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Sailkeeper's Bride

Page 6

by Annie Windsor

  Once more, Fari brushed her lips with his own. “Let me take you back to the castle.”

  Eyes closed, Georgia nodded.

  Fari lifted her like she weighed no more than a child and held her close to his warm, hard body.

  Georgia wrapped her arms around his powerful neck and held on, feeling the soft brush of leaves and blossoms on her skin as they walked.

  Protected. Safe. Treasured. Respected.

  She felt all of those things at once, and didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully, Fari didn’t require a response. He really wasn’t doing this to exact any price from her.

  Sha. Georgia toyed with the word in her shielded thoughts, wondering for the first time what it would be like to have this man beside her all the time. Day and night. She had never given marriage serious consideration before—and she wasn’t sure she wanted to—but Fari tempted her to think about it.

  * * * * *

  Elise and Krysta met them at Camford’s gates, along with two of the lesser priests. The healers immediately took Georgia from Fari, laid her on the grass, and began tending her cut lip and many bruises. She saw other Ardani citizens—workers and few warriors—also lying nearby. Many were burned, but all seemed to be recovering quickly.

  “In the woods, it was Weil’s personal guard,” Fari explained to Krysta and Elise as one of the priests dabbed a paste on Georgia’s lip. “I am sure of it. The bastard must have been planetside himself.”

  “Were they trying to—trying to—“ Elise didn’t seem able to form the words.

  “No.” Krysta sounded adamant. “They did not plan to rape Georgia. At least, I do not believe that to be true. The Outlanders are barbarians, but they have no history of misusing our women. What they do with their own is anyone’s guess.”

  Fari agreed with a grunt. “They wanted an Ardani hostage. Something to give them bargaining power. Likely they didn’t know Georgia held any importance to our family. If Weil wanted a Tul’Mar, he would have sent a small army.”

  “Ki and the Fleet are four stellar days from dock.” Krysta glanced at the sky. “Once they arrive, the Outlanders will back off for a time. They know Ki will hear their concerns.”

  “Something feels wrong about this.” Fari folded his arms and looked the part of a mistrusting cop. “It has a different…flavor. I do not think Weil is after negotiations.”

  Krysta smoothed her silver hair. “What then?”

  “I think he wants a fight.”

  “I hope you’re overreacting.” Elise shivered.

  “It would scarce be a match.” Krysta snorted. “They have but a handful of vessels, and few in their ranks.”

  “That we know of,” Fari muttered.

  Georgia felt tension mount in her belly. Her head started to hurt, and to her great frustration, tears pooled in her eyes again.

  Fari turned toward her. “Enough,” he said to Krysta and Elise. “Georgia needs to go inside now.”

  Krysta nodded and walked over to Georgia. She helped her up with a soft tug, followed by a tender embrace. “I am glad you are safe.”

  “Me, too.” Over Krysta’s shoulder, Georgia saw Fari hug Elise and start to walk away.

  An incredible chasm opened inside Georgia. She didn’t want to lose sight of him. More than that, she wanted him to stay beside her. She needed him beside her.

  Old voices tried to rise, telling her she needed nothing and no one.

  She silenced them with a single mental plea.


  This time, her psi-request was not too late.

  Fari stopped and turned around as Krysta let Georgia go. He didn’t smile or act triumphant.

  It might have been Georgia’s imagination, or the intensity of her focus—but Camford’s lawn seemed to go completely quiet. Elise and Krysta certainly did. They got out of the way, too, in one big hurry.

  Fari’s expression was one of relief as he covered the ground between them. Georgia didn’t throw herself in his arms this time. She didn’t have to. Fari picked her up with the same warm care he had shown her in the forest. His arms felt strong around her, and his hard chest made her think of his hard cock and the rest of his rippling muscles.

  As he carried her up the steps into the castle, he whispered, “You can relax now. Some sleep will do you good.”

  Georgia pressed her face into his neck and ran her lips from the soft flesh under his ear to his rough, stubbled chin. Tasting him made her pussy ache. “Sleep wasn’t what I had in mind.”

