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The Vorkosigan Companion

Page 19

by Lillian Stewart Carl

  Baruch, Cynthia Jane—baa-RUHK, SIHN-thee-ya JAYN—Doctor, geneticist who built the original ovarian cultures for Athos, and put herself into her work. (EA)

  Beatrice—BEE-uh-trihs—Marilacan lieutenant, tall, redhead, lost in the escape from Dagoola IV. (BI)

  Beauchene Life Center—BOH-shayn LAIF SEHN-tr—Medical facility on Escobar specializing in cryo-revival. (MD)

  Benar, Fehun—bay-NAHR, FAY-huhn—Commander of an orbiting Felician ore refinery and a friend of Major Daum. (WA)

  Benin, Dag—BEH-nihn, DAAG—Ghem-colonel in charge of the investigation of Ba Lura's death. (C, CC)

  Beta Colony—BAY-tah KAH-luh-nee—Second extra-solar colony, first successful one, founded from the U.S. before the advent of wormhole technology. (DD, FF, SH, WA, CC)

  Bharaputra, Vasa Luigi—baa-ruh-POO-truh, VAA-suh loo-EE-jee—

  Baron, head of House Bharaputra on Jackson's Whole, maker and seller of clones (and his own customer). (BA)

  Bianca—bee-AHN-kah—Doctor and psychiatrist, he married into a pharmaceutical company and wants more control. (DD)

  Bollan Design—BOH-lahn dee-ZAIN—Small engineering firm specializing in odd and experimental Necklin field generators and custom repairs especially of obsolete jump ship rods. (K)

  Boni, Tersa—BOH-nee, TR-zah—Medtech, Escobaran, in Personnel Retrieval and Identification for nine years, made sure it was done right for her daughter. (SH)

  Bonn—BAWN—Barrayaran engineering lieutenant at Laskowski Base, ordered to have his men clean up a fetaine spill. (VG)

  Bonsanklar—BOHN-saang-klahr—Large seaside resort in Vorkosigan District. (B)

  Borgos, Enrique—BOHR-gohs, ehn-REE-kay—Escobaran, doctor of entomology rescued with his bugs and lab equipment by Mark from his creditors on Escobar. (CC)

  Bothari, Konstantin—boh-THAH-ree, KOHN-stehn-tihn—

  Armsman to (in order): Aral Vorkosigan, Ges Vorrutyer, Aral Vorkosigan, Piotr Vorkosigan, Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan, and Miles Vorkosigan; absolutely loyal to the Vorkosigans and absolutely deadly, but not absolutely sane. (SH, B, WA)

  Bothari-Jesek, Elena—______-JEH-sehk, ay-LAY-nuh—daughter of Konstantin Bothari, childhood friend of Miles, Ivan, and Gregor, apprentice to Commodore Tung and captain in the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet, married to Bazil Jesek, later retired as a merchant captain. (All except EA, DI, FF, SH)

  Brownell—brah_oo-NEHL—Betan Port Security officer attempting to arrest Arde Mayhew. (WA)

  Brun—BRUHN—Captain in the Imperial forces, Security commander in Barrayaran trade fleet escort. (DI)

  Calhoun, Tav—kaal-HOON, TAAV—Owner of the RG 132 who accepts a deed of Vorkosigan land as security on payment for it. (WA)

  Canaba, Hugh—kah-NAH-bah, HYUU—Doctor, geneticist working for Bharaputra Labs, target of clandestine pickup from Jackson's Whole by the Dendarii Mercenaries. (L)

  Cappell—kah-PEHL—Mathematician in the Waste Heat Management section of the Komarr Terraforming Project, Serifosa Branch. (K)

  Cavilo—kaa-VEE-loh—Commander of Randall's Rangers, promoted herself by assassination disguised as accident. (VG)

  Cay, Daryl—KAY, DAA-rihl—Vice President, R&D, biological, and major stockholder of GalacTech, a geneticist, he had a vision for humans in zero gravity. (FF)

  Cecil—SEH-sl—Major in personnel at the Academy, personally involved in deciding every cadet's first assignment. (VG)

  Cee, Terrence—SEE, TEHR-ehns—L-X-10 Terran-C, experimental result of Faz Jahar's genetics project on Cetaganda. (EA)

