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Surrender Amanda Quick

Page 23

by Surrender (lit)

  not at all grateful for your interference.

  How could you have done such a cruel,

  heartless thing to me

  Without waiting for an answer, Victoria

  whirled on her heel and started down the

  aisle toward the door.

  Vicky, wait, please wait. You must not

  be angry. I thought you understood. You

  are an intelligent woman. Indeed, you are

  known for your quick mind. I thought that

  at your age you would surely realize that

  your inheritance was your chief attraction.

  I mean, why else would a man want to

  offer for a woman who is inclined to such

  outrageous behavior, such an ungoverned

  female who has no Jessica broke off,

  looking haunted. That is to say, I assumed

  you were as satisfied with the bargain as

  Lucas is. You have got yourself an earl,

  after all."

  Victoria halted and spun around. And

  Lucas has my money. You are quite right,

  Jessica. It is a bargain we have both made

  and now we must live with it. But you

  have done your part. You need not concern

  yourself further in our lives."

  Jessica's eyes widened and more tears

  glistened and pearled on her lashes. I am

  sorry if you are not content. But you are

  a woman and you must know it is not our

  lot to be content. Only a schoolgirl expects

  to marry for love. We all do what we must.

  If you cannot bring yourself to feel any real

  affection for Lucas, only think how hard

  this is on him. This is going to be just as

  difficult for him as it is for you. After all,

  he must have an heir from you."

  Thank you for reminding me of my

  wifely duty."

  Dear heaven, you truly are angry. You

  do not comprehend at all. I believed you

  did. Victoria, please, I am sorry. You

  cannot know how sorry." Jessica dissolved

  completely into tears, groping frantically

  for a handkerchief.

  Victoria hesitated, torn between fury and

  a reluctant sympathy she did not want to

  feel. Jessica's tears were real.

  Then annoyed with herself but unable

  to ignore the sobbing woman, she went

  forward and hesitantly touched Jessica's


  You must not do this to yourself,

  Jessica. You will make yourself ill. Pull

  yourself together. What is done is done.

  I do not hold you responsible. I made

  my own decisions at every point along the

  way. I have no one but myself to blame

  for what has happened."

  Jessica gulped back her sobs and clutched

  helplessly at Victoria, who found herself

  patting her awkwardly.

  Please, I beg you, Vicky, do not hold

  any of this against Lucas. He only did what

  he had to do for the sake of his title."

  Victoria tried to think of a response

  that would not further alarm the weeping

  woman. But there was nothing to be said.

  The truth was she wanted to do a great

  deal of damage to the Earl of stone vale.

  Even as the images formed in her head,

  she heard his voice in the hall.

  Vicky? Where are you? Your aunt says

  you have not yet changed into your

  traveling dress." His boots rang on the tile

  of the conservatory as he stepped into the

  room, looking for her. He glanced briefly

  around, frowning impatiently, and then

  his eyes collided with hers over Jessica's

  heaving shoulders.

  Victoria watched dispassionately as Lucas

  registered just who it was who was crying

  her heart out in his wife's arms.

  Lady Atherton has come to give us

  her good wishes, my lord. Was that not

  kind of her under the circumstances? I

  understand that you and she are extremely

  close friends of very long standing and that

  she has been of great assistance in securing

  an heiress for you. It appears the rumors

  of your uncle's hoarded wealth were quite

  unfounded. Now, if you will excuse me,

  I believe I shall leave the two of you

  alone together to make your good-byes. I

  certainly would not wish to intrude."

  Realization dawned in Lucas's gaze. He

  did not move, Damn it to hell, Vicky," he

  said very softly.

  She smiled grimly. My sentiments


  She freed herself from Jessica's grasp

  and stepped around her, heading toward

  the door. When she reached the point in

  the aisle where Lucas blocked her path,

  she looked up at him and said nothing.

  We will talk later," he promised through

  his teeth.

  There does not appear to be a great

  deal left to say. If you will excuse me,

  my lord?"

  He moved reluctantly out of her way, his

  eyes gleaming with frustrated anger. Do

  not be long in dressing for the trip, Vicky.

  I want to get started as soon as possible.

  We have a long drive ahead of us."

  She did not bother to respond to that.

  It took all her concentration simply to get

  through the door without hurling some of

  the cacti at his head.

  Victoria was trembling with fury and

  raw pain by the time she reached her

  bedchamber. She walked into the room

  to discover an excited Nan fussing with

  several last-minute items.

