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Surrender Amanda Quick

Page 3

by Surrender (lit)

  that was so fashionable. His powerful

  shoulders, flat waist, and strongly molded

  thighs needed no padding or camouflage.

  Perhaps he will turn out to be rather

  amusing," Isabel said.

  Yes, indeed," Annabella agreed cheer


  Victoria glanced again at the tall, dark

  figure beside Lady Atherton. Amusing may

  not be quite the right word." Dangerous was

  the right word.

  But Victoria was suddenly willing to

  experiment with this dash of danger; the

  social whirl of the ton, which lately she

  depended upon more and more to fill up

  the long hours of the night, was no longer

  enough. She needed something else to help

  her hold the restless nightmares at bay.

  The Earl of stone vale might be just the

  tonic for which she had been searching.

  Dearest Lucas, what did you think of

  her? Will she do?" Lady Atherton gazed up

  at stone vale with an anxious expression in

  her beautiful, gentle eyes.

  I think she will do nicely, Jessica." Lucas

  sipped champagne from the glass in his

  hand, his eyes moving across the crowd.

  I know she is a bit old."

  I, myself, am a bit old," he pointed

  out dryly.

  Nonsense. Thirty-four is an excellent

  age for a man intent on marriage. Edward

  was thirty-three when I married him."

  Yes, he was, wasn't he?"

  Jessica Atherton's eyes were instantly

  filled with a heart-wrenching contrition.

  Lucas, I am so sorry. How clumsy of

  me. You must know I did not mean to

  hurt you."

  I'll survive," Lucas finally spotted Vic

  toria in the crowd. He kept his gaze

  on the tall figure of his quarry as she

  stepped out onto the dance floor with a

  plump, elderly baron. Victoria obviously

  enjoyed dancing, although she appeared to

  restrict her partners to very young, socially

  awkward males or those much older than

  herself. She probably viewed such men as


  He regretted he did not dare risk asking

  her out onto the floor. It would be

  interesting to see if she followed him

  there as easily as she had followed him

  into the card room. But he was not certain

  how well she would tolerate the lack of

  grace in his damned left leg, and at this

  juncture he could not take any chances.

  He sensed no streak of cruelty in her,

  though. She definitely had a temper,

  but he knew she would not stoop to

  insults or cutting remarks about his limp.

  Nevertheless she might very well tread quite

  forcefully on his toes if he managed to goad

  her as he had in the card room. The image

  made Lucas smile.

  It was quite outrageous of her to

  accompany you into the card room, of

  course," Lady Atherton said. But, then,

  I fear that is our Miss Huntington. She

  does have a tendency to come very close to

  the edge of what is considered proper. But

  under a husband's guidance, I am certain

  that regrettable element of her nature could

  be controlled."

  An interesting notion."

  And she does have a noticeable pre

  dilection for that rather overbright shade

  of yellow," Lady Atherton added.

  It's clear Miss Huntington has a mind

  and a will of her own. But I must allow

  that the yellow looks attractive on her. Not

  many women could wear it successfully."

  Lucas studied Victoria's tall, willowy

  figure in the high-waisted gown. The

  yellow silk was a ray of honeyed sunlight

  in the crowded room. It gleamed with a

  warm richness amid the array of classical

  white and watery pastels.

  The only real problem with the gown

  as far as he was concerned was that the

  bodice was cut far too low. It revealed

  entirely too much of the gentle, high slopes

  of Victoria's breasts. Lucas had an almost

  irresistible urge to borrow some matron's

  shawl and wrap it firmly around Victoria's

  upper torso. Such an impulse was so out of

  character for him that he was momentarily


  I fear she has a reputation for being

  something of an Original. Her aunt's doing,

  no doubt. Cleo Nettleship is most unusual

  in her own right," Lady Atherton said.

  I would much prefer a lady who is

  out of the common run. Makes for more

  interesting conversation, wouldn't you say?

  One way or another, I suspect I shall have

  to endure a good many conversations with

  the woman I eventually marry. No getting

  around it."

  Jessica sighed softly. Tis unfortunate,

  but there simply is not a large selection

  of heiresses around this Season. But, then,

  there rarely is. However, there is still Miss

  Pilkington. You really should meet her

  before you make up your mind, Lucas. I

  vow she is a very admirable female. Always

  perfectly correct in her behavior, whereas,

  I fear, Miss Huntington has a certain

  tendency to be somewhat headstrong."

  Never mind Miss Pilkington. I'm quite

  content with Miss Huntington."

