Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 12

by Daniella Wright

  “Enough of this sulking, you’ve been through enough with that asshole brother of mine,” Grace waved over the waiter and ordered another round of tequila.

  “How could I have been so stupid?” Nina sighed, still feeling dejected, but swallowing down the strong liquid anyway.

  “You’re not stupid – he is,” Grace insisted. “He thinks he so hot because he’s going to have a new wife. But you’re free – you can have whoever you want, no strings attached. That’s so much better.”

  “You know I’m not exactly the man-hopping type,” Nina smiled faintly.

  Maybe it’s time to explore though, she thought to herself as she chased the tequila with a large gulp of her G&T. Obviously, James had been in the past, so maybe it was her turn to have some fun now.

  But she put the thought out of her head quickly. She knew nothing about the dating world. Until she met James, she had been fully concentrating on her studies. But she never finished… Her life would have been so different if she stayed and finished her degree instead of running away with James. It was too late for regrets now.

  “Nobody said anything about ‘man-hopping’, but you’re a stunning woman, there is no need for you to go hiding in a corner now,” Grace organized another round with the click of her elegant fingers.

  Nina was getting tipsy but she didn’t protest. It felt nice to have a distraction from the betrayal and hurt that had become her life lately.

  “May I buy your next drink?” a voice suddenly asked and Nina turned around surprised to face the dark-haired stranger with the handsome smile.

  “No, thanks, we’re fine,” Nina replied quickly, awkwardly declining his offer and turning back to Grace.

  “I’ll be by the bar if you change your mind,” the attractive man with the piercing green eyes smiled charmingly and took his leave politely.

  “What’s wrong with you Nina?” Grace exclaimed! “Let the man buy you a drink – he’s seriously good-looking!”

  “I’m not in the habit of taking drinks from strangers,” Nina protested. “I literally only got divorced a few hours ago.”

  “Exactly, you need this,” Grace countered. “What do you have to lose?”

  Nina couldn’t think of an excuse. “Fine,” she agreed begrudgingly. She couldn’t deny that she did find him attractive and she was already a bit tipsy. What harm could there be in just having a drink with the man?

  She walked over to where he sat at the bar waiting for her as promised.

  “I was hoping you’d reconsider,” he smiled and Nina sat down next to him, somewhat awkwardly.

  ‘Just one drink,’ she thought.

  But nothing could be further from the truth.

  It would be the ‘one drink’ that changed her whole life…


  “I’m Nathan, by the way. Nathan Haynes,” he introduced himself as she sipped slowly on her drink, staring into his mesmerizing green eyes.

  She couldn’t stop looking at him. His face was beautiful, down to the slight beard stubble lining his cheeks. A strand of dark brown hair fell lazily over his forehead but his appearance was well-kept and neat otherwise. Tall, dark and handsome, she thought. Though not exactly ‘dark’ enough to appease her family. But race was never an issue for her.

  His demeanor was charming but relaxed. Nina felt strangely comfortable around the man sitting next to her.

  “Nina Parker,” she replied, taking his hand and shaking it informally. He didn’t let go afterward, holding onto her loose grip. But it didn’t feel awkward.

  “So tell me, Nina Parker, how is a beautiful woman like you unattached?”

  “Does that line usually work for you?” she smiled despite herself. Her natural cynicism kicked in. He was being sincere though, she could tell from the look in his eyes.

  “It’s not a line – I’m not a pick-up-line kind of guy,” he shrugged nonchalantly.

  He was still holding onto her hand as he stared intensely into her eyes. She felt like he could see into her soul. Her heart was racing beneath her chest.

  “What kind of guy are you then?” she asked coyly. The alcohol was making it easier to flirt even though she had no idea what was doing.

  “The kind of man who knows a good woman when he sees one. Which is why I’m so surprised that you’re not taken.”

  “Actually, that’s a recent thing,” she said. “I literally finalized my divorce earlier today,” she lowered her eyes as she admitted her failed marriage.

  But he wasn’t put off by it. Nathan laughed, instead leaning in to kiss her. Still holding her hand, he gently placed the other behind her neck, pulling her closer to him as he sweetly put his lips over hers.

  Her heart jumped but she didn’t pull away. She was lost in his scent, in his taste, the feeling of his proximity. It was overwhelming but exhilarating at the same time.

  “We should celebrate!” Nathan exclaimed jubilantly when he pulled away from her, waving the barman over for more shots.

  Nina blushed and looked away, trying to compose herself again quickly before grabbing the shot off the counter.

  She laughed as she threw back the liquor. It felt like the weight was finally lifting off her shoulders for the first time in what felt like years (and probably was).

  They had a few more drinks, chatting merrily about their lives, making out in between. Nina felt at ease in his presence but also nervously excited at the same time. She had no idea where this was going but she was enjoying the attention. Especially from a man of Nathan’s caliber.