  Oh, there you are, ma'am. I've almost

  finished. Albert says the last of the bags is

  going into the coach now and the horses

  are ready. You must hurry and change.

  I hear his lordship just arrived and is

  impatient to be on his way."

  There is no rush, Nan. I will not be

  going anywhere today. Please be so good

  as to leave me in peace until I send

  for you."

  Nan's mouth fell open in shock. What

  are you saying, ma'am? His lordship has

  already given strict instructions that we are

  not to delay. He will be furious if he hears

  we're dawdling up here."

  Please go, Nan."

  Nan bit her lip. She had rarely seen her

  mistress in this mood and it was obvious

  she was not at all certain what to do. She

  opted to retreat for the moment. Would

  a dish o" tea help, ma'am? If yer not

  feelin" well, I'm sure his lordship would

  understand a short wait for tea."

  I do not want tea, only some peace."

  Dear me, there will be the devil to pay

  for this bit o" nonsense," Nan mumbled

  as she went to the door. Men don't take

  kindly to delays when they're waitin" to

  set off on a trip, especially not them that's

  used to givin" orders to fightin" men in the

  field. Accustomed to havin" people jump

  when they say jump, that type is."

  Victoria watched the door close behind

  her muttering maid and then she went

  slowly over to the window. Jessica Atherton's

gant carriage was waiting on the

  street below. As Victoria watched she saw

  Lucas escort his former love down the

  steps and put her into the vehicle. He

  ordered the coachman to be off, turned,

  and stalked grimly back up the steps into

  the house.

  A moment later she was not surprised to

  hear hurried footsteps in the hall outside

  her room and the inevitable knock on

  her door.

  His lordship wishes to talk to you, my

  lady." Nan's voice was muffled by the

  closed door. He says tis terribly urgent."

  Victoria crossed the room and opened the

  door. Tell his lordship I am indisposed."

  Oh, please, ma'am, don't make me tell

  him that. He is not in a good temper just

  now, truly he isn't."

  To hell with his temper." Victoria closed

  the door in Nan's shocked face. Then she

  went back to her post by the window to

  idly watch the last of her luggage loaded

  into the traveling coach Cleo had insisted

  on loaning the newly married couple.

  The next knock on the door was,

  predictably enough, Aunt Cleo's. Vicky,

  dear, open up at once. What is this

  nonsense? Your husband wishes to be

  off without delay. Ex-military men are

  not very good about unnecessary delays."

  Victoria sighed and crossed the room

  again to open the door. Tell my husband

  that he is free to leave anytime he chooses.

  Tell him not to wait upon me as I shall

  not be coming with him."

  Cleo eyed her severely. So that's the

  way of it, is it?" She walked into the

  room and closed the door. I thought there

  was something distinctly odd about Lady

  Atherton's visit this morning. What in the

  world did she say to upset you so?"

  Did you know that Lucas once asked

  her to marry him?"

  No, but I hardly see that it matters.

  Lucas is thirty-four years old. Stands to

  reason you aren't the first woman he's

  asked to marry him. Is that what has upset

  you? Come now, Vicky, you are far too

  intelligent to fly up into the boughs over a

  minor fiddle like that. Whatever happened

  between those two occurred years ago,"

  Cleo said.

  She was unable to accept his offer of

  marriage because he did not have either

  a title or sufficient financial resources to

  suit her or her family."

  Well, that is her problem, is it not?

  Lucas has his title now. I fail to see how

  all this affects you, Vicky."

  Lucas inherited the title," Victoria said

  coolly. But there was apparently very little

  money to go with it. Jessica explained that

  his lordship came to the conclusion he

  would be obliged to marry an heiress for

  the sake of his damned title and he asked

  his dear friend Lady Atherton to arrange

  an introduction to a suitable female. Would

  you care to hazard a guess as to just

  which female of your acquaintance was

  thus honored?"

  Cleo's brows climbed in their character

  istic gesture. I'd sooner hazard a guess as

  to just which female of my acquaintance

  obligingly made herself a bed and now

  complains because she must sleep in it.

  If she has half the common sense I trust

  she has, she will attend to the business

  of making that bed a comfortable one for

  both herself and her husband."

  Victoria blinked at the unexpected lackof support.

  She crossed her arms under her

  breasts and stared at her aunt. You do not

  seem unduly shocked by all this."

  Forgive me. I have already had to deal

  with the shock of finding you in that inn

  last night. One shock at a time is sufficient

  at my age."

  Victoria felt herself turning an angry

  red. She looked away. Yes, of course.

