Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings
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Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings
B.M. Hardin
This book is a work of fiction. All persons, events, places and locales are a product of the others imagination. The story is fictitious and any thoughts of similarities are merely coincidental.
Table of contents
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
This book is dedicated to a few special superstar readers, Jody Andrews, Victoria Dillon, Cynthia Scott, Denetta Banks, Tonya Pope, and Moe Epperson.
Thank you all for your support and for following me on my writing journey. It is truly a blessing to have supporters like you in my corner. Thank you!
First and foremost, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for my talents and my gifts and each and every story that he has placed in me.
It is an honor and a privilege to be living my dream and walking in my purpose and for that I am forever thankful.
Also to all of my family, friends, critiques, supporters, readers and everyone else, thank you for believing in me and allowing me to share my gifts with you.
Your support truly means the world to me!
B.M. Hardin
Author B.M. Hardin’s contact info:
Twitter: @BMHardin1
Instagram: @bm_hardin
Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings
Chapter ONE
“Where are you going?”
Drake looked at me as though I’d just insulted him.
He said something under his breath, and I was sure that he was being a smart ass, but it was too low for me to understand it.
“What have I told you about asking questions? You know your place. And you just played your role. You take care of me. I take care of you. No questions asked. No answers needed. You already know what you need to know anyway. I need for you to stay in your lane, and not in mine okay,” he said as he continued to get dressed.
Did he really just say that to me?
Fooling with me, his lane was about to consist of a three car pileup of punch his disrespectful ass in his face, throat and his mouth!
Honestly, he’d actually hurt my feelings, but I dared not show it.
I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’d gotten under my skin.
“I’m just saying. You never leave so soon. What’s the rush?”
Drake, or as I liked to call him most of the time, Dray, exhaled as though was getting on his nerves.
But I could have cared less.
I’d just given him the best thirty minutes of his life, so it wouldn’t kill him to give me a thirty second or less explanation.
As always, I’d just given him grade A sex.
And a top of the line blow job on the side.
The least that he could do after all of that was answer my damn question and he could leave the attitude by the front door.
I was probably going to have lock jaw for the next two days after that blow that I’d given him, but I’d had to make sure that he was sent home right or at least so sexually satisfied that he didn’t have anything left to give to her.
“If you must know, I’m taking my wife out to dinner tonight. Is that okay with you?” Drake said sarcastically.
I’d known that Drake leaving so soon had something to do with her all along.
I became even more annoyed.
And hell no it wasn’t okay with me!
Being the other woman was one hell of a pill to swallow and I was steadily choking on it.
I just didn’t see how other women did it, and were actually okay with it.
My current situation was definitely not okay and it was more than hard for me to accept it and even harder for me to explain.
I was a mistress by mistake, or maybe it was by accident.
Or maybe it was by default.
I was confused.
But either way, it damn sure wasn’t by choice; at least not entirely.
But I won’t even get started on that situation.
“You haven’t taken me anywhere in forever. I like to go out to eat too you know,” I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed.
Dray eyed my naked frame for only a split second, and then proceeded with putting on his shirt and tie.
“Moet, do you really want to go there?”
“Why are you taking her to dinner? What is it her birthday or something?”
“What did I tell you about asking me anything about her? She is none of your business. And husbands do take their wives out to dinner, occasionally. Besides, if you had killed her like I told you to, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?”
Wow, he had some nerve!
And obviously he had the two of us confused.
He was the murderer…not me.
I’d just been the one to do the time for the crime…with my stupid ass!
I stared at him for a few seconds more, wanting to give him a piece of my mind, but I figured that it just wasn’t worth it.
It was a waste of my words and a waste of my time.
And it wouldn’t change anything anyway.
Drake was half sweetheart and half jackass, all rolled up into one.
Some days you felt as though you hit the jack pot and on other days you felt as though you’d been hit by a bus whenever he was in your presence.
He was far from being consistent these days and I didn’t like it one bit.
I took a deep breath to keep from crying, or to keep from swinging on him.
Either or would have made me feel better at the moment.
I tell you, being second place sucked!
And any woman that said that it didn’t, at least at some point in time, was telling a damn lie!
And I would be the first to tell them that they were.
Some said that there were benefits to being the other woman.
You got benefits, sex, and occasional romance, minus having to deal with the lies, arguing and problems that came with a real relationship.
