notch, Rox. I guess it’s bothering me more than I realized. “I mean; don’t bother. It’s cool.”


  “Smiter, leave it, okay? I’m good either way.” Wow, that’s a lie and a half.

  I know Smiter sees it too. The look on his face says it all. And I really don’t wanna get into it, because it’s really awkward. Smiter is one of his brothers after all. And I don’t want him reporting back to Neil that I’m asking after him and whining about him not calling. Like I said; I’m not that girl and I don’t want Neil or anyone else thinking I am.

  And so, I cut in quickly, before he can press the issue, “How long are you here for?”

  “A couple of weeks. It’ll take me some time to set up security.”

  “Crash at my place if you want.”

  He starts in surprise. “Really?”

  I shrug and respond casually, “Yeah.”

  “Wanna keep an eye on me, huh? Ax complain ‘bout my heavy-handed approach? Rox, I ain’t gonna do that with you. Told you, I like you, sweetheart, yeah?”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s not that. Nothing like that.”

  He studies me for a moment and then he dips his head and asks quietly, “You lonely?”

  It’s not that I’m lonely. I’m perfectly secure in my own company. But I could really use the distraction of having someone else around the house. Now that Ralph and I have ended our business relationship, I don’t have him popping in and out regularly like he used to. Yeah, I could do with some company. It keeps my head quiet. The tragedy up at the truck stop with the massacre of my guys is haunting me and I can’t stand it. With Neil having been staying at my place and then me at his, these last couple of days have been the first time that I’ve actually been alone and it hasn’t been pretty. And I’m not even talking about the constant vomiting and crappy sickness that’s been assaulting me. No, it’s everything in my head. I can’t…sometimes I can’t breathe.

  I step back and tell him, “Look, it’s your call. Just thought I’d offer.”

  He smiles sweetly and tells me, “Yeah. Think I’ll take you up on that, sweetheart.”

  “Great.” I pull out a pen from my jacket pocket and snatch a napkin off the bar. I scrawl something onto it quickly and hand it to him.

  “Your address. What’s the six numbers at the bottom?”

  “The current access code to my security system so you can get inside.”


  “I change it every day.”

  He grins and nods. “Smart woman.”

  “Damn straight.”

  We both laugh. Yeah, this is gonna be fun. Smiter and I have got along from the get-go somehow. Some weird chemistry thing, I guess. It’ll be refreshing to have someone like him around.

  Chapter 30


  Oh my God. I can’t stop staring at it.

  Some ridiculous part of me believes that if I keep staring and willing it to be telling me something else for long enough then it will. It could happen, right?

  Another part of me wishes I’d never taken the damn thing, because it makes it undeniably real.

  Well, it does now. After taking all three I’d bought, I finally have to accept it. Three out of three. Yeah, that’s solid. Crap.

  Deep down, I’d been shit-scared that this was what had been killing my body lately. It wasn’t a food bug. It’s been over three weeks since I started feeling crappy like this and what kind of bug lasts that long? I’d been in denial, because I’d also been really late—a dead giveaway to any woman.

  Shit. I am the last person who’s cut out for this. Why would the universe let this happen?

  “So, pizza or Chinese, sweetheart? What you–Rox?”

  Oh crap!

  I’d been so consumed by my thoughts that I hadn’t even heard Smiter coming down the hall. And in those motorcycle boots, his footsteps are really heavy and loud.

  My gaze snaps to the door. He’s standing in my bedroom doorway eyeing me sitting on the bed holding the damn thing. Caught red handed or what? There’s no point even trying to hide it.

  His eyes almost bug out of his head as he walks over to me. “Is that? Are you…shit, are you pregnant?” he rambles in a freaked out rush of words.

  He’s freaked out? I’m feeling that a thousand times over.

  I gaze up at him dazedly and swallow hard. I can’t even respond.

  “Rox?” he presses. “Are you?”

  I drop the stick and scramble off the bed. I start pacing the room and frantically fisting my hands in my hair as I try to think.

  “This is not happening,” I murmur to myself. “This can’t…no…shit!”

  “I’m gonna call Ax.”

  I spin around at him. “No!”

  His brow furrows. “It’s his, yeah?”

  “Yes! Of course. I don’t sleep around, dickhead.”

  He holds up his hands. “Sorry,” he says, in an effort to appease the crazy pregnant woman in front of him. I don’t blame him right now.

  “Rox,” he says gently. “I gotta call him.”

  I blow out an angry breath. “I haven’t heard from him in weeks. Why would I call him, Smiter? He’s clearly done with whatever it was that we had.”

  “It’s his kid, Rox.”

  “Fuck him.”

  “Look, I know he’s being a dick, but—”

  “But nothing. I’ll…I’ll take care of it. I’ve got this. It won’t be an issue.”

  “You mean you’ll get rid of it?” he asks, incredulous, like it’s dirty just having to say it.

  “I never wanted a kid. And I certainly don’t want one with a man who’s here one minute and gone the next without a word for weeks!”

  I still can’t believe I let that dickhead in. I’m pissed beyond belief that he pushed and pushed me to let my guard down. He made me feel things; things I’ve never let myself feel towards anyone before. And then he disappears into the ozone like it was all just a phase to him—or a big joke.

