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Loving the Bodyguard

Page 35

by Noelle Adams

  All right, so she hadn’t thought that far ahead. Logan, however, had apparently thought of everything. Before asking her what she wanted or needed. It felt as if she were merely the vessel through which Logan’s progeny entered the world. His world. His way.

  The scenario smacked of hostilities left over from another man who’d arranged and controlled her life. Except this wasn’t about Trevor. This was an issue between her and Logan. He may be one-half of this child, but he had no right to take over and make decisions without consulting her first.

  Tuning into the conversation, she heard Logan say, “I’ll line up nanny options, while I’m interviewing prospects.”

  That did it.

  “Hello! I’m right here. I’m the one having this baby. You should be talking to me about our baby’s future.”

  The room fell silent. The men looked at each other and then at her.

  “Sure,” Logan said, bewilderment tugging his features. “I’m just looking for a professional opinion.”

  She sent a hard look at Dr. Murray. “I’d like to have our own private discussion, doctor. At a later time.”

  “Most certainly.” He reached under his white lab coat and withdrew his card, which he promptly handed to Logan.

  Just because she wasn’t wearing pockets at the moment didn’t mean she was incapable of accepting his card. “You can reach me on my cell, or at my home number.” He pointed it out on the card. “Call with any questions or concerns. If I’m not available immediately, you’ll hear from me within the hour. For special clients, I guarantee it.”

  A knowing look passed between the men. Like they were part of some secret society. The doctor stripped off his gloves. “A pleasure to meet you both.”

  “Same.” Logan shook his hand. The doctor walked out. He barely acknowledged her.

  Allison stewed in the limo, riding silently beside Logan, who wore a concentrated expression with a touch of contentment. Oblivious to her frustration.

  “Want to go back to the office,” he asked, “or head home?”

  “Your place.” She deliberately didn’t call it home.

  He didn’t notice. “Feeling okay?” He took her hand in his. It was the first time he’d regarded her emotions.

  His warm grip soothed her agitation. “I’m fine.”

  “See.” Logan wore a satisfied smile. “I told you that doctor was the best.”

  “You sure did.”

  That was the problem. He’d told her where to go, what to do. He’d made all the arrangements, picked the doctor, chose the appointment time. He had answers to his questions that he’d never bothered to talk about with her.

  A stab of remorse told her she should be grateful for Logan’s attentiveness. However, considering his single-minded actions, she wasn’t certain where she stopped and the baby started.

  Was he so hands-on and involved because he sincerely cared about her? Or was she Logan’s means to an end, to give him the baby who consumed his heart and soul?


  Allison curled against Logan’s warm body in bed next to her. As dawn peeked through the trees like wispy lace, she tried to reclaim the beautiful dream she’d woken from minutes ago.

  It was Thanksgiving morning, and she had a thousand things to do before his family and friends showed up on their doorstep. Instead of leaping into action, she found herself clinging to the last threads of a fading vision.

  In the dream, she’d been sleeping beside Logan as she was now. Then she’d heard a soft cry from the corner of the bedroom. She’d moved with a somnambulist’s ease toward the tiny cries, lingering at the edge of a crib. A baby—her baby—looked up at her with wide green eyes, a mirror of her own. He had a faint dimple in his cheek like Logan’s, and a tuft of dark blonde hair. The infant stretched his tiny arms toward her with absolute trust, angel-dust innocence. She reached in and then cradled his perfect weight against her breasts. She smoothed his hair, cooing and whispering as she rocked him in her arms. A boy…her baby boy…

  Logan stirred beside her, rolling over and clamping her in his arms. He threw a muscular leg over her thighs, nuzzling his face against her neck.

  “We’re having a boy,” she whispered.

  Logan murmured incoherently and began kissing her throat. She felt him go rock-hard against her hip.

  “Did you hear what I said?” She shoved at her lover’s shoulders. “I had a dream about the baby. I think it’s going to be a boy.”

  “Good.” His trailed kisses along her jaw.

