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Soulfire (A Magic Bullet Novel Book 4)

Page 20

by A. Blythe

  “No,” I said firmly.

  The tray smashed against the marble floor, sending the teapot skittering across the floor. The boy ran toward me and threw his arms around my waist.

  “The gods are good,” he whispered, pressing his cheek to my torso. When he released me, his tears left a wet ring on the fabric of my shirt. “What happens next?”

  “We call for a conclave.”

  He frowned. “I have not heard of this.”

  “That’s because our caste has never had one. That’s all going to change now.”

  The boy gave me a fearful look. “His security team…”

  “Don’t worry about them. Now that he’s dead, they’ll come around. Trust me.” I recognized the haunted looks in their eyes. Prince Simdan had terrorized them, too. He was a menace to his own caste. It was about damn time he was taken out. I should have let the Ghuls take care of him during the Colony Games. If only I’d known then…

  “So are you in charge now?” the boy asked.

  I glanced around the grand room, drinking in the excesses of Prince Simdan and his years of selfish rule.

  “Until new arrangements can be made.”

  He appeared surprised by my answer. “You don’t want to rule?”

  “Not by myself,” I said. “No one should bear so great a burden alone.”

  The boy grinned. “I cannot wait to go and tell my sister. She lives in fear of the prince.”

  “Not anymore,” I said. No one had to live in fear of the conniving bastard anymore.


  The day was bright and sunny, as though Tessa had ordered it directly from a wedding day catalog. Blue skies and not a cloud in sight. I stood in Tessa's living room, watching her mother fuss over the bodice of her wedding dress.

  "I told you that you should've gotten the lace," her mother said.

  Tessa grimaced. "Mother, this is not the time to criticize me. It's my wedding day."

  "I'm your mother. Don't think for one second that just because you're married means I can stop criticizing you. It's my job."

  Her mother finished whatever magic she was trying to work on the dress and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She sucked in a breath. "Teresa Louise, you are a beautiful bride."

  She was. Her cinnamon curls were piled on her head like a Grecian goddess. She wore a diamond-studded tiara in lieu of a veil. She was stunning to behold. I understood what Flynn saw in her. Not just her beauty, but also her resilience. Her dedication to him. She loved him wholly and completely. No matter what surprises came her way regarding Flynn, she embraced each and every one. Flynn had no doubt that she would love him until the day she died. And therein lies the rub. She would someday die, leaving Flynn to carry on his extended life as a djinni. At least my relationship with Reed was different in that he was a Naphil. His life expectancy was closer to mine. When you’re supernatural, ’til death do you part takes on a whole new meaning.

  "It's time, honey,” Tessa's mother announced. "The limo is here."

  We piled into the limousine and I immediately thought of Rose, one of the many casualties in my quest to make the city a better place. There'd been too many like Rose. All pawns in a game they didn't even know they were playing.

  We arrived at Wissahickon State Park, where Flynn and the guests were already waiting. I saw Flynn pacing in front of the Justice of the Peace. He looked like a caged animal, full of nerves and ready to pounce. As long as he didn't shift into a large mammal, it would be good.

  I didn't see Reed. I figured he was in one of the folding chairs with the rest of the guests. The music began to play, a five-piece orchestra set up in the grass nearby. The bridesmaid procession began. Lucky me. I was first. I took my time as instructed, careful not to trip over my size nine clodhoppers.

  "Smile," Tessa's mother hissed at me.

  I forced a smile and hoped that it vaguely resembled a happy one. The aisle seemed longer now that I was walking it by myself. I glanced at Flynn, but he wasn't looking at me. His gazed passed over my shoulder and I knew that he'd set eyes on his bride. For Flynn, there truly was no one else.

  I didn't see Reed until I reached the end and turned to face the crowd. He sat in the second row on the groom's side. My heart stopped when our eyes locked. It was like seeing him for the first time all over again. For a brief moment, I was transported back to the warehouse where we'd first met. Not many couples could say that they fell in love over a dead body.

  He gave me an encouraging smile and my spirit soared. I no longer recognized myself, but that was okay. I liked this new version of Alyse Winters. She managed to keep her humanity intact along with her powers.

