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Next Door Daddy

Page 93

by Amy Brent

  “You have to see this, Tyler. It’s better than our wildest dreams come true.” Tyler leaned over me and both of them were now in reaching distance. I tried to lift my arms, but they felt like I was carrying ten pound weights around my biceps. “It has not only stopped bleeding, but the wound is sealing itself. I know that it was rumored to have this kind of effect, but I guess I had to see it to believe it.” Both of their cocks were pumping like the beating heart underneath the floorboards to signify guilt.

  My fingers were tingling and that sensation was traveling exponentially down over my body. When it reached my lower extremities, I was feeling like I wanted more than anything to show them how I felt about them. At the moment, I was not feeling exactly like myself. I needed time to adjust.

  “I have to say that I’m quite impressed and this could net us a small fortune when it reaches the open market. I’m not saying that it’s going to be easy and we have a lot of hurdles that we need to overcome to get there. It might be at least three years before we see anything from any drug company that is willing to bend over backwards to pay through the nose. It would be easy just to pawn if off on one of them, but it would be, so much more lucrative if we were able to hold out and deal with all of this on our own.” I was feeling a little dizzy. My mouth was dry and I needed something to quench my thirst. I saw two very hard spigots ready to spew what I wanted.

  They had exactly what I wanted and I licked my lips with anticipation of getting them even close to my mouth. My eyes were showing a tint of yellow around these guys like it was their own personal aura.

  “I think that we need to take this one step at a time, Tyler. There’s still a lot of work to do, but we do have a willing subject. She’s not going to say anything and besides we saved her life with the very compound that she had come up with for this project.” I could smell the musk of their manly aroma. It was like everything about me had been supercharged.

  “There’s no reason to talk about me like I’m not in the room. I can hear what you’re saying and I think that you’re both damn fools to do this. I know that you felt like you were up against a wall, but you don’t know what that’s going to do to me in the end. You could be making things worse by trying to make them better.” I got up on my elbows to see that somebody had undone the first couple of buttons on my red blouse. The color was the only real risk that I had ever taken. I’d seen it in my closet and it was used as a hooker outfit for an adults’ only Halloween party.

  “I’m sorry that I took advantage of you. I thought it better that you felt comfortable and I didn’t want to restrict your airways.” I thought for sure that it was Tyler that was responsible, but apparently Drake had done the honors. If only he had gone all the way, I might’ve been crawling on my hands and knees to get to him about now.

  “You stopped too soon.” I couldn’t believe that I had said something like that. It was like everything that I had been thinking was coming out of my mouth with no filter whatsoever. “You both should have stripped me naked, spread my legs and ate my little pussy, until I creamed all over your faces. I know that is exactly what you want.” I tried to stop myself without success. It was a diatribe of dirty talk that was having the desired results.

  I tried to reach for them, but both Drake and Tyler decided together that they weren’t going to take advantage of me in that way. I was beside myself with the feelings that were creeping up in between my legs. I needed something that was going to take the edge off.

  “Neither one of us want you to do anything that you’re going to regret in the morning, Celeste. It would be best that you stay here and let us monitor you for the evening. The way that you’re acting, I believe it’s better for all of us that you are locked up where you can’t get a hold of either one of us.” I could see that Drake meant every word that he was saying, but I was turning to Tyler hoping that he was going to see that this was his opportunity to strike while the iron was hot.

  “Let’s not be so hasty, Drake. She’s obviously feeling the effects of the drug running through her veins and there’s no reason why we can’t have a bit of fun. She looks so damned good and there’s something about her that draws me like a magnet.” This was exactly what I wanted to hear. Drake biting his bottom lip had me convinced that it wouldn’t take much to get them to see things from my point of view.

  “You should really listen to Tyler. He makes good sense and it’s not like I’m doing anything that I’m not fully aware of. I’ve never felt like this and my head is literally swimming with endorphins. They are sending these very intricate messages back to the rest of my body.” I found myself over Drake’s shoulder. He took me into a room and locked it with his own code. I looked to them with hunger, licking my lips and stripping off my clothes.

  Drake was forcing Tyler back and making him stay away from me, even though it was Herculean effort on both of our parts.

  Chapter four

  During the night, I was wasting my time trying to get their attention. I rubbed my bare breasts up against the glass. I watched them squirm underneath the pretense of trying to be good guys. I squeezed those nipples and pulled at them with a fire to get off by any means necessary.

  I finally drifted off to sleep lying there completely exposed, until I opened my eyes and felt that things had changed. I put on my clothes and looked out the window to see that both guys were sleeping soundly with their heads thrown back in a most uncomfortable angle. That was going to hurt when they woke up and maybe a nice massage from my nimble fingers might be the thing that cures what ails them.

  “You can open up the door. I’m feeling a whole lot better now.” Drake was the one that stirred first and he stared at me with suspicion like he didn’t quite believe what I had to say. He got up and approached slowly still eying me with curiosity like I was something to be seen underneath the microscope. “I’m serious and I’m not so fucked up like I was last night.” I was still feeling the urge to satisfy my own carnal cravings, but it was not to the point of wanting to do something inconceivable.

