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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 6

by Aymes, Kahlen

  He laughed out loud. "That was what she wanted, to be kept! I never treated her like a whore, and I didn't screw around. We were a couple, but we both went into it with clear expectations. It was simple."

  "Clearly, things changed over time, though. From what she said, she wanted more."

  "Except, I never offered more, and if she implied otherwise, she was lying. She was trying to change the rules, and I didn't want them changed. End of story."

  Angel contemplated for a couple of seconds before she continued. This was a man who always wanted to be in control. "How long was the, um... affair?"

  "About a year and a half. So what? Are you going to tell me that everything has to be hearts and roses? That no woman can have sex, for sex alone? If so, it's a great disservice that you're doing to your own sex. Or, is that just how you are?" he challenged and his voice dropped two decibels. "Do you get all moist and gooey, Angel?"

  She sat back in her chair, starting to get pissed off. Who in the hell does this asshole think he is?

  "This isn't about me, Alex. It's about you, so, my gooey-ness, or lack thereof, is not up for discussion," she retorted shortly and then took a deep breath to calm herself. She needed to remember that she was the one in control of this call, not the arrogant prick on the other end of the phone. "I'm just telling you that for most women, sex is physiological. It's a bond; a chemical reaction, if you will. Yes, it can happen just for the sake of physical release, but I feel if the affair continues for any length of time, some form of emotional feelings will develop. Sex, especially good sex, is a connection, and intimacy on that level has consequences. I'm not saying you've been dishonest, Alex, but, even if Whitney had a clear picture of your expectations in the beginning, she came to care about you, which changed her expectations." Dickhead, she added mentally.

  "And I'm telling you, it wasn't like that.” His voice was cool and unemotional, which grated on Angel’s nerves. “Whitney isn’t the type to care about anything other than shopping and material things. She cared more about who made her drapes than she did about me. Trust me. We fulfilled needs for the other and nothing more. Good sex isn’t a fluttery heartbeat. It’s coming hard—and often.” The amusement in his voice was palpable. He was baiting her and it was working.

  "How utterly irresistible," she shot back sarcastically. "Did you leave some money on the nightstand when you blew through the bedroom?"

  "No, but she had everything she needed. I was the one left wanting. All she did was nag and complain. Talk about dousing a fire. She made the reason I was with her at all vanish."

  "You gave her money but no love. You clearly have a deep-seated phobia of intimacy."

  "That’s a load of crap!" Alex paused to gather his thoughts and then continued. "Love is overrated, it’s a pipe-dream pumped into little girls minds by Disney movies and fairy tales, at best. You just don't get it. Let me tell you, lady, intimacy has never been my problem."

  Angel smiled, glad she was finally able to ruffle his feathers. Whatever, dude. "There are many levels of intimacy, and clearly, you are clueless."

  "Clearly, you are closeted," he huffed in disgust.

  The skin on Angel's face began to flush with heat as her anger grew, and her hand clenched around the pen she was holding. She cleared her throat and continued as if Alex hadn't commented.

  "Hardly. Men have to have sex to become emotional and get their protective vibe on. Women, and I'm not saying all the time, but in general, have to feel emotionally connected to really enjoy sex. It's an ageless conundrum. Blame evolution, if you will. Men want to bang their chests and, in effect, impregnate as many women as possible to make sure that the species survives, while women are the nurturers. Their emotions run amok, kicking in, so that the family and the children flourish."

  Her caller burst out laughing at her analogy. Darian was doing a good job of keeping it in, but his shoulders were shaking violently and his hand was covering his mouth.

  Angel couldn't help but join in, laughing softly. "Before the phone lines go wild, I feel I should add a disclaimer here that points out that in no way am I saying that men do not nurture their children. I'm just talking about base physiological differences between men and women as way of an explanation here."

  Alex grunted. "Nice generalization, even if you do frame it as physiological. After that last call, I actually believed you understood men better than most women do. Should I generalize that all women are grasping, money-hungry, bimbos who can't have orgasms without batteries? I mean, if I follow your line of thinking."

