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Captured By The Warriors

Page 91

by Daniella Wright

  “Well, that’s very well a possibility.” She says coyly.

  “A possibility, huh? Us staying like this forever?” I tease.

  “Perhaps not like this. But forever, I hope” She corrects. Warmth blooms in my chest and I smile, wrapping my arms around her. I’m overwhelmed by feeling of true happiness for perhaps the first time in my life. Only now, I realize, there are many moments like this to come. An eternity of moments, spent with the woman who’s heart I had somehow managed to grasp. I hum thoughtfully, brushing a hand through her hair. Her breathing is evening out, and I can feel her falling asleep in my arms. Of all the impossibilities, this is perhaps the most compelling of all. As I feel myself beginning to drift off as well, ready to give way to sleep, I speak just loudly enough for her to hear.

  “Forever. That sounds good to me.” I offer. She simply snores in return. I consider her through weary eyes, blinking them closed and sagging into the bed. “Forever.” I repeat, drifting off to sleep. Premonitions were never my thing, but then again, never had immortality been my thing either. However, the dreams I have spoke of an eternity spent with my first love, my last love, and my only love.



  Taken By A Monster

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Romance

  Adrianna Summers

  A young woman with a big heart who made a lot of bad choices in her youth. She’s wise, though, and very adept at adapting to her surroundings and different situations. She isn’t timid, and far from weak, but she is terrified of one person

  Robert Foster

  Adrianna knew Robert Foster from her youth. They were young lovers, and at one point, she loved him dearly. He got into the bounty hunting business, however, and began down a dark, seedy path that Adrianna knew would destroy her.

  She makes a break from him, leaving him when he and his crew are ambushed by a rival gang of bounty hunters, taking one of his space ships and fleeing.

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  “Peace. Calm. Nobody will suspect anything.” I swore to myself as I tried to walk as unsuspiciously as possible. All I had to do was get to the spacecraft. Once I do that… once I do that I am safe. I could escape to the world in which my own caring is not a fatal flaw.


  The name itself is pretty tacky. As if ‘Where Dreams take Flight’ is a good name for a planet. The only reason it is so popular despite its cringe-inducing name and it’s overly tacky title is because it is true. In Eridia, you trade pure freedom for safety.

  I would never make that decision on my own, and he knows that. I love my freedom enough that I wouldn’t give it up. Which is specifically why it is the perfect place to hide in plain sight.

  Without the fear of the end of the world. Of being roughed up by a gang. Of… of the people you should be able to love and trust most in the world…

  No time to think of that. It happened to me, it was awful, but it ends tonight. If I wasted time bemoaning my past, all I will be doing is slamming the window to my future shut. I finally got to the area where he left my ship. My beautiful baby ship that I build myself, with my own two hands welded every part of it. Silly me, I even named it L-8. It was supposed to be a pun because everyone else was too late (get it? Late, L-8? It’s- oh forget it!) to stop me.

  When I saw it, I gasped. It was tied up in such a way that I almost cried. It would almost be better if he sold it so it wouldn’t be harmed the way she so clearly was. She was a beautiful red and blue disk-shaped aircraft – I put so much time and work into forming her myself when I was twelve – that I used to fly across the cosmos with.

  Sure it wasn’t fancy or beautiful as I didn't have a big budget when I was just a kid, I took whatever parts I could get. It was more beautiful than any other spaceship to me because it was an extension of me. But now… the rusted metal, the iron chains wrapped around its form. It made me gnash my teeth. I wanted nothing more than to rush back at him, to attack him. To make him feel every moment of pain I could possibly put him through, for hurting not only my body, not only my self-worth but the object that was symbolic of my very soul.

  I almost actually turned around to go back to him. To demand his apology. L-8 was more than just a ship. She represented my hopes and dreams and my future. She represented who I was and who I wanted to be when I was oh-so-innocent.