  “It bodes well that you are dressed. You have no idea how hard it was for us to keep away from you last night.” My eyes lingered a little longer than necessary at his crotch. I smiled and licked my lips and then his hands covered the object of my desire. “I’m not sure that I believe you and you still have that look in your eye. It’s not as wild and untamed as it was last night, but it’s still pretty damn daunting.” I did notice that the staff had not come in and I had to assume that they had done a necessary precaution of calling them and telling them that they could have the day off.

  “You have no idea how good I really feel. It’s like just touching myself is enough to bring me to the Promised Land. This is, so much better than what we talked about. I’m not sure that I would call this addictive, but it is pretty powerful and potent stuff.” I ran my hands over my clothes and even the feel of the fabric against my skin was enough to make my legs turn to jelly. “I can’t explain it. The only way that you can truly know what I’m going through is to do it yourself. That would put us all on an even playing field.”

  The melodic lilt of my voice was causing him to sway to unseen music like I was some kind of pied piper leading him astray.

  “You do make a valid point and it might be good to experiment a little bit further with human trials.” I motioned with my eyes and he followed my gaze, until he was punching in the code to the door and releasing the lock. It opened and I pulled him inside by the collar of his shirt. I ripped the first couple of buttons in my haste to touch him.

  “I’ve got this feeling inside my bones and there’s this electricity that I can feel when you first see a member of the opposite sex that attracts your attention. It’s that feeling enhanced by 1000 times and I can only imagine what sex would be like in my condition.” I ran my hand down his chest hearing him breathe heavy and staring at me like he couldn’t quite understand what to do next. “I’ve always had a thing for you, Drake, but I never have the courage to actually ac
t on anything. Those days are over and if you think that you’re getting away from me, then you really don’t understand anything.”

  I saw over his shoulder that Tyler had awoken and he was stretching his limbs and doing his best to come back to the land of reality. He was still foggy around the edges and I used the momentary reprieve to rip open Drake’s shirt the rest of the way. It was with a passion to release what was going to be mine.

  I kissed his chest and left behind the mark of my lipstick smeared against his flesh. He was pretty hairless with only a tuft in the middle of his chest. Just touching it made me purr and having it graze against my cheek had me wrapping my leg around his waist. I rubbed my naked mound up against his imprisoned member. I felt the throbbing presence of his manhood and it certainly did give me food for thought.

  “What you need to do, Drake is to open up your mouth and then you will get a big surprise.” He was trying to push me away, but his eyes were following that one lone pill that I had in my possession. I was tempted to take another one, but the one that I had already taken courtesy of them stuffing down my throat was still very much doing its thing. “Don’t you want to be just like me? It’s what the kids are all doing and maybe it would be best that you give into peer pressure.” I was having a bit of fun at his expense, but then his mouth opened and I placed that little white pill on the tip of his tongue.

  “No…don’t do it and we don’t know what it will do to a man.” Tyler had gotten to the door a little bit too late. He had his hands pressed up against the glass. He looked terrified like we had done something, so horrible that it was going to come back and haunt us. “You two can’t be trusted to be together in the same room. The feelings that you have for each other is being uncovered by the use of a pharmaceutical substitute. Don’t you see that this is not the way?” Drake looked over his shoulder for a moment and then he swallowed that pill before he chickened out.

  “I know that you’re trying to do the right thing, Tyler, but maybe you should come in here and take one of these pills yourself. It’s pretty damn obvious that you want to fuck me and I need somebody to fill my pussy with their cock. One of you is going to have the honors of giving me the old sausage first.” I stuck my hand down Drake’s pants. The look on his face needed to be photographed for posterity. That shocked expression had stunned him into silence with his mouth parted and my hand pulling his head down for the insertion of my tongue. Nobody had ever told me that it could be like this and maybe if somebody had said so, I wouldn’t be so staid or vanilla.

  “I would love to, but I’m trying to be the only voice of reason. It feels wrong trying to be something that I’m not. It should be Drake out here and me in there with you feeling your body and touching you in the most profound way possible.” I reached for the door to let him in, but I realized that the lock was a combination only known to Drake. “You can still stop this before it goes too far. Find that little voice inside and you’ll know what to do.”

  “You’re right about one thing, Tyler. It does feel like the devil on my shoulder. Unfortunately, the angel has already been killed and buried 6 feet under. There are coins on his eyes and a RIP sign on a gravestone in his name.” I raked my nails down Drake’s chest paying particular attention to his nips. Each slight graze along the surface of his nipples and he jerked against me with his package pressed even tighter against my wet and demanding mound.

  I was stroking his cock through his briefs and then that wasn’t enough for me anymore. I dropped to my knees pulling down his pants and his underwear, until my prey was revealed in all its glory. When I first saw him in the office, I could tell that he was curious and I was just too afraid to say anything.

  “I’m the one that’s usually causing trouble and it’s not right that I have to be subjected to this show.” God bless him. Tyler was still trying to pull us back from the abyss. It was pretty obvious that he was jealous. I never took him for a guy that liked a little meat on the bones.

