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Captured By The Warriors

Page 62

by Daniella Wright

  The morning was quiet as I zipped through the sleepy neighborhoods. Wanting some time to clear my head, I took the back roads, letting the long winding drive take my mind off everything. Maybe I should just forget about all of this. Deem it a one night stand. Yet, deep down, I knew that I couldn’t abandon Quin. I knew too much and maybe that’s why I wanted to see him again. I nearly turned around, but I was already halfway home.

  As I was approaching my apartment, I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around, but my helmet didn’t give me a very wide range of vision. I peered into the forest that surrounded the streets, but all I saw was blurring tree trunks and foliage. In front of me, a little red Toyota drove well below the speed limit until I could not handle tailgating it any further. I sped past it and dashed ahead, making a turn that was a little too sharp for my comfort.

  Seconds later, a beautiful woman in a striking red dress appeared in the center of the road. I slammed on the breaks, my bike nearly flipping over. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I steadied the bike and yanked off my helmet. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I demanded. “What are you doing just standing in the middle of the road?” I asked, but she just looked at me with a vacant expression.

  Her long, blood red hair hung over her eyes, obscuring them. Sighing, I put down the kickstand and walked over to her, leaving my helmet behind. “Are you alright?” I asked, reaching out, thinking maybe there was something wrong with her. The moment I held out my hand she grabbed it, her tongue running along my palm.

  I was frozen in place almost instantly. My body wouldn’t obey my commands to run away, no matter how hard I tried. All I could do was watch as her fangs grazed my skin, eventually reopening my champagne glass injury. My fingers trembled as her ruby lips moved closer to the blood now seeping from my hand. At this point, I had no doubt that she was another vampire. Had Quin and Elroy been telling the truth?

  I tried to yank my hand away, but I was powerless in her grasp. I gulped, making her stare up at my neck, her head tilting as she noticed the mark Quin had left behind. “A marked one.” Her voice was a slither of syllables as she grinned, her tongue running along her lips. “All the sweeter.” She smirked about to lean down and feast on my flesh.

  But before she could do so, Elroy dashed out from between the trees, tackling her to the ground. My eyes grew big and I stepped away, hearing the woman scream, her hands reaching out in my direction. I shuddered, watching Elroy wrestle with her, trying to keep her at bay. Quickly, I got to my bike, about to mount and drive away, but I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Nausea washed over me and the last thing I remember before my head hit the asphalt was the sound of the woman’s agonizing, ear-piercing scream.

  Chapter 9

  I woke up with a pounding headache. I slowly got up, only to find myself on a soft mattress. The walls of this room were a soft powder blue. The furniture was white and beige. It looked like a children’s room. I tried to get to my feet, but my whole body felt wobbly. I fell back onto the mattress, trying to catch my breath.

  “Don’t try to get up.” Elroy appeared beside me. I jumped, seeing his face so close to mine.

  “Jeez.” I pressed my hand to my chest. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “And you almost got yourself killed yesterday.”

  “Yesterday?” I asked, my mind still a little fuzzy.

  “I told you not to leave the house. This is the only safe place until Quin comes back. I tried to tell you that, but you didn’t listen to me, did you?”

  “I didn’t believe you, I thought you were some kind of madman,” I admitted, feeling a little guilty.

  “Well, you’d be wise to heed my warnings in the future.” He advised. “Now, I have to take care of your injury. This might hurt a bit.” He suddenly yanked off the bandage on the side of my head.

  “Ow!” I exclaimed, flinching as my temple throbbed. “A little warning would’ve been nice.”

  “I did warn you.” He said, a smirk playing on his lips. Before I could say another word, he dabbed a cold, wet cloth against my head that made it sting. I pushed his hand away. “Do you want this to get infected?” His words cold and fierce.

  “Let me do it.” I grabbed the cloth and pressed it against my head. “What happened anyway?”

  “You fainted and hit your head.” He said, matter-of-factly.

  “Right…” I whispered, the memory suddenly replaying in my mind. “What happened to the woman?”

  “I killed her.”

  I was thrown off by his brutally blunt answer. “Just like that?”

  “She was going to kill you.” He explained. “And if Quin marked you, he obviously has feelings for you. I couldn’t let you die in my care.”

  “Are you friends with Quin?”

  “Nearly brothers. We were turned into vampires at the same time. Long ago, we angered the leader of a clan and his subjects overwhelmed us. We had no idea what he was, what they were… That makes us blood brothers in a sense I suppose. We stuck together ever since.” He sounded nostalgic before he looked down at the first aid kit he had brought onto the bed. “You humans are so fragile…” He commented as he started to prep another bandage.

  “I’m sorry that I’m not some bloodsucker, but by the looks of it, you guys aren’t as immortal as legend says.”

  “We’re immortal, not invincible, there’s a difference. We still feel pain and can still die like any other creature.” He sighed. “If she had been stronger I might have died to protect you.”