  He shut up and waited for her to answer, but it was obvious he was angry.

  "If a woman can’t orgasm with you, it's because she was not properly motivated to do so!"

  Darian's eyebrows shot up in shocked surprise at her response while Alex burst out laughing.

  "What about you, Angeline? Answer my question. I dare you." His voice was teasing, sexy, and totally sucking her in. She never could resist a challenge, and she could tell this man was a panty dropping, sexual predator that could leave a trail of panting women behind him. If she was honest, her body was reacting to his words and his voice alone.

  "Can you have sex for the pure animal release of it? Just for the pleasure of it? Lots and lots of pleasure, Angeline.” His voice purred through her headset and a thin veil of perspiration broke out on the surface of her skin in response. She was becoming sexually aroused at his taunting, and it unsettled her. "Have you ever been attracted purely on a physical level?"

  She felt her skin prickle at his words, and she wanted desperately to yank the damn headphones off and run her hand through her long hair. How in the hell did he just take control of the conversation and turn it back on her? He was so fucking full of himself!

  "Alex," she said his name softly and with purpose. "If you want me to answer, you'll have to answer me first. So, how badly do you, um... want me to answer?"

  "Go on with your question." He wanted her answer enough to answer first.

  She smiled slyly, satisfaction overtaking her expression. "Do you go through life without any real connections? Other than your bank account and your professional life, do you have anything real? Has anyone ever touched you on a deeper level? Motivated you to really want? Want so much with your heart and body that it left you literally aching if you couldn't be with her?" she oozed slowly, her voice throbbing on purpose.

  Fucking men! she thought. Especially one that was so full of sexuality and a very pompous point of view. Use that to get your dick hard, you bastard!

  Darian and Christina both watched her in absolute silence until, finally, Darian loosened his tie and tugged at the collar of his shirt, releasing two of the buttons and running a hand over the back of his neck.

  Alex cleared his throat.

  That's right, baby, come to Mama. The corners of Angel's full lips lifted in amusement at his hesitation. Sucker!

  "No. That kind of feeling doesn't exist for me, and I wouldn't want that kind of emotional slavery even if it did. I like my life the way it is." His voice was melting around her and she smiled. "Your turn to answer my question, Angel."

  Clearing her voice of all the sexual teasing she'd just used, she didn't hesitate. "Yes. Of course I can," she said flippantly. "I'm a grown woman. I take full responsibility for my life both in and out of the bedroom, but I have rules just like you do."

  "Mmmm, it appears we're on the same page," he said softly. The suggestion in his voice was clear, and Christina's mouth fell open as she listened intently.

  Angel laughed softly, the sound smooth and warm. "Not exactly. You deny deeper feelings exist, and I acknowledge the possibility of them but know my boundaries in situations like you describe. I don't think it's healthy to stay in a purely sexual relationship for any length of time. Someone eventually gets hurt. So while you live in denial of real love, I just... control my outcomes."

  "As do I. I set my boundaries well in advance and communicate them clearly. Are you inferring it's better
to screw a bunch of different people than to be monogamous? I find that hard to believe."

  She huffed in agitation. "Don’t put words in my mouth! All I am saying is that being monogamous is dangerous if you want to remain detached. Personally, I don't think that's even possible. I hope that someday you meet someone who changes your perspective." And knocks you on your arrogant ass.

  "My pers—"

  She interrupted, disconnecting the call to make a point. She smiled to herself, knowing that being cut off would infuriate this man. It unsettled her that she found herself wondering about him more than a little, and she actually wanted to know what he’d say. He seemed dangerous; very, very sexy, and truthfully, that was the most fun she'd had on a call since she started this damn gig. She glanced at the clock, knowing she had to get on to the next set of spots, but hoped he was still listening.

  "Thank you for your call, Alex. Someday you'll meet a woman who controls her own orgasms. Not all of us are at the mercy of men, you know. Have fun... banging your chest or whatever it is you... bang."