  Smiter looms over me and shakes his head. “You can’t do that, Rox.”

  “Why the hell not? It’s my body. My decision.”

  “You’ve seen Ax lose his temper before, right? He must’ve that day when Broker came down here and delivered that warning.”


  “So, that’ll be nothing compared to the way he’ll lose his shit when he finds out you got rid of his kid. I’m telling you now; you can’t. All right? This is me protecting you here, sweetheart. I ain’t saying it to make things harder on you.”

  I glare up at him.

  This is all bullshit.

  “Fuck him,” I mutter, pushing past Smiter and running out of my bedroom.

  The next thing I know, my keys are in my hand and I’m out the door.

  I hear Smiter yelling after me down the driveway, but I ignore it. I need to clear my head. I need to figure out what I’m gonna do—yeah, what I’m gonna do, not what anyone else wants me to do.

  Chapter 31


  “Yeah, the pictures we leaked of you worked. Rumors are taking hold slowly. Should reach who we need it to soon,” I speak into my cell quietly.

  “Good. What’s that buzzing? Interference?” Dealer asks.

  “Tattoo needle.”

  “You ain’t got enough?”

  “Needed one more.”

  He grunts a reply and then tells me, “Get ready to move, yeah?”


  He hangs up and I stow my phone back inside my pants pocket, careful not to move my left side in any way. I don’t wanna screw up my tattoo that Andy’s working on.

  I blow out a breath and relax back against the chair, barely noticing as the needle scrapes along my chest, across the scar over my heart.

  I zone out and, the next thing I know, Andy’s slapping my shoulder and telling me, “Done, man.”

  I sit up and study it. No more scar. Now there’s an awesome work of art instead.

  “What do you think? It’s what you wanted, right?” he asks, a little nervously. I ain’t surprised. Gotta be a little nerve-racking tattooing bikers and worrying ‘bout fucking shit up cuz then they’ll fuck him up.

  A stupid ass grin spreads over my face. “Damn perfect. Thanks.”

  He smiles. “Sweet.”

  I’m ‘bout to ask him how much I owe him when the door to the shop smacks open suddenly.

  “Ax, you motherfucker! You in here, you son of a bitch?”

  What the hell? It sounds like Smiter’s voice. What’s going on? “Yeah! Room at the back!”

  As he comes storming into the room, Andy has the good sense to take off into the back.

  Right away I see Smiter’s pissed—at me, it looks like. His ferocious expression says that much. He’s damn well snarling at me.

  “What the fuck’s your problem?” I demand, getting up from the chair.

  He takes a threatening step towards me, but stops suddenly as he catches sight of my chest.

  His eyes go wide as he studies my new tattoo.

  A rising sun with orange and red hues blended together in an edgy way. Black angel wings cradle it and between ‘em is one word: Rox.

  “Are you bi-polar?” he thunders at me.


  “You tattoo her name on your chest, but you wash your hands of her at the same time?”

  “Smiter,” I growl, still way too sensitive ‘bout the entire messed up situation to handle it rationally when he’s throwing it in my face like this. And I don’t wanna come to blows with one of my closest brothers. “Leave it, yeah?”

  “Fuck you. I want an answer!” he thunders.

  “Ain’t your fucking business!” I roar right back at him.

  His fist smashes into the side of my face. Son of a bitch! It knocks me back. Rage sparks to life inside me and I snarl, ready to rip his fucking head off for striking me—his fucking VP too.

  Just as I’m ‘bout to strike, he yells out, “She’s pregnant, you asshole!”

  Oh fuck. I feel like he’s actually hit me again. Right in the goddamn gut. I stumble back and grab the wall for support. I can’t breathe for a second. It takes me forever to actually choke out, “What? Pregnant? You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. You think I’d come in saying this shit if I weren’t?”

  “Fuck,” I say, slumping onto the chair. I need to fucking sit down right now.

  “Well, you gonna step up, or what?”

  “Will you lay off? Jesus, Smiter!”

  “Lay off? You weren’t around her when she found out. Yeah, she’s tough and she won’t admit it, but she’s in some real pain, Ax. Thought you loved her?”

  “I do!”

  “Why you been dodging her calls? Washing your hands of her these last three weeks?”

  I can’t tell him. I can’t tell no one. The shit that’s going on is too fucking explosive for me to involve any of the brothers. I gotta keep it between me, Dealer and Ralph.

  “I got my reasons.”

  He blows out a breath. “Yeah? Well, you don’t want her, that’s on you. But stop being a dick and make it clear.”

  “I can handle my own shit.”

  He gets in my face then. “Can you? Cuz it sure as hell don’t seem like it when your girl is telling me she’s gonna get rid of your kid.”

  “What? She said that?”

  “What else you expect, the way you been acting?”

  I push him back and get to my feet.

  “Andy! Wrap me up! I gotta go now!”

  Chapter 32


  I’d just finally fallen asleep when the house alarm started going ballistic. What the hell?

