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Captured By The Warriors

Page 30

by Daniella Wright

  It makes me both nervous and excited to be watched by these two men, to be so blatantly admired by them. But I also don’t know enough about them, so I seize the opportunity to be able to glean some information out of them, to store for later possibilities.

  “What brings you fine men over this side of the Atlantic, then? I know my purpose. I wanted to save lives. I hated seeing people in pain, and I wanted to learn to patch it up as best as I could. And in war zones, well, pain is prevalent. It’s in the families, their cultures, their lives, a constant thread of battered souls. And I want to help.” I blush again. My parents think I’m far too soft to be in this position, far too ideological to cope with the traumas of war, but I think my softness is what makes me strong. I just wish other people saw it like that as well.

  “Pretty noble reasons,” Jason says, one dark eyebrow raised in admiration. He stops the ATV for a moment, nearby a patch of shimmering green and fragrant plants. “My reasons aren’t quite so noble.”

  We get out of the ATV, and we walk a little way across the green, our shoes sinking into it. I’m anxious, though I try not to show it, because I want to trust these guys in what they’re doing and where they’re going.

  “I was a drop out at school. No good at any of my grades, but good with martial arts and training my body. Not quite good enough to get that scholarship into a sports college because I still needed some good grades. But good enough to make it into the army. My family back home are super proud I’m serving our country. ‘Killing them terrorists,’ as they like to say. But the real terror is the impact of war. It’s…”

  He hesitates as Alex, in front of us, spreads his arms wide, stopping us from walking further. Fear digs into me.

  “I heard something,” he whispers. “We should start heading back.”

  No sooner than we turn on our heels, then a massive explosion reverberates about thirty feet from us, spewing debris and chunks everywhere. Gunfire rattles out. Figures emerge from the cover in the distant hill, firing for us when it became clear we would no longer approach their position.

  Panic slices me. The fear inside me blossoms to life, and we all start running. I’m not armed, and the men are outnumbered. Our goal is to sprint for the ATV, but I stumble and trip, slamming full force into the ground with the wind being knocked out of me.

  I wheeze, seeing Baker and White disappear over the next hillock. Please. Please don’t leave me.

  The enemy insurgents are shouting in their own language, approaching closer in their own mad dash. I cover my head as more bullets whizz past, and I try to roll into better cover, but I know I’m not going to make it.

  In the darkness shielded by my arms, I feel myself hauled by the collar of my neck and hip, and I’m spun around, flung over someone’s back before I have time to register what’s going on or to scream. Through the bobbing motion, I see the enemy soldiers in the grass, getting further and further away, and then I see Jason White reassuring me – and I realize I’m slung across Alex Baker’s muscular back. They came back for me.

  Relief floods inside as I’m bundled into the ATV, Jason hops to the wheel and kicks the engine into action, and we speed off out of the line of enemy fire. More bullets pepper, and I see Jason wince as one strikes him, causing blood to spurt out of his shoulder. He jerks the steering wheel erratically before getting it back in control, gritting his teeth against his throbbing shoulder as he picks up speed.

  When we get back into the town, we try to run the rest of the way after parking the ATV, and we’re out of breath as we duck into the shelter. Jason is slowly turning paler, and Alex hobbles – I see the graze of a bullet on his leg, revealing the burnt flesh underneath.

  Straight away, when we get back, we report to commander Barnes of the enemy, and his face tightens.

  “I’m going to have to spread the word. If they’re that far away, it won’t be long until we’re surrounded.”

  I nod, before ushering Jason and Alex into a bed together. There’s no room to have civilians or soldiers to be treated to a bed each. I pull the privacy blinds over them, and notice there are four more medics in the base now, all summoned by Barnes from the other field hospitals in the region for the extra assistance here. It’s needed, because I can’t tend to the entire compound alone – and they’ve brought additional medical supplies with them, helping to alleviate the burden placed.

  I tend to Jason and Alex’s injuries. The bullet has gone cleanly through Jason, making it a job for stitching and disinfecting, and then bandaging it up tight and recommending to restrict movements in that arm until it heals better. I deal with the graze on Alex’s leg as well, and see that it’s directly burnt into some of the sinew there, so again, he will need to restrict his movements, though it should heal faster than Jason’s wound.

  I can’t help but notice in the meanwhile that they’re both incredibly sculpted, body wise. Their tops are off to stop the sweat soaking in, and for me to check for additional injuries. Both of them have forms to die for, and I try my hardest not to openly stare.

  “Thank you for coming back for me. But why? It was safer to keep running.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Alex says then, his voice a growling outburst. “No way would we leave you behind. You’re our medic.”

  “And you’re too valuable to abandon. I mean, look at us,” Jason says, a wry smile on his handsome face. “We’re here because it’s whatever for us. You’re here because you actually, sincerely want to save people. Man, woman, child. That makes you a good person. And worth saving.”

  The high compliment astounds me. I’ve never thought of myself like that. Mostly though, if I’m honest, because if I start thinking like that, it won’t be long until I go down the long, slippery road into feeling morally superior to everyone around me. It’s not the case. I have my morals, and others have theirs. I stick by them because I believe they’re right, but I know I can’t change the world because I wish it.