  A bright smile split across her beautiful face, leaving Darian breathless and stunned. Thankfully, Christina was out of the studio because she was laughing so hard the tears were rolling down her face.

  "This is Angel After Dark on Kiss FM, and I'll be right back." Angel pushed her headphones off, looking pointedly at Darian. "Did you put him up to that? That was your friend, wasn't it?"

  He quickly shook his head. "Nope. I didn't do anything. Don't look at me!"

  Angel's eyebrows shot up. Yeah, right, she thought. "Why don't I believe you?"

  "What did you think of him, Angel? Uh, I mean, of his situation?"

  "I'm trying not to," she said wryly and shook her head, getting up to stretch. "He's so full of his own sexual power. I mean... Shit! He's obviously been a bad, bad boy and needs a serious lesson."

  Darian's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he didn't say anything, just let out a low whistle. Angel smirked but ignored it. "Aren't you supposed to be out of here? Really, you don't have to come in here every week." Darian's eyes followed her movements and flashed over her stomach and the small strip of skin that was peeking out between her jeans and her T-shirt as she moved.

  "I know. I just want to make sure you have it down before I leave you to your own devices."

  "My own devices? I've been left to my own damn devices practically my entire life. You don't need to worry about me. I can handle things."

  Darian's phone rang, and reluctantly, he picked it up from the table.

  "Yes? Uh, yeah. No. No!" His eyes roamed over Angel, who was standing there with her right hand on her hip, looking at him pointedly. "Um, Angel, he's pissed that you cut him off and wants to finish the conversation."

  "It is finished," she scoffed with a short laugh. Poor baby, not used to someone else controlling anything. Hilarious.

  "He asked if he can call you," Darian said hesitantly, already knowing the answer, and her eyes widened.

  "Not interested," Angel said carelessly and picked up a stack of promos from the desk to glance through them. "Not at all." But, she was interested, and she found herself hoping his face and body would live up to that sexy voice. Men like him were dangerous to women like her to had a strong need to be in control. She was smart about steering clear of anything that would make her lose even one shred of her carefully constructed world.

  Darian's mouth fell open in astonishment. "Uh, Alex, she's not here right now. She went to the bathroom. Okay, sure. Completely, Alex. Later." He closed his phone without saying another word to the beautiful woman sitting in front of him.

  Angel looked up and wrinkled her nose at her boss. "Chicken-shit," she admonished with a grin.

  "Angel, he, uh," he began.

  "Yeah. I know." She shrugged slightly. "I'm sure his hard-on is all about the challenge he's feeling right now. He wanted the last word. He's used to getting what he wants, but now there’s something he can't have, and he’s left holding his dick in his hand. Naturally, he’s uncomfortable.”

  “There’s a better chance he’s pissed.”

  “So? Maybe you should introduce the word ‘unattainable’ to your boy's vocab, yeah?" She sat back down and adjusted the damn headphones. She still had half an hour to go. "Now, get the hell out of here! You're bothering me."

  * * *

  Alex was left sitting on the edge of his bed looking at his now silent phone, stunned that she'd cut him off. He had to admit that he was more than a little aroused by her words and her sassy wit. Damn, he wanted to know what she looked like! As if on cue, his phone vibrated with a message from Darian. It was a photo message, and Alex held his breath as he opened it, somehow sure he was about to get knocked on his reluctant ass.

  His thumb ran over the screen as the photo loaded, and his breath caught in his throat. It was a picture of a woman with long dark hair, flowing in thick waves nearly to her waist. She was wearing ratty jeans, the kind that cost hundreds of dollars because the holes were in all the right places, and a small white T-shirt that clung enticingly to her body. She was stretching, her arms extended over her head, and her hands laced together. He couldn't see her features, only the side curve of her face and chin. She was angled away from Darian's camera, but the photo was sufficient to give Alex a glimpse of the line of her body, the soft curve of her hip, the narrowness of her waist, laid bare as her shirt lifted with her movement, and the full side curve of one breast. "Shit, what about her face?"

