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Santa' Wayward Elf

Page 20

by Paige Tyler

  “Not a trick,” she corrected him. “Elfin magic.”

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  Copyright © 2013 by Paige Tyler

  Jennifer gave her boyfriend a worried look as she set her purse down on the table in the entryway. Nik had been distracted all evening and she couldn’t help but wonder if everything was okay between the two of them. Even though they’d only been dating for a couple months, she was really starting to fall for him. She hated to think tonight’s date was some sort of bizarre precursor to breaking up with her. Her heart squeezed at the thought.

  Not that she should be surprised. After dating her for a while, most guys came to the conclusion she was way too reserved, especially in the bedroom. She really wasn’t. She was simply shy. It took a little while for her to be comfortable enough to be herself with them. Unfortunately, they usually didn’t hang around long enough to find that out.

  Jennifer had felt comfortable with Nik right away, and the sex had been great between them from the start. Or at least, she thought so. She might not be as adventurous in the bedroom as the girls she read about in Cosmo, but she did okay. Nik obviously didn’t think so, though. Darn it, why couldn’t she be more like the heroines in her books? They never seemed to have a problem holding a man’s interest. And they were never shy in the bedroom. Or anywhere else they had sex, for that matter.

  But as Nik took her hand and pulled her into his arms for a long, slow, intoxicating kiss, Jennifer told herself she had to be wrong. A man didn’t kiss a woman that way if he was going to break up with her.

  When Nik lifted his head several moments later to regard her thoughtfully, Jennifer felt some of her unease return. Here it comes, she thought, and braced herself.

  “You know,” he said, reaching up to gently brush her hair back from her face. “You kept me waiting quite a long time while you were getting ready earlier.”

  She frowned. O-kay. She hadn’t been expecting that. “I did?”

  He nodded. “You did.”

  She felt her face color. “I didn’t mean to. It’s just that I was running late at work, then I had to stop at the store…” She caught her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m sorry.”

  Nik’s dark eyes were appraising as he studied her. “I’m sure you are. But I think you might need something to help you manage your time better so that you don’t do it again, don’t you? Like a spanking, let’s say.”

  Jennifer blinked up at him. She couldn’t have heard him right. “Wh-what?”

  “A spanking,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’ve heard it can be a very effective way to modify bad behavior.”

  Jennifer’s eyes went wide at that. Who was this guy, and what had he done with her boyfriend? Before she could think of something to say, Nik took her hand in his and led her over to the couch. She was so stunned she didn’t even protest when he sat down and gently guided her over his knee so she was lying stretched out across his lap. Even if she hadn’t been robbed of speech, she wouldn’t have protested anyway. She’d secretly fantasized about getting spanked for years, so much so that she had started writing about it, and tonight that fantasy was finally going to become a reality. But how had Nik known she wanted to be spanked?

  Her pulse quickened as her boyfriend firmly place one hand on the small of her back. The simple action was enough to send a little quiver of excitement through her, and she almost let out a moan. As eager as she was for this spanking, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous at the same time. Would having her bottom reddened sting as much as she had imagined? Would she like it much as the heroines in her books did? Would she get as turned on as they did? As her boyfriend placed his other hand on her skirt-covered bottom, she realized she was about to find out.

  Read on for a Sneak Peek of my Erotic Romantic Suspense PROTECTIVE CUSTODY!

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  Copyright © 2013 by Paige Tyler

  They spoke little on the ride to her apartment. Once they got there, Gray told her to wait in the entryway while he took a look around. It seemed like overkill to her, but she didn’t argue. However, she didn’t stay where he’d told her to, either. Instead, she went into the kitchen to open her mail. That earned her a dark scowl from Gray when he came out of the bedroom several minutes later. Paisley pretended not to notice.

  “I’ve been on a stakeout for a couple of days,” he said after declaring the apartment clear. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”

  She glanced up from the Victoria's Secret catalog she had been flipping through. “No, go ahead.”

  “Thanks.” He picked up his overnight bag from the floor where he’d left it. “I won’t be long. Keep the door locked and don’t open it to anyone.”

  Yeah, yeah. She went back to flipping through the catalog, only to pause when she heard the shower turn on a few minutes later. She had looked for a way to give Gray the slip ever since they’d walked out of the police station, and she decided she wasn’t going to get a better opportunity than right then. While she had to admit she really didn’t mind having the hunky inspector around, she hated being told what to do, especially by her father. Time to exercise her independence.

  Tossing the catalog on the counter, Paisley hurried out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. Knowing she wouldn’t have enough time to do more than pack a few things before Gray came out, she decided to forget about the basics and instead, just grab a dress and a pair of high heels to wear that night. Everything else she could borrow from whichever friend she stayed with. At least until it was safe to come back to her place. By safe, she meant when there wasn’t some cop hanging around it.