  Fari hugged her closer, but he didn’t respond aloud or through their psi-connections.

  Sometimes, the tall-dark-silent routine could be very frustrating.

  * * * * *

  To Georgia’s great irritation, Fari ordered her a late lunch from a passing servant, took her back to her room, and tucked her into bed instead of ravishing her body. She had to admit she was tired, but not too tired for a little wild sex, if the gentleman was willing.

  She patted the covers, squeezing her legs together to give her throbbing clit a little relief. “Why don’t you get naked and get under here with me?”

  Fari smiled. He sat beside her on the edge of the bed, studying her with those darker-than-dark eyes and stroking her cheek with one finger. “I was frightened for you today, beloved. It would crush my heart to lose you.”

  Can’t lose what you don’t have, the sarcastic part of her mind snapped behind what little shield she still kept between her mind and Fari’s. Georgia blinked to clear her thoughts, and instead said, “I’m not planning to go anywhere.”

  A brief shadow covered Fari’s face, but it passed as quickly as it came. Before Georgia could ask him what was wrong, he bent down and kissed her softly.

  Her nipples beaded against her soft, borrowed tunic. It felt very erotic, to be dressed in Fari’s clothes as he touched her.

  He’d figure out soon enough that she had nothing on under that tunic.

  Grinning, Georgia reached up and caught the back of his neck, holding him close. She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, enjoying his rich male flavor.

  He groaned and rocked forward, and Georgia felt the proof of his arousal against her palm when she slipped her hand between his legs.

  Please, shanna. I am in desperate need of a bath, and now…now just does not seem like the right moment.

  “Why not?” Georgia squeezed his rigid cock through his breeches as he sat back up. “I eat my dinner, you take a bath…seems like the perfect moment to me.”

  “Even though I have had some—ah, incredible satisfaction, the mating fervor remains an issue, shanna. I would not wish to risk losing control with you so shortly after bitter reminders of your past pains.”

  “Let me worry about my past pains.” Georgia stiffened and let go of his erection. “I’m finished with all that now.”

  Fari gave her an understanding smile, which pissed her off.

  “Look. I asked you to come back here and be with me. Not baby me.” Georgia gave him a little shove. “I can take care of myself, damn it. And I can make my own decisions.”

  “I—you—“ Fari stood and ran his hand through his hair. When he looked down at Georgia, his expression reflected pain and confusion—and old, ghostly hurts Georgia couldn’t quite grasp. “Why do I make nothing but mistakes? All I want to do is care.” His face flushed. “I want to love you, and be loved by you.”

  For once, Georgia was speechless. No snappy comeback so much as popped into her head. How could she lash back at a man who had the courage to lay his feelings so bare?

  Besides, she had no idea what to say about her own feelings.

  Tears rushed forward again, blurring Fari’s stunning outline. Georgia swore under her breath, battling the wave of mingled sadness and joy threatening to overtake her.

  “Why do you do that?” Fari’s eyes narrowed.

  Georgia sniffed. “Do what?”

  “Fight your emotions.” Fari shook his head. “If you have moved beyond what happened to you long ago
, why do you deny such a large part of your being?”

  “I never thought of it that way.” Georgia wiped her eyes, unable to stem the tide of tears any longer. “After Chuck raped me, I had to be strong. Emotions aren’t a part of that package.”

  Fari knelt beside the bed and kissed Georgia’s damp cheeks. “It pains me to see you cry, and yet I do not wish to stop you if tears soothe your heart.”

  “Why are you so soft with me and so gruff with everyone else?” Georgia dabbed her eyes with the sheet. “I’d almost rather you be stern. Show me your tough side.”

  So I could stay mad at you, her shielded thoughts added.

  Fari sighed and kissed her cheek again. “I cannot help but show you my true heart, shanna. Since I was young, since my parents were killed, I have shared your reticence to care. I have loved no one but Ki and Krysta, and recently, Ki’s chosen mate—until you. For the Sailkeeper, at least this Sailkeeper, it is as you described. Emotions are not part of the package.”