  This… this felt like what he did to me. Destroyed parts of me that he didn’t like. Tore down. Hurt me on purpose, yet also just let me be hurt by the things around me. Put a chain around it so it couldn’t escape. I would make him pay. I could make him-

  As I glanced down at my arms I winced. Oh right. The problem – I recalled Looking at the barely healed gashes and the blotchy red bruises, tied back up by some gauze – was that I couldn’t make him do anything. Petty revenge wasn’t at all worth any of this possibly continuing.

  I needed to leave as soon as possible, so I had to let go of my anger. Anger isn’t worth it. A moment of triumph isn’t worth it. I need to leave him, and never see him again. Only then could I be safe and happy and… I could make everything better for myself.

  I used some old spray to de-rust it – thank god for things working for once – and burnt the chains off with a mini-flame thrower. My ship is fireproof – it had to be, to get through the thick atmosphere on some planets – so it didn’t burn.

  Too bad that awful man is right sometimes. I am dumber than I think I am. This was a realization I made, as I touched the door to open my ship. Forgetting that it had just been ON FIRE I wasn’t ready for the way my skin sizzled. I can’t believe I had actually forgotten just how hot it was in my haste to enter the car. I stared at the charred flesh of my hands. Beautiful espresso skin charred. I would need a skin graft in order to heal the skin, and then more time to build up the callouses.

  I choked back a scream – I can’t let anyone hear me here, they may warn Robert – as my eyes overflowed with tears. Why am I such a failure? Why do I ruin everything I try to do?

  Knowing that I don’t have a chance to do much, and probably won’t have much or any freedom if I don’t get moving, I get into the car. The nerves are going haywire and I want to think only of the pain, but I knew, if I don’t escape now, I will never get the chance to do so.

  I got in, throwing my knapsack full of money and a few days’ food into the back of the car. I couldn’t take anything. He could have tracking chips on any piece of my belongings. I don’t have time to scan any of my things, needing to leave immediately. I don’t know – and I definitely don’t care to know – which things he thinks are most important to me.

  He knows the ship is. That’s why it was hidden in the shed and tied up. That’s also why I had to take a pit stop. I drove a few lightyears, finding a random planet. It didn’t matter what planet, just that it had a trading outpost with some people who could keep their mouths shut. It took several days to find the right place; the food I packed was all gone by the time I got there and my stomach was snarling for sustenance. “I’ll trade all my things for a new ship, three… four weeks’ food, and clothes.”

  Thank the gods for the chip on my neck that allows me to speak any language fluently and understand it as my native tongue. I can’t afford to waste even a moment of my time. Every second wasted is a second closer he gets to me.

  Speaking of the chip…. “I have one request. Scan my body for B-32 and T-165 trackers.” I told the pudgy toad-esque creature in front of me.

  I didn’t much care for appearances. Hell, I probably wasn’t the prettiest thing around according to most species. He was ugly down to the bones, though. A pure sleaze ball in demeanor and a crooked smile that made me grind my teeth. I was leaving my perfect ship with this disgusting thing.

  “Ahh,” The creature’s slime covered lips curled up in a smug expression I could barely describe as a smirk. “Turlish bounty hunter after ye’, eh?”

  “They want to kill me because I betrayed th
em.” I immediately replied. The lie rolled off my tongue like turpentine. Was it a lie? At this point, not even I was totally sure. They do want to kill me. By leaving I did betray them. However, I’m not so sure about the cause and effect relationship between those two things.

  He looked over my body after I stripped nude and lit my clothes on fire. I almost shivered in revulsion as he scanned me. “There is one embedded into your left breast.” He informed bored.

  I scowled as I looked over at my own body. This was gonna hurt.

  I grabbed a surgical scalpel after injecting a slight amount of numbing agent into my breast. He gave it to me on the house, but not nearly enough to make all the pain go away.

  My own blood poured over the silver tattoo on my stomach, staining it with a disgusting crimson as I continued cutting the chip out of my breast. I was crying at the pain of my hands and my breast.

