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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 6

Page 8

by Jakubowski Maxim

  At the department store, I stood in front of the shoe display, wiping away my tears. No longer would I be a stalker shopper. I would go right back to being the impulse shopper that I was.

  I asked the sales clerk for my size. My heart went pitter-patter as I took the box from him and found a seat. I had been dreaming about these shoes for so long. They had achieved an epic proportion in my brain. It was fate that we should be together because the store clerk told me this was the last pair they had in stock.

  I was just about to fasten one of the straps around my ankle when the assistant store manager pulled up a stool in front of me and sat down. He looked more harried than usual, his hair tousled, his shirt rumpled over his frat-boy muscles. He sneered at me.

  “You have no idea the fix you left me in the other day,” he said.

  “Yes. I do,” I said, confidently.

  “I should bar you from the store,” he said.

  “You won’t,” I said.

  I fastened the other shoe and stood up. I grimaced. The shoes were actually a little tight. I strode past him. I was wearing a skirt again and I saw him glance at my legs, but I didn’t care. I was determined to buy these shoes, but every step I took only confirmed the fact that these shoes felt horrible on my feet.

  I sat back down with a sigh and looked at the pink bows.

  “Have you ever wanted something for so long that it became an epic quest in your head, but when you actually got it, it’s nothing like you thought,” I said.

  “I think I know what you mean,” he said.

  I looked back up at him. The sneer was gone.

  Lifting my foot, I started to take off the shoe, but he reached out automatically and he started unfastening the strap around my ankle.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, realizing what he was doing. “I started in the shoe department here and worked my way up. Old habits.”

  I hesitated.

  “Go ahead,” I said. “You can take them off.”

  His fingers brushed my skin. I felt a chill. Then a twinge. Then there was a tickle between my legs. Oh, good grief. I knew what this feeling was. I was super-duper horny.

  I could not be sexually attracted to the most perverted assistant store manager on the planet.

  He was almost finished taking off my second shoe. Any moment, his fingers would leave my skin. What was I going to do? I didn’t want him to stop touching me, but I couldn’t offer it up to him on a giant silver platter.

  “If you lick my ankles right now, I’ll do anything you want in the store room or in your office,” I said.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You heard me,” I said.

  He looked around the store. I could tell he was actually considering it, weighing the options of being caught versus the pleasure of his tongue on my skin, plus what I might do with him in some secluded place. My foot was still in his hand.

  His back stiffened. His fingers started to pull away from my skin. He wasn’t going to do it. He loved his department store too much. He was going to bar me from the store and I would never get to shop here again.

  I did the only thing I could. I seductively wiggled my foot in his hand and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt him lifting my leg, either to bring it to his mouth or toss it aside, I wasn’t sure, but then it happened. I felt his tongue drag across the outer bone of my ankle.

  I shivered. My eyes opened. I never thought in a million years that having my ankles licked in the shoe department would be the sexiest thing I had ever experienced, but my new panties felt as if they were twisting into a knot between my legs.

  “Are you wearing panties?” he asked suddenly.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Are they one of the pairs you bought the other day?”

  I frowned. How did he know that? Unless he had been watching me.

  Opening my legs, I hiked up my skirt so he could see them. He cocked his head over to the side so he could see.

  Something occurred to me.

  “You’re not a panty thief, are you?” I asked.

  “Darling, I’ve got access to hundreds of panties. Why would I steal them? I just want to take yours off.”

  He righted himself and looked me in the eyes. I couldn’t believe I was about to say this, but I was at a breaking point. I knew this could get us both thrown out of the department store forever, but the image of him peeling off my panties with his teeth was too strong to resist.

  “Then do it,” I said. “Take them off.”


  “You heard me,” I said. “Right here. Right now.”

  He glanced around the store again. Now there was panic on his face.

  “Technically, I shouldn’t have even licked your ankle,” he said.

  “Don’t wimp out on me, pervert boy,” I said. “I know what you get up to in the mall by the lingerie shop. I’ve seen you look down the teddies on the mannequins. You’re up for this.”

