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An Heir For The Flame

Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  “It is about what I would expect from the likes of such uncouth marauders.” She kept her voice haughty and aloof. It was hard to maintain because he seemed to take everything as a joke, as though he were laughing at her.

  “Uncouth? Perhaps if you knew us a little better.” There was that silken tongue again.

  He approached her, bowing as though to royalty, going along with her act. “I am Gunnar, from the house of Riyalk.”

  “Gunnar? What meaning does your name carry?” It was not a name used by her people, she knew she should show no interest, but she still struggled not to feel attracted to him.

  “It means, warrior, or attacker.” He had set down the food, and was checking the cut on her head. “It is a noble name amongst my people.”

  “Attacker,” she repeated. “And thief? I understand that is how you make your way in the world.”

  “No,” he laughed. “It is my given name and it was the way of life I was taught, and expected to lead.”

  Trinity snorted in disgust. “You say you have no choice in what you do? Ransacking towns and villages, stealing from people?”

  “We all do what we are born to do, is that not true, Dragon Princess?” He finished checking her damaged hand, his fingers lingering over her pulse, which she knew had quickened at his nearness.

  She raised her eyes to his and felt mesmerized by them, parting her lips she leaned forward, inviting him in. He responded to her, she closed her eyes, waiting for his lips to touch her. Instead he got up and left.

  Shocked at her actions she sat hugging her knees tightly to herself. Trying to think of something else she instead dwelled on what he had said, never before had she thought how other people were perhaps made to do what was expected of them.

  However Gunnar was still a Galvainian Marauder, and ShanRohit would still kill him given the chance, and she would allow him, wouldn’t she?


  Three unbearable days later, she felt a shift in the energy around her. Her heart beat faster, ShanRohit had come for her. She sat and listened for the battle to start, soon there would be the shouts of men, and the firing of their great weapon. Yet there was nothing.

  Trinity started to think she must be mistaken; she had misread the feel of him in the air, that maybe it was a kind of hallucination, her longing for him playing tricks on her. Then she began to feel strange, an excitement surging through her veins. Taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself, but she could not. Instead she felt compelled to stand and go to the cell door and listen.

  There! She could hear him coming; he was in his human form. Her excitement became greater and she had to stop herself from calling out to him. Clapping her hand over her mouth she kept herself quiet but could not help shifting her weight from one foot to another in anticipation.

  “Trinity?” he called softly.

  “Yes,” she said excitedly.

  “Are you unharmed?” he asked concerned.

  “Yes, and you? How did you get passed the guards?”

  “They are looking for a dragon. So I stowed away on one of their ships as it returned from attacking the city.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “How are we going to get away?”

  “I will try to open the door, otherwise I will break it down and turn into my dragon form and fly out.”

  “But they will shoot you down!”

  “The weapon is turned outwards; they do not suspect I am already here. If I fly straight up we may get away without a fight.”

  “It is too dangerous, please go, and leave me here.”

  “Would you leave me if our positions were reversed?”

  Trinity was silent, he knew she would not, and she also knew he could not. They were bound forever.

  “Then wait until my food is brought and take the key. It will give as more of an element of surprise if we can get out quietly.”

  “I do not know if I can wait now that you are so close.”

  “Please, ShanRohit. He will be here soon, it is worth a try.”

  “Very well,” he agreed reluctantly.


  They waited for an endless age, ShanRohit hid behind some crates further up the corridor. It was torture knowing he was so close but out of her reach. Her excitement turned to impatience, even though she knew this was the best idea she wanted to shout out and tell him to hurry up.

  Just when she could contain herself no longer she heard the sound of an outer door opening and the familiar footsteps of Gunnar. He came closer, oblivious to the intruder waiting for him. Trinity listened as he unlocked the door, she moved away so he would have to come inside. She hoped it would give ShanRohit the time he needed to sneak up behind her captor.

  She sat on the mattress, in the same place she always sat when he came in. He put the food down and she felt the familiar wave of attraction wash over her. She looked him full in the face, taking in his kissable mouth and soft eyes.

  Their gaze locked and he smiled at her for the first time since the night she had offended him. For the last time she fought the surge of attraction, and then his eyes closed as ShanRohit struck him on the back of the head and he fell to the floor. Instantly the attraction he held over her vanished. ShanRohit held out his hand and pulled her up and then they were running out of the cell and up the corridor.

  When they were close to the outside door he slowed them down, they needed the element of surprise to last for as long as possible. He listened carefully, moving them forward step by step when he knew it was safe. Trinity clung to him, wanting this ordeal to end.

  At last he was confident they could make a run for it, he pulled the outside door open and before they were fully out had begun to change. In a shimmering haze he transformed into the mighty dragon, and before the first marauder had spotted them she was heaving herself onto his back. Holding on tightly to him she closed her eyes as he took a tremendous leap off the ground, the beat of his wings strong, propelling them up almost vertically. She felt every muscle in his body strain with the effort.

