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Captured By The Warriors

Page 59

by Daniella Wright

  “A pocketknife?” He inquires uncertainly. Lucky tightens his grip on me, and our communication is silent but meaningful. I’m overcome with appreciation for both men, but more than anything, I’m happy that we can share all of our special places together. As a group. As one.

  "Yeah, a pocketknife," Lucky says simply, falling silent shortly after. His breathing evens out beside me, and I feel my own breathing evening out as a result. Though Chester has no idea what Lucky is talking about, I'm sure I have more than a faint idea. As far as Chester… well, he'll find out once we go back to that old tree tomorrow morning. I think there should be just enough room for another set of initials in that carved wooden heart.

  Double Fangs

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Vampire Menage

  “I moaned against Elroy as Quin stretched my insides, making me feel like he would rip right through me. Our first night together hadn’t made me realize just how big he really was. Soon enough, it was too much for me to handle. I couldn’t control the pleasure that surged within me. With Elroy hitting the back of my throat, I screamed out in ecstasy, my whole world painted in pleasure as I climbed over the edge. Seconds later, my lovers joined me…”

  I had never been a girly girl. With a sports bike and a commitment to kickboxing classes I took at the local gym, I was anything but. And that’s exactly how I liked it. I felt powerful during my gym sessions. I imagined a moment when I would need to use my kickboxing skills in self-defense. My attacker wouldn’t know what hit him. Maybe that’s why I kept coming back week after week. But then, everything changed once the new instructor turned out to be a vampire. Of course, I didn’t know that at first.

  I thought he was like any other smoking hot guy. He had a nice smile and an even better laugh. He was everything I wanted in a man so when he invited me to dinner, I simply couldn’t refuse. Little did I know I would be trapped in that house for quite a while. The world of vampires was a dangerous one and a single mistake could mean my death. In the end, would I make it out of the house alive or would Elroy, the vampire upstairs, change my whole life?

  Would I fall victim to his broodingly handsome good looks or would his seduction be the end of me?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  Six thirty A.M. Most people my age would be fast asleep in their beds. Or they would be grumpily getting ready for work. I grinned, thinking about all my high school friends who were now stuck in a corporate job they hated. But not me. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was the perseverance to stay away from everything that I hated, but somehow, I had managed to make a successful life for myself. I was healthy, I had own business as well as a killer sports bike that was for all intents and purposes, my baby.

  I dismounted, letting my sneakers pound against the hot asphalt of the parking lot. As always, the lot was full. Fitness enthusiasts never seemed to sleep and they never seemed to leave the gym. Maybe I was one of them, but at least I made the effort to get a solid eight hours of sleep every night.

  I mean, my closet is filled with more active wear than anything else, but what can I say? It’s comfortable. I like tight-fitting stuff and leggings look good and make my butt look even better.

  As the early morning sun shone, I took off my helmet, letting my long, straight brown hair fall over my shoulders. I squinted against the sun, using my hand as a visor as I looked out at the road. Early morning traffic rushed by as commuters struggled to get to work on time.

  With my helmet under my arm, I hurried across the street once I had looked both ways. My backpack bounced against the small of my back. As I climbed the steps to the gym, a couple of girls carrying yoga mats giggled to themselves, drinking putrid green smoothies. They were kind enough to hold the door for me, but that didn’t mean I liked their fake smiles. Together, we descended to the basement level where all group classes were held. The blonde woman looked back and flashed a set of pearly white teeth that looked just as fake as her smile. “Are you doing the morning yoga class as well?” She inquired politely. By her side, her friend rolled her eyes. To her, it was obviously a waste of time to talk to me.

  “No,” I answered with a curt syllable. The woman’s smile only deepened as she moved her drink from one hand to the other.

  “Oh? I didn’t know there were any other classes held this early.”

  “There’s that horrible kickboxing class. I wish they wouldn’t grunt so loudly – it messes up my focus.” The friend mumbled under her breath with a small snicker before finishing off her smoothie.

  “I’ll try to be quiet.” I pointed my comment at the woman before I hurried past them. My elbow rammed into her body, knocking her sideways into the blonde. The two women looked appalled as I stepped into the kickboxing studio.

  Still irritated, I stomped to the cubbies and put away my helmet. I rummaged through my backpack, looking for a hair tie and my headband as I observed the crowd. All the regulars were here. Timmy with the lame left leg. Melissa the war veteran who had served in Afghanistan as a chopper pilot. James Malloy who was in his second year of sobriety. There were a few new faces, including the man who stood at the front of the class, where Mel James, our instructor, usually liked to stand.

  Putting my bag away, I watched a few timid newcomers blend into the rest, looking uneasy. With my headband in my mouth, I started to tie my hair into a ponytail. If I was any other girl, maybe I would have cared what my hair looked like. Maybe I would have used a mirror. I didn’t. To make sure no strands of hair flew into my face during the workout, I hurried to put my headband on before walking up to the new guy.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him. Subtly, I studied his body. He was wearing a thin tank top that clung to his body, showing off his muscular physique. His shoulders were broad and powerful. His arms toned to perfection, albeit a little hairier than what I was used to. His loose-fitting gym shorts showed off part of his thick thighs and his well-defined calf muscles. This was a guy who paid attention to both arm and leg days.