  I slid my now bare foot in between his legs and felt what I knew would be there with my toes. A strangled cry escaped him. Suddenly, he was getting to his feet, nearly knocking me over. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me into the storeroom behind a shelf of shoes I’d never even seen on display before. They had to be new.

  Dropping to his knees, he pushed up my skirt. The air hit my thighs. I giggled. His teeth pulled down the front of my mint green polka dot thong. I thought he might drag it all the way off, but instead, he kissed me in my very special place. Whoosh! A wave of pleasure burst over me like a surprise shopping spree. No one had ever made me feel like this.

  This was too amazing. He was kissing me, licking me and exploring my rump with his hands while I was staring at the cutest new shoes I’d ever seen. My legs were turning to jelly. I didn’t think I was going to be able to stand up for another moment when suddenly I heard a ripping sound.

  In horror, I glanced down. He had ripped my thong. I watched the torn fabric fall to the dusty floor. There was a lead pit in my stomach. This wasn’t part of the bargain. Taking my panties off with his teeth was one thing, but destroying them was another.

  “You’re a size six, right?” he asked. “We just got in a new shipment yesterday. You can have first pick.”

  The heaviness in my stomach started to lift. Suddenly I was very happy my underwear had gone missing, because otherwise I would have never ended up here.

  “What about trying on some of these new shoes?” I asked.

  “Only if you turn around and hold still,” he said, standing up.

  I bit my lower lip as I considered it. What was the worst possible thing that could happen if I let him have access to my backside and were those new shoes worth it? Raising myself up on my toes, I tried to peer into the upper boxes, catching glimpse of a yellow shoe with a pretty flower. It was my size! My heart went pitter-patter.

  Coyly, I turned around, waiting to hear the tell-tale sound of his zipper, but it didn’t come. Instead, there was silence. Gooseflesh rose up on my arms. Slowly, I felt him lift my hair from the nape of my neck and pull back my top so he could look down inside it. Then he reached over my shoulder and looked down the front at my cleavage. I wondered at first if this was some bizarre inspection before he would do anything else with me, but as I sensed his gaze lingering on the rise of my breasts, I realized this was beyond kinky. He was treating me like a mannequin out in the store, but he had an all-access pass.

  His hand slid further over my collarbone, his fingertips just reaching the edge of my bra. My breath caught in my throat as he lifted the fabric away from my skin. I could feel his breath on my neck. It was all I could do to keep from moving under his touch. I wanted his thick hot tongue back on my own little personal shopper of pleasure.

  I knew I wasn’t supposed to move, but I couldn’t help myself. I pressed myself back against him, our bodies fitting together like a movie star couple. He was built just like a spoiled, jock frat-boy was supposed to be, and he had the most impressive boner I’ve ever felt.

“If you’ve got a condom, Mr. Assistant Store Manager, you’ve hit the jackpot,” I said.

  Now I heard fumbling, a tear of a condom package and the distinctive metal teeth of a zipper coming down. His hands slid back under my skirt, cupping my bare ass. I was so wet that if I had been wearing panties they would have been soaked through. He probably had no idea that he had a screamer on his hands.

  “And if you get down those yellow shoes with the flowers, you can pose me anyway you want,” I said.

  “Viva Las Vegas”

  Catherine Lundoff

  It’s not every night that you see Elvis, not even here in Vegas. But there he was, up on stage at the Starburst Lounge, belting his heart out. For a few minutes, the king himself was here with us, hanging out in a gay bar that he wouldn’t have been caught dead in when he was alive. I couldn’t take my eyes off the singer: all slicked back D. A., glittery jacket and long-nosed, darkly romantic face that was Elvis and Dean and every rebel America ever got wet or hard for.

  Then he really let his hips go, giving them a twirl that said that this drag king watched the movies too. I whooped and got a dirty look from a short woman in a Sixties-style frock. “Ooh, you got competition, baby,” Julio muttered over his beer.

  I grinned back at him. “So what do you think?”