  My tongue stabbed into the hole and I manipulated his flesh with my fingers. I made sure to concentrate on the head touching that very sensitive spot and making him shudder with my skillful hand job.

  I pulled at his leg hairs, until I had that specimen begging me for my sweet mouth. I opened up and breathed hot air across his glands. I loved his reaction, but it was going to get a whole lot better than that.

  He suddenly grabbed my hair and drove the first half of his 8 inch love staff into my mouth. Just the feel of him touching my tongue had me shaking in disbelief. That orgasm was minor compared to the big one that was slowly coming up on me.

  “I don’t even know where to begin. The pill is amazing and I see all of these colors and you should have explained it better last night. I’m not even sure that anybody would have the right words and it’s like my body is charged with a very unique kind of adrenaline. This is all about sex and the only drawback is that I feel dry like the Sahara Desert. I have noticed that my allergies are gone. I can breathe clear for the first time in years.” Drake was fucking my face and staring down at the woman that had captured his lust from the moment that he laid eyes on me.

  Tyler was still watching and his hands were no longer in sight. By the movement of his body, I could only assume that he was using the five palm sisters. He was working himself into a lather and he didn’t even have the accompaniment of the drug to draw him further into sexual depravity.

  I’d never felt, so alive and I had to feel what it was like to have his cock deep in my mouth. I could feel him leaking and it was this thick sickly syrup that clung to my tongue like that of a paintbrush would to a wall. I buried him deep hearing an outcry of pleasure from both of the guys with one in the horrible position of having to see it and not experience it for himself.

  Drake balls were now full like that of a basketball being inflated with the use of some kind of electric pump. He was grunting and rivers of sweat had now accumulated down his chest to pool around his balls in a wet matted mess that smelled better than it looked. I inhaled those pheromones, as the pressure in his loins began to grow, until finally the dam burst.

  I swallowed as fast as I could, but the drug was now producing more than I could handle. I had to relinquish my claim letting the overflow stream down my chin and over my body like a clear and sticky paste. I rubbed it into my skin and then I heard the telltale click of the door behind me. After Drake had gotten his, he was now ready to share the bounty. I was still on my knees and looked to see the large encompassing bulge advancing closer. He was rubbing it in a circle and there was a telltale wet spot from where his excitement had gotten a little too overindulged.

  I knew that this was only the beginning and that what I had done to Drake was the catalyst to what was going to happen next. Any lingering doubt had vanished with the help of the drug. I knew that this was not the way that I would act normally, but I kind of enjoyed the freedom of letting the drug do what it was meant to do. It was time to bring Tyler into this and I happily motioned him with one finger to come closer to get the same kind of treatment that Drake got.

  Chapter five

  “I want to go on record to say that I don’t need a drug to fuel my desire for you, Celeste. I’m only doing this. as a purely scientific curiosity and nothing more.” I had no idea who he was trying to convince myself or him. It really didn’t matter and he had already swallowed the pill and we were just waiting for it to take effect.

  I was rubbing my hands up and down his legs. My fingers were doing most of the work, but not quite touching on what I really wanted to get my hands on. It wouldn’t take long for him to feel it and then I saw the glaze over his eyes. His head was moving back and forth and that was when I took control of the situation. I unzipped him and fished inside to find what I was looking for. It was a prize to behold and one that was slightly bigger than Drake, although it really didn’t matter to me one way or the other. It could’ve been 6 inches for 10 and I would have gladly consumed it, until he had nothing left to give me.
r />   “I thought that I would need time after such an explosive discharge, but as you can see I’m ready and raring to go again.” It must’ve been one of the many side effects that we were experiencing together. I was glad to see that Drake was up and not deflated after having me siphon every single drop from his balls. “This is so much better than Viagra. I’m sure that once this gets out there that we will find ourselves completely inundated with requests from every pharmaceutical company known to man.” I couldn’t understand how Drake could be thinking about business when his cock was thumping with its own heartbeat.

  “We can think about that later, Drake and don’t you see that we have a beautiful and compliant woman ready to do our bidding?” I wouldn’t exactly say it like that, but then I wasn’t completely in my right mind at the moment. I was completely off in my own little world and I had no desire to come back anytime soon. “Celeste is a beautiful woman and it’s a crying shame that neither one of us has done anything to show her that.” I’d always thought that Tyler thought of me as a little sister, but this was no way to act with a sibling.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say. I think that I can let things go for the moment to enjoy the kind of sex that everybody will be clamoring for.” I gripped Drake tightly and heard him gasp with arousal, as his cock began to show me that one blow job was never going to be enough. He should have shown some signs of deflating, but it seemed like they had only grown bigger. I had them in my hand and I could feel the weight with the kind of pressure that his arousal was causing.

  He lifted me, until I was bent over at an angle with his hands on my hip and his cock rubbing up and down my slit. He purposely slapped it against my clit several times and of course that made my whole body tremble and my knees begin to shake from the effort. He applied enough pressure to that presence and it opened up the gates like that of a magician with a wand. I felt it rubbing up against my walls and it continued to slide along my wetness, until only his balls remained.


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