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ROMANCE: MC Romance: Owned by The Bad Boy (Stepbrother Bad Boy BBW Ménage Mafia Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Billionaire Romance Short Stories)

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by Sexton, Chloe

  Carter pulled me up off the bar stool and out of the bar, walking towards his bike. “Avery you can’t do this, you have dreams, you want to be a big journalist in the city, you can’t have a biker boyfriend following you around, doing illegal deals and coming home at night when it’s convenient” he said, looking past me so he didn’t have to make eye contact with me.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist, and pressed my head against his chest. “Carter you are the one for me, from the time I was 17 years old until now, and I am not going anywhere. I can go to school on the west coast and I don’t have to leave in the fall. You don’t have to be a biker for life, and I know that you would want to come home to me every night. You are the one who is trying to push me away, but you should stop and let this happen, you should stop and let us be together.”

  My mother looks out the window with disapproval as we hear Carter’s motorcycle come up the drive. It was hard to explain to her that I was in a relationship with the son of her former husband, and I am sure he was thrilled either if he knew. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door, smiling from ear to ear as I saw Carter waiting for me. I kissed him passionately while he sat on the bike, and let him squeeze me tight. He handed me a helmet and I put it on, and then I got on the bike behind him. I loved wrapping my arms around his waist, and I laid my head on his back as we pulled out of the driveway.

  Riding on the open road with him was one of the best parts of my day. We had decided that we were going to try to see this through, even if we were going to face struggles and barriers. I was going to start school in the fall in San Diego, so I wouldn’t be thousands of miles away, and Carter was going to try to get out of the motorcycle gang, but we knew that it was going to take time.

  We tried to keep our relationship out of the eye of his gang, because we didn’t want me to become a target if something were to go bad with a deal or a relationship with other gangs. His life was still very dangerous and the fact that most activities were illegal still weighed on my mind. I wanted to be supportive, but I couldn’t get dragged down in one of his affairs. Were able to keep things hidden as long as we stayed in Oceanside were there were enough people that we didn’t stick out. Although his sexy body, killer smile, striking blue eyes and tattoo sleeved arms were hard for anyone to miss when we walked into a public place together.

  We figured that as soon as he was able to get out, and as soon as we could be free, I would for a job somewhere in another city, probably out of California, and then we wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  My friends found it odd at first that I was going to start a relationship with my step brother, but they didn’t know about the past history we shared, and how much I honestly cared about it. I felt that my years of being the shy quiet writer were part of having a broken heart, because I was honestly incomplete until we were able to get back together. You can’t avoid people that you love and care about because you think that they are too different for you, and instead you need to work together to figure it out. This it he first man that ever had me in his bed, and I hoped he would be the last.



  Here are the 4 hot eBooks romance collection, enjoy!

  Stepbrother’s Sin


  Chloe Sexton


  Trent and Kevin Evans are pricks. They think that the sun shines out of their backsides.

  Sure, they have the good looks with their dark eyes and matching dark hair. That is about it. They have personalities of the devil. I have seen the way they treat women, as if they´re pieces of crap. Not me. I stand-up to them and will not be treated like they were pieces of dirt that they scraped off their shoes once they got tired. Both Kevin and Trent got bored easily. I remember the cheerleaders constantly crying over them in the hallways at school. Once I left High school, I was glad to see the back of them. I changed big time. I was no longer the geek that used to roam through the halls with her head stuck in a book. College transformed me, so when Mom and their dad, Alex said they were getting married my heart sunk.

  I thought I was never seeing them again.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Trent and Kevin would both end up as my stepbrothers.

  So, we could be one, big happy family, not!

  Chapter One

  “This is a fucking sick joke!”

  Trent my future stepbrother screamed from the end of the room. Like a baby throwing their toys out of the pram. He didn´t seem to know or care that my world had been thrown into a turmoil too. Mum and Alex, her boyfriend called us over to come and discuss their future. That could only mean one thing, marriage. Why else would they request that all three of us were in the penthouse at the same time? Trent refused to sit in the salon with the rest of us, he stood by the door and as soon as the announcement was made ran through the hallway as if his pants were on fire. I sat frozen on the sofa trying to smile. I found it hard as I watched Trent and Kevin rage in and out of the room.

  I knew the Evan boys, twins Trent and Kevin from High school. That was two years ago, I was glad that I never had to see them again, until our parents started officially dating. We were in two different worlds. They kept to their side of school with the popular kids and I was always with the geeks. Shit, I was a geek. I used to apply for the spelling bee as if my life depended on it. I was a keen member of the chest club and I loved math’s. Hey, there was nothing my satisfying than geometry. Until I went to college and realized there was more to life.

  I grew up and that meant getting rid of the square, thick glasses and investing in some contact lenses. It meant, not always having my hair up in a ponytail, but letting it loose once in a while. It meant changing my closet. Yep, I was that boring. I had about ten sets of the same shirt and pants that as I grew, I just replaced. Clothes never interested me. Material things were for the spoilt and rich. I was a simple girl and boy did I look simple!