For some, not having a commitment was fine, but it sure as hell wasn’t fine with me.
But yet, here I was doing what I was doing anyway.
I didn’t even pretend to hide my frustrations.
Besides, Drake knew me just as well as I knew him, so I was sure that even if I tried to act as though I was okay, he would still be able to tell.
“What Moe?” Drake asked me as I pulled the sheets off of the bed with a frown on my face.
Drake had been calling me Moe since we were younger and the nickname just sort of stuck.
It was Drake and Moet; Dray and Moe.
That’s what it was supposed to be until he started adding folks to the equation.
I didn’t say anything, so he grabbed me by the arm.
“What huh? Moet, I’m not in the mood for this today okay? You already know the deal. Don’t start acting stupid. Look, I’m sorry. It won’t be much longer alright,” he lied again.
I knew that he was lying, as always, so I still said nothing.
Broken promises should have been his middle name.
And “liar” should have his face beside of it in the dictionary.
Everything that came out of his mouth these days was as far from the truth as Hell was from Heaven.
He never used to lie to me but boy had he changed.
Everything about him had changed.
You would think that I would have been used to Drake being dishonest by now or that I’d accepted the situation for what it was or either gone on about my business, but I hadn’t.
The truth was that unfortunately, I loved Drake like crazy; even though I wasn’t supposed to.
But the reality of it all was that I was just his piece on the side and no matter how he tried to make me be comfortable with it, it would never be good enough.
Basically, I was just the woman that gave him bomb ass sex, just the way that he liked it, and he knew that no other woman could do it better or make him feel better than I could.
Not even his wife.
But I wanted to be and I deserved to be his main chick; this side chick status just wouldn’t do.
Just thinking about myself in that way made me want to throw up in my mouth.
Seriously, the whole situation made me sick.
I was the one who deserved him.
I was the one who deserved to be his wife.
But I wasn’t.
She was.
Drake snatched the sheets out of my hand and scolded me.
“Check your feelings. And get them under control before I come back tomorrow.”
Drake threw the sheets in my face, and waited for me to respond but I didn’t say a thing.
Drake walked towards the bedroom door, but I didn’t bother to look in his direction.
Sometimes the sight of his sorry ass made my ass itch. Although I wasn’t quite the angel in the situation myself, at least I had good reasons for my actions.
What was his excuse?
I could feel him staring at me, but I refused to give him any eye contact.
“Come here,” Drake ordered, but instead I headed towards the bathroom to put the sheets in the linen basket and to get a fresh set out of the storage closet.
Right behind me, Drake followed.
He stood behind me but he didn’t say anything else.
Quite frankly, I just wanted him to leave already.
One of these days he was going to come looking for his next fix and I wasn’t going to be here.
One of these days I wouldn’t be there for him when he called and one of these days I wouldn’t love him.
And I wished that day would come sometime soon.
I was sick of being his door mat and I was going to find someone who appreciated me.
At least that’s what I told myself to make me feel better.
Drake had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it too. There was a time that I thought that I had him just as sprung over me as I was over him, but those days were long gone.
Knowing that he was behind me, I bent over to get the sheets off of the bottom shelf.
I knew that he was looking and I knew that he was going to want to touch me.
I was going to find joy in telling him no!
Seconds later, Dray turned me around to face him.
He backed up towards the sink, holding me tightly around my waist.
I tried to break free of his grip, but he forced me closer and closer to him.
Drake took the fresh sheets out of my hand and let them drop to the bathroom floor.
“I really do love you Moet. You do know that right? Damn it, just stop trippin’ on me. You know you got my heart and so stop acting like you don’t already know my situation,” he said and attempted to kiss me, but I turned my head.
He had no idea what love was.
Love was what I felt for his stupid ass!
I didn’t know what it was that he felt for me.
“Tell me you love me?”
I shook my head no.
Drake grabbed my face and forced my lips to touch his.
I didn’t kiss him back, not at first, but after a while my lips started to intertwine with his without my permission.
I tried to pull away, but his big, muscular arms held my tiny body in place.
Drake thought that sex fixed everything, but it didn’t.
He thought that by giving me dick on the regular that that would keep me off of his case and keep me in my place for a little while longer.
But I was on to the game that he was trying to play and truth be told, I didn’t want to play no more.
I wanted more.
I continued to shake my head no, and tried to peel his fingers away from my body but it wasn’t working.