  Cetaganda—see-tuh-GAAN-duh—Empire of eight planetary systems plus "allied worlds." Tried and failed to conquer Barrayar, Vervain, and Marilac. (C, DI)

  Chalopin—CHAA-loh-pn—GalacTech Shuttleport Three Admin istrator, Rodeo, she is annoyed with Van Atta for bypassing her authority in handling his escaping quaddies. (FF)

  Chenko—CHEHNG-koh—Doctor, neurologist on Miles's team at ImpMil diagnosing his seizures. (M)

  Chodak, Clive—CHOH-daak, KLAIV—Dendarii sergeant, key to saving Miles and getting Gregor home. (VG)

  Clogston, Chris—KLOHG-stn, KRIHS—Captain, Senior Fleet Surgeon, has to take up forensics and a nasty nanotech-engineered virus on the fly. (DI)

  Corbeau, Dmitri—kohr-BOH, d-MEE-tree—Ensign in the Barrayaran Imperial forces, he fell in love with Garnet Five on Graf Station, touching off a chain of circumstances resulting in a diplomatic crisis. (DI)

  Couer—KOO-her—Commodore, one of the few surviving senior officers in the invasion of Escobar; he helped Vorkosigan with cleanup. (SH)

  Croye—KROY—Imperial Security lieutenant at Barrayaran Embassy on Beta Colony, in charge of watching Miles while he is there. (WA)

  Csurik, Harra—SHUH-rihk, HAA-ruh—Hiked to Vorkosigan Surleau to speak her complaint when her village speaker would do nothing about her murdered baby. (MM)

  Csurik, Lem—______, LEHM—Accused of his daughter's murder, but unwilling to convict the true killer by his words. (MM)

  Csurik, Raina—______, RAY-nuh—The murdered daughter of Lem and Harra. (MM)

  D'Emorie—deh-EHM-oh-ree—Imperial Security major of Solstice, engineering analyst investigating the Waste Heat Management's experimental station. (K)

  D'Guise—d-GEEZ—Doctor, cryonicist at Imperial Military hospital diagnosing Miles's seizures. (M)

  Dagoola IV—duh-GOO-lah FOHR—Location of Cetagandan prison camp for Marilacan prisoners of war. (BI)

  Dal, Harman—DAHL, HAHR-mn—Cover identity for ghem-Colonel Millisor on Kline Station. (EA)

  Darobey—DAH-roh-bay—One of the mutineers under Radnov. (SH)

  Daum, Carle—DAA_OOM, KAHR-leh—Felician major that hired Miles and the RG 132 to take "agricultural supplies" to Felice. (WA)

  Dea—DEE—Doctor and lieutenant, assistant to the Regent of Barrayar's physican, also competent as a large animal veterinarian. (MM)

  Degtiar, Rian—DEHG-tee-ahr, RAI-ahn—Cetagandan haut-lady, Handmaiden of the Star Crèche, serious geneticist and member of the inmost ruling circle. (C)

  Dendarii—dehn-DEH-ree-ee—Mountain range on Barrayar; also the name borne by a galactic mercenary troop led by Admiral Miles Naismith. (All except SH)

  Deslaurier—dehs-LAW-rih-r—Ensign and Fleet legal officer in lieu of a senior officer on death leave, Barrayaran trade fleet escort. (DI)

  Desroches—day-ROH-shay—Doctor and Chief of Staff at the Sevarin Replication Center on Athos. Doctor Ethan Urquhart's immediate superior. (EA)

  Destang—des-STAHNG—Commodore, Chief of Security for Sector II, hopes to retire before Miles shows up in his area again. (BA)

  Diaz, Carlos—dee-AAZ, KAAR-lohs—Private eye who lost his license and is looking for a new source of income, aka Rudolph Kinsey. (DD)

  Droushnakovi, Ludmilla—DROOSH-nuh-kaw-vee,

  luhd-MIH-luh—Bodyguard to Princess Kareen and her son, Gregor, later married to Captain Koudelka. (B)

  Dub—DUHB—Imperial armsman encountered by Miles after his unscheduled landing at Vorhartung Castle, did not believe who Miles was. (WA)

  DuBauer, Chalmys—doo-BAA_OO-r, CHAAL-mihs—Pilot in pre-wormhole jump days between Earth and Beta Colony. (DD)