  Up they went, shouts filling the air all around them, she dared open her eyes for one moment to see them trying to turn the weapon around on him. ShanRohit saw this too; he took in a tremendous breath and sacrificed the speed of his climb to instead rain fire down on the men who had taken his mate captive. Trinity screwed her eyes shut and would have put her hands over her ears if she had not needed to hold on. All she wanted to do was shut out the screams of men burning to death.

  Then they were free, climbing high into the clouds, leaving the marauders far below. She hoped they would think twice before ever trying to harm her or her family again. Part of her also felt relief Gunnar had been unconscious in the fort and had not died by ShanRohit’s flame, it was a thought she quickly extinguished from her mind.

  He flew for some time, they reached the mainland, it was a part she did not recognise, the trees were different and there were no landmarks she knew. ShanRohit started to descend, heading for a thick forest; he skimmed the trees until he came to a clearing big enough for them to land in. There he set her down and shimmered into the man she had longed to see.

  “Thank, goodness you are safe,” she said throwing herself into his arms. “I was so scared they would kill you.” She tried not to cry but a sob escaped her.

  “They would have if you had not warned me.” He kissed the top of her head and stroked her back to soothe her.

  “It was real? I thought it only a dream.” She looked up at him with eyes filled with wonder.

  His face flushed, he was remembering their dreamlike coupling. “Yes, it was real,” he murmured as he pushed her back towards a tree.

  The bark was rough against her back, yet she did not care, he lifted her up and tore her dress so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Pushing her undergarments aside he grasped his length and in one quick movement had penetrated her.

  He held still, his cock deep inside her, and then he kissed her fully on the lips, taking his time to explore her mouth
while his hands pulled the front of her dress down to reveal her soft breasts.

  Her dress was beyond repair by the time he had finished, but when his mouth sucked her nipple into his warm mouth she was past caring. The need for him was too great; the time away from him had been too painful.

  With one hand supporting her he moved in and out of her heated sex, his mouth and other hand stimulating her body in other ways. Sliding out of her, before penetrating her again fully, he reclaimed her, his teeth grazing her neck to make a mark that any man could see. It was a primal mating, an animal staking his claim.

  His thrusts became harder and faster, her sex sore and stretched by him. Yet she did not stop him, she wanted this as much as he did, she wanted him to claim her, her guilt over the feelings she had experienced for Gunnar still fresh in her mind.

  She arched her back, offering herself to him; he took her offered breasts and sucked hungrily on them, nipping her soft skin, his control slipping further. Then he cried out while he came, pumping his seed into her. The throbbing of his cock took her to new heights, his need and ownership of her making her incredibly aroused. Her voice joined his, their cries mingling together in the same way their bodies were now melded together, moving as one.

  His body jerked hard into her, Trinity lost herself to the feeling of her sex pulsing around his hard length. Her legs and arms wound around him holding him tightly to her. When he had finished he stilled, his cock still buried inside her, not wanting to let her go.

  Slowly, very slowly he loosed his grip, she slid down his body until she stood before him, head bowed. He lifted her chin and kissed her lightly, the look on his face told her that everything was alright in his world.

  Yet to Trinity the feeling of betrayal was like a sharp thorn digging into her heart, painful with every breath. She would never be able to forgive herself for the way she had responded to the marauder, Gunnar. It was unforgivable when she loved ShanRohit so much, but it was something she would have to live with for the rest of her life.

  “Are you feeling well, my love?” he asked, his voice full of his usual concern for her happiness. “I am sorry if I was a little rough; I needed to feel you around me. The days without you have been a torture beyond anything I could ever have imagined.”

  “I am simply tired, and I long to go home.” Her words were at least partly true.

  “Then let us depart. Before long we will be safe in the stronghold. The elders are preparing a spell to stop any intruders ever cresting the mountains.”

  Before he eyes he shimmered into that wonderful beast, her dragon. With a still heavy heart she climbed onto his back and held on tightly. The soreness in her legs where his scales rubbed her seemed a suitable penance for the way she had behaved while she was away from him.

  They arrived at the stronghold as night fell. She was so exhausted she only managed to slide off his back, landing heavily in a crumpled heap on the floor. ShanRohit changed instantly and picked her up, his body still naked as he carried her to their bed and laid her down.

  The warm covers helped ease her pain, the feeling of being home, the smell of him close. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, in her dreams she could not find him although she searched and searched. Eventually the dreams slipped away and she fell into nothingness, for without ShanRohit there was only emptiness.

  Chapter Four

  When she woke he was still next to her, arms wrapped protectively around her shoulders. His warmth made her feel better; it helped chase the memories of her captivity away. Snuggling close to him she breathed in the scent of his body, her fingertips trailing along his back.

  “You had a restless night,” he said, “I would gladly hunt down and kill every man who had a part in this.” His arms tightened around her.

  She stroked his back, soothing him. “I would rather put the whole thing behind us and concentrate on the new life that grows inside me.”

  He turned to look at her fully. “You are sure?” he asked sliding his large warm hand over her stomach.

  “Yes, I believe the elders were right. I have had thoughts and feeling that were not quite my own. He is a strong character, like his father.” She leaned forward and kissed, ShanRohit on the mouth.

