Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 13

by Daniella Wright

  Nina was hoping to run into Nathan again. She could’ve just called him but she couldn’t bring herself to be that forward. She’d rather leave it to chance. If he’s not there, then it’s fine, she’s just going out for a casual drink. If he is, then what’s the harm? She deserved to get out of the house a bit anyway, she reasoned as she entered the bar, screening the room hopefully for those piercing green eyes.

  But he was not there. She tried to hide her disappointment.

  “Are you looking for someone?” a voice suddenly startled her out of her searching daze, bringing her back to the setting of the bar. The blonde boy looked at her with a seductive smile. ‘Boy’ was probably not the right word. The man standing next to her looked about 28-29 with a flawless physique that seemed to be the source of his magnetic confidence that seeped through every of his perfect pores. He had a naughty look about him, but the kind that rich pretty boys seem born with – mischievous.

  “No… not at all…” she stuttered, regaining her composure quickly.

  “May I?” he asked, pointing to the open spot next to her at the bar, sitting down even before she could answer.

  “Of course,” she answered redundantly in anyway, adjusting her dress as she shifted in her seat self-consciously for some reason.

  “Hey there, a double Jameson for me and a…?” he instructed the barman, pausing to look at Nina questioningly.

  “A tin and tonic, please,” she answered. “Single.”

  “And a double gin and tonic for this lady here,” he smiled, turning to her.

  “Nina,” she answered, smiling back at him.

  “Nina, that’s a nice name. Hi Nina, I’m Evan. Evan Wood,” the boy with the perfectly trimmed hair and expensive collared shirt said. His clothes looked tailored perfectly for his well-built body. He looked almost like a supermodel. But there was something manly about him, despite his metrosexual appearance. He smelled of expensive cologne, but only faintly and youth radiated from his skin.

  Why was he talking to her?, Nina wondered but decided not to question, taking a big sip of her drink. Part of her felt guilty for chatting to another man. She was not that kind of woman – the kind who gets one guy’s number and then starts chatting up a new one the very next weekend. But she quickly reminded herself that she was a free woman and she didn’t owe Nathan anything. She could talk and sleep with whoever she wanted.

  This time she didn’t take the guy from the bar back to her place though. They ended up at Evan’s – a penthouse in the heart of the city.

  It took less than an hour and only three drinks for him to convince her to come home with him. By that point his hand had been up her skirt for a while, making it hard for her to concentrate on the conversation and even harder to deny him anything. Not that she wanted to; she would’ve followed the boy anywhere. Those dreamy blue eyes…

  He was so sure of himself, a quality Nina found irresistible, even though blonde boys were not usually her type. Not that she even knew what her ‘type’ was – what did that even mean?

  The make-out session in the taxi got steamy pretty quick and by the time they got to his apartment, the mention of a ‘roommate’ only momentarily stopped her in her mission of ripping every piece of clothing off his muscular body.

  “Are you sure he won’t mind?” she asked alarmed, finally taking in her fancy surroundings now that she for an instant only wasn’t 100% focused on the chiseled Adonis with the flawless light skin and eyes she found herself drowning in time after time.

  “Of course not. Besides, it’s my flat, I can do what I want, and what I want to do right now, is you,” he grinned cheekily, dragging her to the large bedroom with the spectacular view. It looked more like a hotel suite than a bedroom.

  “Please stop talking,” she grinned, pulling him close for a kiss. He brought out a side of her she had never seen – she was not usually one for taking control of the situation but she enjoyed her newfound power.

  He obliged, his only response being passionately closing his lips over hers. His kissing style was completely different to Nathan’s, she briefly thought as he sweetly kissed her. But that would be her last thought about the assertive man from the weekend before.

  Soon, she was swept into Evan’s arms and into his world as he picked her up and carried her to his bed where he gently lay her down.

  He didn’t take her dress off though, just pushed it up over her hips as his hands explored the flesh beneath it. He pushed it further up as he went, kissing her belly, her hips, her navel. Over her waist, past her chest, finally over her head as he followed its path in a trail of soft kisses. He fleetingly found her lips again, his tongue desperately searching for her own as she lost her fingers in his thick locks of blonde hair, pulling him down on top of her lustfully.

  Nina wasn’t wearing a bra under the dress and he groped her breasts with both hands, exploring every curve of them as his fingers ran over her excited flesh. He was thoughtful in his slow discovery of her body, working his way over every inch like he was trying to memorize the pattern of her silhouette. He sucked on her breast, teasing the erect flesh below as he thoroughly worked his tongue over the skin, his hands firmly gripping her waist below him.

