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Loving the Bodyguard

Page 17

by Noelle Adams

  She teased him with hot swipes of her tongue and teasing nips of her teeth. She couldn’t get enough of the warm salty taste of him in her mouth, the way his corded muscles shifted and strained at every soft caress. She sucked one flat, brown nipple into her mouth and ran her tongue over the tattoo above his heart, which she now knew was the insignia for the Army Green Berets.

  She shifted lower, trailing her tongue down the hard line of muscle that bisected his abs. Her moan echoed his as one of her nipples brushed against the smooth, hard column of his cock. She leaned closer, pressing the soft curves against his hardness. A rush of hot moisture flooded between her thighs as his hips bucked under her.

  “Christ, Jane, you’re driving me crazy,” he groaned harshly.

  Her lips curved into a smile but she didn’t relent, her own breath growing harsh at the feel of the smooth, plump head of his cock circling against her hyper sensitive nipples. At the sight of him, so huge and powerful yet completely under her control as she teased and tormented him. Desire tightened low in her belly and she marveled that she was almost as turned on as he was.

  She squeezed and stroked as she continued down, exploring every ridge of his rock hard abs, circling his navel with her tongue until the sounds ripping from his chest were those of a man suffering extreme torture.

  “Please, baby,” he said as his legs shifted helplessly against the thick cushion.

  “Please what?” she whispered against the smooth patch of skin on his inner thigh. “I want you to say it.”

  “I want your mouth on my cock. I want to feel your lips sucking me, your tongue licking me,” he broke off with a harsh groan as she finally gave him exactly what he wanted.

  She closed her mouth over him and swirled her tongue against the head, her sex clenching at the way he seemed to swell even bigger against her tongue.

  She rose up on her knees and moved her head down, sucking him deep until she could feel him pressing against the back of her throat. He was so big it was impossible for her to take more than a few inches. She used her hands, stroking him in rhythm with her steady sucking, cupping his balls in her other palm in a gentle tease.

  His fist tightened in her hair, and she could feel the iron hard restraint it took for him not to grab the back of her head and shove his cock down her throat.

  She could feel her sex pulsing in time to the thick vein throbbing against her tongue. She’d never been so turned on going down on a lover. She was certain that if she squeezed her thighs hard enough she’d come along with him. She slanted her gaze up to his, felt the throbbing between her legs grow heavier at the molten heat in his eyes, at the fierce cast desire leant to his features.

  He was pulled tight as a bowstring, a man on the verge, a man pushed to the brink of insanity by his need.

  His need for her.

  The thought made her moan around his cock, the sound blending with his shout. He froze for a millisecond, then he was jerking and pulsing in her mouth. She stroked him with her fist and sucked him hard, not stopping until she’d wrung him of every last drop.

  She released him with a kiss that sent another aftershock rippling through his limp form. She pushed to her knees and felt a satisfied smile tug at her lips as she took in his huge form sprawled across the lounger, drained of every bit of strength in his powerful body.

  Because of her and how she made him feel.

  As it often had in these past few days with Deck, something powerful welled up inside her at the thought. Something that went beyond self-satisfaction at getting her lover off, beyond her own satisfaction of having a lover who took care of her every need and then some. Being with Deck, in every way—not just sex—made her feel, for the first time in a very long time, that absolutely everything was right in her world. That she was exactly where she should be. With the exact person she should be with.

  But none of this is real, a mean little voice that sounded remarkably like Hal’s chided her. What would happen when she had to go back to her real life and all of the chaos that surrounded it?

  Then that discouraging little voice disappeared into the background as Deck reached up and pulled her back down next to him. “Come here, sweet thing,” he said as he took her mouth in a deep, lavish kiss. His big, callused hand cupped her breasts before sliding lower.

  Her legs eagerly parted at the probing of his fingers. They both groaned as her juices soaked the hand he pressed against her. “Do you know how much it turns me on,” he said tightly, “to feel how wet you are just from sucking my cock?”

  One finger, then two, slipped inside, probing deep, and Jane rolled to her back with a whimper, her legs splaying open. Deck bent his head, sucked her nipple hard between his teeth, thrusting into her with his fingers, giving his wrist a delicious little twist with every stroke that soon had her moaning and tossing her head helplessly against the cushion.

  But as good as his fingers felt, as amazing as his thumb felt stroking against the tight bud of her clit, it wasn’t enough. She needed Deck inside her, the whole hard, huge length of him buried deep. Filling her up until she forgot about anything but him. Until there was nothing outside of what they were sharing together, nothing beyond this private little world that existed for only the two of them.

  She reached down and wrapped her hand around him. A little purr of satisfaction vibrated in her throat when she found him already rock hard and ready to go despite the fact she’d just rocked his world.

  “Inside me,” she demanded, tugging gently at his cock to prove she meant business.

  He rolled on top of her and spread her thighs with his knees. She could feel his fingers trembling slightly as his hand covered hers and guided the thick head of his erection to the slick entrance of her sex.

  Her breath whistled through her teeth at that first penetration, sensation curling in her belly as her body stretched to accommodate him. Her toes curled at that first thick slide, her orgasm already bearing down on her.