  I jump out of bed, immediately on high alert thanks to the rush of adrenaline ripping through me, knowing someone’s just breached my security. I snatch up my glock from my bedside table and throw open the bedroom door.

  I cock my gun and keep close to the wall, ready to deal with whoever the idiot is who thinks they can break into my house.

  I make my way down one of the winding staircases into the lobby and that’s when I see the front door is open. I take a quick glance. It doesn’t look like it was forced open. Someone picked the lock then? Shit, they’d have to be exceptional to be able to accomplish that. It’s not an average lock—it’s nearly impossible to pick.

  I reach the bottom of the stairs and that’s when I see a figure darting out of the living room through the darkness. I take aim.

  “Rox! It’s me!” the intruder yells, raising his hands quickly.

  What the hell? “Neil?”

  “Yeah, babe. You wanna put the gun down?”

  “I was thinking about blowing your dick off with it, asshole. Any reason I shouldn’t?”

  “Let’s just talk, all right?” He moves towards me cautiously. “Besides, I know how much you love my dick.”

  Argh! I can’t believe he has the nerve to say anything sexual to me right now. Flirting with me like everything’s fine.

  I lower the gun and flip on the safety. “Just go,” I tell him tiredly. “And you ever breach my security again and pick the locks and I will castrate you.”

  “Ain’t going nowhere, babe,” he says, stopping in front of me.

  God, he looks as annoyingly hot as ever. And the smell of him—a mixture of sandalwood, cologne and leather—it intoxicates me. Urgh. Get a grip, Rox.

  He looks me over for a moment, taking me in, and then his eyes rest on my belly. So Smiter told him then? Urgh. I figured as much. The whole brotherhood thing and all.

  His gaze wavers and he bites his lip like he’s trying to keep it together and then he reaches his hand out to touch me.

  I step back. “No.”

  “You’re pregnant,” he breathes.

  “You didn’t need to come all the way down here. I’m handling it.”

  His gaze snaps to mine, his eyes narrowed. “No you fucking ain’t.”

  “It’s my choice, Neil.”

  “Like hell it is. That’s my kid in there, Rox. You ain’t doing shit to it. You feel me?”

  “You can’t stop me!”

  His eyes flash. “Yeah?”

  “Is that supposed to be a threat? If so, you’re making a big mistake and you know it.”

  “You ain’t getting rid of my kid,” he growls.

  That is it! How dare he come in here and start making demands? I shove my hands into his chest, knocking him back. “You blew me off, Neil! Fine, we’re done! I’m pissed that you didn’t have the balls to say it to my face and actually tell me, but I get it. So fuck the hell off.”

  “I love you, woman!”

  “Oh, save it. You’ve already fucked the biker princess every which way. Mission accomplished, right?”

  He grabs my arm and jerks me into him. “Weren’t ‘bout that and you know it.”

  “What I know is that I haven’t heard squat from you for three weeks!”

  “No, it’s…it’s…complicated,” he mumbles, at a loss. Well, that’s a first; Neil speechless.


  “I can’t…I can’t say…”

  I wrench my arm from his grasp. “Just get out.”

  “Rox, you gonna get rid of my kid? Tell me right now!” he thunders as I make my way back upstairs.

  I don’t even bother turning around as I answer him over my shoul
der, “I have an appointment tomorrow morning.”

  I hear him mutter something like that’s it behind me.

  And the next thing I know, his arms are around me and he’s hauling me over his shoulder in a fireman lift.

  “Neil! No! Stop it! Put me down!”

  He doesn’t answer. He just carries me out of the house.

  Moments later, I’m being lowered into the passenger seat of a truck.

  “What are you doing?” I demand, struggling against his hold as he buckles my seatbelt.

  Something snaps to my left wrist and then my right. I look down and I’m horrified to see that I’m now cuffed to the seat.

  “Argh! Neil!”

  He slams the door closed and heads back into my house.

  I struggle against the cuffs for God knows how long before I finally give up and slump back against the seat in defeat.

  I watch him emerge from the house about five minutes later with one of my gym bags thrown over his shoulder. He locks the door and returns to the truck. He throws the bag on the backseat and then climbs into the driver’s seat and thrusts his key angrily into the ignition, revving the engine.

  “What is this?” I demand as he buckles his seatbelt.

  “Told you, you ain’t getting rid of my kid. Gotta keep you in my sights ‘til you calm down and come to your senses. Taking you to the clubhouse.”

  The clubhouse? “No way! You are not taking me to that hellhole! No, Neil!” I scream, struggling against the cuffs.

  “Stop it. You’ll hurt your wrists,” he responds calmly and unnervingly detached.

  “I swear to God, you don’t let me out of here and I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?” he demands, his eyes darting between me and the road as he pulls out of my driveway. “What you gonna do, Rox? I got you cuffed to the damn seat cuz you’re being so fucking unreasonable. You gonna talk me to death, that it? Cuz I ain’t letting you out. I know you. Wouldn’t put it past you to jump outta a moving truck and I ain’t letting you injure yourself or our baby.”

  Our baby. His words reach something deep inside me, squeezing my heart in a vice grip. I shake it off. I’m too pissed and hurt to give into it. “I don’t want it.”


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