  His words brought me back to the present as I looked up at him. “You would’ve died for me…?” I asked in disbelief. Up until this point, he had seemed so cold and distant but now, as I looked into his eyes, there was warmth there. A sense of humanity I hadn’t seen before.

  “I can understand why Quin marked you.” He looked away, his bangs falling over his eyes. “You’re very beautiful…” A soft shade of pink covered his cheeks and I giggled, finding it cute.

  “Are you blushing?” I teased him.

  “No.” He answered immediately, his eyes once again cold. “I don’t blush.” He folded his arms over his chest.

  “But your cheeks are all red.” I reached out and poked the side of his face in a playful manner. He pushed my hand away, but the moment our skin made contact something clicked. It was like a spark had ignited inside of me and I could see the same happening to him. There was a light in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. Slowly, I raised my hand again, brushing away his hair, exposing his face and smiling. “See. You are blushing.”

  “Vampires don’t blush.” He said again.

  I laughed. “Maybe not, but they’re certainly very stubborn.” I shook my head, letting my hands fall away, but the lingering sensation was still there, slowly making its way through my body and into my heart. It made a home for itself inside one of its chambers.

  Elroy busied himself by working on the bandage, finally placing it against my injury. “There. From now on, please do as I say and stay inside, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled at him and this time, he replied with a shy smile I found rather endearing.


  Quin was gone for nearly a week and having to spend all that time with Elroy was difficult. Anytime we came in close contact, I felt goosebumps forming over my skin. Could it be that I was attracted to him? That I was slowly falling for him in the same way I had fallen for Quin? No. How could I possibly love two men at the same time? I wasn’t that type of girl. Was I?

  As I battled with these thoughts, Elroy came into the living room. “Are you hungry?” He asked, his voice soft and mellow. His cold demeanor had melted away with the passing days and now, we were getting along quite nicely.

  “Sure.” I got up and followed him into the kitchen.

  “What should we make?” He asked.

  I walked up to the refrigerator as if I had lived in this house all my life. Inside, large hunks of meat lined the shelves. Most of the bags were f
illed with blood that had pooled at the bottom. “Elroy?” I stood up and looked at him, suddenly making the connection.


  “You two don’t feed on humans, do you?”


  Chapter 10

  “So how do you survive?” I asked, thinking back to all the vampire stories I had ever read.

  “We still drink blood, just not human blood.” He said nonchalantly. “Animal blood works just as well to quench our hunger, it just doesn’t taste as good as human blood.”

  I nodded in comprehension before I pulled out a bag of chicken wings. “Would this work?”

  “Perfectly.” He nodded.

  “Can I ask you something?” While dumping the wings into a bowl, Elroy came up behind me with some seasoning. His arms were on either side of me as he placed the container on the counter. His lips were close to my neck, his breathing caressing my skin. I held my breath, forgetting my question.

  “You’re wondering why Quin had to leave after marking you.” He whispered as if reading my mind. I nodded, wondering how he knew. “You’ve been trying to ask me that question all week.” It was true. “Human blood is like a powerful drug, we get addicted. We always want more. If I had to guess, Quin is out in the forest, feasting on animals, hoping to get rid of your taste so he can come back without the threat of sucking you dry the moment he sees you.”

  As I listened to his words, I sprinkled the curry rub over the wings, mixing them together. I was very aware of Elroy’s presence behind me. “What if he comes back and loses control?”

  “I’ll stop him.” Elroy’s breath came out in a huff against the side of my neck. “By any means necessary.”

  My heart skipped a beat at his words, realizing that his need to protect me was not just an obligation to his friend, but a desire to take care of me. My cheeks turned red and I looked down at the bowl, hearing his gentle breathing against my ear. “I do care about you…” Elroy whispered, his hand slowly moving on top of mine. His fingers locked with mine and I felt my body become rigid as if someone had turned my spine into a metal bar. “You don’t know how hard it has been for me to live with you this past week… knowing you were sleeping just a few rooms away and that I could easily make you mine…”

  “Why are we waiting for Quin?” I finally asked the question that had truly plagued me this whole time. I turned around and looked Elroy in the eye. Our noses nearly touched. “Why are we waiting for him? Will his return change anything or will I be forced to live in this house for the rest of my life?” When he wouldn’t answer, I rested my hand on his chest, my fingers gripping his suit jacket. “Tell me.”

  Suddenly, before I could even react, he leaned forward and kissed me. Our lips smashed together. I wanted to resist, remembering my time with Quin, but it was impossible. His soft pink lips were sweet and tantalizingly delicious. I found myself melting into the kiss, every inch of my body giving itself up to him before I finally pulled away. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t cheat on Quin like this. Without thinking, I rushed out the front door, my feet pounding against the hot summer sidewalk.

  In their front yards, the neighbors watered their flowers and played with their children, oblivious that they had a pair of vampires living next door.


  I ran as fast as I could, dashing into the forest as if I could find Quin if I just searched long enough. Leaves and snapped tweaks made for a rough and dangerous terrain. I slowed my gait and looked around, trying to spot the toned kickboxing instructor I had fallen in love with.