  The night passed quickly, seemingly on fast-forward as everyone else in the bar but them ceased to exist for Nina. She even forgot about Grace, who she assumed left eventually. She only had eyes for the man with the wavy dark hair and the honest smile.

  Nina wasn’t exactly sure how it happened but it seemed like it was only natural that they take a cab back to her place. It wasn’t far from the bar after all. She didn’t know if he suggested it or if she did, but things sped up as the alcohol continued to flow, making it feel like she almost teleported from the barstool to her living room, Nathan gently closing the door behind them.

  She had no idea what time it was – it had stopped mattering a long time ago.

  He didn’t say a word as he passionately grabbed her, kissing her fervently as he pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, melting in his arms. In an instant, he had gone from almost shyly charming to assertively passionate. She offered no resistance.

  Nathan’s hands slid over her firm behind, pulling her crotch to his. She could feel him hardening beneath the material of the fitted jeans he was wearing. She was so incredibly attracted to him, she didn’t know what to do with herself. She hadn’t slept with anyone but her husband in over a decade.

  But her body knew what to do and she stopped overthinking it, just going with the flow.

  He pulled her shirt over her head, discarding it carelessly on the floor, breaking the kiss only temporarily before his devouring lips found hers again, playfully biting her from time to time.

  His hands groped her C-cups lustfully, squeezing them tightly against her chest. She may have been 31 but she had a body many 21-year-olds would kill for – perfectly toned but curved and feminine in all the right places.

  Nathan pushed her backward against the kitchen counter roughly and she gasped as her back hit the surface.

  He left her only briefly to clear the space behind her before pushing her up onto the counter in one smooth sweep, kissing her deeply as she sat towering above him. Her legs dangled off the counter.

  She tried pulling him closer, but instead, he pushed her down on the counter. She grabbed the sides as he pulled her pants down her shapely legs, leaving her only in her underwear. Nina had not expected a night like this so wasn't exactly wearing her fanciest panties, but Nathan paid no attention as he spread her legs aggressively.

  Nina could feel his warm breath on her most sensitive spot as he playfully bit down on t
he material below. Her whole body tensed.

  She tried to sit up but he pushed her down again with one hand, the other pulling her panties to the side. His hand cupped the dark, moist flesh below, stroking it coarsely.

  His fingers moved upwards and curled around the hem of the material, pulling it down her legs to expose the neatly shaved bush beneath. She always kept her body well-groomed, even during the divorce – looking after herself was a habit she never neglected.

  Nathan dug his face into her moist center, hungrily devouring her sensitive spot, sucking eagerly. With both hands he reached up to her breasts, never once moving his face from its spot cradled between her thighs. He pushed her bra up over her breasts without removing it, his hands pinching the erect nipples in a way that would be sore if her body could feel anything but the building pleasure in her groin.

  His hands fitted perfectly over her large mounds and he massaged it ruggedly, almost painfully.

  He kept her pinned to the smooth surface of the counter as his tongue moved to a spot a bit further down, circling her hole before moving back up in broad licks.

  He moved one hand down, plunging a finger into the wet hole his tongue had circled only moments before. Another finger followed, twisting and turning inside her as he continued to rub her left nipple between his forefinger and thumb.

  His hand moved down her waist, her hip, pushing her thighs further apart as he sunk his face down to her moist spot again, other hand still playing inside her.

  Her whole body arched as goosebumps rippled through her flesh. She had never experienced pleasure like this and she tried to grab onto him but he pushed her down onto the counter almost violently.

  Her breath quickened as the pleasure tore through her body. The climax was becoming almost unbearable as she felt her knees grow weak. But he didn’t stop. She tried to protest, tried to move hips but he pushed her down, never once breaking contact as his lips hungrily worked at her hard bud that grew ever-sensitive by the moment, almost to the point of agony.

  She had given up all control of her body and he was taking full advantage of it, draining every last bit of passion from her loins as he sucked up her juices.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t possibly take anymore, he slipped his fingers out and moved his face up her belly, trailing wet kisses up her dark skin, over her nipples where he momentarily stopped, biting them before moving up to her panting face.

  One hand still resting on her spent privates, he pulled her close to him, kissing her deeply as she tasted her dripping passion on his lips.

  Nina held onto his neck as he picked her up in his strong arms, carrying her to the bedroom not far from the kitchen, never once breaking the kiss.

  He was still fully clothed. But not for long. Nathan threw her down on her bed, standing back and taking off his shirt, revealing his manly chest and well-toned abs. He was tanned with just the right amount of chest hair but in the dim lighting, Nina could not make out anything other than his broad shoulders silhouetted against the wall of her bedroom.

  He dropped his zip, stepping out of his pants before climbing on top of her, finally reaching behind her back to free her of the only piece of clothing still attached to her body pointlessly – her bra.

