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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3)

Page 7

by Andrew G. Wood

  The queen may have been his grandmother, and although Edwin was quite sure she would not willingly do him any harm, the same could not be said for those that she used to help her run the country. These men and women were powerful people, not because they were noble or rich, but because they clung to an elderly woman, swaying her fragile state of mind for their own cause. Farley had already warned the prince that he was all but certain that there were Belarian forces at work in the royal court; another thing that would need removing if and when the old queen finally passed away.

  Edwin took a deep breath, “See the guard is increased now we have our guests here,” he asked. Farley said he had already done as much, but would also have extra men patrol inside as well, just to make sure. “I think I need to pay my grandmother a visit, perhaps I can explain what is going on, before the vultures start filling her head with nonsense.”

  Edwin may have been crown prince of Arandor but whilst his grandmother was still alive, those who whispered in her ear were the ones in real power. Even visiting his elderly relative had been difficult, as he had suddenly found certain areas of the palace off-limits. With only having Farley with him at the time, he had been forced to accept the restrictions and leave without going where he wished.

  “Do you think one of the sorcerers might accompany us on our next visit?” Farley asked. Edwin shrugged, “I thought you said they were all very young. You think the lad wearing the king’s sorcerer’s robes is all he pretends to be?”

  “I don’t know Sire. Why don’t we ask for a demonstration? Perhaps we could introduce the Caldronian sorcerers to our own.” Edwin thought for a moment before nodding, thinking that was probably a good idea. “Have our sorcerers gather in the rear gardens tomorrow morning. I’ll enquire over supper whether the Caldronians would be willing to join us.”

  Both Leo and Alec were a little surprised by the invitation to dinner by the Prince. They had just assumed that their evening meal would be spent with the other guild members, in slightly less formal surroundings. As it was, both had made the short trip down a corridor and down a flight of stairs to a rather plush looking dining room.

  Prince Kellan, although still visibly upset by the news of his father, sat in between them as they were shown to their respective seats. Across the other side of the table sat Edwin and two other men they had not yet met before. The Arandorian Prince introduced both newcomers, “This is my advisor Edgar,” he said gesturing with his left hand. The man whom Leo thought was a similar age to Edwin, clean shaven with neatly combed fair hair bowed his head just slightly towards Kellan, “It is good to meet you Majesty.”

  Edwin then turned his attention to the much older man sat to his right, “And this is Lars.” Once more the man in question greeted the young Caldronian Prince, but Leo noticed something else. At no point since he had sat down had the man taken his eyes off him. He had initially thought it the black robes, with their golden markings on that had drawn the man’s attention, but after staring back for a while he realised this Lars character was in fact glaring at him, as if examining him.

  Alec, always the brightest of them all was first to make the connection, “Lars is a sorcerer?” he asked just checking he had made the correction assumption. Edwin grinned and turned to Lars, “Smart lad that one.” The older man nodded, “Indeed, but he is not the sorcerer amongst them. The young man in the black robes is the magician, yet there is something about his power source I find strange.”

  Leo cringed, as he realised just why this Lars had been staring at him; he was using magic to sense his powers, and actually felt a little annoyed, violated almost at being treated as such. “Perhaps had you just asked, I would have told you. Surely the robes told you what I was?” He snapped. Kellan, still not yet ten years old, placed a hand on Leo’s arm, “Please let us not bicker,” he said sounding far older and wiser than his tender years would suggest.

  Edwin clapped his hands to indicate to the serving staff that he and his guests were ready to start their meal. Leo however, was still slightly narked that this Lars character had been using his magic to sense his powers. He afforded a smirk as it was clear the man had not managed to do so properly; as most people who had tried before him had discovered. Perhaps these Arandorian sorcerers were different though, with different abilities and skills to those he had been taught; something he would keep in mind.

  Despite not wanting to ruin the evening, Edwin felt he needed to clear the air a little, and duly apologised to Kellan for the rather unthoughtful way in which he had revealed the news of his father. Leo rolled his eyes back, thinking if anything was going to get the young prince all upset again it would surely be talk of his dead parent. However, he was, as usual, proved wrong. Kellan merely shrugged, “I think Sire, I would have been more upset had you kept the news from me,” he replied, once more sounding far calmer and sagely for his years.

  Leo leaned back a little to allow a young serving woman to ladle some soup into the bowl which had been placed before him, thanking her when she had done so. He then turned his gaze once more across the table to Lars, who was still intent on staring at him. Leo thought as it had been done to him, he would return the compliment and check the older man’s power.

  Whilst the others were starting their soup, Leo closed his eyes to help him concentrate and slowly, but carefully released his power, detecting for magical sources in the room. As Alec had already deduced, Lars was indeed a sorcerer, and to his credit the power source within him was probably above average. He afforded a smile as he knew he was far more powerful, before remembering that did not necessarily make him the better sorcerer; a lesson he had learned the hard way.