I knew that Dray was determined to get what he wanted and from the looks of it, I didn’t have a choice but to oblige, and prepare for round two.
The only good thought about it all was that if he was trying to have sex with me, again, he was probably going to miss dinner with her.
So, maybe giving him some wasn’t such a bad idea.
But still yet, she was who he was going home to.
No matter what he did with me, and no matter what nasty, freaky things I did to him, he always went home to her.
With my thoughts all over the place, I let Drake go ahead and have his way with me.
He lifted me onto the bathroom sink, and hurriedly freed himself from his charcoal black dress pants.
He entered me and I didn’t even pretend as though it didn’t feel good, because it did.
If we didn’t have nothing else, we’d always had great sex.
But sex would never, ever, be better than love.
It was a temporary fix, and never a long term solution.
Did Dray love me?
He said that he did.
And I was sure that in some twisted, unsettling way, he probably had some kind of love for me.
But it wasn’t enough.
I needed more.
I needed the kind of love that he’d had for me all of those years ago.
I needed the kind of love that he’d always told me that he was going to have for me and would give to me as long as I gave him mine in return.
He stared deep into my eyes as he started to moan, but I didn’t make a sound.
I just looked at him and allowed my eyes to say to him what my mouth had said a million times before.
I was in love with a married man and no matter what he did or how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to stop loving him.
Minutes later, Drake released inside of me, and then he kissed me once on my forehead.
Drake straightened himself up, and then he pulled out his wallet and sat a couple of hundreds on the edge of the sink like I was some prostitute or something.
“Make sure you go get that morning after pill later on. And pick us up some more condoms would you. That way you could stop wasting sixty bucks on a pill, and just buy yourself some shoes or something with it. Get the thin condoms too. You know I like be able to feel a little something. You know what Daddy likes don’t you baby? I’m out. Love you,” Drake said and with that and with me still sitting butt naked on the sink, he was gone.
Once again, I was left to sort out my thoughts and sort through my feelings alone.
Usually when I knew that he was going to be with her, I called him like crazy.
I would text him back to back and if he took too long to text me back, I would start calling him.
And I would dare him not to pick up the phone.
Last time he tried to ignore me, he lost his pussycat privileges for weeks, and he definitely wasn’t feeling that.
And even though I knew that he would fuss at me later, I always did the same thing.
I texted and called him non-stop and I didn’t care if he didn’t like it.
My Dray, spending quality time with another woman just didn’t sit well with me, even if the other woman was his wife.
But today I was feeling different.
Today, I just didn’t care.
Once I’d made up my bed, I didn’t even glance in the direction of my phone.
Instead, I headed back into the bathroom to shower.
br /> As the scorching hot water harassed my nipples and as it started to sting my face, I gave in to my conscious and I began to think about Drake and our past.
Drake and I went way back.
We were previously friends that turned into lovers, and eventually we became everything else in between.
I was his ying to his yang as some might say or better known as his ride or die chick as others would have called it.
Basically, I was stupid as hell when it came to him when instead of trying to be his ride or die, I should have been asking a few questions like:
“Where are we riding to?”
“Do I really have to die if I ride?”
You know, stuff like that.
But I hadn’t.
It was always about Dray.
It was always about what Drake Eugene Knox wanted, and I didn’t care if it got me into trouble, or put me in harm’s way during the process.
I’d stuck by him.
I’d defended him.
Hell I’d even gone to prison for him.
Drake had gotten into some trouble here and there back then.
He really was a good guy at heart; just a little rough around the edges and often misunderstood.
No one understood him like I did.
Anyway, he’d gone from robbery, to writing bad checks, and from breaking and entering to petty theft; basically, if you named it, he probably did it.
Eventually he’d found himself caught up in the world of selling drugs, and the more money he made, the more the problems came.
As always, when living that kind of lifestyle, something was bound to go wrong.
Maybe he was making too much money or maybe it was that they weren’t making enough, but Drake eventually found himself with more enemies than he could count.
But there was one in particularly that Drake had to watch out for and his name was Mario Ruiz.
Mario had been a big dog in the game for years, and Drake caught wind that he had been inquiring about him, and not in a good way.
Mario was known to be ruthless, cold hearted and he wasn’t too fond of someone handling the streets as good as he was, if not better.
After two failed attempts, a bust gone wrong and a drive by at the wrong house, it soon became a life or death situation, and it finally came down to the obvious.