  “Christ, you feel so good,” Deck said as he withdrew nearly all the way before sliding slowly, inch by torturous inch back in. “You’re so tight and wet. So beautiful you make me lose my mind.”

  Jane wanted to tell him he was beautiful too, that he made her just as crazy. But her words were swallowed up on a high, keening wail as he pressed his thumb against her clit. He didn’t even have to move; the firm, steady pressure combined with the thrust and drag of his huge cock inside of her was enough to send her over the edge.

  She came so hard her vision went black, starbursts of white exploding behind her eyelids as wave after wave of pleasure rocketed through her. She drifted back to earth just in time to hear his own harsh groan as he stiffened against her. To her surprise, instead of holding himself deep inside her like he usually did, he jerked away almost violently, grinding his hips against the cushion as his body shuddered and shook.

  It was only then that she realized what had happened. “We forgot the condom,” she said dazedly.

  His head lifted and his gaze met hers. “I’m sorry—that was totally careless of me.”

  “It was my fault too,” she replied. “I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “You don’t need to worry,” Deck said as he rolled to his side and pulled her against him. “I got a totally clean bill of health at my last physical and haven’t been with anyone since. Well, except for you,” he said with a half smile that made her heart flutter inside her rib cage.

  “Me too,” she said softly. “I mean, I’m clean and I’ve only been with you. You probably could have come inside me and it wouldn’t even matter. It’s not like I can get pregnant or anything.”

  She felt him stiffen beside her and immediately regretted the words, then felt her stomach pitch at what he said next. “I thought it was the staying pregnant, not the getting pregnant that was the problem.”

  “Right,” she said, blinking back the sudden sting of tears and swallowing back the tightness in her throat. You’re insane, she told herself harshly. Completely stupid.
Yet telling herself that couldn’t banish the sudden yawning ache inside her at the thought that she might never have a baby.

  And not just anybody’s baby. Deck’s baby.

  God, you’re just having sex. Amazing, over the moon, beyond anything you ever imagined sex. But still. Sex. No reason to jump to the part where you mourn the fact that you can’t have children together.

  This thing with Deck was never about that - anything approaching that. Somehow she managed to gather the shreds of her composure together. “Sorry. It was a lame joke.” She pressed a smacking kiss to his lips. “In any case, nothing to worry about,” she said with a lightheartedness she didn’t feel.

  She lay there against him for a few more minutes before letting him coax her down to the beach for a swim. For the next hour Jane laughed, splashed, and swam along beside him. But even as she savored the sound of his deep laugh, the sight of his smile, the feel of his wet, naked skin brushing against hers in the water, she couldn’t shake the heavy feeling burgeoning up inside her.

  The feeling that reality, which she was trying so hard to keep at bay, was nipping at her heels. Coming for them whether she was ready for it or not. And it when it caught up to them, it wasn’t going to be pretty.


  “Come on, put your shoulders into it,” Deck called from the beach. He stifled his laughter as Jane windmilled her kayak paddle and managed to turn herself in a perfect, tight circle. Which would have been great if she’d been practicing maneuvers rather than trying to row into shore.

  Finally she managed to steer her kayak into a more or less straight direction and aim it back toward the beach. “Just a little paddle,” she muttered under her breath as he helped her drag the fiberglass boat up onto the beach in front of her house. “I didn’t realize you were going to take me halfway to Miami.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” he said, giving her a little swat on the ass she trudged past him. “Besides, it’s good exercise.”

  She paused and gave him a look over one bare, tanned shoulder. “You implying that I need to work out?”

  “It should be obvious at this point that I don’t find a single thing wrong with your body.”

  “The feeling’s definitely mutual,” she said, running her admiring gaze over his bare torso. “Hold up—I want to take a picture.” She rummaged through the waterproof bag she’d taken along on their excursion and pulled out her iPhone. “Hold the paddle just like that—”

  “I look like an idiot—”

  “Shut up. You look hot. Now smile.”

  He shook his head and grinned gamely for the camera for what felt like the dozenth time that day.

  While Deck put the kayaks up Jane continued tromping up the beach. “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’m just going to change and get us something to drink,” she called as she continued up to the flagstone patio.

  “Don’t take too long,” he said before he could stop himself. He winced inwardly, wondering if she’d picked up the needy tone that managed to wheedle its way in there.

  Jesus, what’s wrong with you? he mentally scolded himself. Acting like you can’t stand to have her out of your sight for even a few minutes.

  He couldn’t though, a condition that was even more of a shock to his system than the realization that Jane’s vivid fantasies were all about him. It didn’t make any sense. While he wasn’t anti-social by any means, Deck enjoyed his alone time, which he chalked up to growing up in a house too small to contain him and his oversize brothers, followed by years spent living in remote barracks where privacy was the most precious commodity around.

  Now Deck coveted his time alone. When he could read, watch TV, do whatever he wanted without having to see anyone, talk to anyone, or otherwise worry about whether or not he was doing something to piss someone off.

  It had been an issue in every one of his romantic relationships, his need for space, for quiet, for time away.