  Lars suddenly jolted in his seat, “Stop that!” the man shouted across the table at Leo. All eyes turned to the older man, awaiting an explanation as to why he felt the need to disturb their dinner. “What is up with you Lars?” Edwin hissed clearly annoyed by his sorcerer’s lack of consideration. “That little whelp was checking my power source!” he explained pointing across the table at Leo.

  Leo felt all the eyes turn his direction, and felt his heart beating a little quicker as he realised he had probably caused offence to their hosts. However, much to his relief, Edwin turned his attention to his own sorcerer, “And you did the same to him I expect! Well did you?” he said firmly. Lars lowered his head a little, “I did Sire,” he eventually answered. “Then what’s your problem? Now please can we enjoy our meal without you two sorcerers falling out. We are on the same side after all.”

  Alec listened to those final words with some interest. The prince may have only said them in making a statement to his sorcerer, but in doing so had answered a number of questions he himself had been wanting to ask. Having escorted Kellan and the guild members to the capital of Arandor, did Prince Edwin now plan on helping the prince get his country back? Surely that must be the man’s long term plan. Why else would he need to help the boy, after all, if that is what he did, there would be no gains to be had. Alec, pondered on this as he slowly lifted another spoonful of soup up to his mouth.

  With Leo and Lars clearly not comfortable in each other’s company, the evening meal was somewhat awkward. Edwin tried to make conversation when he could, and even Edgar beside him added to it, when he thought he was helping. Kellan was always polite and answered any question when asked, but never actually said more than was needed. With the conversation dying, Alec thought it was probably up to him to keep it going, and although he was unsure he was doing right, he often answered for both Kellan and Leo.

  Alec quickly realised that the Arandorians knew very little of what had actually been going in Caldronia these past few months. Edwin explained he was aware there had been some troubles, and that the Belarians had failed in an initial attack on Surmont. What he did not realise was just how large an army the Belarian king had mustered, and was still adding to as they spoke. “I know they will not stop with Caldronia, and whether it is Farasavia or ourselves they turn to next, I know it is only a ques
tion of when, not if they come,” Edwin said answering another of Alec’s unasked questions.

  Not wanting to sound as if he was blaming Arandor for their lack of aid, Alec asked his question carefully. Knowing the Queen was old and frail, he enquired as to whether she would be willing to help them now. Edwin paused slightly thinking about the words, before giving his answer. “If it was up to me I would already be helping. However, I’m afraid as things stand I only have my own guard and a handful of sorcerers at my command.” Alec nodded his understanding.

  Leo finally decided to add to the conversation on hearing the word sorcerers. “You have them?” he asked leaning slightly to one side to allow the woman serving him take away his empty bowl, and replace it with a clean plate in readiness for the next course. There came a scoffing sound from Lars, who immediately replied, “Well I can see there is no fooling you. Of course we have sorcerer’s you imbecile, what do you think I am!”

  “A very rude man!” Kellan snapped clearly fed up with the awkwardness. Despite the fact Kellan in no way held any sway or command over him, Lars immediately apologised, as he did again when his own prince admonished him further. “Please, let us all get along. Lars, if you cannot keep your opinions to yourself then go.”

  “Sorry sire,” the man added clearly crestfallen. Leo gave a wry smile over the table, and although he knew it was childish to do so, pulled a face.

  “In answer to your question Leo,” Edwin said still a little shocked by just how young all of the guild members from Caldronia were. He had expected them to be in their late teens, but some, including the King’s sorcerer were little more than children. The ranger that had accompanied them was probably not much older than Prince Kellan, and yet he had the upmost respect for all of them. They may have been short in years, but it was clear they were not to be underestimated, after all they had managed to escape and thus far keep the young royal safe. Edwin was also under no illusions that each and every one of them would likely fight and die to protect their prince if the occasion arose, something he thought both inspiring and most admirable.

  Explaining that there were indeed sorcerers in Arandor, just as there was in every nation. Although there was nothing like the Caldronian guild system, there were older sorcerers, like Lars who specialised in training them. “May I speak Sire?” Lars asked rather sullenly, clearly still feeling crestfallen from his earlier admonishment. Edwin nodded, “So long as you can speak without offending anybody Lars.” The sorcerer nodded his understanding, before clearing his throat to speak.

  Arandor was a large nation, and despite having a bigger population than any of its neighbours, the number of trained sorcerers was probably less. He told them as there was little in the way of coordinating any training, such as the Guild systems in Caldronia and now Belaria, there was a good chance many potential sorcerers were simply missed. Leo was aware that if the magical source was not utilised by a certain age then it would likely peter out and disappear for good, something which Lars thought was happening in Arandor.

  “And something we are trying to sort out,” Edwin added sounding a little more excited than before. “I have had Lars train my small core of sorcerers, and although it is nothing on the scale of your guild, it is progressing nicely.” The offer of meeting these sorcerers was an opportunity neither Leo nor Alec thought they should miss, and when asked they both agreed it was something Prince Kellan should see. Of course the final word would have to come from the young boy sat in the middle of them, and much to their relief he quickly accepted the offer, thinking it a good way to build bridges between their two nations. Alec did not say anything, but technically at least, Kellan was not actually in control of his; something he hoped he could help make right.