  Nathan grabbed her wrists harshly, pinning them above her head as kissed her breasts, leaving a wet layer of saliva over her erect nipples that were red and sensitive from all the attention. His style was rough but Nina found herself enjoying it, submitting to his every desire easily, without question as her body responded in pure, unadulterated lust.

  She could feel his sizeable erection pressing against her thigh, hidden only by his boxer briefs still. He climbed off of her to take off his underwear and remove a condom from the pocket of discarded jeans on the floor.

  Nathan returned to his previous position on top of her.

  Her hands were still pinned above her head and she desperately wanted to dig her nails into his back but he wouldn’t let her – for now. He kissed her wildly, brutally almost but the sheer testosterone of his passion made her wet again, even though her flesh was still raw from the encounter in the kitchen.

  Nathan finally let go of her hands to pick up her round behind and pull her crudely towards his large manhood, erect and ready for her to engulf his eager flesh. Her finally-freed arms moved to the naked body on top of her as he plunged inside her – deeply. Again and again!

  He kissed her firmly as he moved inside her in aggressive movements, Nina digging her nails into his back to try and find a grip that was lost hours ago already.

  In a mixture of pain and pleasure, he rode her raw until he finally came in a dramatic burst of passion that left them both breathless.

  He pulled out, climbing off the bed to go throw the condom away before returning to where she still lay unmoving, spent, out of breath.

  He kissed her gently, enfolding her in his strong arms. She nestled her head against his chest, pressing her bruised body against his as his aggression turned to comfort.

  She had never been taken like that before and the release was magnificent, almost primal. Nina fell asleep within minutes in the sweaty embrace, completely drained.

  He would wake her up a few hours later for round two, her tired body responding instantly, ready to devour his lust without question.

  She awoke the next day, well-rested but still somewhat sore. She hadn’t slept that well in weeks.

  But she woke up alone.

  Nathan was gone, but the smell of his sweat mixed with faint cologne still clung to her sheets to remind her that he was, in fact, real. Not that her body could ever forget. She could still feel him on her skin, inside of her – by the raw skin of her naked body. But her bed was empty.

  The only actual sign that he was ever there, lay subtly on her nightstand – his phone number scribbled on a piece of lined paper.


  As much as she thought about Nathan all the time, Nina forced herself to get back into work mode, settling back into her ‘normal’ life. She was a teller at the local bank, a pretty boring job but it paid the bills.

  As much as the dark-haired man from the weekend played on her mind, she was forced to concentrate on her seemingly meaningless job. It was easy to make a mistake and she couldn’t afford to be unemployed now that she was single again. It would still be a while before the paperwork of the divorce would be finalized and she got her share. Nina hated every second of it.

  Every day on her commute back home she contemplated calling him, but by the time she got home, she was too tired and worn down from a day of sorting out admin at work. Instead, she had her dinner watching ‘The Mindy Project’ reruns on Netflix before passing out in an exhausted sleep. Without James around, her routine had significantly changed but she enjoyed the freedom. But the whole coming home to an empty flat took some getting used to. It still felt like failure to her.

  Those were just the excuses she told herself every day. The real issue was the fact that she had no idea how this kind of hookup was supposed to work. What were the rules? Nina had literally never had a one night stand before and she didn’t want to seem too desperate. Maybe it didn’t mean anything. She didn’t want to overthink this. Calling up strange men, this wasn’t like her anyway.

  Still, she thought about him all the time.

  “Why don’t you just call him already?” Grace asked her the one morning before they opened. She also worked at the local bank and had heard every detail of the Nathan story many times before. During lunch breaks, it was all Nina talked about as they tried to make sense of the situation together.

  “I can’t just do that, I’m not that kind of person,” she answered.

  “That man was beautiful, Nina and you know it. You liked him enough to take him home with you, so why not call him?”

  “It was the alcohol,” Nina protested meekly.

  “We both know that’s not true. Besides, why not have some fun? I know for a fact my brother is banging every woman
who crosses his path, even though he has a fiancé. So what’s stopping you?”

  Nina shrugged her shoulders, dismissing her friend. But the thought of Nathan never left her mind and the more she thought about it, the more she couldn’t find an excuse against her friend’s argument anymore. Grace was right – she should have some fun. What was stopping her? Nothing. There was literally nothing stopping her.

  By Friday night she had made up her mind, she was going back to the bar – this time on her own. She couldn’t bear another weekend home alone, doing laundry and organizing her bookshelves. Instead, she meticulously did her hair, picking a tight-fitting dress with matching heels for the night out. Careful not to overdo the look, she was going to a bar after all and not a club, she put on big hooped earrings and only subtle make-up. She looked sexy but sophisticated or at least that was the look she was going for.


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