  I recalled his image in my mind, picturing his broad shoulders and chiseled face. His lips called out for mine and I could nearly feel his touch. I remembered his hesitation in the bedroom and how his every movement was aimed at my pleasure. My heart ached thinking about him and tightened at the thought of the kiss I had just shared with Elroy. I felt guilty and ashamed.

  Feeling tired and fatigued, I sat down on a nearby rock. The surface was rough and as I ran my hand along it, I felt it graze the small scar that had formed on my palm. I looked at it, remembering the vampire in the red dress. Was I vulnerable even now?

  I wrapped my hands around myself, feeling a sudden chill as I looked around. A soft breeze toyed with the leaves. One of them fluttered to the ground, landing in a puddle. I stared at it as if it would materialize into Quin’s body. But of course, it never did.

  Feeling frustrated, I looked up at the canopy of leaves overhead, but it offered me no comfort. I hugged myself a little tighter, trying to soak in the last rays of the dying sunlight. My surroundings were painted by moving shadows that lingered on every tree trunk and bush. I felt like I was being watched by a million eyes.

  Despite this feeling, the fatigue I felt was slowly getting the best of me. My eyes became heavy as I struggled to keep them open. I slouched down, getting into a comfortable position against a rock. Finally, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and fell asleep.

  In my dream, Elroy found me in the forest. His old-fashioned clothes looked so peculiar in contrast with the verdant scenery. He smiled at me, his black eyes sparkling like pieces of onyx. As he leaned down to help me up, his bangs fell over them.

  I took his hand, but instead of hoisting myself up, I pulled him down. He landed on top of me, his body pressed against my own. Our lips were only inches apart as the tips of our noses rubbed together. Gently, I moved his bangs out of his face and smiled. A second later, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me. His lips were rough and his kiss hurried as if I would disappear at any moment. His tongue forced its way into my mouth with a profound passion. Soon enough, our tongues were tangled together in an erotic dance as our bodies rubbed against one another.

  I could feel Elroy’s hands run along my hips, his thumb hooking into the waistband of my pants, toying with the idea of taking them off. Eager to be with him, I placed my hand on his, helping him. I lifted my hips into the air to make things easier. A light blush formed on his cheeks as his fingers ran along my now bare thighs.

  Silently, he leaned down. Flashing a smile, his large canines came into view. He bit the hem of my panties, tugging on them as he grinned at me. I shivered, my fingers running through his hair. I was about to tell him to rip them off my body when he started to rub me through the thin material. With two fingers, he rubbed small circles against the wet spot that had already formed there.

  When I started to moan, he picked up the pace, rubbing me through my panties until I felt a warmth spreading through my pussy. His grin deepened as he pressed his fingers against my panties, pushing them inside of me. I could feel the silky material caress my sensitive skin and already, my hips were dancing in the air.

  As he continued to tease me, a branch snapped nearby. I looked up to see Quin standing there, watching us. I expected him to be hurt and disappointed, but instead, he had a raging hard-on between his legs. I eyed it hungrily, wondering what he would do. We made eye contact and he stepped forward, his cock now inches away from my lips.

  In a flash, I was sitting on Elroy’s face, his tongue rolling along my clit. I moaned out, my lips parting into an oval. Quin took his chance as he grabbed my face and pushed his rock-hard cock inside my mouth. My lips wrapped around him tightly, struggling to accommodate his thick girth. It felt like my jaw would dislocate as he stood there with his cock forced down my throat. My nose was pressed against his soft tuft of pubic hair. He tugged on my hair, forcing me a little deeper. I was gagging hard, drool dripping down my chin. With my hands on his thighs, I tried to push him away, but with Elroy’s tongue now deep inside of my pussy, all I could really do was let out a stifled moan.

  Fortunately, Quin pulled away just when I thought I would pass out. I gasped for air, my head resting on his thigh as his cock twitched before my eyes. Instinctively, I grabbed it in my hand and started to stroke it. I ran my fingers along his veins as I ground my hips into Elroy’s face, enjoying the tongue-fucking he was giving me. Already, I was edging toward the point of orgasm
, but I was determined to make this moment last. I didn’t want these two men to leave me. In a way, I needed them. Their personalities, combined, was the only way I could ever feel complete.

  Suddenly, Quin rammed his cock into my throat once more. I gasped and he pushed himself even deeper until there was a significant bulge in my throat. He only stayed there a second before he pulled out and started to shallowly fuck my mouth, letting my tongue tease and play with his tip. I did everything I could to make him feel good as Elroy continued to pleasure my pussy, going faster and faster.

  My head was starting to spin with the bliss that coursed through my veins. I shivered with delight, my nails digging into Quin’s thighs as I lost myself in the moment. I sucked him hard, my head bobbing up and down along his length, my lips tightly wrapped around him. I kept moaning against him as Elroy’s tongue moved rapid fire in and out of me. Soon, it was too much for me to handle and I was pushed over the edge.


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