  “Hmm?” He turned to face me.

  “Where’s Mel?’ I asked, staring him dead in the eyes. He smiled, his pink lips curling at the corners as his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle.

  “Ah.” He nodded, running his fingers through his short sandy hair. “I was going to mention that at the beginning of the class.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him before turning on my heels and walking away. I took up my regular spot in the middle of the room and continued to watch him. He wasn’t half bad. I bit my lip. Who was I kidding? The man was smoking hot. His face alone with those warm eyes, rugged facial hair and pointed cheeks were enough to make any girl swoon. As he looked my way, I bent down, pretending to tie my shoe. I didn’t want to be caught staring.

  Abruptly, while I was still fiddling with my shoelaces, he clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Hello everyone, my name is Quinton Fraser. You can all call me Quin. Mel had a family emergency and won’t be joining us for the foreseeable future. So, I’ll be her replacement for the time being.” He flashed a smile that made my heart skip a beat. My cheeks became hot and flushed, my skin clammy. He looked directly at me, his smile broadening. “So let’s begin. I want to see everyone bringing their A-game to the table, alright?”

  Without another word, he stepped up to the stereo system and turned on the electronic dance music that was supposed to motivate us throughout the workout. For me, however, Quin was all the motivation I needed.

  Chapter 2

  By the end of the workout, I was sweating harder than ever. My heart was racing as Quin guided us through a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Beside me, James Malloy had tapped out. He was on all fours, panting for air. Years of smoking a pack a day had turned his lungs into an ineffective machine. Now, he was paying the consequences.

  “Are you alright?” Quin came around to check up on him, helping him up. He deployed his pearly white smile, giving James an encouraging pat on the back.

  “Yeah. This
was just… intense.” James responded, breathless.

  Quin laughed and I nearly stopped my series of sidekicks. It was such a sweet sound that bubbled out of his soul, wafting through my ears and straight to my heart. I shuddered, my foot barely touching the ground before I lifted it up again. My whole body ached, but I couldn’t give up, especially when I was so close to the finish line.

  “Well, you gave it your all and that’s all I ask of you. Why don’t you get some rest? We’re just about to wrap things up here.” James nodded and walked away. He wasn’t the only one that had given up early. Most of the newcomers had forfeited within twenty minutes. Now, only a few veterans remained, kicking at invisible opponents to the upbeat bass drop.

  “That’s it. Keep it up. We’re almost done.” Quin walked around us before he approached me, grabbing my leg in mid-air. My eyes grew big as I stared at him, about to jerk my leg away.

  “What are you doing?” I growled, sweat dripping down the side of my face.

  “Your form’s not right.” He said, his voice measured as his soft eyes twinkled. My jaw hardened at his comment. What did he mean my form wasn’t correct? I had been kickboxing for years.

  “Yes, it is.” I retorted, my voice cold.

  His fingers tightened around my leg as he grinned. “Almost, but not quite.” He pressed. One of his hands moved down my leg, resting on my thigh. I bit the inside of my lip, feeling a strange sensation crawling up my spine. Deep inside of me, I had the innate desire for his hand to move even higher up my leg. The thought alone awakened my hormones and I felt a deep aching – no, a yearning – between my legs. “A sidekick is all about the heel.” His hand moved away from my thigh and onto my shoe. I nearly reached out to grab his hand and put it back, but I restrained myself as I watched him.

  Finally, he dropped my leg and stood beside me. His presence was powerful and awe-inspiring. “You want to raise your leg and then turn with the knee. Bring it back before kicking hard. It’s all about power and that power comes from driving with your heel – not your toes. If you kick with your toes, you’ll hurt yourself.” He demonstrated the kick in one fluid motion that made my head hurt. In that moment, he felt like the pure definition of masculinity. Everything about him was measured and precise. “Try it.”

  I tilted my head. “On you?” I asked. I was so focused on our interaction that I was oblivious to the silence that had taken over the studio. The playlist had come to an end, marking the conclusion of the class. People had already left.

  “Of course. I can take it.” He grinned.

  “And if I knock you down?”

  “Then I fall down.” Quin laughed. “But it’s much harder to knock me down than you might think.”

  “Don’t be so sure. I’ve defeated stronger guys than you.” I bragged, my blue eyes bright with a sense of competitiveness.

  “Well, prove it. I don’t want to hear you talk about it. I want you to show me.” He patted his chest. I looked at it as if it were a bull’s eye, knowing that was my target. “Give me your best shot.”

  “Remember, you asked for this.” I teased. Finding my center of gravity, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them wide. With my body working in perfect sync, I lowered my hips just an inch before swinging my leg out, driving my heel into his chest.

