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Loving the Bodyguard

Page 11

by Noelle Adams

  He was quickly realizing that seeing her body on display had done little to prepare him for impact of actually being with her. Of tasting her tongue against his, drinking in the salty sweet taste of her. Of feeling her skin under his hands, so silky soft he was almost afraid it would bruise under the slightest pressure of his big, callused hands.

  Of seeing first hand the exact shade of dark pink her nipples were, feeling them press insistently against the palm of his hand, feeling her shudder when he flicked them with his tongue.

  He groaned into her mouth, felt his cock strain uncomfortably against his fly. He wanted more than anything to strip off the last of his clothes and give free rein to the primal urge to sink inside her, take her in deep, hard thrusts until he forgot his own name.

  He couldn’t give in, not yet. He’d lived for too long convinced this would never happen, and this was his opportunity to give into the need that dogged him every second he spent with her, to find out once and for all just how good it could be between them. And to show her just how good he could make her feel.

  Some might think he was taking advantage of her vulnerability, seizing the opportunity to have her when she’d turned to him for comfort.

  Selfish bastard or not, the woman he’d been wanting for years was nearly naked in his arms, her nipples pressing in eager little points against his chest, her tiny lace panties soaked with desire his touch had aroused. He finally had a chance with her and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to take it.

  He shoved his needs to the background, determined to make this so good for her that it would wipe away every trace of sadness, replace it with mind numbing pleasure. All he wanted to do was make her feel so good she forgot all about the asshole who hurt her.

  Resting his weight on his elbows, he cradled her head in his hand and took her mouth over and over, thrusting his tongue into her mouth slow and deep, imagining thrusting his cock inside her in that same slow, steady rhythm. Every brush of her skin against his, every stroke of her hands down his back sent the blood roaring through his veins.

  Nothing in his life had ever felt better than her naked skin against his, the soft weight of her tits crushed against chest. It was amazing, mind blowing, and it was only going to get better from here.

  He ran his hand down her ribcage, over the deep curve of her waist, the lush rise of her hip. He slid his hand up the silky plane of her belly and covered her breast, loving the way she arched eagerly against his hand and made a little purring sound at the back of her throat.

  The sound went straight to his cock, deepening the ache of need that was his constant companion whenever he got within ten feet of her. She shifted underneath him, hooking her leg up over his hip so he was cradled between her thighs. The heat of her seared him even through the fabric of his pants.

  His fingers tingled at the memory of how hot, how slick she’d been against his fingers. He drew back, feeling in that moment like his world would end if he didn’t get to touch her again. He slid his hand down her belly, chasing it with hot, sucking kisses that made her sigh and squirm underneath him.

  He circled his tongue around her belly button and ran it the last few inches to the lacy waistband of her panties, his mouth watering in anticipation. He hooked his fingers in the waistband, pausing to look up.

  The sight of her, her lush hair spilling over equally lush tits, her golden hued skin practically glowing against the sage green silk of her bedspread, her lips dark pink and swollen from his kisses, and most of all the molten heat in her blue eyes that gleamed with desire that matched his own… It was almost enough to make him come in his pants right then and there.

  He drew the panties down her hips, down the lean lines of her legs, and pulled them off her feet. He ran his hands up the insides of her legs, pressing his palms against her inner thighs until she opened to him. A groan rumbled in his chest at the sight of her, the smooth lips of her pussy completely bare except for a silky strip of dark curls decorating the top.

  She as gorgeous here as she was everywhere else, lush and pink, her soft folds gleaming with the evidence of her need, her clit like a ripe berry begging for him to take her into his mouth.

  He ran his open mouth up the inner curve of her thigh and spread her apart with his thumbs. He could feel her quivering - or maybe that was him - as he lowered his head, letting her feel the heat of his breath before he closed his lips over her.

  He circled her clit with his tongue, groaning at the hot, salty sweet taste of her. Her answering moan was like an electric current straight to his balls, and he sucked her between his lips to see what other sounds he could wring from her.