  He wanted to plunge his fingers into the holes in those jeans, to feel the warmth of her skin that was teasing him under that shirt, and to kiss that smartass mouth. Alex's mouth went dry as blood engorged his body to the point of pain, and he licked his lips. He wanted her, and he made up his mind that he would have her.

  Alex's breathing quickened as he contemplated this mysterious woman with her biting intellect that was in such contrast to her soft appearance. He dialed Darian's number impatiently. "Uh, yeah?" his friend answered.

  "Put that sexy little shit on the phone, Darian."


  "No one cuts me off, D. Put her on the damn phone! I want to speak to her. Either that or give me her number. I'll call her myself."

  "No! Uh, Alex, she's not here right now. She went to the bathroom."

  "Stop fucking around, D! I know she's right there.” Alex waited, but Darian didn’t respond. “Call me when you leave."

  "Okay, sure."

  "And Darian, from what I see, I concede, she’s gorgeous," he said softly as he ran his hand through his mop of hair. "Fucking beautiful."

  "Completely, Alex."

  "Look, I know you can't talk, but this is not over."


  Alex flopped down on the bed and let his arms fall to the side as he waited for Darian to call him back. Angeline Hemming, you certainly are intriguing.

  A few minutes passed before his phone rang, and he answered it quickly, not moving from his position on the bed.

  "What’d I tell you? She’s amazing, right?” Darian said smugly.

  "What was your goal here, Darian? You’re obviously a walking boner for this woman yourself, but now... Well, let's just say, I'm not sure you're a good enough friend for me to back down."

  "Yes, I do think she's hotter than hell, but unfortunately, I can't date her. It blows, but I can't, at least for now," Darian groaned.

  "I'm not sure what you were toying with, but I'm worked up now, and want to know more. I want to see her face. I want... hell, I just want. I've never been so aroused by a conversation in my entire life. Thanks for that."

  "Hey, I didn't make you pick up that goddamned phone. That was all you, so don't blame me, brother! Mark my words, Alex. You’re in for a big surprise when it comes to Angel. She won't be like the women you're used to. She's beautiful, smart, and tough as nails."

  "What's her number, Darian?"

  "Sorry, man. No can do. She'd cut my balls off."

  "Stop being such a pussy. You're
her boss, for Christ's sake!"

  "Not really. She's doing this for her own reasons. She could walk tomorrow and not blink twice but I need her for the ratings. She's only doing this for the public service announcements she's weaseled out of me."

  "If you won't tell me, fine. It isn't like I don't have the resources to find out anything I want to know, which will be much more than her phone number.”

  "Dude, don't get your hopes up. She's untouchable, even for the great Alex Avery. I have faith that she'll kick your ass from one end of Chicago to the other, which is why I’ve baited you this way. I’d love to see you work for it, just once."

  Alex snorted as his mouth lifted in a smirk. As if that was possible. He was more than ready to take on the challenge that Angel Hemming presented. He was more excited by the prospect, and by this woman, than he'd been since he couldn't remember when. Maybe even, ever. "Well, you started this shit. If you want her, you'll have to beat me to it, and I won't play fair. I don't give a shit if you are my best friend."

  "I wouldn't expect you to, Alex. You wouldn't be you if you did, but like I said, Angel is untouchable. She’s different than most women."

  Alex laughed, not doubting his ability to win her over and get his way. "Mark my words, D." He was up to any challenge, especially one with rewards as delectable as this. "I'm telling you now that I will touch her. In all sorts of places. And if anyone is gonna be in control of her orgasms, it will be me. Me."


  Enigma x2

  Angel rolled over at the sound of Christina Aguilera’s song, Dirty, coming from her phone on the nightstand for the third time. Her best friend, Becca James, was no doubt calling to remind her of their gym appointment. It was a standing thing every Saturday, but ever since Angel began at KKIS, it was harder and harder for her to drag herself out of bed.

  “For God’s sake!” she mumbled as she finally peeled away the pillow she was holding over her eyes, flung it brutally toward the foot of the bed, and glanced at the clock.


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