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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 33

by Aymes, Kahlen

  Angel shrugged slightly. Did I expect him to say this was for forever? That he loves me? “It’s only been a few weeks. I’m not holding my breath.”

  “Can’t you just have a little faith? I don’t know what I can do to show you that I’m invested in this, Angel. We’re spending every minute together when we’re not at work and that is not what I do! Jesus! With Whitney, I couldn’t wait to get away from her.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?” Exasperation filled his voice, but his hand continued its gentle massaging of hers. “Will you trust me?” he asked, quietly, and she nodded without thinking. She wanted to build her world around this man, wanting him in ways she never imagined. “Then tell me if that bastard threatened you today.”

  “So much for the throes of passion.” She tried to smile at him, thankful for the darkness of the room.

  Alex’s face tightened even more. “Angel… this isn’t a fucking joke. None of it.”

  “No. It’s not. It’s my job, Alex. I don’t need your permission. This doesn’t concern you.”

  “The hell it doesn’t! Everything about you concerns me now!” He flung himself back against the headboard away from her and it slammed loudly into the wall. “I want to make sure you’re safe, goddamn it!”

  Startled, Angel scrambled from the bed and began to gather her clothes from where they were scattered across his bedroom floor. He watched in silence as she began to dress without turning on a light before springing from the bed and gathering her to him.

  “Stop.” His fingers lightly traced her cheekbone, his forehead leaning down to hers as he inhaled her scent. “I know its nuts, but humor me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Not when I can prevent it.”

  Her fingers closed around both of his forearms, flexing around the obvious strength she found there. “You can’t get involved.” Her eyes beseeched his as the silvery shadows from the moonlight filtering through the blinds cast her face in darkness. “Please? I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself,” she whispered, already succumbing to his nearness. Her body reacting to his against her will. His lips blazed a hot path from her temple and down her cheekbone until they opened hotly on the skin on the arch of her neck. Shivers raced through her as his arms tightened, pulling her hard against his body, his arousal beginning to clamor against the softness of her belly.

  “Not as well as I can,” he said softly, an instant before his mouth claimed hers in a hungry kiss. Angel was helpless to deny him as his tongue invaded her mouth, and she whimpered in surrender, her mouth opening and kissing him back with equal fervor. Alex groaned into her mouth, his hands fisting in the back of her unbuttoned blouse. She was naked, save her shirt and a lace thong, and he wanted nothing more than to shed her of both articles and stake his claim on her body once again. Her skin on his was like a drug, so soft, alluring; the full mounds of her breasts pressed to his chest made him harder and hotter. “Damn, I can’t stop wanting you,” he growled, lifting her bridal-style and depositing her on the bed, only to follow her down.

  Angel bucked beneath him, wanting to feel his hardness pressed between her legs, both of them frantic in their need to get closer. She clutched at the hair at his nape, their kisses hungry as Alex moved against her, his fingers hooking into the lace at her hip and starting to pull as his lips closed around a pebble-hard nipple and began to tease with the tip of his tongue.

  Angel’s soft moans were interrupted by the ringing of Alex’s phone—the sound piercing the intimacy of the moment. “Hell,” Alex complained, releasing her breast, but keeping her beneath him as he reached for his phone. “Sorry, baby, but it’s the middle of the night and that’s my father’s ringtone. Something could be wrong.”

  Angel pressed her forehead to his shoulder as he answered.

  “Yeah, Dad?” His breathing was heavy and he struggled to get it under control. “No, not a great time. What is it?”

  Angel’s fingers smoothed over the velvet skin that covered the hard muscles of his back, arms, and shoulders, her open mouth finding the pulse at his neck and sucking on it gently, her other hand closing around his full erection. She delighted in teasing him, knowing how difficult it was for him to keep his voice controlled as she stroked him in a steady rhythm until he was shaking with the effort of restraint. Her hips moved in unison with her hand, legs around his waist, as she showed him what she really wanted.

  “Shit! When did you find out? Williams was supposed to keep me posted.” Alex stroked Angel’s cheek with the knuckles of his free hand, his eyes trained on her face. He wanted to throw the phone against the wall and bury himself in her warmth, but the urgency of the situation stalled him. He reached for her hand to still it around him.

  “Apparently, he tried. We’re going to lose that deal if you don’t go. Benson is countering and we’ve already sunk a million dollars into the planning.” His father was clearly frustrated.