  “Are you listening to me? Don’t you think that’s incredible?”

  He eased his naked body over hers. “You’re incredible.”

  “Logan, stop.” She tried to pull away, knowing the effort of playing hostess that lay in store for her today.

  Without budging, he smiled shamelessly. “I told you to quit giving me challenges.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please?”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely…” He dragged his open mouth on a meandering course down her body.

  Her second push was half-hearted. “That’s not what I meant!”

  “I think it is.” He swirled his tongue through her cleavage. “I’ll prove it to you.”

  “Seriously, our guests will be here in six hours—that’s barely enough for prep time.” Panic began to creep over her.

  “They can wait.”


  “I’ve made arrangements.”

  “But I promised to make the turkey. And an apple pie.”

  “Uh-huh.” He sipped the tender skin above her navel. “I’ve seen—and tasted—your idea of cooking. I have my personal chef on speed dial.”

  “Hey.” Indignantly, she sat up to protest. Which caused his face to land right in her lap. “I’ve been improving.”

  Grinning wickedly, he murmured, “Yes, you have.”

  He wasn’t talking about her culinary skills. He parted her thighs to accommodate his big shoulders.

  “You are terrible.” She giggled as his breath tickled her intimately.

  “So sorry you have to put up with me.” He blew a cool stream of air against her hot core.

  “I’m not getting out of this, am I?”

  “Nope.” His eyes burned with sexual heat. “But you can try.”

  That was a perpetually lost cause. Giving over to him, she eased down to the pillows. She inhaled sharply as his tongue met her folds. He tasted her with patient persistence. He took her to the edge once, twice. Her fists clenched in the bed sheets. Then he slowed his pace, drawing out her desperate need.

  She sighed. “Mmm. So good.”

  She’d never felt more in sync with a man. She flung her arms up over her head, rolling her hips toward his mouth as he flicked and swirled, drawing on her until every muscle in her body flexed, tightening, waiting…

  “That’s it. Don’t stop,” she whimpered. Her core lit up white-hot. “Don’t stop.” She gripped the pillow.

  Accelerating to peak, she came against his mouth.

  “Yes!” she screamed, writhed in piercing ecstasy. He stayed there until her tremors became light shivers.

  Then he climbed up her body. Their faces level, he eased into her swollen heat.

  He threaded his fingers through hers above her head. He rocked with her, their undulating movements bringing them close, more intimate than she’d thought possible. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He thrust deeper, riding them toward release. She bit her lip, spasmed around him. She was shaking and weightless, floating away on tides of bliss. He shouted his release and shivered above her.

  Relaxed and spent, she held him close. As close as she dared to let anyone.

  Releasing her hands, he straightened his arms, his chest a glorious expanse above her. He shook his head as if to clear it. He got his breathing under control. Then he stared down at her, cinnamon eyes still smoldering. “Round two, in the shower.”

  “No, Logan.” She resisted sternly. “I need time get everything ready.

  “Handle it later.” He arched a seductive eyebrow. “You’re taking care of me now. And I want to take you from behind. In the shower. Watching water pour down your gorgeous body.”

  Well, when he put it like that…


  “Can I come in?”

  Allison looked up from her computer the Monday after Thanksgiving and saw Rick Dunn standing in the doorway of her office.

  “Sure.” She smiled.

  She’d never thought she and Rick would be on decent terms. Let alone speaking cordially and sharing a smile.

  Thanksgiving had been a delicious, fun, chaotic whirlwind of laughter and deepening friendships. Logan’s sisters had warmed to her instantly. Stephanie let Allison hold her four-month-old baby girl, and Allison had fallen in love with the plump, cooing, drooling package of preciousness. Between holding the child and her dream hours earlier, the combined experience made her pregnancy so real she couldn’t wait to hold her own baby. She and Stephanie and Tracy had talked for hours about babies and raising kids and the joyful craziness of balancing work and family. Logan had divided his attention between showering Allison with affection and having a blast with the brood of kids running around his house. He’d even set up a treasure hunt for the under-ten crowd that kept the pack occupied while the adults enjoyed fine wine and good conversation.