  “Well, she’s not exactly my type, sugar. Nice action on them hips, though. Maybe I’ll reconsider. Heh. Just wanted to see the look. What the hell, sweetie, you’re only in Vegas the first time once. Don’t you wanna tell the folks back home that you did a dyke Elvis at the Starburst Lounge?”

  “Maybe, but a lady never kisses and tells. And I can always make it up whether anything happens or not.” I decided to change topics. “How come you knew about this place?”

  “My ex likes to hang out here. Says it’s the essence of true camp.” Julio gave me a savage grin in the bar’s dim light.

  I was momentarily sober and alert; nothing good ever happens with Julio’s exes. Time to go. “Oh, look, she’s done. Well, I’ve had enough Elvis for one night. Let’s go see if the pirate show has started up.” I looked at him hopefully, hoping he wouldn’t remember that I almost never had enough Elvis. But this was my post break-up with Sue trip after all, and he’d talked me into it because he wanted to cheer me up. At least that’s why I hoped we were here.

  Julio tried melting me with the grin that drove us all wild back in college, even some of the girls who said that they’d never sleep with a guy. But I was pretty much immune. He reached across the table and grabbed my hand, making me jump. “Don’t look now, but Elvis is heading this way and I don’t think I’m the attraction.” He patted my hand then sat back with a flip of the wrist that told the world he was my bestest boyfriend.

  “You have got to stop playing me like this, bro. See, she’s all over the Jackie Kennedy wannabe now. I’m just not a pillbox hat kind of gal. Now come on, I wanna see cannons and pirates and shit.” I stood up and he joined me reluctantly, his eyes still fixed on every new guy who sauntered in.

  “I can’t see you in a pillbox either but I can’t help but wonder what you’d look like in blue suede shoes.” The speaker’s soft drawl hit my ears and tickled them like Sue’s tongue . . . oh never mind. Telling myself that my ex was history, I turned around to find Elvis herself standing behind me. Her eyes roamed over me as if I was Ann-Margret. I squirmed at the unfamiliar attention and the wave of heat that came with it.

  “Thought you already had a friend.” I nodded at the woman giving me a bitter glance over one shoulder as she walked out.

  “Looks like you have one, too.” She nodded at Julio, who fluttered his eyelashes at her. “But so what? You visiting?” I nodded, not having anything really clever to say. “You know, you’ve got the Look, like a shadow of the king hisself. How about you try on one of my costumes and we hit the Strip together? I can show you the town and it’ll be good for my show. I’m Chloe, by the way. Come on, whadda you say?”

  Julio bent over, giggling, until I kicked his shin. “Ow! Oh come on, Pam. You gotta cut loose sometime, girl.”

  I didn’t think I was that dull but seeing the way he was looking at me, I had to wonder. “I still wanna see the pirates.” I said sulkily by way of agreement. It was the beer talking – I knew I should’ve skipped that last shot as well, but it was too late now.

  “Done!” She had me dragged backstage before I could say anything else. Up close, I decided that I’d like to hear her croon some dippy love songs to me while we went water-skiing, just like in the movie. Except I was through with love. Fine, then, she could still sing them. Just as long as she didn’t mean a word of it.

  A few moments with Chloe and Priscilla herself would’ve given me a second look. It helped that I was about her size and I’d already had the mullet chopped off after Sue said she’d puke if she had to look at it one more day. What was left of my hair was slicked back and darkened with something out of a bottle. She touched up my brown lashes and worked her magic on my would-be smoldering gaze until the blue suede shoes looked just right. One blue glittery blazer and some tight black pants later and I was ready for anything. Just so long as no one wanted to hear me sing.

  Julio smirked like an extra from the “Boys in the Band” when we came out to get him. The regulars all whooped and hollered until I took a bow and swiveled my hips a bit. Then they laughed. I laughed with them. Why not? We went out arm in arm, still giggling.

  Once outside we hopped on the trolley bus and headed toward the distant lights and glowing fountains of the big places at the tourist end. I practiced my sneer until we climbed off the bus at Treasure Island, to the great delight of the tourists. Chloe made me pose with her while a couple of obliging drag queens heading off to do their show at some other club shrieked. It was all good.