  “Jesus, Dad, I know. Okay. I’ll catch a flight first thing in the morning.”

  “I already have that handled. Mrs. Dane booked you on the red eye. With the time difference, you’ll get there at the start of business.”

  Alex’s face tightened, and he moved away from Angel. The chill at his loss urged her to pull the covers around her as she rolled onto her side. She curved around him as he sat up on the edge of the bed, pushing his hand through his hair in agitation. “Okay, I’m on it. I’ll call you later… when it’s done.”

  He threw the phone on the mattress and grabbed Angel’s hand. “I’m sorry, baby. I have to go to Hawaii. There’s a property we’re trying to purchase in Maui which will allow us to own a big part of the market there. Another company is countering, so I have to go convince the owner why Avery is his best option.”

  “Oh…. okay.” Her disappointment was plain.

  “Hey.” He brought her hand up and placed his mouth on the inside of her wrist. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “How long will you be gone?” She hated her weakness, hated that she’d miss him, and more, that she wasn’t able to hide it from him.

  “I don’t know. Depends on how much the other party is willing to deal. I can’t spend more than I think it’s worth, so I may have to figure out a merger or offer another property as an exchange. I won’t know until I talk to them.” He smiled softly. She was gorgeous, rumpled from their sex play, her lips swollen and bruised from his kisses, and her hair a wild mess. “It’s damn hard to leave, but my flight is in two hours.”

  “Yeah, I felt how hard it was,” she teased and he laughed softly. He rose and began to gather clean boxer briefs, a T-shirt and socks before flipping on the light in the bathroom and starting the shower.

  “Yes,” he called, “I’ll have blue balls by the time I get back to you.”

  “Make sure that you do!” She wrapped the sheet around her body and followed him. He was just getting under the spray of the walk-in shower, his body blurred by the glass blocks making up one wall. The bathroom was elegant. Black marble topped the teak vanity and limestone lined the floors. The large whirlpool tub, black as night, reflected the gleaming silver fixtures and the light was on a dimmer switch, and Alex had it on low.

  Another set for seduction, she thought wryly. “Humph!” Angel huffed as she sat on the edge of the tub.

  Steam filled the air, making it comfortably warm.

  “I want you to stay at my house while I’m gone.”

  “Well, I want world peace,” Angel deadpanned. “But, I doubt either is likely.”

  She couldn’t see his face, but the amusement in his voice was enough. “Can’t you do this one thing without an argument? You’ll be safer there and you can take care of Max for me. He adores you, and on such short notice, I doubt my housekeeper can do it.”

  “That’s brilliant. What a way to suck me in.” Her eyes raked over his perfect form, blurred through the wall.

  “I’ll suck you… in whatever way you want,” he laughed happily, “for as long as you want, when I get back. I
n the meantime, you can use the pool, the Jacuzzi, and the personal chef. Ask Becca and Jillian to join you. Anything you want.”

  Cole wasn’t moving in for several days and having Angel at his estate was the surest way he could ensure her safety without putting her under surveillance. His heart surged uncomfortably in his chest.

  “Put your mouth where your money is,” Angel quipped with a soft laugh.

  “Oh, I will!” he chuckled.

  “Again with the promises.” Her soft laugh echoed through the space.

  “I know. I’m even starting to freak myself out. Are you bringing your sweet little ass in here, or do I have to come out there and get you?”

  “I thought you only wanted me for my voice.”

  “I do. The rest of you is a bonus. Get in here.”

  “If I come in there, you’ll be late.”

  “I’ll make sure you come in here,” he teased and looked around the door before returning into the shower stream. “Well?”

  “You’ll be late,” she stated again, grinning.

  “If I’m late, I’ll take the company jet.”

  Angel gasped. “I should have known. The great Alex Avery will waste all that fuel, pollute the environment more than necessary, just for a little pus—aaaaah!” she squealed as he grabbed her and pulled her, sheet and all under the spray, both of them laughing until his mouth swooped to take hers.

  Soon words, pollution, the flight, and the soggy sheet were long forgotten.

  * * *

  It had been three days since Alex had gone. Angel padded through the house to let Max outside. His house was massive and luxurious; way too much for one person, she mused as the dog went out. It should be filled with children and family and love. Her heart dropped at the thought. What the fuck was she doing, thinking about such things after knowing him for such a short time? Especially, about this man in particular.