  I have to work for it.

  Still, it’s hard not to be flattered, and to not notice their perfect forms. By now, night has fallen upon the region, and it seeps through the walls, chilling the place like a freezer. I’m cold, and I hear the complaints around of those shivering under their blankets. I also see Jason and Alex shiver in the dim light. I was considering sleeping hunched up by the medical tables, as there’s not enough beds for everyone, but it’s cold. They’re cold. And I’m tired.

  Yawning, I crawl into bed with them after informing the other medics I’m taking my nap, and the men blink at me in surprise.

  “It’s best for us to conserve our energy by sharing warmth,” I say, though the ulterior motive barely contains itself in my mouth. I want to feel the strong, reassuring presence of these two men beside me. I’m sandwiched in the middle, lying on my back, and they both curl up into me, their cold bodies digging into my heat, distributing it until we all warm up under the blankets. Their arms drape over me, and it’s strange but beautiful at the same time. We all had a near death experience. We are taking solace in each other’s company.

  There will be back up for us. Barnes has sent messengers out to ask for help. They can’t afford to leave in the darkness, not when they’re unsure where the enemy is.

  I’m not sure if I’ll be getting much sleep tonight. Not with the worry. And not when I’m thinking about Jason and Alex’s naked torsos next to me.

  Not when I’m slowly but surely getting turned on, and my breathing is quickening.

  My thoughts stray, of course. How could they not? It’s one step away from the fantasy scenario I’ve imagined. I’m ready to go there again, even when hemmed in between them, and I know that might not be the best of ideas. Arousal can smell. I imagine both men will detect it fast if I get too excited, and there’s no way I can escape pleasuring myself without any kind of notice.

  My thoughts wander over into forbidden territories, They picture me being devoured by both men, and sinking into the sweet storm of bliss that would arrive as a cons
equence of everything else.

  My nostrils flare as I suppress as best as I can these desires, keeping them locked in the chambers of my mind. I wrestle them to the cobwebby corners of my head and settle in better, keeping to my cover story that these men are cold, and we need to share our heat. We need to stay warm.

  Part of me loves this choice, part of me regrets it, because I’m unsure just how I’ll be able to sleep at all with such fine specimens on either side of me.

  I manage it, nonetheless, with their arms around my torso

  Chapter Four

  I wake up before the men, and use the opportunity to check on their injuries, and make sure nothing is going awry. They murmur and stir at the loss of my warmth, but my nerves are frayed tight. It’s about an hour later when Barnes makes his announcement, after a messenger hurries back into the bunker.

  “We’re in a bit of a situation, ladies and gentlemen. The enemy will likely have us surrounded by now, but we’ve not been slacking. The locals who are still active in the town have been helping us reinforce some of the defenses, and we have our platoon spread around, whilst we wait for additional backup. Unfortunately, the backup won’t be here until sunrise tomorrow.”

  I gape at this revelation. That’s a long time to be without any backup. Anything could happen if the insurgents hit, and if there’s a lot of them… I don’t think twenty-two fighting men can hold them off for long, except through perseverance, luck and diligence. I’m scared at the news because I know we’re in for a tough time ahead. I also know we need more medical supplies, and I’ll have to look through the dilapidated town to see if any of the residents have any access to supplies.

  Barnes is grim as well – he’s aware that we may not make it past the night if the enemy attack in force. Jason and Alex witness my fear and they do everything in their power to try and comfort me. I actually end up in the bed again for a few minutes, doing nothing else but taking in the reassuring presence of the two men.

  It’s strange, as well, because I see both of them eyeing me in interest and attraction, and both of them acting fully aware of each other’s attention upon me. Neither seem disturbed or jealous. I can’t help it. I have to say something.

  “I just want to know. Are you both attracted to me?”

  They exchange glances. “Yes,” Jason says, along with Alex’s affirmative nod.

  “Are you not bothered by that?”

  “Why would we be?” Now it’s Alex’s turn to speak. “We’re best friends. Sometimes we’re friends with benefits.”

  My jaw drops at this. What?

  Jason grins. “He’s not wrong. Both of us like you. I think in better circumstances, I’d be fully up for a threesome. But…” he hastily adds, seeing my shock, “that’s not to say we would pressure anything of the sort on you!”

  Well, then. That clears a few things up.

  “Wait,” Alex points out. “We don’t even know if you’re single. Are you single?”

  I smirk at the both of them. “I’m single. I didn’t want to have a commitment when I took up this job.”

  Their eyes now gleam in renewed interest, blue and dark meeting with my green. It’s the kind of devoted attention that could get to a lady’s head, and it’s certainly swelling up mine.

  Before I say anything else I’ll regret, as my mind is now wandering into the zone of no return, where our bodies touch one another in the darkness, I apologize to them, and say that I’ll need to go around with the other medics to collect supplies from the town.

  Of course I regret the choice in aspects, but once again, I have to select duty over my lust and attraction. I have to remind myself that I’m not here to make googly eyes at people. I’m here to save them.