  Dubauer, Ker—doo-BAA_OO-r, KR—Assumed name of Idris passenger seeming to be a Betan hermaphrodite, actually a renegade Cetegandan ba. (DI)

  Durona Group—doo-ROH-nuh GROOP—Medical research group allied to House Fell, founded by Lilly Durona and composed of her clones. (MD)

  Durrance—duh-RAANTZ—Captain, GalacTech freight shuttle commander, Ti's supervisor, who spreads gossip of Beta Colony's invention of artificial gravity. (FF)

  Dyan—DAI-aan—House on Jackson's Whole, taken over by House Ryoval. (DI)

  Escobar—EHS-koh-bahr—A high-tech world, located near to Beta Colony and Sergyar in the Wormhole Nexus. (SH)

  Esterhazy—EHS-tr-hah-zee—Vorkosigan armsman, good with horses, aids Bothari, Cordelia, and Gregor to escape Vordarian's squads. (B)

  Eta Ceta—AY-tuh
SEE-tuh—Capital world of the Cetagandan Empire. (C)

  Farr, Andro—FAHR, AAN-droh—Komarran, a friend of Marie Trogir, worried about her and about what to do with her cats. (K)

  Felice—fay-LEES—Nation on Tau Verde IV, warring with Pelias. (WA)

  Fell—FEHL—House and criminal syndicate on Jackson's Whole, specializing in arms deals. (L, MD)

  Ferrell, Falco—FEH-rehl, FAAL-koh—Escobaran Pilot Officer, assigned to personnel retrieval after the war with Barrayar. (SH)

  Fetaine—feh-TAYN—Gas terror weapon, causes genetic damage to its victims. (VG)

  Firka—FUHR-kuh—One of Gras-Grace's fellow smugglers, business manager of their enterprise. (DI)

  Fors—FOHRZ—Sergeant, GalacTech Security, he led an unsuccessful team of three attempting to recover a stolen shuttle on Rodeo. (FF)

  Foscol, Lena—FOHS-kohl, LEE-nah—Accountant for the Komarr Terraforming Project, Serifosa Branch, a most meticulous thief. (K)

  Galen, Ser—GAY-ln, SUHR—Dedicated Komarran rebel, his sister Rebecca was killed in the Solstice Massacre. (BA)

  Galeni, Duv—geh-LEHN-ee, DUHV—Born David Galen, son of Ser Galen, captain in the Barrayaran Imperial Military. Security chief of Barrayaran embassy on Earth, later head of Komarr Affairs, Imperial Security. (BA, CC, M, WG)

  Gamad—GAH-mahd—Felician Lieutenant who became enamored of his own importance upon succeeding Major Daum. (WA)

  ghem—GEHM—The lower of the two Cetagandan castes of nobility. (C)

  Giaja, Fletchir—gee-AH-jah, FLEH-chr—Emperor of Cetaganda. (C)

  Giaja, Slyke—______, SLAI-kee—Satrap Governor of Xi Ceta and half brother of the current emperor. (C)

  Gibbs—GIHBZ—Colonel, ImpSec, Solstice, financial analyst called in to examine the books of the Komarr Terraforming Project at Serifosa. (K)

  Goff—GAWF—One of four thugs hired to assault Lord Dono Vorrutyer on Barrayar. (CC)

  Gompf, Laurie—GAWM-pf, LOH-ree—GalacTech's Hazardous Waste Management Officer, George Bannerji required a proper work order signed by her to fire on the D-620. (FF)

  Gonzales, Helmut—gohn-ZAH-lehs, HEHL-muht—Feelie-dream distributor who has contracted for a sequel from Anias Ruey. (DD)

  Graf, Leo—GRAAF, LEE-oh—Welding engineer and expert in nondestructive testing, eighteen-year veteran of GalacTech, leads the quaddies to freedom. (FF)

  Greenlaw—GREEN-law—Union of Free Habitats' Senior Sealer for Downsider Relations, equivalent to a minister plenipotentiary reporting to the very top level of their government. (DI)

  Grishnov—GRIHSH-nawv—Minister of Political Education, he thought he might become the real power in the Barrayaran Empire; his ministry was one of Ezar's experiments in centralization that failed. (B)

  Gulik, Ti—GOO-lihk, TAI—Lieutenant, GalacTech freight shuttle pilot drafted to pilot the quaddies' superjumper. (FF)