  Vivi had behaved herself, and Devon had been in an equally good mood. Then Rick had taken Allison aside mid-afternoon and actually apologized for his behavior toward her. He’d offered an olive branch, and Allison had accepted, relieved to know they were on the same side.

  For once in her life, she’d felt like she belonged.

  Rick stepped inside Allison’s office and approached her desk. “Vivi made a care package for you.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. He brought his hand out from behind his back and produced a pie. “She said you can come over anytime and she’ll teach you how to bake.”

  Allison rolled her eyes. She’d never live down her cooking mishap on Thanksgiving. “Just because my first attempt set off the smoke alarms doesn’t mean I’m hopeless.”

  He held up his hands innocently. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just the delivery guy.”

  Right then Devon strolled in. “Hey, Allison. Make some good charcoal pies lately?”

  “You both just wait.” Allison sent them a mock glare. “I’m going to bake the best pie you ever tasted.”

  Devon nudged Rick. “Thank God we have a whole year for her to practice.”

  Rick puffed up in defense of Allison, though he barely contained a smirk. “I happen to like my food with a little extra carbon.”

  Devon shrugged. “Since Logan’s smoke alarms are attached to his security system, the fire department will become regulars at Allison’s Kitchen.”

  Allison folded her arms. “Do you two have nothing better to do on a Monday morning than harass me?”

  “Hey, you’re part of the family now,” Rick said. “Get used to it.”

  Allison’s heart swelled. “I am?”

  “Yes,” Rick and Devon replied simultaneously.

  Allison beamed. Her insides went squishy and soft. Their acceptance meant more to her than words could say.

  “So if your kid is a boy, you’ll name him after me.” Rick nodded as if it were a foregone conclusion.

  Devon piped in. “No way. My name is much better. It’s gender-neutral. Boy or girl, I’ve got you covered.”

  Allison arched an eyebrow. This was so like family. Already fighting over baby names. She loved it. “Maybe I’ll flip a coin.”

  “Heads!” Devon called.

  “Let’s roll dice,” Rick suggested. “More interested odds.”

  Allison wondered, “Which one of you is going to explain to my child that his or her name was decided by a bet?”

  Devon’s lips pulled to the side. “I guess Rick will do the honors. He can explain why women’s betting skills are far superior to men’s.”

  Rick frowned. “Hey, I resemble that remark.”

  Allison laughed.

  Approaching the desk, Devon grabbed Allison’s hand, wiggling the huge diamond on her left ring finger. “I’ve kept my mouth shut. But now that we’re all in this together, I’m dying for the scoop on your ring. Are you and Logan official?”

  Withdrawing her hand, Allison folded her fingers tightly. “It was an impromptu thing. Logan hasn’t asked me to marry him.”

  “What the hell is he waiting for?” Rick looked annoyed.

  Devon groaned. “What are we in high school? He gave you a ‘pre-engagement’ ring?”

  “The timing hasn’t been right.” Allison was surprised by her own defensiveness.

  Rick spread his arms. “Is he going to wait until you’ve popped out the kid before he pops the question?”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, Rick, he’s been a little busy with his international contracts.” Which Allison was thrilled to have helped Logan obtain during their DC trip. Logan’s success was about to reach the pinnacle he’d spent his career striving to achieve.

  “Too busy to ask the mother of his child and love of his life to marry him?”

  Allison stopped breathing. Love of his life? Logan hadn’t told her he loved her. Did Rick know something she didn’t? Her pulse started racing. Was she ready for the all-in commitment those words entailed?

  Her heart and her fears went to war. She knew which side she wanted to win. Maybe with a little more time, her fears would fade and her heart would vanquish the dark cloud of doubt still haunting her.

  Allison’s email alert dinged. The sound pierced the silence in her office. “There will be plenty of time to figure out the details. In the meantime, I need to get some work done.”