  Wordless once more, Georgia nodded. The catch in Fari’s voice as he spoke of his parents—something lingered there, but she didn’t want to push him any more than he had pushed her. Pulling him closer, she buried her face in Fari’s shoulder and sobbed while he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

  What am I doing? she asked herself over and over, doing her best to keep her thoughts private.

  Absolutely no answers came to her. Only the heat of Fari’s embrace, and the occasional soft brush of his lips on her face.

  Hours later, as Arda’s two suns set on the splendid horizon, Georgia lay full and contented in Fari’s arms. He had taken his bath. She had eaten her dinner, and a late snack, too. Fari had helped her change from the soiled tunic of his she wore to a clean one he brought from his bedchamber. They had talked for hours without fighting—no small task for the two of them.

  Georgia had even showed the man her paintings.

  No kidding, Elise. I really did it. She smiled to herself. Elise would be so ticked. Georgia never showed anyone her works in progress.

  Georgia had done something else, too. She had agreed to go away with Fari for a few days, so they could have some private time and get to know each better. Away from prying eyes. Away from pressure.

  They had not made love.

  And Georgia had not asked Fari to leave.

  She wanted to sleep beside him and wake up beside him in the morning, and see what that felt like.

  Progress, she thought as the easy flow of his breathing lulled her to sleep. Little steps get you there just as fast as big steps. Even if I’m not sure where “there” is supposed to be.

  Chapter 10

  The next day dawned with hues of purple and gold. A “royal sky.” According to Ardani legend, a royal sky meant good fortune for Arda’s rulers.

  Fari fervently hoped this would be the case.

  He stood with Krysta and Elise outside his speeder’s entry hatch, hand on the hilt of his infamous barbed sword. Georgia had already boarded, and Fari found himself glancing at the ship to make sure she didn’t sneak out and flee.

  One moment, his shanna seemed excited and relaxed. The next, she panicked and pushed him away. Her confusing behavior, coupled with Ardani mating fervor—Fari had seldom faced such complex challenges.

  “Be patient with her.” Elise folded her arms over her swollen belly. “Sex is a snap for Georgia. Relationships are hard.”

  “Much like someone else I know.” Krysta gave Fari an affectionate punch in the shoulder.

  He winced, but not from pain. From the truth in his sister’s words. Mere stellar months ago, Fari would have scoffed at the thought of desiring only one woman. He would have laughed at the mention of marriage and beginning a family.

  Now, as he touched Elise’s stomach and felt his niece-to-be kick against his hand, Fari Tul’Mar dreamed of the day he would cradle his own firstborn.

  His child.

  Georgia’s child.

  A strong urge to hasten the process gripped him, and he imagined fucking Georgia in the front seat of the speeder.

  The fervor. I have lost my mind.

  “The Outlanders—“ he began, trying to keep his thoughts focused.

  “Fear not, Brother. We will not be caught off guard again.” Krysta pushed a shock of silver hair behind her ear. “I have a unit in every village, and at every major construction site. Three units in constant patrol over Arda, just above the atmosphere. Ki is less than three stellar days from port, and until then, we can more than hold our own against Darkyn Weil and his rabble.”

  Fari gripped the hilt of his sword. “I still have a bad feeling about Weil’s motives, and it bothers me that I do not know why he is challenging us.”

  “Maybe some of the Outlander Chimera herd took damage in the Battle of Camford.” Elise glanced at the sky, obviously remembering the fierce starfight that almost cost her life, Krysta’s, and Georgia’s too. “When Ki gets back, he’ll talk to Darkyn Weil and offer reparations.”

  Fari almost spat. “That pirate will accept no compensation if he has a mind for trouble. You must promise me, both of you—if the Outlanders attempt any further treachery before Ki returns, you will fetch me immediately.”

  Elise leaned forward and kissed Fari on the cheek. “Promise.”

  “We can handle ourselves.” Krysta pointed to the speeder. “Go. Save your sanity. Win your mate!”

  Fari struggled with the feeling he was shirking his duties as protector of the family and fleet, but in truth, he was little good in either role while the fervor gripped him. No matter how he tried to concentrate, his thoughts strayed back to Georgia. Best to satiate the mating madness as soon as possible, then throw his efforts into contending with the Outlanders. Until then, Ki and Krysta would have to manage the situation.