  One by one the other bridesmaids joined me until it was Tessa's turn. The music swelled as she made her way down the aisle, escorted by both of her parents. It was a perfect day for a perfect couple. I felt a renewed sense of optimism. There were bad things in the world, things we couldn't control. We could however, control our responses to them. We could choose who and how to be and those choices defined us so we had to make sure they were good ones. Flynn made a good choice today and everyone knew it. The union of Tessa and Flynn gave me hope. And, in this world, that was the most that anyone could really ask for.


  Greece was one of my favorite places on earth. Between the history, the architecture, the Mediterranean, and the food, there was nothing to dislike. Small wonder Aladdin had chosen it for his next location.

  "I'm so glad Flynn agreed to honeymoon in Greece," Tessa said. "It's been my dream destination ever since I was a little girl."

  "It was serendipity," I said.

  She gave me a worried look. "He's not going to get hurt on our honeymoon, is he? I'd really prefer to be married to him for more than a week."

  "Tessa, Flynn is not going to die on his honeymoon. Trust me. When there is sex and food at stake, he'll make sure he lives."

  Tessa smiled. "So I'll just wait at the house, is that right?"

  "Sunbathe to your heart’s content," I said. The infinity pool stretched out to kiss the Mediterranean. It was an ideal place to await the return of your new husband. “But use sunscreen.”

  “Always.” She looked horrified at the thought that she wouldn’t.

  Reed emerged from the house, his Protectorate sword dangling from his waistband. "I think we’re about ready."

  "Where's Pinky?" I asked. "She needs to work the invisibility spell on the non-djinn in the group."

  At that moment, Pinky rounded the corner of the house. Her blond hair was styled in its usual high ponytail. She wore a half shirt that said Basic Bitch in pink glitter. As much as she'd changed since we first met, she was still the same sweet Pinky and for that I was grateful.

  "You said it was time?" Pinky said, snapping her gum.

  "Freaks assemble," I called. Mix, Farah, and Flynn heeded the call. Luciano and Thompson were holding down the fort back in Philadelphia. It was important to prevent a power vacuum now that the Dragon and Prince Simdan were both gone. I promised the two humans a long vacation later in the year, after we'd taken care of Aladdin. They seemed happy with the deal. Luciano was already planning his Amalfi Coast vacation with Farah and I had the feeling he was going to propose. Well, technically it was more than a feeling. He’d asked me for her ring size and I’d hinted that she was partial to emeralds.

  Reed slid an arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "You look ready for business."

  I pretended to crack my knuckles. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time," I said.

  "Then I'm glad I get to share it with you," he said.

  "The couple that fights together stays together," I said with a smile. It felt right to have Reed by my side for this battle. In truth, it just felt right to have Reed by my side.

  The group stood against the backdrop of the crystal blue Mediterranean, weapons at the ready. They didn't all possess my advanced conjuring skills, so it was BYOW.

  "Today is not going to be e
asy," I said. "But we have planned for this and I know we’re ready. If there was ever a team smart enough and prepared enough to take down Aladdin, it's this one."

  "Damn straight," Farah shouted. I could always count on her for support.

  "If anything should happen to me,” I said. “I want you to keep fighting. Don't stop on my account. I don’t care if he displays my head on a spike. Take this guy down no matter what.”

  “Same goes for me,” Reed said. Everyone murmured a similar sentiment. We were all willing to be the sacrificial lamb. It was one of the reasons I loved them all so very much.

  "Meet at the pool bar at nine?" Flynn asked, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.

  "I'll have the cocktails ready," Tessa said. She glanced at me. "Vodka tonic, right?"

  I winked. “You're one of us now, Tessa." And it wasn’t just because she had the Sight.

  She beamed like I’d handed her the keys to a jewelry store.

  "Group hug,” Pinky called.

  The old me would have made a sarcastic comment and walked away. The old Alyse didn’t do hugs, let alone group hugs. Thankfully, times had changed and I’d changed with them. I wrapped my arms around the group, grateful for every moment that we shared. I knew that no matter what came my way, I would never be alone. We’d fight the good fight. Together.

  Thank you for reading Soulfire, A Magic Bullet Novel, Book 4. If you want to be updated on my new releases or other urban fantasy news, please sign up for my newsletter or like my Facebook page To find out more about my books, visit my website Augusta Blythe.

  The Magic Bullet Series

  Burned, Book 1

  Death Match, Book 2

  Demon Hunt, Book 3

  Soulfire, Book 4




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