  She yearned for his hands to move down – but it wasn’t time yet. He was patient, almost unbearably so, seemingly in contrast to his whole daring personality. But it was an overconfidence that came with came with a certain peace of mind. He never had to want for anything so had no fear of not getting what he want. He would take his time, make her whole body scream out for him. Oh the privileged, she would think afterward.

  But she wasn’t thinking about this at the present, she was hardly able to think about anything but the lust building inside her once again as he firmly massaged her chest.

  Evan kissed her neck, moving her hair out of the way. His hands moved over her face, down her collarbone – his touch was warm, but passionate, sending shivers over her flesh as far as it went.

  Nina dropped her hands to his pants, stroking the hardening flesh over the stretched material of his crotch. As she slipped her hand down his pants, his slow game quickly came to an end as the pretense of patience faded. She was changing the pace, using his own desire against him. The thought amused her as she continued stroking the hidden center of his lust.

  He freed his erect manhood from his pants as her hands massaged the excited flesh with a grin on her face. Evan kissed her deeply, no longer faintly brushing her lips with his, but sticking his tongue down into her mouth greedily as she continued to explore his body with her hands, the flesh growing firmer in her hands.

  His hands finally found their way to her moist triangle, teasing the flesh in broad strokes as she squirmed beneath his touch. He finally pulled down her panties, leaving her naked on his massive bed with the view neither parties were enjoying at present. They only had eyes for one another.

  Evan stood back, staring at her exposed body in the dim lighting. She felt self-conscious, but only for a moment, before grinning, opening her legs wide, inviting him over.

  He obeyed instantly, sinking his blonde head beneath the darkness of her thighs. His warm breath tickled her sensitive lips and she could feel herself grow wetter with every stroke of his clearly-experienced tongue.

  She closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment, panting heavily as the desire built inside her, completely at the mercy of the gorgeous blonde she met at the bar only hours before.

  Nina couldn’t predict his next move and it drove her crazy. The game kept changing.

  He grabbed her by the leg and flipped her over in a well-timed move, dragging her to her knees by the waist as his hands played over her large behind. Within moments she could feel his naked skin against hers, one hand cupping a breast, the other holding her behind in place. He entered her slowly at first, pulling her towards him as his manhood disappeared inside her. She stifled a moan, briefly sparing a thought for the unnamed ‘housemate’.

  But as he pushed in de
eper and deeper, all thoughts left her mind. Her body was in charge now. Or rather his body was in charge now.

  As he rocked his hips rhythmically against her, his hand moved from her hips to her sensitive flesh in front, massaging the hidden spot in tune with his thrusts, building up her desire with his own until they both jerked in unison, collapsing on the bed.

  He turned her around, gently kissing her spent crotch, licking up her juices, before lying down next to her and kissing her lips passionately. She could taste herself on him as she sucked his lips greedily, still panting out of breath.

  She laughed and he joined in, neither party talking still.

  He kissed her on the forehead and pulled him close against his naked chest, his warm body pressed against hers. He reached down and pulled the blanket over them, still holding her tightly as their breathing slowly returned to normal. He came across almost protective.

  Nina finally stared out through the giant glass wall on the other side, taking in the sheer beauty of the expensive view. It really did feel like being on top of the world.

  She smiled, snuggling closer to the stranger that felt like someone she had known all her life.

  Nina fell asleep surprisingly quickly considering she was normally bad at sleeping in strange places. But she felt at home in his arms.

  She would sneak out in the morning, she thought, she was too tired right now.

  But she had no idea just how late she would sleep…


  Nina woke up with the smell of bacon wafting through the room. The sun was already filling the massive room with light. The bed was empty.

  It took her a moment to remember where she was but the night before came back to her quickly, the scent of Evan still lingering in the room. It felt more like waking up in an actual hotel room than at someone else’s house. He must be loaded, she thought, momentarily taking in the spectacular view before going to the en-suite bathroom to fix herself up.

  After making sure her hair looked manageable and there was no make-up smudged on her face, Nina put on her dress again – a silly outfit for this time of the morning. But hopefully, she'd get home before anyone noticed her ‘walk of shame'.

  She slowly opened the door, the smell of breakfast now unmistakable. However, it wasn’t Evan who was doing the cooking.

  “Nina?” the surprised voice in the kitchen asked as she walked out.

  Nina froze halfway to the kitchen.

  It couldn’t be. What? She just stared at him in disbelief, looking the familiar figure at the stove up and down.

  “What are you doing here?” she eventually managed to say. But by this time she already had her suspicions regarding the answer.

  “I live here. Evan has just gone out to get some juice, I…” he burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you’re ‘the girl from last night’,” he laughed. “What are the chances?” he was amused.