  He moved lower, slipping his tongue inside her, fucking her with his tongue like he was dying to fuck her with his cock.

  “Deck,” she moaned, his name on her lips sending a rush through him like he’d never felt before.

  He slipped his tongue free, replacing it with one finger, then two as he circled her clit with his tongue. Christ, she was so tight, so wet, making him ache and throb as he imagined her clenching around his cock like she was around his fingers. Her fingers clutched his hair and he could feel her body tightening with every lash of his tongue. He thrust his fingers deeper, stroking her from the inside as he sucked and licked her clit.

  She gave a harsh cry and her body went completely still for a moment before she shattered. Deck groaned as she clamped down tight around his fingers, not lifting his lips from her sex until the last tremor faded.

  He gave her one last kiss and pushed up her body, propping his weight on his elbows on either side of her head. He couldn’t suppress the swell of masculine pride as he took in the heavy-lidded look of satisfaction in her eyes. He considered himself a good lover, made it a point to do his best to get his partner off.

  But he’d never been more proud of giving a woman an orgasm than he was right now.


  There was no mistaking the self-satisfaction lurking in the amber heat of Deck’s gaze. She’d seen it before in her lovers—even Ryan had sported it in the beginning, and it never failed to piss her off.

  Because in the past, her lover’s satisfaction usually came from the knowledge that he’d just fucked one of the most bankable actresses in Hollywood, who’d made People’s “Fifty Most Beautiful” and Maxim’s “Hot 100” the last seven years straight. All that mattered was that he’d nailed her, not whether or not he’d been any good at it.

  But instinctively she knew Deck’s pride was all about his performance. And considering the way her body was still trembling with the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm she could ever remember, he’d earned the right to his arrogance.

  And contrary to turning her off, that self-satisfied smile teasing his lips only made her even more determined to return the favor.

  She ran her hands down the smooth, muscled plane of his back, frowning a little when she encountered fabric at his waist. Against her stomach she could feel him, rock hard and straining against the confines of his tux pants. She reached one hand in between them and cupped him in her palm, heard his sharp inhale as her hand closed over him.

  He groaned and flicked open the tab closure of his pants, his movements urgent as he tugged down the zipper. Jane helped him shove his pants and boxers down his hips and then he was spilling into her eager hands.

  His moan echoed hers as her hand closed around him. There was a rush of wetness between her legs even as her mouth went dry at the sight of him, so long and so thick her fingers could barely close around him.

  “Wow,” she breathed before she could stop herself.

  “I hope that’s a compliment,” he said with a chuckle.

  Jane couldn’t help but laugh too as her grip tightened around him. “It most certainly is,” she said sliding her hand from the base to the tip, marveling at every inch in between. “Consider me very impressed.”

  Then his smile turned into a pleasured grimace as she pumped him in her fist, ran her thumb over the plump head as the muscle
s in his chest and arms twitched like he was being hit with an electric current. She leaned up to kiss him, licking into his mouth as she explored him, all silky skin over granite hardness.

  The last of her post orgasmic bliss faded in a wave of fresh desire, her body throbbing with renewed need as she imagined how it would feel to take the thick heat of him inside her…

  As though he read her mind Deck broke the kiss and pulled away from her to shove his pants the rest of the way off along with his socks. She watched him take a condom from his wallet and sheath himself with quick, jerky movements.

  And then he was there, kneeling between her legs. Jane eagerly drew her knees up, opening herself to him. She watched, the knot in her low belly tightening with every breath, as he wrapped his hand around his cock and guided himself to her opening. Instead of thrusting inside as she expected, he rubbed himself against her, circling her clit, sliding himself against her until he was soaked with her juice and Jane was convinced she was going to come before he even got inside her.