  If only she weren't very nearly five and

  twenty. Miss Pilkington is only nineteen.

  Younger women tend to be more amenable

  to a husband's influence, Lucas."

  Jessica, please believe me when I tell you

  Miss Huntington's age is not a problem."

  You are quite certain?" Lady Atherton

  eyed him uneasily.

  I would far rather deal with a woman

  of a certain age who knows what she's

  about than a young chit straight out of

  the schoolroom. And I would have to say

  that Miss Huntington does, indeed, know

  what she is about."

  You mean because she has managed

  to stay single so long? You are probably

  right. She's made it very clear she has

  no interest whatsoever in turning over her

  inheritance to a husband. Everyone but the

  most desperate of fortune hunters has quite

  given up on her."

  stone vale flashed a crooked smile.

  Which narrows the field for me."

  Don't misunderstand me. She is an

  engaging creature, rather refreshing in some

  ways, like her aunt. Victoria does have her

  share of admirers. But they all seem to be

  relegated to the status of friends."

  In other words, they have all learned

  their places and they stay in them."

  If they overstep themselves, she drops

  them immediately. Miss Huntington is

  known for being kind for the most

  part, always has a smile and a charming

  word. Quite willing to dance with the less

  attractive men in the room. But she is

  very firm with all of the gallants who hang

  around her," Jessica added.

That did not surprise him. Miss Hunt

  ington would not have remained her own

  mistress this long unless she had learned

  the trick of manipulating the males in her

  orbit. He was going to find himself walking

  a very narrow line during this courtship.

  She is well educated, I take it?" Lucas


  Some would say extraordinarily so. I've

  heard that Lady Nettleship assumed most

  of the responsibility for educating her niece

  and one can certainly see the results. Miss

  Huntington would undoubtedly have come

  to grief in Society long ago were it not

  for the fact that her aunt's position is


  What happened to Miss Huntington's


  Lady Atherton hesitated, then spoke

  evenly. Dead. All of them. Quite sad,

  really. But the Lord giveth and the Lord

  taketh away."

  He certainly does."

  Lady Atherton cast him an uncertain

  glance and then cleared her throat. Yes,

  well, the father died when Miss Huntington

  was a small child and her mother

  soon remarried. But Caroline Huntington

  was killed in a riding accident a little

  over eighteen months ago. Then Miss

  Huntington's stepfather, Samuel Whitlock,

  died less than two months after his wife.

  A terrible accident on a flight of stairs,

  I am given to understand. Broke his


  A strange list of tragedies, but it does

  have the net effect of leaving Miss

  Huntington free of parents who might

  feel obliged to inquire deeply into my

  finances. The useful rumor of my uncle's

  hoarded wealth would not hold up under

  close scrutiny."

  Jessica pursed her lips in disapproval.

  I fear there's no getting around the fact

  that Miss Huntington spent the minimal

  amount of time in mourning after her

  stepfather's death. She made it quite clear

  she mourned only her mother, and even

  that ended as soon as it was seemly to

  do so."

  You reassure me, Jessica. The last thing

  I want is a woman who enjoys such

  entertainments as extended mournings.

  Life can be very short and it's a

  shame to waste it in a lot of useless

  grieving for what one cannot have, don't

  you think?"

  But one must learn to endure the

  tragedies thrust upon us. Such things build

  character. And one must also be conscious

  of the proprieties," Jessica admonished,

  looking faintly hurt. In any event, Lady

  Nettleship, the aunt, is an excellent female

  with fine connections, but there is no

  denying she is a trifle odd in some ways.

  I fear she has allowed her niece to run a bit

  wild. Do you think you can tolerate Miss

  Huntington's rather unusual manners?"

  I think I can manage Miss Huntington

  very well, Jessica." Lucas took another

  swallow of champagne, his attention on

  Victoria, who was still dancing with her

  middle-aged baron.

  She was not what he had expected,

  Lucas reflected with a curious sense of

  relief He had been prepared to do his

  duty to his name, his title, and the many

  people for whom he was now responsible,

  but he had not expected to be able to

  enjoy himself in the process.

  Definitely not what he had expected.

  For one thing, he had not anticipated

  this near-violent rush of physical attraction.

  Jessica had informed him that Victoria

  Huntington was presentable enough, but

  that was as far as the description had


  She was taller than he had been led to

  believe, much taller than the majority of

  the women around her. But Lucas was

  a tall man and it was good to find a

  woman who's head would rest nicely on

  his shoulder instead of somewhere down

  around the middle of his chest.

  Not what he had expected.