  “Nathan, I’m… This… I wanted to call you, I…” she tried awkwardly, wishing the ground would just swallow her up. What must he think of her? Just a week later hooking up with his roommate? How embarrassing! How does one even begin to explain…?

  “Nina, don’t stress – seriously. I think this is hilarious. It must be fate,” he was still smiling from ear to ear. She didn’t know what to make of the situation. She felt like she was caught red-handed.

  “I went back to the bar to look for you and then Evan, well he’s very persuasive…”

  “I can’t blame you – he really is. At least you have good taste in men,” he laughed. “Now stop stressing. How do you take your coffee?” he asked and she walked towards the kitchen hesitantly, sitting down by the counter.

  “Just milk please, thank you,” she was still unable to look him in the eyes. This situation was not something she knew how to handle. Up until last week, she had never had a one-night stand even. Now she had two in a row – with two guys living together as well. Madness!

  “I must say, I was quite disappointed that you didn’t call,” Nathan said, filling a cup for her. “I had a good time last weekend.”

  “I wasn’t sure I was supposed to call. I don’t know how these things work…” she responded awkwardly. “Thanks for the coffee.”

  “Well, clearly you’re getting good at ‘these things’,” he teased, returning to the stove.

  “It’s not like that, I…” she started explaining but was cut off by Evan coming through the front door, groceries in tow.

  “Ah, Evan – we were just talking about you,” Nathan said jovially, winking at his friend.

  “Great, you guys have met,” Evan smiled, putting the bags down on the counter and kissing Nina briefly. She was overly aware of Nathan’s presence and awkwardly kissed him back.

  “Oh, we’ve met,” Nathan laughed. “Remember that girl I told you about last weekend?” Nathan asked his friend like Nina wasn’t sitting right there. She wished she could disappear.

  “No way?! Seriously? The one with the ‘flawless skin’?” Evan looked from Nathan to Nina and back again, bursting out laughing.

  “See what I mean now?”

  “Yeah, no dude – definitely!”

  Nina had never felt so awkward in her life. She didn’t understand what was happening. She just sipped her coffee, watching the two beautiful men she had bedded only a week apart discuss her with one another.

  “Guys, I’m so sorry, I…” she tried again to redeem herself but it was no use.

  “Nina – chill, this really isn’t an issue. This is actually pretty awesome,” Evan echoed his friend’s sentiments. He walked up to Nathan and gave him a high-five.

  Nina just shook her head, finally managing a smile at the bizarre situation. What a strange turn of events.

  But the smile didn’t last long – her mind caught up with her once again. The whole thing was too much for her. She needed to process. “Thanks for everything,” she got up hastily, grabbing her bag from the counter where she discarded it carelessly the night before.

  “Where are you going? I made breakfast?” Nathan protested.

  “Sorry, I have to go to work…” she quickly lied. She had to get out of there, she was so uncomfortable.

  “Fair enough, but I hope we see you again,” Evan kissed her sweetly before she pulled away and rushed to the door.

  “Thanks, bye,” she mumbled from the door.

  “No seriously,” Nathan piped up from the kitchen. “You’re welcome here anytime you want – you don’t have to feel self-conscious.”

  Nina left without saying another word, leaving the two beautiful men in the kitchen.

  What had she done?


  “So, tell me again what the problem is here?” Grace said as she finished her coffee. It was Sunday now and they were having brunch.

  Nina had spent the whole Saturday staying in bed, eating all the comfort food she could get her hands on and watching series as she tried to distract herself. But she was driving herself insane and she needed to talk to someone… Grace agreed to brunch without question.

  “I’m a horrible person,” Nina sulked. “I can’t believe this – what are the odds? Now I’ve messed up two potentially great situations.”

  “It doesn’t sound like anything is messed up to me,” Grace responded. “It sounds like the two of them are actually enjoying it.”

  “This is so wrong, surely. I can’t have two ‘friends with benefits’. Especially not if they’re living together. They’re best friends!” Nina was still overthinking the situation, as was her habit.

  “You’ve hit the gold mine with two hot guys, you have to capitalize on it!” Grace was having none of it though, she as excited for her friend.

  “They are pretty hot…” Nina admitted, thinking back to the well-built, youthful friends she had left in the penthouse yesterday. The two of them were so different but they each brought out a side of her that she really liked.

  “I wish you had photos but I’ll take your word for it
. At least I can vouch for one of them. Either way, don’t be a fool and walk away from this. Why would you? See where it goes. You’re a free woman, remember? And they’re grown men – if this doesn’t work, they will tell you. For now, I think you should just have some fun and see where this leads. You've spent enough time with one man – and a terrible one at that."

  “I suppose you’re right,” her resistance was crumbling.

  “Of course I’m right,” Grace laughed, digging into her toast. “I’m always right.”


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