  Shoving the dress into an evening purse, Paisley picked up her shoes in her free hand and darted from the room. She had barely made it past the bathroom when the door opened.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Gray demanded from behind her.

  Paisley stopped in her tracks at the commanding tone in his voice. Crap! She had hoped to slip out before Gray finished taking his shower. It just wasn’t fair that guys could clean up so fast. Squaring her shoulders, she whirled around to face him. And blinked. Though he had put on jeans, he hadn’t bothered with a shirt, and all she could do was stare at him in feminine appreciation. She had known he was built, but she hadn’t realized just how well. Broad shoulders, a chiseled chest, and rock-hard abs. Daaaaammmm! He had a body that just wouldn’t quit.

  Gray crossed his arms over his chest. “Well?” he prompted when she said nothing.

  Paisley tore her gaze from his perfectly sculpted arms to look up at him. She hadn’t realized he was so tall. Even in heels, she was still almost a head shorter than he was. She lifted her chin. “Out.”

  His golden brown eyes narrowed. “Not without me, you’re not.”

  She let out a sigh. “Look. Like I told you before, this isn’t going to work. I’m going to stay with some friends until this whole thing blows over. You can just tell my dad that I gave you the slip. He won’t hold it against you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  She clenched her jaw. “I wasn’t asking for your permission, Inspector. I’m leaving and you can’t stop me.”

  With that, Paisley whirled around and started for the door. She didn’t even make it halfway before Gray caught her arm and turned her back around.

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  She glared up at him. “Oh, really?” she countered. “And just how are you go
ing to stop me? Handcuff me to the bed?”

  Her words hung in the air between them for a long moment before his mouth finally quirked.

  “Though I’ll admit that’s tempting,” he said, “I have something more effective in mind.”

  Before she could ask what he meant by that, Gray led her over to the couch. What was he going to do, sit her down and lecture her?

  To her surprise, Gray didn’t sit her down at all, but instead took a seat himself. Totally perplexed, she was just about to ask what he was doing when a tug on her arm sent her sprawling over his knee. She had no choice but to drop the purse and shoes so she could put her hands on the floor to keep herself balanced.

  For a moment, Paisley was so stunned she just lay there. She recovered quickly enough though, and when she did, she immediately tried to push herself upright. But a strong hand on her back held her firmly in place. Furious at being manhandled, she glared at him over her shoulder.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  He returned her glower with one of his own. “Teaching you a lesson.”

  Paisley opened her mouth to retort, only to let out a startled little gasp when she felt him smack her upturned bottom. He did not just spank her!

  And don’t forget to look for HER PERFECT MATE, Book One in my military/paranormal, action-adventure, romantic suspense X-OPS SERIES!

  Coming from Sourcebooks May 2014!

  About the Author

  Paige Tyler is a bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. She and her very own military hero (also known as her husband) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their adorable fur baby (also known as their dog). Paige graduated with a degree in education, but decided to pursue her passion and write books about hunky alpha males and the kickbutt heroines who fall in love with them.

  Other Books by Paige Tyler


  The Buckle Bunnies Series

  Ride of Her Life

  Team Roping

  Ride ‘em Hard

  The Badge Bunnies Series

  Seducing Officer Barlowe

  Two Cops, A Girl and A Pair of Handcuffs

  A Cop, His Wife and Her Best Friend


  Hands-On Training

  The Cowboy Series

  Karleigh’s Cowboys

  And The Ranch Hand Makes Three

  More Than a Cowboy (Special Two-Book Set)

  Alaskan Werewolves Series

  Animal Attraction

  Animal Instinct

  The Cutler Brothers Series



  The Cutler Brides

  Modern Day Vampires

  Vampire 101

  The Friends Series

  Spicing Up Her Marriage

  Taking Her Friends Advice

  It’s Just a Job



  Kayla and the Rancher


  Dead Sexy

  Santa’s Wayward Elf

  Just Right

  The Magic Spell


  Security Risk

  The Postman Always Comes Twice

  Good Cop, Bad Girl

  Mr. Right-Now

  Erotic Exposure


  Sexy Secret Santa

  If You Dare

  Submission Becomes Her

  Librarian By Day

  Protective Custody

  Spanking Sydney

  The Real Thing

  Not Really the Outdoor Type

  The Wager

  Maid for Spanking

  The Girl Who Cried Wolf

  Stop, or I’ll Spank

  Samantha and the Detective

  Nosy By Nature

  All She Wants for Christmas

  The Trouble with New Year's Resolutions

  Austin Malone. Private Eye

  The Girl Next Door


  A Date for the Wedding




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