  But with Jane, it was like he couldn’t get enough. Not that it should surprise him. Even when she was supposed to be just another client, he never wanted to leave. Never wanted his time with her to end. At least, not until her then dear husband came waltzing in, at which point Deck would feel like he was going to crawl out of his skin if he didn’t get away from both of them.

  And instead of going stir crazy this week, confined to the house and the tiny island it sat on, Deck found that he wanted to spend every minute, every second with her. It wasn’t all about the sex either, though he couldn’t deny it had been the week’s highlight. But even when they weren’t tearing each other’s clothes off, he liked looking at her across the breakfast table, liked reaching over and holding her hand while they watched a movie, liked popping his head up for air while swimming and seeing her floating beside him.

  For nearly a week, the only time he’d spent alone since he’d arrived was working out in the gym or running laps around the island while Jane lounged by the pool.

  A situation that would have driven him batshit with any other woman.

  Better get used to being without her, seeing as she’s jetting back to L.A. in two days.

  With that sobering thought in mind he trudged back up to the patio. Jane was sitting under the umbrella on the teak love seat. There were two tall cocktails and a tray of fruit on the low table in front of her.

  She’d slipped a gauzy peach colored dress over her bikini. Her feet were propped up on the table, offering him a mouth watering view of tanned, toned legs. Just then she looked up and smiled and he nearly tripped over his own feet. With her damp hair tumbling over her shoulders and her delicate-featured face glowing from the sun, she was so damn pretty it made his breath catch.

  “I made margaritas,” she said, sliding a glass over to him. “Cheers.”

  Deck gamely clinked glasses and smiled as she held her phone up to snap yet another photo.

  “I want to get one of the two of us,” she said, snuggling into his shoulder as she held the phone out in front of them. “Say cheers,” she said and held up her drink.

  He played along and took a sip of the drink, savoring the sweet and sour tang enhanced by the light dusting of salt on the rim. “You know, for someone who’s usually ducking the paparazzi, you’ve gotten mighty snap happy the past couple of days.”

  “I’m sorry, is it annoying?” She set down the camera and turned to him, genuine concern clouding her wide green eyes. “Of all people I know how obnoxious it can be to have someone shoving a camera in your face. It’s just…”

  Her voice trailed off.


  She scooted a few inches away, perched on the edge of the love seat as she took a long sip of her drink. “I just want to make sure I remember everything, you know? And these pictures, no one else will see them. They’re just for me. I wanted to have something from this that’s… just for me.”

  She turned to face him then, and though her mouth was smiling her eyes were suspiciously shiny. “I’ve never had anything like this, where I was completely alone with someone, no distractions, no worries about photographers popping up around every corner. This week with you”—she swallowed hard, and as she reached out to take his hand, he felt a lump form in his own throat—“has been incredible.”

  His fingers unconsciously tightened around hers. “The best week of my life,” he said before he could stop himself.

  ‘Really?” her gaze snapped back to his, a look of startled delight in her eyes.

  “Yeah, really.”

  “Me too,” she said with a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping as if in defeat.

  “Why do you sound so depressed about it then?”

  “Because it can’t last.”

  Deck’s stomach clenched in protest. Even though he’d been bracing himself for this all week, it still felt like a punch to the gut.

  “I mean, once we get back, everything will change. I have to be in Vancouver for six weeks, you’ll be on set in L.A., we’ll have to work out travel. And that�
��s not even considering the press…”

  He was so busy bracing himself to get his heart nuked that it took several beats for his brain to register what she was saying. “Back up a sec,” he said with a little shake of his head. “You’re saying you want to keep seeing each other even after we leave here?”

  She jerked her hand from his and her mouth opened and closed a few times before she spoke. “I, uh, I mean, not if you’re not interested. I totally get it if you just want what happens at the Shack to stay at the Shack-”

  Deck wrapped his hand around the nape of her neck and silenced her by covering her mouth with his. Her lips parted on a startled gasp, and as a wave of happy relief rushed through him, he wondered at how a woman who was widely recognized as one of the sexiest, most desirable women in the world could possibly doubt he wanted to be with her. He decided to spell it out just to be sure. “You really think after the week we’ve spent here, I wouldn’t be interested?”

  Her laugh sent a puff of warm air over his lips and he felt her slender shoulder shrug. “I figure I can’t assume anything.”

  “I think it’s safe to assume I want to be with you.”

  Jane’s expression grew serious again. “You say that now, but everything will be different when we leave here. You know this isn’t what my life is like. For Christ’s sake, this isn’t even what I’m like. And you’ll have to deal with the press, what they’ll say about us, what they’ll say about you—”

  “Jane, honey, of all people I know how crazy your life can get. And I know you, I’ve known you, for a long time.” He paused, his heart thudding in his chest at what he was about to say next. Part of him recoiled at the idea of throwing it out there, of putting himself completely on the line. But he could sense Jane’s hesitation, her insecurity. He needed for her to understand he was all in. “I’m in love with you, Jane, and that happened a long time before I chased you down to this island.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. “Oh,” she said softly. Then, several seconds later, “You love me?”

  Deck’s stomach pitched down to his knees, and he felt his cheeks flood with embarrassed heat as he realized his mistake. “Why else do you think I followed you across the country?”


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