  I am sorry for that. Far more sorry now

  than I was when you first discovered us,

  I assure you."

  Cleo's face softened. Vicky dear, I fear

  you are letting yourself be unnecessarily

  upset. I am not surprised to hear that Lucas

  is not as well off as you had assumed. He

  told me the truth this morning while we

  waited for you to dress at the inn."

  He told you he was marrying me for

  my money?"

  He told me he had asked to be

  introduced to you because he was, to be

  blunt, hanging out for an heiress. But he

  said that he was marrying you because he

  had become quite fond of you and decided

  you would make him a very suitable wife

  in every respect."

  Fond of me. How very gracious of him,"

  Victoria said.

  Victoria, I shall be quite blunt with

  you. I knew from the first that you were

  probably bound to get into trouble with

  stone vale. There is something between

  the two of you that fairly crackles in

  the air when you are in the same room

  together. But I rather liked him and I

  decided that if you were to risk everything

  for a man, it might as well be with


  I am so glad you approve, Aunt Cleo."

  There is no need to take that tone with

  me. You are the one who brought yourself

  to this pass."

  Victoria looked down at the pattern of

  the carpet and then raised her eyes to

  meet her aunt's sympathetic, but unyielding

  gaze. You are right, as usual. Now I must

  decide how to proceed."

  Aunt Cleo softened her tone. The first

  thing you must do is change into your

  traveling clothes. Lucas is determined to

  be on his way this afternoon and I must

  say I think he is absolutely correct. The

  sooner you are out of town, the better."

  I have no intention of going anywhere

  with stone vale."

  Vicky, you are being unreasonable. You

  have no choice but to go with him."

  Before Cleo could say more, there was

  a desperate pounding on the door. Nan's

  voice came clearly through the wood.

  Forgive me, ma'am, but his lordship says

  to tell you that if yer not so obligin" as

  to come downstairs immediately, he'll be

  obliged to come up here and fetch you


  Lucas would do it, too. Victoria did not

  fool herself on that score. There was no

  point in delaying the inevitable interview.

  She stepped past her aunt and then, her

  hand on the doorknob, she turned and

  looked at Cleo. I have certainly got myself

  a most charming and gallant husband,

  have I not? What bride could ask for


  He was waiting for her in the library,

  standing near the window that looked out

  onto the garden where he had so often

  waited for her at midnight. Victoria walked

  into the room and heard the door close

  very softly behind her. A respectful hush

  seemed to have fallen over the household,

  as if everyone was holding his or her


  The entire staff, including her maid and

  Rathbone, was moving with great caution,

  she noticed. Lucas had only been her

  husband for a few hours and he was

  technically a guest under her aunt's roof,

  but he had clearly established himself as

  a figure of authority. No one wanted to

  risk his temper. That was left for Victoria

  to brave.

  You sent for me, my lord?" she asked,

  taking refuge in an icy, correct politeness.

  He watched her come part way into the

  room and halt. His expression was starkly

  controlled. You have not changed into

  your traveling dress."

  It took more courage than she had

  expected to face him and tell him her

  decision. For the very good reason that I

  will not be joining you. I wish you a good

  journey, my lord." She swung around on

  her heel and started for the door.

  If you walk out on me now, Vicky, you

  will regret it more than you can possibly


  The deadly soft tone stopped her as

  nothing else would have. She turned back

  to face him. I beg your pardon. Did you

  have something else you wished to say

  to me?"

  A great deal. But the time grows late

  and I would rather have this conversation

  in the coach than here in your aunt's

  library. For now, however, I will only

  say that I apologize for Lady Atherton's

  emotional outburst. I assure you, I had

  no idea she would fall apart in such an

  unfortunate manner."

  Yes, her timing was rather poor, was it not?

  When had you planned to tell me the

  truth, yourself?"

  What truth would you have me tell you?

  That I once asked Jessica to marry me?

  That is old news, Vicky, and need not

  concern us."

  Damn you," she hissed. You know very

  well which truth interests me now. You

  deliberately set out to form a connection

  with me because I am an heiress. Do you

  have the gall to deny it?"

  Lucas held her cold glare. No. You

  guessed as much at the time, if you will

  recall. I seem to have a very clear memory

  of your warning me off. But you wanted

  what I offered, regardless, didn't you? You

  played a risky game and you lost, but it

  was your choice to play. Did you not

  once inform me that there was no real

  risk without real danger?"

  Must you throw my stupidity in my face

  like this?"

  Why not? It is little more than you


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