  Gupta, Russo—GUHP-tah, ROO-soh—aka "Guppy." A genetically engineered amphibious human attempting to make a semi-honest living as an engineer on a smuggling ship when the crew was double-crossed and murdered in a deal only Guppy survived. (DI)

  Gustioz, Oscar—GOOS-tee-ohz, AHS-kr—Escobaran parole officer tasked with retrieving Doctor Borgos from Barrayar. (CC)

  Halify—HAA-lih-fee—Able young Felician general who hired Miles to stop the war with the Pelians. (WA)

  Haroche, Lucas—hah-ROHSH, LOO-kuhs—General and Head of Domestic Affairs, Imperial Security, sabotaged Simon Illyan's memory chip to take his job. (M)

  Hassadar—HAA-suh-dahr—New capital of Vorkosigan District after the destruction of Vorkosigan Vashnoi in the Cetagandan War. (CC, MM)

  haut—HOHT—The higher of the two Cetagandan castes of nobility. (C, DI)

  Hegen Hub—HEH-gn HUHB—Nexus of four wormholes connecting Pol, Vervain, Jackson's Whole with five wormholes, and Komarr with six wormholes, an important trade and political crossroads. (VG)

  Helda, F.—HEHL-dah—Biocontrol Warden for Sector Four on Kline Station. Her son emigrated to Athos, making her hate the males-only planet. (EA)

  Henri—HEHN-ree—Doctor and first Barrayaran uterine replicator specialist, beaten to death by Vordarian's men seeking Miles. (B)

  Hewlett—HEE_OO-leht—Jacksonian pilot, one of Gras-Grace's smuggler crew. (DI)

  Husavi—hoo-SAH-vee—Group Commander, Komarran commander of Station Security on the Barrayaran jump-point station at Komarr. (K)

  Hysopi, Karla—hai-SOH-pee, KAAR-lah—Widow, caretaker of Elena Bothari. (B)

  Idris—IH-drihs—Komarran trade ship held at Graf Station. (DI)

  Illyan, Simon—EEL-yn, SAI-mn—Captain in Barrayaran military,

  implanted with a memory chip in his brain to ensure perfect and verifiable recall. Becomes Chief of Security afterward. (All except DI)

  Jackson's Whole—JAAK-snz HOHL—System off the Hegen Hub run by the greater and lesser houses, each headed by a baron under the principle that "the Deal is the Deal." (BA, EA)

  Jahar, Faz—jah-HAHR, FAAZ—Cetagandan geneticist, obsessed with finding the genes for telepathy. (EA)

  Janine—jah-NEEN—J-9-X Ceta-G, experimental telepathy subject and companion to Terrence Cee, killed during escape from Cetaganda. (EA)

  Jankowski—jaang-KOW-skee—Vorkosigan armsman, one of the three allotted to Miles while he is at Vorkosigan House. (M)

  Jankowski, Denys—______, DEH-ns—Son of Armsman Jankowski. (CC)

  Janos—YAA-nohs—Son of Ethan's father's designated alternate parent who Ethan wished would be his designated alternate parent, moved to Outlands on Athos. (EA)

  Jesek, Bazil—JEH-sehk, BAA-zl—Deserted from the Barrayaran military, sworn as armsman by Miles, fell in love with and married Elena Bothari, commodore and fleet engineer in the Dendarii Mercenaries until his resignation. (WA)

  Jole—JOHL—Lieutenant, aide to Aral Vorkosigan. (VG)

  Joris—JOH-rs—Vorrutyer armsman, driver, loyal to Dono. (CC)

  Kanzian—KAAN-zee_uhn—Admiral in the Barrayaran military, allied with Aral during the Vordarian Pretendership, a top military strategist. (B)

  Karal, Serg—KAA-rl, SRG—Speaker for Silvy Vale, a veteran and a traveled man. (MM)

  Kety, Ilsum—KEH-tee, IHL-suhm—Satrap Governor of Sigma Ceta, impatient, manipulative. (C)

  Kline Station—KLAIN STAA-shuhn—Three-hundred-year-old station orbiting a faint star in a nexus of six wormholes, a thriving crossroads with one hundred thousand citizens, already a hundred years old when Athos was founded. (EA)