  And she moved with a long, graceful

  stride that had not a trace of the customary

  mincing quality women so often affected.

  She also danced well, he realized, not

  without a small pang of annoyance. He

  knew he could not even compete with

  the middle-aged baron when it came to

  partnering her.

  Lucas watched as Victoria's baron guided

  her effortlessly under a glittering chandelier.

  The massed lights revealed the

  golden highlights in her rich, tawny

  brown hair. She wore the thick stuff

  cut entirely too short for Lucas's taste.

  But the short, artfully careless style did

  reveal the delicate, enticing line of her nape

  and framed her fine amber eyes. The lady

  definitely knew what she was about when

  it came to fashion.

  Not what he had expected.

  Jessica had warned him that although

  there was nothing truly objectionable about

  Miss Huntington's features, she was not

  an outstanding beauty. Studying the lively,

  animated quality of Victoria's face from

  a distance, Lucas supposed Jessica was

  correct in one sense. But he decided that

  the warm golden eyes, so full of challenge,

  the arrogant yet feminine nose, and that

  flashing smile went together very nicely.

  There was a fascinating, vivid element

  about Victoria that caught and held the

  eye. It hinted at an underlying passion

  that was just waiting to be set free by the

  right man.

  Lucas took another glance at the smile

  Victoria was giving her baron and decided

  he would very much like to taste Victoria's

  mouth. Soon.

  Lucas, dearest?"

  Reluctantly Lucas turned away from the

  sight of his heiress. His heiress, he thought,

  amused as he ran the phrase through his

  mind again.

  Yes, Jessica?" He looked inquiringly

  down at the beautiful woman he had

  once loved and lost due to the lack of

  a title and a fortune.

  Will she do, Lucas? Truly? It is not too

  late to meet Miss Pilkington, you know."

  Lucas reflected on how Jessica, bowing

  to the dictates of her family, had married

  another man to secure both a title and

  a fortune. At the time he had not really

  comprehended or forgiven her. Now,

  having acquired the title but still lacking

  the fortune he desperately needed, Lucas

  finally understood the position Jessica had

  been in four years earlier.

  He knew now that marriage was not a

  matter of emotion; it was a matter of duty.

  Duty was something Lucas understood

  very well.

  Well, Lucas?" Jessica prompted again,

  beautiful eyes full of grave concern. Can

  you bring yourself to marry her? For the

  sake of stone vale?"

  Yes," Lucas said. Miss Hun
tington will

  do very well."


  Is my aunt at home, Rathbone?" Victoria

  inquired as she hurried into the front hall of

  the town house. Carriage wheels clattered

  on the street outside as Annabella and

  her elderly aunt, who had accompanied

  Victoria to the ball, took their leave.

  Victoria was rather glad to be out of the

  close confines of the vehicle. Annabella's

  aunt, who had acted as a chaperon for the

  younger women, had felt obliged to read her

  charges a lengthy lecture on the subject of the

  rather doubtful propriety of females playing

  cards with men at fashionable parties.

  Victoria hated lectures of that sort.

  Rathbone, a massive, distinguished-look

  ing man with thinning gray hair and a

  nose that would have graced any duke,

  solemnly indicated the closed door of

  the library. I believe Lady Nettleship

  is engaged with several members of her

  Society for the Investigation of Natural

  History and Horticulture."

  Excellent. Pray, do not look so glum,

  Rathbone. all is not lost. Apparently they

  have not yet managed to set fire to the


  Only a matter of time," Rathbone


  Victoria grinned as she sailed past him,

  stripping off her gloves as she went toward

  the library door. Come now, Rathbone.

  You have been in the service of my aunt

  ever since I first came to visit as a small

  child, and never once has she burned the

  place down around our ears."

  Begging your pardon, Miss Huntington,

  but there was that time you and she

  conducted the experiments with the gun

  powder," Rathbone felt obliged to point


  What? You mean to tell me you

  still recall our pitiful little attempt to

  manufacture our own fireworks? What a

  long memory you have, Rathbone."

  Some moments in our lives are indelibly

  etched in our recollections, as sharp

  today as on the day they occurred. I,

  personally, shall never forget the look on

  the first footman's face when the explosion

  occurred. We thought for one horrifying

  instant that you had been killed."

  But, as it turned out, I was only slightly

  stunned. It was the fact that I was covered

  in ashes that gave everyone pause," Victoria


  You did look as gray as death, if

  you don't mind my saying so, Miss


  Yes, it was a rather spectacular effect,

  was it not? Ah, well, one cannot reflect

  too much on past glories. There are far


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