  Chapter 2

  When I had finally healed enough that I could leave, I immediately hopped in the new spaceship. No more tracking chips. No more finding me and breathing me near to death for daring to attempt an escape.

  My body was bruised and would need so much healing that I may spend the next ten years working off medical expenses if I didn’t get to Eridia. My psyche was probably irreparably damaged. But I am alive. He can’t take that away from me.

  I am alive.


  How ironic. Just as I think this, I am caught in the traction of a quasar, being pelted by debris. I am so worthless sometimes. It’s like my every decision is wrong. Why can I never do anything right?

  I tried whatever I could to escape. But it was useless, my engines could only go so fast, and didn’t have enough velocity to escape…. Unless...

  It was nice to be me at some points. I didn’t have the voice in my head telling me to think twice about that crazy idea that has a low chance of survival, the one I’m told that most people have. Only a deep voice screaming at me to take my chances. Just allow yourself to be at the mercy of the luck gods. What is the worst that could happen?

  I’m already probably gonna die, after all. It isn’t like quasars are merciful, loving creatures.

  I whispered a hymn before I shot myself against an asteroid hurtling towards me and ricocheted off. Thank god there was enough velocity to propel me out of the hold of that Quasar. I landed on the closest planet. It wasn’t any easy landing by any stretch of the imagination.

  The ship was destroyed on impact. I was thrown out harshly. The pink sand dug into my skin and I cried out as I got rug burn from the impact, my clothes tearing up a little bit more. I could see my blood staining the sand and my limbs shook as I couldn’t even push myself up.

  Trying to stand was a futile endeavor. Upon the 57th time attempting to move my failing body, I realized something. It wasn’t a good epiphany. I simply understood my situation. I was alone. Scared. And I didn’t have anything of value left to give away. Falling to the ground in despair, letting the parts of me that I was holding up fall, I shuddered. The air was as harsh as the terrain on this planet.

  My body was out of energy, wasted as all my wounds and several days without food added to my inability to move. No! I will not quit! I need to live. I’ve gotten this far. I can go a bit farther.

  Shaking with the effort it took to stand, I forced my body forward.

  “Shh.” A soothing voice whispered in my ear, as I felt strong arms wrap around me. They made me feel protected but were not too strong as to think I could not fight them off if necessary. I should fight, but I couldn’t. It was awful. “It’s okay. I’ll protect you. I’ll make it all better.”

  I know I was weak because I couldn't even open my eyes to see my savior. And I didn't think twice about letting my guard down, as I fell asleep in his comforting embrace.

  Chapter 3

  I usually pride myself in the knowledge that I am not actually as weak as I seem. Or stupid. I don’t think about what I do sometimes, sure, but who doesn’t? On the long run, I’ve made more good choices than bad ones.

  So, when the next time I could get my eyelids to peel open, fighting against the led weights I could feel on them and woke up in a bed that was too nice, I was immediately on guard. It was soft as a cloud and I am so used to my old scratchy quilt that the spider silk sheets felt too foreign. I hissed as I scrambled out of the sheets twisted around me.

  When I grasped for my trusty poison tipped twisted dagger, and felt only the flesh of my thigh, my brow furrowed. My dagger was always strapped to this thigh. I was barely lucid enough to notice the problem, slowly grasping around my legs. It took a few minutes before I actually looked down at my body, I noticed that I was naked, except for… new bandages on my arms and… my left breast? Why would that be there? I didn’t have enough time to clean my bandages. Why would he fix things for me?

  Unless my ‘savoir' expected me to be grateful for his saving. If he expected me to reward him with… Oh, fuck no! That is not happening in his life. I'll sooner rip out his throat and destroy him. Even if he did save me. He obviously didn’t do it with pure intentions.

  Nobody ever does anything with pure intentions.