  The meal had all but finished and Leo was preparing to leave with Kellan and Alec when Edwin asked one final question. “I have been putting this question off until now, but I too need to ask a favour of you,” he said sounding unsure of himself. “I wonder if I may borrow Leo and perhaps one other of your guild sorcerers, so I may gain access to the palace tomorrow?” Kellan looked over to Leo as if to ask whether he wanted to or not, before answering for him anyway. “Of course. Perhaps Leo you would like to take Chad?”

  Alec immediately intervened, questioning why Edwin just did not take his own sorcerers, especially as they had not long since been the topic of conversation. Edwin looked at Lars, before answering the question put to him. “Despite the good work Lars is doing I am not sure they are yet ready to be used in what may be a volatile situation.”

  Edwin explained in a little more detail, that even he as Crown Prince, was treated with some distain by certain factions in the palace. “We think there may be Belarian spies working undercover,” Edgar added, helping his prince out in explaining. “Each time I go I have to tread very carefully, and although I have guards with me I am unsure as to what I might yet face.” Leo understood the predicament, knowing from his own experiences how it would only take one enemy magician to run amok in the palace to cause absolute chaos. “I will gladly escort you Sire, and as suggested I would like to take Chad with me.”

  Lars, clearly feeling shunned by the arrangement, immediately offered his services, “Of course I will accompany you as well Sire,” the man said looking to his prince for approval. The two looked at each other for a moment before the young royal agreed. “Very well then,” he said before giving the details of what he hoped to achieve.

  He had not seen his grandmother for several days, and his only source of information as to her well-being was from his own people trying to work undercover in the palace. These though, he had to admit, were also finding it difficult to get close to the queen, such was the growing power by others within the royal household.

  As one final request, Leo thought to ask one more favour in return. His robe and probably the clothes of his companions was starting to smell a little. Edwin immediately apologised, cursing himself for not thinking of such a thing. What sort of host was he, letting his guests sit around in dirty clothes? “Please leave them outside of your rooms tonight and I will have them laundered ready for you by morning.”

  “Perhaps whilst we have them Sire, we could take measurements and have more made for our guests?” Edgar suggested.

  “Of course, good idea.”

  Chapter 10.

  As promised the previous evening, Leo’s robe had indeed been laundered. After washing and causing Chad some discomfort by parading around the room naked, after Leo had decided all his clothes had needed washing and left them outside the door as well, he finally started dressing. “That is not a pleasant sight Sir,” Chad complained trying to avert his eyes. Leo just shrugged, he had never had a problem with seeing people as they were. “At least all my clothes are now fresh and clean,” he replied before thinking they should probably go check on Kellan.

  Chad actually took a fraction of the time Leo had taken to get ready, and the two were glad to see both Marlo and Lucas stood outside the door to the prince’s room. “Morning,” Leo said cheerfully. “Morning Sir!” Lucas replied. “His highness is awake and having breakfast Sir, and asked not to be disturbed,” the young warrior said placing an arm across the door. “Lucas, I think he probably means not being disturbed by you not me, now move your arm.” Lucas looked across to his fellow warrior for guidance, but Leo noticed both looked unsure as to whether they were doing the right thing. “Look if the prince wants to know why you allowed us in, I’ll tell him it was me,” Leo added. The young warrior nodded and gingerly moved his arm away and slowly placing it back at his side. “Thank you,” Leo said as he gave a little knock before opening the door.

  Just as the two warriors had told them, the prince was indeed having breakfast, although not alone. Alec was already sat at the table with him, and was about to shove a piece of toast in his mouth before looking up to see who was intruding. “So much for not allowing anybody in,” he chuckled waving Leo to join them. “Don’t be hard on them. I said it would be alright to let
me in,” Leo replied scanning the food placed in the table. “Please help yourself Leo, and you Chad, come on,” Kellan said. Leo thought how much happier the young prince looked this morning, and thought Alec had obviously made it his mission to look after the youngster.

  Leo immediately went for the bacon and eggs, before quickly adding several slices of toast to his already full plate. He was about to start eating when he looked up to see the other three all looking his direction. “What?” he asked innocently, genuinely not knowing why they were all staring. “Hungry Leo?” Kellan asked with a chuckle. Leo looked down at his plate, then around the table at everyone else’s realising he probably had more on his than all the others put together. “Oh!” he said looking a little sheepishly. “Sorry!” he added before slowly lifting his fork up to his mouth with every intention of eating it all anyway.

  Happy the prince was in safe hands, and decidedly more cheerful than of late, Leo and Chad made their own way down to the lobby area of the large house. Lars and Prince Edwin were both already waiting for them, and Leo quickened his pace thinking he was late, apologising as he neared. “You are not late Leo, it is us who is a little early,” Lars replied sounding very different to the man he had taken umbrage with the previous evening. Whether that was down to the Arandorian sorcerer actually being naturally polite, or down to being told to be nice and polite, Leo did not know.


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