  Until I went to college three years ago that was when it all changed. I stopped looking like a kid and I started to be comfortable in my own skin. Don´t get me wrong, I never changed from a Plain Jane to a supermodel overnight. Just somewhere in the middle. What I was more comfortable with. Light make-up, which I would experiment with when I went out. Especially if it was on a date. I would go out to buy a new dress, maybe some heels. Not because I wanted to impress the guy, but simply because I saw something I liked.

  The biggest joke was after changing my appearance, Kevin started talking to me. I came to the penthouse a few times, before a big date and he would say something like, ´You look nice tonight.´ Sometimes, he would pay an even bigger compliment. Trent would just grunt. Sizing me up and down. The guy used to make me feel uncomfortable if he ever looked in my direction back then. Strange that three years later he was still having the same effect on me. The guy was still a jerk.

  Maybe, I was kidding myself. The reason I used to make an effort, especially the time I bought the hot, red dress. Was because of the twins. They were so popular in High school and every girl wanted the seal of approval from them, before they had any confidence in themselves. They seem to have that power over women. If one of the Evan boys paid attention to you, then you´re something. If not, then don´t even bother trying. That was the school motto. So, glad those days are over.

  “Listen, we´re in love, “ Alex said as he gazed into my mom’s hazel eyes. He paused as he adjusted his glasses and his focus returned to the boys. I sat smiling opposite them. Or so I think I was smiling. Who knows? “We’re getting married and you better get used to it.”

  Those were his last words as world three was just about to begin. Mom sat nodding waiting for me to say something. Anything, “Brenda,” she whispered as she looked at me in the eyes. I couldn’t say anything. Watching two grown men aka boys screaming about my mom marrying their dad put me off. To make matters worse, it dawned on me like a thick black cloud that these boys would be my stepbrothers. I thought I had seen the ba
ck of them in High School. I thought I never had to hear their voices again. Just once in a while when we came over for dinner. That was enough. That was bearable. Right there and then, it hit me. Things were about to change. Big time.

  Alex had proposed to my mom after two years of dating on and off. Off mainly, because of Trent and Kevin. Shit, they´re such selfish pricks always thinking of themselves. It was obvious that they only have one thing on their mind, themselves. No one else counted, their behavior made me feel uncomfortable. Actually it made me feel sick.

  Ironically mom and Alex met at our graduation. Mom bumped into him and he couldn’t resist and ask her out on a date. I don’t blame him, mom is beautiful for her age. With her dark looks and continental dark skin, mom are always mistaking her as my sister. She does look younger than her age. Unlike Alex, he is a typical business man. He’s explained to me a million times what he does exactly, but I always forget. It is a business that generations of the Evan’s family have done for decades.

  Mom blamed Alex flying across the globe on business trips as a reason to stop dating Alex. She claimed that it was difficult to date a man that you had to ask his secretary if he was free or not. We all knew that was not the only thing causing a strain. She hadn’t dated anyone since dad died, so it was a bit of a shock when they officially introduced themselves as a couple. Don’t get me wrong, I am not selfish like the Evan boys. I just hadn’t ever seen mom kiss any man other than dad. Or held another man’s hand. The whole thing felt surreal, but when I saw how happy he made mom, I soon came around.

  Mom and I may not be billionaire’s like them, but we’re comfortable. Mom owns two boutiques which do quite well in New York. The last couple of years she’s taken more of a step back and been able to hire people to run the shops on a full-time basis. She used the life insurance from dad’s death and invested it into something that she always wanted to do. Something she believed in when she first moved to the Big Apple. Fashion.

  “She´s fucking using you dad,” Kevin anxiously said, “She´s after your money. Which eventually will be our money!” he screeched at the top of his lungs. Trying to get his dad to take his side. Mom sat frozen. It was obvious that she wasn’t expecting this reaction. Never had I to a certain degree. I expected them to bitch after we left. Not right in our faces, we had fucking feelings.

  I couldn´t believe it. I opened my mouth to speak or even fight back. We were sitting in the golden salon. It was my nickname for the room, because everyone in the room is golden. Even the carpet. Apparently, the boy’s mom decorated the room, before she left. Maybe that was why they were so heartless. Not being raised by their mom. I would love to know the reason why she left. Mom said that curiosity killed the cat. But, this cat is dying to know the truth. Shame, no one is coming forward with it.

  I heard them swirl one insult after and then I just got annoyed as I watched mom´s usual rosy completion turn as white as snow. I felt like I was watching a tennis match and I hated knowing who was going to win. Or what else the boys were going to say next about us. So, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the salon and out of the penthouse.

  Alex started following us and then Trent said the one thing that got me mad. Shoot, it pushed me over the edge.

  “Dad let the gold-diggers go!”

  I turned back and slapped the smirk of his golden complexion and dark eyes. He was shocked. Yep, I had some balls doing it. I was sick and tired of hearing them protest about our parents’ marriage. Because if there was one person that didn´t want to be a part of this equation. If there was one person that was going to suffer for this wedding? It was going to be me.