  “Please,” she moaned and slid her hands down his back and lower until her fingers dug into the rounded muscles of his ass. “Ple—”

  Her plea caught in her throat as he sank into her, burying himself deep with one long thrust. She gasped and clenched around him as her body stretched to accommodate him, the slight pinch of pain doing nothing to quell the sharp ache building low in her belly.

  Oh my God, this is really happening.

  The thought made her freeze for a moment, her body clamping tight around him as though trying to stop this, trying to stop him. As though deep down she somehow knew that if she went through with this, she would never be the same.

  Then he started to move, and any thought of stopping dissolved under the onslaught of his desire. Her body shuddered and clenched around the thick length of his cock as he took her in hard, heavy thrusts. “Oh Christ, you feel so good,” he murmured, his mouth hot and open against her neck. “So wet and tight and perfect around me.”

  “You feel amazing,” Jane murmured helplessly. Everything about him was amazing.

  She couldn’t get enough, wrapping her legs around him to take him impossibly deeper, her hands gripping his hips to urge him harder, faster. Rough, animal sounds she didn’t even recognize as her own echoed his own rough groans.

  His hands seemed to be everywhere, seeming to know exactly how she wanted to be touched before she even realized it herself. She could feel her orgasm building, coiling like a spring inside her as his muscles tightened under her fingers.

  He circled her clit with firm strokes of his thumb, pushing her to the edge. “That’s it Jane, I want you to come. I want to feel you come around my cock.”

  That was all it took to send her flying apart, shattering like glass, blowing apart into a thousand glittering shards. He gripped her hips, holding himself deep and rocking his hips against her until he’d wrung every last shudder from her body.

  He reared back, his hips moving swift and hard, any pretense of restraint gone. His face was tight with agonized pleasure and every muscle and sinew stood out in stark relief. He froze for a split second, his breath coming out on a low groan as his body started to shudder against hers. Jane squeezed her muscles around him, stroking him from the inside as his cock pulsed heavily inside her.

  He collapsed onto the mattress beside her, his head cradled in his arms as he lay face down. Jane ran her gaze eagerly down the long bare lines of his back and legs, wondering at the faint pucker of scar tissue on his left shoulder.

  He was so big, so tough. A warrior in the truest sense of the word. Unlike anyone she’d ever been with.

  She’d imagined being with Deck hundreds of times, creating countless scenarios involving the two of them ending up naked together in a sweaty tangle.

  It had really happened. And it was infinitely better than anything she’d ever come up with, she thought with a smile.

  He rolled onto his side and propped his head in his hand, his mouth pulling into an answering smile, his eyes heavy-lidded and radiating satisfaction. “For a minute there I was afraid they were going to have to carry me out on a stretcher.”

  Jane cocked an eyebrow at him. “Oh yeah?”

  He settled his free hand in the curve of her waist. “There’s a reason they call it the little death, right? You made me come so hard I was afraid I was about to have an aneurysm.”

  Laughter bubbled up in her throat. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said, echoing his earlier words, “even though that doesn’t sound very good.”

  He grinned and slid his hand up, his fingers tangling in the hair spilling over her shoulder. “Any time you come so hard you almost black out is a win in my book.”

  Jane grinned back. As he rolled to his feet and sauntered to the bathroom, she was unable to suppress a flush of pride. Call her shallow, but knowing she’d broken Deck’s iron control and made him feel as good as she did went a long way in boosting her ego.

  And after the day she’d had, her ego—not to mention her spirits—had needed some serious boosting.

  As Deck settled back on the bed beside her, a twinge of sadness invaded their shared bubble of pleasure. She tried to shove it away, but a hint of it must have shown on her face.

  Deck’s hand cupped her shoulder, his grin fading into a look of sympathy. “I’m sorry Jane.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut against the burn of tears. She was so tired of crying, and the last thing she wanted to do was ruin this moment with Deck with tears over anything having to do with her ex-husband. But they bubbled over anyway at the thought of the coming weeks and months, the press no doubt hounding her for comments, waiting to see if she’d actually crack and break down in front of them.