  Without further protest, Fari hugged his sister and sister-by-marriage and boarded the little ship.

  The first thing he saw was Georgia, relaxing in the single passenger seat by the left console. Her flaming tresses covered the shoulders of her simple blue tunic—one of his—and the swell of her breasts made his mouth water.

  She had on no breeches, and the tunic barely covered her thighs.

  So much left to sample, to explore. By the stars, you are exquisite.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself,” she murmured, eying him from head to toe. Her voice sounded slurred, and her heavy-lidded gaze made Fari wonder if she had taken some of Akad’s calming potion.

  “He made me.” Georgia stretched, showing a feline grace. “Something about my pa mark, and my half-Ardani blood. Akad was afraid I might get a touch of mating fervor, and it might make me sick because I’m part Earthling, too.”

  Fari took a seat behind the speeder’s controls, within arm’s reach of his beloved. Thoughts of Georgia in mating fervor clawed his mind. The madness of mating males was legend, certainly—but an Ardani female in the grips of the fervor—now that was something to behold.

  His cock throbbed as he fired up the engines and piloted the craft into Arda’s clear, bright sky. As far as he was concerned, they could not reach Ammon Island fast enough. Ammon was Fari’s private space, his very own slice of Arda’s beauty, and he planned to share it with his future mate. Perhaps give her another glimpse of his truer, kinder heart.

  And then, from the corner of his eye, he noticed Georgia absently fingering her nipples through the fabric of the tunic. The speeder shuddered as his hands slipped.

  “Concentrate,” he told himself aloud.

  Georgia laughed. “What? Am I distracting you?”

  Fari’s voice deserted him. He glanced at her. She gave him a wicked grin, parted her legs, and rubbed herself.

  Once more, the speeder bucked.

  Fari ground his teeth and forced himself to keep his attention on flying the ship.

  “Tell me about this Festival of Seasons everybody keeps talking about,” Georgia said in a languid, husky voice. Her hand kept moving between her legs, and when her tunic s
hifted upward, Fari realized she had nothing on beneath it. His nostrils flared as her woman’s scent filled the tiny cabin.

  “The Festival is an old tradition,” he managed in a tone as low and gruff as the speeder’s engines. “A way for different family lines to mix and mingle, and for single citizens to claim mates by the old ways. It happens soon, too.”

  He cut his eyes to Georgia. She had pushed the tunic higher, above her hips, and her slit was clearly visible now. One of her fingers dipped into the swollen lips. Fari nearly bit his tongue in two. He wondered if his erection might rip his breeches.

  “How does it work?” she asked. “Elise keeps insisting I’ll enjoy it.”

  Fari felt a flash of fervor-related rage, but quickly reined it. “Eligible females are prepared by the old rites, and brought to Camford’s grounds. Eligible males are paraded before them in groups. If a female favors one of the warriors, and he favors her, she tests him to see if he can bring her to satisfying orgasm.”

  “In front of everyone?” Georgia moaned softly. “How…exciting.”

  Fari didn’t dare look at his shanna. He had already taken several wrong turns in the skies over Arda’s thick forests, and they were currently sailing over the southern tip of the Nali Sea—at least three leagues off course for Ammon Island. “If they are soul’s mates, they shout vows of claiming.”

  “That sounds delicious.” Georgia’s fingers moved faster, circling her clit, and Fari heard the slip-slip of wet flesh in heated movement.

  “The Festival is foolish.” He jammed at the autopilot, desperate to engage it before his brain exploded.

  Georgia shifted in her seat, moving closer to him. “Why?”

  “To submit to such scrutiny—no warrior with any pride would lower himself to such a cattle-call.” Fari finally managed to turn on the ship’s self-guidance system. He turned to Georgia just as she reached over, deftly unhooked his sword belt, and slipped her hand into his waistband.

  “Now there’s that arrogance again.” She pulled out his cock and gave it a hard squeeze, and he groaned aloud. “Aren’t you supposed to be flying this thing?”


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