  He fell back a few steps before regaining his balance. His smile was brighter than ever. “That was perfect.” He chuckled. “It does seem like you’ve been doing this for a while.”

  “Two years,” I answered. It was only then that I noticed the empty room.

  “I see. Well if you would ever like some personal training, I’d love to work out with you.” Quin stepped closer, his chiseled body now inches away from mine. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to run my fingertips over his muscles, but I stopped myself, knowing how inappropriate that would be.

  “I’ll think about it.”


  I ended up agreeing, of course. How could I resist personal training with one of the hottest guys I had ever met? I arrived at the studio the following Friday afternoon. Quin was already there, but this time, he was completely shirtless. I bit my lip, admiring his sun-kissed skin. His abs were on full display as he racked up some weights. Standing in the doorway, I watched him a little longer before walking inside.

  “Kyla.” He smiled, my knees growing weak at the sight. I wondered if his perfect smile would always make my heart skip a beat or if I would get used to it with time. “I’m glad you could make it. I hope you’re ready for an intense workout. I’m not going to go easy on you just because you’re pretty.”

  I blushed at his comment but quickly regained my composure. “And I won’t go easy on you just because you’re handsome. If you want to go hard, then let’s go hard.” He just smirked at my response, thrusting a pair of twenties in my hands.

  Chapter 3

  By the end of our hour together, I was panting. I remembered James who had tapped out during Quin’s first class. “Did I go too hard on you?” He asked. He was covered in sweat, but he still didn’t look winded. I envied his stamina as he offered me his hand. I grabbed it and got up.

  He hoisted me off the ground with ease, our bodies colliding together. Blood rushed through my veins as his rock-hard midsection pressed into mine. I bit the inside of my lip, finding speech impossible. Slowly, I lifted my head, peering into his hazel eyes, noticing soft golden flecks that I hadn’t seen before. As my eyes darted downwards, I realized his lips were now dangerously close to mine. Our breathing had merged. I could feel the soft thump, thump, thump of his heart in his chest.

  He leaned in a little closer and I was sure he was going to kiss me. My hand rested on his torso, my pinky grazing his nipple ever so slightly. I held my breath, waiting for the moment, but it never happened. His arm tightened around my waist for a split second before he pulled away. For once, his composure was gone. As he ran his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair, I could see he was nervous. He kept shuffling his feet. His fingers shook. I grinned, wondering if I had caused his sudden onslaught of nervous energy.

  “How about dinner to make up for it?”

  “Make up for what?” I asked, finding his question a bit random. I cocked my head to the side, seeing his face from a new angle. Here, his nose looked sharp, his jaw tense, his cheeks a tad bit hollow. Somehow, he managed to look even more handsome than before.

  “For pushing you to your limits.”

  “Oh, but I liked that. Maybe next time you should go even harder.” Teasingly, I dropped my voice to a sensual tone as I pressed myself closer. Our hips locked together and I could feel the slight outline of his shaft through the thin material of his gym shorts. “But if you want to take me out to dinner, I’m not going to say no.”

  “Actually… I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner at my place.” After I didn’t respond for a moment, he shuffled on his feet again. “I like to cook my own meals.” He added in as a justification.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “So you want to skip the date entirely and just get me into your house straight away? I see how you’re playing the game.” I stepped back and his arm hung limply by his side.

  “If that’s alright with you.”

  “It’s fine.” I walked away, feeling the weight of his eyes on my body. I wondered what he was looking at. Was it my wide hips or my round butt? Maybe my shapely legs or my long, slender neck? Once I reached the cubbies, I rummaged through my bag, grabbing my phone. I tossed it at him. His eyes grew wide before he caught it. “Just add in your contact info,” I told him. “What time did you want dinner?” I sat down on a bench, tying my shoelaces.

  “Is eight okay?”

  “Sounds good.” I nodded and grabbed my stuff. He noticed my motorcycle helmet and raised an eyebrow in question. “What? Have you never seen a girl ride a bike before?”

  “No. No. That wasn’t what I was implying. I’m just… well, I guess you’re right. I’m surprised.”

  I laugh
ed. “It wouldn’t be the first time I got that look. What did you imagine? That I drove some cute little Volkswagen Beetle?”

  “Oh, heavens no. That wouldn’t suit you at all.”

  “Then what would suit me?” I asked as I moved closer.

  “Now that I think about it… I couldn’t see you driving anything other than a motorcycle.” He grinned. “I don’t even know why I’m surprised. You’re one of the strongest, most down to Earth girls I’ve ever met, Kyla. I really appreciate that in a woman.” He added before his cheeks turned red at the realization of his words. “Well, I’ll see you at eight then.” Quickly, he turned around, tidying up the studio.

  I chuckled to myself and walked out, a permanent smile etched on my face. First, a personal training session and now dinner at his place? Things were coming along quite nicely. Who knows what would happen next? I grinned at the thought, picturing our evening finishing in his bedroom.


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