  Not to mention the prospect of watching Katya’s body swell with pregnancy while Jane’s own prospects continued to wither.

  “Well that’s it,” Deck’s voice broke through her pity party a split second before she found her self flipped over on her back.

  “That’s what?” Jane sniffed.

  Deck rolled on top of her, using his knee to push her legs apart so his hips were cradled between. “If you keep crying, I’m going to have to keep fucking you to cheer you up.”

  She let out a watery laugh. “You better get your strength up then. I’m pretty upset.”

  He nodded, taking her wrists in his hands and pinning them to the mattress, his face solemn. “It’s a demanding job, but I’m pretty sure I’m up for it.” He said the last with a rock of his hips.

  Her breath caught as she felt him, rock hard against her belly, as if moments before he hadn’t come so hard he’d nearly blacked out. “I’d say so.” He bent to kiss her, and all traces of sadness fled as a wave of need hit her, surprising her with its force considering how quickly it came on the heels of her own climaxes.

  She shifted under him, cradling him with her heat. His breath hissed out as his cock slipped and slid against the slick folds of her sex, and Jane moaned at the delicious friction as he moved his shaft against her clit. She slid her arms down his back and cupped his ass, reveling in the feel of his hard muscles flexing with every shift of his hips.

  He covered her mouth, claiming it with slow sweeps of his tongue that muffled the high pinched sounds of pleasure building in her throat. She was close, so close, but inside her was a throbbing ache, a need to have him drive inside her. Fill her up until she once again forgot all about being sad. Fill her up until there was nothing but him.

  Suddenly Deck froze on top of her. “Do you hear that?”

  Jane froze too, her heart slamming in her chest as she heard the unmistakable sound of her name accompanied by heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor outside. Deck started to scramble off her but it was too late. Jane’s door swung open, offering whoever was behind it an unobstructed view of a nude Jane sprawled on the bed, and an equally nude Deck, sporting a very impressive erection.


  “Holy shitballs!”

  Jane scra
mbled to cover herself with the sheet, cringing at the exclamation shrieked in the all too familiar voice of Hal Parsons, her publicist.

  She watched as Hal turned his attention to Deck, who was yanking his pants up his legs. “Holy python, Deck!” Hal shrieked again. “I mean, I always imagined you’d be big, but who knew you were the human tripod.”

  Deck grimaced as he zipped up his fly and bent to grab his shirt from the floor. “You know, I could have gone my entire life not thinking about you imagining my junk.”

  Jane snorted as she darted for her walk in closet and grabbed a thin cotton robe to wrap around herself.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie,” she heard Hal say as she walked back into the bedroom. “You’re so straight, you make stripes look curvy. But a gay’s gotta get his jollies where he can. Especially when I have to deal with disasters like her,” he said, waving one plump hand dramatically in Jane’s direction as he turned to pin her with his hard stare.

  With his round body and mop of dark curls, Hal looked like an overgrown cherub, which made it hard to keep a straight face when he put on his “mad face.”

  Still he was one of the best publicists in the business, and he’d been a lifesaver when the whole thing with Ryan and Katya first blew up. And he would be indispensable in the coming weeks as he helped her navigate the media fallout that would come from Ryan’s latest bombshell.

  With that in mind, Jane schooled her face into a somber expression as Hal ranted. “I called you like fifty times after I saw the news! My phone is blowing up with people calling me to tell me you’re nowhere to be found at the Globes—did you forget you were a goddamn presenter?”

  “I’m sorry, Hal. I was upset—”

  “I was worried sick about you,” Hal said, splaying his hand across the front of his periwinkle blue shirt, “imagining all kinds of horrible things, worried you hurt yourself—”

  “I’m sorry—” Jane interjected but Hal continued, undaunted.

  “And then I come to your house and find you fucking the help?”


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