  An interpreter tags along with me, and we go from derelict house to derelict house, asking the locals for anything of use, knowing that at any moment, they might have to be treated in our makeshift hospital. Although I try to keep the fear out of my face, I see it in all the locals and our platoon soldiers, who scurry around, bolstering their defenses, whilst others risk leaving the town completely, even though there’s a strong possibility they may be shot upon leaving.

  Everything feels like a last gasp of air before doom falls, and I’m struggling to handle the information. Part of me wishes I hadn’t volunteered to come here, but I also know that if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t know of Baker and White. Two extraordinary young men, who have not only expressed their admiration for me, but their lust as well.

  I’m happy, of course, but it doesn’t take away the fear that etches inside, or the scared faces of the people I’m trying to save.

  We only gather meagre supplies around the town, but it might be enough to deal with the causalities until our reinforcements arrive. Barnes is certain that the insurgents are aware of the time table and will put everything into a dusk/night attack, seeking to wipe us out before help arrives.

  I arrive back in the bunker as the sun begins to set with all the supplies. Baker and White are not in the bed I left them in, which means they’re likely securing perimeters above. I walk through the bunker, noting how empty it is. Most of the injured civilians I’ve patched up have left, and only the worst cases remain, such as a woman with an amputated leg, and an unconscious child with his father hovering anxiously over him. All the troops are above, helping the town’s defenses, and I go to the far end of the room, stomach growling from the inadequate meal I’ve consumed. I pull the thick canvases around and turn on the lantern, curl onto the bed and try to fight the tears that threaten to come.

  No one wants to die. No one wants to live in fear. What use am I if none of us make it through the night?

  A few tears do leak out.

  About a minute passes before I hear the canvas rustling, I turn to face the newcomers, hastily drying my face, before I see that it’s Jason and Alex. Jason goes to lift my chin, and Alex helps dab away at the tears with a scrunched packet of tissue.

  “We know you’re afraid,” Alex says. “We’re the same. All the men above us as well, though they try to hide it.”

  I sigh, and nod. “I don’t want anyone to see this. We get enough stick being in the forces as it is without you seeing me being an emotional wreck.”

  “It’s okay,” Jason soothes. “It’s okay. We can be scared right with you.”

  “Scared of losing you, too,” Alex adds, though his voice comes out barely a whisper. I hold my breath at this quiet reveal. It’s the kind of words I’ve always wanted to hear, though not necessarily in these circumstances. I want to mean something to people. Whether that’s by saving them, or by capturing their heart. Either way, I’ve become more than the sum of every part.

  Jason sighs, patting Alex on the back, who flexes his muscles under his shirt. “We wanted to find you. And stay with you. Just in case… we didn’t make it through the night.”

  They crawl into bed with me, and I’m huddled between them again. We share our warmth together, and it’s calm and peaceful under the soft light of our room, rather than the atmosphere being permeated from the emptiness in solitude.

  The darkness and silence is profound, and we lie there together, staving off one another’s fears. Presently, though, I feel the arousal stirring in my gut. I feel my panties becoming uncomfortable, and my heart rate increasing when I focus and become aware of this fact.

  Before long, my mind is running away with the possibilities. It’s churning in chaos, which whips itself up into an inferno when I shift my leg slightly, and I feel Alex’s hardness jutting from his pants.

  Oh boy.

  Out of curiosity, I budge the other leg, which leaves me spread open. He’s not so hard, but it certainly is triggered by the subtle movement offered, unraveling from its initial softness.

  My fantasy is flaring to life. I can taste it upon my lips, feel my heat burning, longing for their touch. I am both shamed and shameless, willing to give into these men, to feel them caress me, and for all of us to be transported away from the grim reality we�
��re trapped in to a land of delight.

  Sometimes, it’s just too much. You have to give in.

  “Damn it,” I say. “I want you both.”

  I kiss Alex, then Jason upon their lips. This ignites the flames dormant inside them, and stokes the ones within me. Quietly, not drawing attention to our corner of the bunker, they undress me, both working upon my body. I gasp when my breasts become exposed, and Jason latches his lips onto my nipples, massaging the glands, stirring the feeling tighter. Alex French kisses me on the mouth, our tongues entwining, and their strong, rough hands roam over my body, making me feel powerful and loved.

  They keep asking if this is okay, not wanting to hurt me, and I assure them that it’s fine, I trust them, and that I’ve been wondering about this moment for a long time.

  We may have only been together for a short time, but the promise of death upon the horizon heightens our emotions. We’re not ready to die just yet, not when we haven’t had the chance to lose ourselves in one another. It’s an amazing feeling. It’s so easy to sink into their touch, to feel loved and wanted. We are warm in a world that is cold, and quiet so that no one but us three knows what is going on.

  I wish more than ever, though, that I could have met them somewhere other than a warn torn town in Algeria.

  They both undress as well. They’re slow about it, teasing, and I enjoy the strip shop offered, grinning when they reach across to help each other de-clothe. I run my tongue over my lips seductively, and enjoy their lustful stares, knowing that I have their full attention now.


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