  Devon sighed. “Okay, but keep me posted on those sexy firemen that arrive at your house. I want the names of the best-looking ones.” She licked her lips. “I have a fire that a hot-muscled man can put out for me any day of the week.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Allison grinned and shooed them away.

  As Devon and Rick exited, they continued their amusing debate over the future name of Allison and Logan’s baby.

  Glowing warmth spread through her, as if an angel had descended from heaven and enfolded her in its majestic wings. She’d never believed her life would become this rich and fulfilling. The path she traveled now was bright and lush, the horizon brimming with beautiful possibilities.

  She rested her hand on her abdomen, caressing gently. “Thank you,” she whispered to her baby. “You are my precious miracle. You may not know it yet, but I love you with all my heart.” Logan and their child were the best things that had ever happened to her.

  A ring from her inbox alerted her to another new email. The first one she’d missed was a company-wide announcement from Logan. The contract between Stone Security and the Brazilian government was a go. Logan expressed his appreciation to everyone for their hard work and commitment to excellence. Also, Logan had been contacted by several European nations and more contract negotiations were in the pipeline. He’d keep everyone posted on the success coming their way.

  Logan was an amazing boss, an amazing man. Allison was so proud of him as a successful businessman, her lover, the father of her child. She’d never felt such soul-deep happiness. Such genuine contentment. Ever.

  She wanted to hang on to the feeling with both hands and never let go.

  Glancing at the most recent email, she clicked it open. It came from an address she didn’t recognize. It might’ve been sent from a cell phone.

  It read: Your car lights are on. Thought you’d want to know.

  Probably one of the security guards. Her car was older. She didn’t have the fancy turnoff-by-themselves beacons Logan boasted on his Escalade. She sighed, recalling their argument about her driving separately when they came to work. She’d demanded to keep driving her own car, preserving her independence. It was her small claim to freedom. Besides, Logan had evenings when he needed to stay late
. She’d go home and practice cooking, open a bottle of wine for him to let it breathe. Look forward to him walking in the door…and the sexy night in store.

  Grabbing her keys, she left her office. She grinned at the memory of how persuasive he could be in the bedroom. She’d arrived late this morning. As usual, Logan had kept her in bed far longer than she’d anticipated. Although she’d gladly succumb to Logan’s sexual whims any and every morning.

  When she pushed through the back door to the underground garage, she recoiled at the scent of garbage. She frowned. There were no collection containers in the enclosed area.

  Over-sensitivity? As Stephanie mentioned at Thanksgiving, women’s hormones and senses were out of control during pregnancy.

  Scanning the rows of cars, she almost forgot where she’d parked. Her late arrival relegated her to the farthest spot from the door. It seemed darker than usual down here, she noticed, passing under the burned-out light behind her car. She’d let Logan know right away.

  Then it dawned on her. The place was dark for another reason. Her lights weren’t on.

  “You disappointment me,” said a man stepping out of the shadows.

  The voice echoed in the unguarded chambers of her soul. She froze.

  “You broke your vows, wife.”

  Oh, God. She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe.

  “I warned you not to do that.”

  A slip of air wheezed from her lungs. “Trevor.”

  Forcing herself to turn, she didn’t dare leave her back to him. He stood several yards away, dressed in black. The brim of his baseball cap cast the top half of his face in shadow, but nothing muted the razor-sharp glint in his dark eyes. Those malevolent orbs had haunted her through countless nightmares. He hadn’t changed.

  Strong jaw cleanly shaven, narrow chin, harsh cheekbones, even harsher eyes. No trace of a smile. It had always shocked her, once she learned the type of man he really was, that other women found him handsome. Then again, so had she, once. He might’ve been any intriguing guy a girl ran into at a bar. Five-foot-nine, cloaked in an edgy aura, hips slanted in an arrogant stance. He could outmuscle most guys in a room, and wore tight shirts to display it. But then, given time, the packaging fell away to reveal a mind fractured and demented by too much violence, too much blood, too much hate. A soulless need to dominate. And a heart cold enough to freeze hell.


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