  The anger pumped the blood through my body faster. Enough to actually stand on shaky legs as I heard light footsteps coming towards my room. I almost fell to the ground in my haste to get to the orb of light in the center of the room. Those things are great conductors, and while a Morhian – like myself – has a strong enough constitution to withstand touching it, most beings on this side of the galaxy couldn't touch it without being utterly destroyed.

  I brandished it as a weapon as I glared at the door. My ebony skin was still charred, but holding the orb didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Maybe it’s one of those fancy-schmancy energy saving orbs? It doesn’t matter.

  I saw the door slowly click open and I was about to attack. I was dumbfounded by the appearance of the man before me, holding a bowl of soup with a soft smile on his face. Never before had I seen such a… exquisite creature. It was a man, and he almost looked… like I did. But where my ears were, he had two… butterfly wings? They fluttered like wings when he cocked his head in confusion.

  His features were sharply defined, with none of the slight pudginess of my own features. And when his face relaxed, I almost felt myself relax as well.

  “Stop it.” I mentally berated myself. “This is obviously a trap.”

  “I mean you no harm.” His voice had a purring lilt to it. It made me calm down despite my own wishes. “I am a physician. I want only to study you, and provide assistance.”

  He seemed harmless. And he did save my life… and he was cute.

  Putting the orb down, and allowing myself to believe him, may have been the best decision I have ever made.

  Chapter 4

  He helped me when I was so weak I couldn’t have fought back if he decided to hurt me, with no selfish thought in his amazing mind. He desired my body, yes, but did not demand it or even ask for it. He wanted to help me leave, back when I was silly enough to believe I wished for such a thing.

  I was staring down at him as he slept. He breathed evenly, a warm smile on his face as he held me to him. He held me so tight as if he was afraid I might leave if he allowed me any freedom at all.

  How is it that anything so beautiful as a perfect moment could even hope to exist in such a harsh reality? It would make the gods themselves weep at what they hath wrought. To create a world that could harm such a perfect creature is an idea that I doubt they ever even believed themselves capable of.

  When he awoke and pressed his soft lips to mine, I held onto him. I hated when he left for work. I did my own work now, but it was so nice to have someone who will take care of me because they love me so deeply. “Dalen,” I whined, “Stay home with me.”

  His chest rumbled with his laughter, pressing a kiss to my forehead before telling me he needed to leave. “Worry not, Sweetling.” He cooed to me. “I will be home soon. Why don’t you go to the communi
ty center again? I know you enjoy going there.”

  I smiled at the thought. It was nice there. Growing up a bounty hunter never left me with much time to interact with others or create anything. The idea of bonding with the people around me as I created something to benefit others was novel at first, but as I grew more and more used to the idea, I realized how much more than novel the idea was. It was… amazing.

  Helping others was an option? Well, it had never been before this. I was so amazed by the fact that it actually was now. I couldn’t even believe it in any way.

  I should’ve known it would never last.

  I just… I wanted it so much, that I brushed off all the signs. Ignoring every warning sign was most likely a bad idea.

  Wanting to make him happier, I decided I would make him his favorite food. It was the stomach of a domestic animal that resembled an emu, stuffed with grain and cooked in this peculiar way, that I could barely wrap my mind around it.

  Clearly, I wasn’t a fan of the meal. But Dalen gave me so many things I couldn’t get myself, it is only fair to give him something. If he loved it, and it is what he wants. Then he shall have it.

  Feeling eyes on me, I looked around the community center in confusion. Where is it? Why am I feeling this way? Like I am just prey again. I am more than prey.

  No. That can’t be possible. Nobody could find me here.

  With that thought in mind, I shrugged, shaking it off as I walked around town. I smiled at Derra’ when I came across her as I walked around. She was a beautiful woman who was also born here on Moro.

  “Derra’!” I called, hastily following her throughout the streets once I realized she could actually help me out with my quest. “You know how to make Dolp’era? Right?” She probably did. I think she’s married to a chef or something.


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