  Klyeuvi, Amor—klai-OO-vee, AY-mohr—"Kly the Mail," retired major, served Piotr in the Cetagandan War, then eighteen years as the Imperial Mail in the hills, he aids Cordelia and Gregor in escaping Vordarian's squads. (B)

  Komarr—koh-MAHR—Important wormhole nexus, living off its trade routes; controlled by Barrayar, as its only outlet to the rest of human inhabited space. (CC, K, M, SH)

  Korabik, Gottyan—koh-RAH-bihk, GOHT-yahn—Eager for promotion, joined Radnov's mutiny; got his captaincy in the expedition against Escobar, died soon after. (SH)

  Kosti—KAWS-tee—Corporal, gate guard at Vorkosigan House provided by ImpSec. (CC)

  Kostolitz—KOHS-toh-lihtz—Unhappily paired with Miles for the academy entrance physical tests, later befriended. (WA)

  Koudelka, Clement—koo-DEHL-kuh, KLEH-mnt—Suffered nerve disruptor damage in Radnov's attempted takeover of the Sergyar expedition, became secretary to the Regent, married Droushnakovi, has four daughters: Delia, Olivia, Martya, and Kareen. (B, CC, SH, WA)

  Koudelka, Delia—______, DEE-lee_uh—Eldest Koudelka daughter, involved with Commodore Duv Galeni. (CC, M, MD, WG)

  Koudelka, Kareen—______, kah-REEN—Youngest Koudelka daughter returning home after a year studying at Beta Colony with Mark Vorkosigan, finds it hard to return to Barrayar. (CC, MD)

  Koudelka, Martya—______, MAHR-tee_uh—One of the middle Koudelka daughters, interested in Doctor Borgos. (CC)

  Koudelka, Olivia—______, uh-LIH-vee_uh—One of
the middle Koudelka daughters, attracted to Lord Dono Vorrutyer. (CC)

  Kshatryia—KSHAH-tree-uh—Culture whose military includes imperial mercenaries they rent to anyone. (WA)

  Kyril Island—KIH-rihl AI-lnd—Location of Lazkowski Base, a Barrayaran infantry winter training camp. (VG)

  Lazkowski Base—laas-KOW-skee BAYS—Barrayaran infantry winter training camp on Kyril Island, also called "Camp Permafrost." (VG)

  Leutwyn—LOOT-wihn—Adjudicator called in on Graf Station to judge if warrants could be issued for arrest and fast-penta interrogation, arrived in time to witness the arrival of Russo Gupta and sanction his arrest and interrogation. (DI)

  Lura—LOO-ruh—Ba, loyal servant of the Haut Lizbet Degtiar, the Dowager Empress, its involvement in the copying of the Star Crèche cost it its life. (C)

  Malka—MAAL-kuh—One of four thugs hired to assault Lord Dono on Barrayar. (CC)

  Marilac—MAA-rih-laak—Invaded by the Cetagandans. Barrayar aided them for five years until the Cetagandans left. (BI)

  Mayhew, Arde—MAY-hee_oo, AHR-dee—Jump pilot who allowed Cordelia to stow away on his ship from Beta Colony, rescued by Miles when his ship was about to be scrapped. (WA)

  Maz, Mia—MAHZ, MEE-uh—Vervani embassy Assistant Chief of Protocol specializing in women's etiquette, she accepts Ambassador Vorob'yev's marriage proposal. (C)

  Mehta—MEH-tah—Doctor, captain in Betan Security, and a devious psychoanalyst. (SH)

  Metzov, Stanis—MEHT-zawv, STAA-nihs—General commanding Laskowski Base, an old line veteran, after his resignation, he left Barrayar and joined Randall's Rangers. (VG)

  Millisor, Luyst—MIH-lih-sohr, LOIST—Ghem-colonel in charge of security on Faz Jahar's genetics project, determined to dispose of the last experimental results. (EA)

  Minchenko, Ivy—mihn-CHEHNG-koh, AI-vee—Musician, historian-performer, second-best musician on her planet. (FF)

  Minchenko, Warren—______, WAH-rn—Doctor, chief medical officer, Cay Habitat, worked from the beginning on the thirty-five-year-long project to create the quaddies. (FF)

  Molino—moh-LEE-noh—Senior Cargomaster of the Komarran trade fleet. (DI)

  Muno—MOO-noh—Sergeant, assistant to Parole Officer Gustioz. (CC)


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