  He gathered her to him and held her close. “Then our world will be filled with nothing but happiness.”

  Sighing against him, ShanRohit mistook her sense of resignation for contentment. She could not risk his happiness with a confession about Gunnar. It would be a secret she would keep to the end of her days.

  “Can we eat?” she asked pulling away from him. “I am starving.”

  “Of course,” he pushed himself off the bed and offered her his hand. They walked together to the larder and soon he had found food for both of them. They sat quietly and ate, Trinity beginning to feel more herself with every mouthful.

  “The elders have worked the spell to be cast on the mountains. It will allow only dragons to fly over them.” ShanRohit told her as they finished.

  “Will you need to find a magic maker?” Trinity had not had any real dealings with the people who had the ability to cast spells. There were not too many of them left in the world and they were a secretive race, and highly paid. She wondered where the gold would come from to pay for one, if they could find one.

  “No. In dragon form I can do the spell myself.”

  She stopped eating and stared at him. “I did not know dragons could do magic.”

  “Yes, but of course it is something that you would never have seen, or your father before you, after all there has not been a living dragon for over a thousand years.”

  This made Trinity remember the question she wanted to ask the elders. “Will it take that long for our child to hatch?” she asked.

  He looked at her, seeing her sadness. “Is this the thing that troubles you?”

  “I did not say I was troubled.” Trinity flushed, remembering what haunted her.

  “You were so restless last night, you cried out in your sleep. I thought there must be something wrong. You must not worry about our child, all will be well.”

  “But you do not know that. I might never meet the child that I carry.” She could not express how much this frightened her. “You have not met your parents.”

  “My father is one with the elders, we have spoken together and he has told me all about my mother.”

  “But it is not the same,” cried Trinity. “I will never see him. Never hold him, it is so unfair.”

  He came to her and embraced her, his arms giving her some comfort, but it was not enough. She pulled away from him. “Go and do the spell to keep us safe, ShanRohit. I would like some time alone, please.”

  With that she left the cave that served as a kitchen. She went and lay down on the bed and cried herself to sleep. How could her world have been so shaken? Only five days ago their life seemed so perfect, they were so wrapped up in the love they had for each other. Now it had been shattered, and she did not know where to begin to put it back together again.


  Trinity woke feeling a little better; she knew what she had to do. Rising she dressed in a simply and went to find ShanRohit.

  Crossing the cool stone floor she began to grow more confident in her decision. She loved the dragon shifter, and he loved her. What had passed between her and Gunnar had been nothing compared to that.

  She went to the door that led outside, the memories of the day she had been kidnapped flooding back to her. Telling herself she was being stupid she went quickly outside, knowing she was safe now. ShanRohit would have cast the spell and no one would ever put her in danger again.

  Taking a gulp of the clear mountain air she released it slowly, her breath appearing like smoke before her. It was late in the day, but she was determined to see ShanRohit as soon as possible, she wanted an end to her worry. Trinity wondered if he had gone to hunt, he must surely be craving fresh meat by now.

  Sitting down on the ledge she gazed out over the valley as the l
ight dimmed in the sky. It was sometime later when she heard him. It was too dark to see the dragon as he approached; instead she listened to the reassuring thrum of his wings, slowing as he came into land.

  The dragon carried a deer in its mouth. As he drew closer Trinity could smell the fresh blood from the kill, and her mouth watered. What was wrong with her?

  ShanRohit landed a little way off from her and deposited the carcass onto the ground. He had brought it back to share with her. Normally he would prepare the meat and cook it for her, though he preferred his rare. This was how she wanted it today.

  A shimmering in the air signified his return to human form. He looked so primal when he had changed, a naked hunter with his prey. Her breath caught in her throat, he truly was magnificent, Gunnar paled in her thoughts, there could never be any choice, any competition. It must have been the feeling of being trapped that had made her feel the way she had. Still she could not carry it on her conscience, she needed to tell ShanRohit.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked.

  “A little,” she answered moving towards him.

  “I will prepare a fire and then skin the animal for you.” He moved to fetch some wood and kindling.

  “I am not so sure about the fire.” The urge to eat the meat raw was growing; she could taste the metallic tang on her tongue already.

  ShanRohit stood silent for a heartbeat, listening. Then he burst out laughing, “The elders say the baby inside you will crave raw meat, he is growing fast.”

  He came towards her placed his hand on her stomach, smiling. Looking at him her heart broke.

  “ShanRohit, I have something I must confess to you.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Trinity, whatever troubles you, please tell me, I have felt your distance since we returned, and I cannot bear it.” His dark eyes were deep pools of worry and doubt, and then, his voice filled with pain, he whispered, “Did they hurt you?”

  She knew what he asked and wanted to assure of him of that at least, “No ShanRohit, nothing actually happened.” She took a deep steadying breath and then told him. “I was attracted to the man Gunnar. I could not help it, I feel as though I betrayed you. I would have kissed him; I believe it was only the feel of our child inside me that stopped me.”


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