  Mid-pout, I took a good look at Chloe. She gave me the full impact of the Look and blew me an air kiss. My stomach did a little flip just then so I didn’t notice Julio taking off until it was too late. “I see something yummy, kids. I’ll catch up with you later.” He sashayed off with a focussed look that reminded me of a cat stalking a bird. The sweet little college boy he was after wouldn’t know what hit him. Oh well.

  Chloe dragged me across the street and onto the walkway in front of Treasure Island. I waved to a couple of people who yelled, “I see Elvis!” Probably thought there was a convention in town or something. The crowds were already getting thick when Chloe parked me in front of her by the rail. “I’ve seen it before. Watch your wallet. Things are gonna get kind of crazy.”

  The crowd filled in, packing the wooden sidewalk until I couldn’t have gone anywhere if I’d wanted to. Chloe’s lips were at my ear. “The Elvis look really suits you, Pam. You a fan of the King?” I nodded my head and tried not to shiver as she leaned a lot closer. Her thighs burned me through my jeans and she slipped an arm around me as if to hold onto the railing. The pirate show started up and as the ships maneuvered, her fingers found my nipple and pinched it hard. I bit my lip to keep from yelling and tried not to arch my back against her.

  That was when I realized that she was packing. I could feel the solid flexible weight of the dildo pressed against my butt and got a lot wetter while I warmed up to the idea of sex with the King. Or as close as I wanted to get anyway. The crowd crushed us together until I thought I was going to melt all over her in a big molten pool. I could barely breathe, especially when the cannons started firing and her hands got busy exploring. They roamed under my jacket and shirt, caressing my skin. Her breath was hot on my neck and I could see her lips curl in a sexy smile from the corner of my eye. I bit my own lips hard, smothering the moan that wanted to explode from them.

  She maneuvered one denim-clad leg between my thighs and I spread them apart and tilted gingerly forward so I could grind myself against her. “Having fun?” Chloe murmured in my ear, her hand sliding down to the front of my jeans. I sent furtive, frantic glances to either side, watching the jubilant pirate-watching faces of happy touri
sts and wondered how long it would take them to notice two Elvises doing it in front of them.

  I was worried for nothing. Between the difficulty in breathing and the noise of the battle, everyone’s attention was pretty well occupied. Chloe’s fingers found the front seam of my jeans and rubbed firmly. My clit sang its own version of any of the King’s songs you’d care to name and my legs trembled with the effort of standing and grinding against her at the same time.

  It felt like I’d soaked my jeans all the way through but I still couldn’t relax enough to come. I closed my eyes and gnawed on my lip, then forced my eyes open again so as not to look too obvious. That part was a mistake. Once I started looking around again, I got distracted. She could see it too and pulled back both her hand and her leg, settling instead for leaning against me in the crowd. I caught my breath and coughed in the clouds of smoke.

  “I can think of a better place. It’s nice and quiet and I won’t have to compete with pirates. Whaddaya say?” The drawl purred in my ear until she had my full attention again, from my quickened breath to my wet jeans. I didn’t trust myself to speak, just nodded my head and hoped that she meant her apartment or wherever Elvis wannabes go to rest their weary heads. Maybe that the place was called Graceland; after tonight, something told me I’d always think of it that way.

  The show finally ground to a halt amid a final blaze of glory. I think the good guys won but by then I didn’t care. The crowds broke up so slowly that I thought I’d be screaming or crying from frustration by the time we got out. Chloe just watched me, standing so close I could feel every breath, every movement. I was drunk on her, on the smoke filled air and knowing that I was about to do something with a stranger I’d never have done with Sue.

  I turned my head and kissed her, my mouth fumbling against hers as if it was the first time I’d ever kissed anyone. Her lips were warm and moist on mine and their touch sent a shock through me until I thought I’d fall over. “Ooh, baby,” Chloe murmured. “Very nice.” She caught my arm and starting towing me upstream against the crowd’s flow and some puzzled glances.


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