  Chapter Two

  Mom sat in silence as we drove back home. The plan to tell us had failed miserably and neither of us felt like discussing it. As we got to our building and I parked the car in the garage. She blurted out, “Did you see Kevin’s face when you slapped him?”

  This is when I turned to look at her, she was laughing. Hard and loud, throwing her head back in hysterics. I couldn’t believe that she found it funny. I thought she would tell me off and was waiting for us to get inside to give me a peace of her mind. Or even worse tell me to get out of her life. Instead she was flicking her curls back and trying to contain her laughter.

  “You should have –“

  I just looked at her, rage was still pouring through my veins at the events that had just taken place. We were far from gold diggers. I knew it, mom knew and so did the twins. They said the one that they knew would get my blood boiling and it worked.

  My hand was hurting me. I was glad my little golf was an automatic. So, I didn’t need to be changing the gear much with my bruised hand from smacking Kevin Evans round the face. Well, there was one thing for sure. It shut him up. I left before I even heard him say one more word about us. I noticed that he never said anything. In fact Alex stopped following us. Which was a good thing. One thing for sure, we all needed our spaces right now. Well, I did anyway.

  “Mom, you don’t need that. Why marry into a family that are going to treat you like that? Dad would –“ she stopped laughing as I hit a nerve. We hadn’t talked about dad in years. Since she started dating Alex he hadn’t been mentioned at all. The first year of dad’s death was hard. So, hard for both of us. We couldn’t get over the fact that he complained about his headache for days and then within a week, we found out that he had a brain tumor and died.

  Dad was always complaining about something. His neck if he spent too long in the same position watching a game. His eyes if he had to spend a few hours on the Net. His legs if we had to walk more than five minutes from where he parked the car to the entrance of the restaurant. So, when he said he had a headache. I never heard him the first time, because there was always something. The second day, mom told him to take ibuprofen and on the third day he kept on taking it. He said it helped a bit, but on the fourth day, he said he could hardly think straight. His head felt as if someone had bashed it with a bat several times during the night.

  This was when we learnt the truth. That it was more than a headache and he had a few days left. All the aches and pains that he had experienced for years could have helped with the diagnosis, but he had dismissed them as the joys of being in his fifties. They were more than that and as the days flew by like the wind. We soon discovered that we could no longer enjoy his laughter or anything else. He was dead.

  I cried so much at first. I was the typical daddy´s girl. He was a geek like me and loved to do the odd equation. I used to love getting the Sunday papers and us sitting down and trying to beat each other at Sudoku. We used to have the odd nights at Scrabble, he would always win and I would never give up trying to beat him. That was the beauty of him, having someone on the same level as me. Mom used to be the kind of person that never got it. I used to wonder how they got together. The love was there, but their interests were worlds apart.

  My dad who used to tuck me in my bed at night and promise me that he would let me win the next, Sudoku puzzle. He never did, he was a typical Weakes always wanting to be first. Even when I was only ten years old. We started playing together from a young age and when he left my world fell apart. He left a big hole in my heart and I found it hard to fill it.

  The nights came and went. Mom and I shut the door to the world. She has lost her first love. They had met back in high school and she told me that she had never been swept of her feet by any man the way dad had done. Then, there we were without him. The laughter that used to go through the walls, died. The smile that used to greet me when he beat me at Sudoku, was no longer there. I missed him and I felt that nothing could surpass that loss, nothing.

  Grandma, dad´s mom came to live with us and we started to laugh again. She looks so much like dad, so part of me felt as if he was back in the house. With her cooking, cleaning and beating her at Sudoku. The house felt alive again. Mom and I once again started to get back into a routine. We started to accept our loss and realize that we had to get on with our lives. Grandpa was
complaining about not having grandma being home to cook his meals and clean for him. What a life? No, he is not that bad. We knew the real reason. He missed grandma. We did the moment she left, the house went quiet again.

  Back then we lived in Jersey. We both agreed, both mom and I that we wanted to sell the house. Too many memories of him and as long as we lived there we could never get over our loss. This is when we packed up and came to live in the Big Apple.

  That felt like a lifetime ago and sitting in the car, mom sighed and said, “The time I had with your dad was special. I never thought I could love again.” She cleared her throat. The laughter she had expressed only a few seconds ago, were gone. “Now, I want to spend the rest of my life with Alex. You and the twins need to get used to it.”

  I sat shocked, by her change in heart. I jumped out of the car and blurted out as I locked it. “You don’t want respect mom?”

  She stopped in front of me. I stood towering over her, yet she still had the upper hand.

  “You think a bunch of spoilt twins means that I don’t get respect?”

  I didn´t know how to reply to that question. Maybe I was no better than them. I was being selfish too. Thinking of myself and no one else. She stood still as if time had frozen waiting for an answer. I searched for an answer avoiding her eyes. Looking at my feet. Hoping someone we knew would come by, but she didn´t move as she firmly had two hands on my arm waiting for a reply. I hated that she had me in a spot. I wanted to break free.


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