  The air outside was hot, a stark contrast to the cool air-conditioning inside. “There you go, baby,” she murmured, caressing Max’s golden coat as he passed her on his way out the door. They had become inseparable. He even slept beside her in Alex’s room. She grinned at the thought. Alex would have an issue with bed linens full of fur, no doubt.

  The second set of test results had been no better than the first, leaving Angel, Kenneth, and the staff at the D.A.’s office floundering for ways to put Mark Swanson behind bars. For the first time in her career, Angel considered lying to get the conviction. She picked up her glass of chardonnay and settled on Alex’s leather couch, recalling the conversation she and Kenneth had earlier.

  “Angel, sometimes, you just have to let it go. Be thankful that the mother believes the girl and got her out of that house.”

  “But, she’ll have to live with the fact that he got away with it, Kenneth! Do you know how horrible that will be for her? There should be some law in place to castrate fuckers like him.”

  Kenneth had grimaced. “Even if there was, he’d have to be convicted first. And it looks like all we have is the girl’s testimony. I hope it will be enough.”

  “He’ll probably threaten her within an inch of her life. I wouldn’t be surprised if she refuses to testify.”

  “Stacey will call her as a hostile witness, if necessary. It’s messy, but the charges were filed based on her statements and her physical condition. It’s not up to the girl whether this goes to court. Even if he threatens her, the trial will commence, and I’ll have her on the stand.”

  “But she won’t say anything! She’ll probably recant everything she said in her statement. He’ll get acquitted, if the judge doesn’t throw it out of court first. The only thing we have going for us is that Swanson and his slimy band don’t know the results yet.”

  “But they will soon. Stacey will disclose as soon as my office has your reports, Angel. She has no choice. It’s just one case. You can’t win ’em all. Get over it.”

  She sighed into the big room. It wouldn’t be enough, and she felt defeated by Kenneth’s laissez-faire attitude and how the law seemed to protect the fucking criminal’s civil rights more than the victim’s. The entire thing wore on her, and coupled with the tossing and turning she’d been doing, she was completely exhausted.

  The rock anthem that was Alex’s self-imposed ringtone interrupted her thoughts.

  Alex. Her heart lurched, excitement surging through her as she jumped up and ran into the hall to retrieve her purse from where it lay in a heap with her Gucci heels. She was still dressed in her chocolate brown suit and silk blouse in a soft, yellow pastel floral print. She shook her head and smiled at how her mood suddenly elevated by a friggin’ ringtone.


  “Hey, you. Are you home?”

  “Oh, I just got in.”

  “Is the security on?”

  “Well, I miss you, too! Alex, we go through this every night.”

  “Don’t begrudge me knowing that you’re safe.”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes.

  “I do miss you. I miss your voice,” he stated simply, his tone somewhat of a groan. Her heart began to race as she made her way back into the living room. “I wanted to call later, when you were naked in my bed, but I couldn’t wait that long.”

  “Mmm…. How do you know I’ll be naked?”

  Alex chuckled. “Lucky guess?”

  “It might be a sheer black chiffon baby doll. You never know.”

  “Angel… you’re killing me, you naughty, naughty girl.”

  “You can call me again later,” she suggested hopefully. “I’ll plan on being naked if it seals the deal.”

  “I wish I could,” he groaned. “I have a dinner meeting with the decision maker on this deal. You’ll be sleeping long before I’m able to call you.”

  “I haven’t been sleeping very well.”

  “Why? What’s the matter? Is everything okay?” Concern laced his voice.

  “Of course. But the results to my tests are back for Swanson’s case and they’re not what I’d hoped. The bastard could walk. I feel like I’m failing that poor girl.”

  “There are other ways to get at that prick. We’ll talk about it when I get home.”

  Fear ran over her skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. “I told you, Alex, I don’t want you involved. It will work out.”

  “You’re involved, so I’m involved.” The tightness in his voice betrayed his irritation at her dismissal of his concern, but he did his best to mask it. “Has Max been good?”

  “He’s amazing. So sweet. I may have to steal him.”

  “Maybe we can share him.”

  “I’m trying not to get too attached.” Her words carried a double entendre that she hoped he wouldn’t catch. “Being gone this much, I’m surprised you have him. I think that’s my argument for custody.”

  “I find traveling agrees with me less and less lately. What’d you do today?”

  “Just patients and lunch with Kenneth.” Angel relayed the information with a grimace, remembering Alex’s behavior at the bar.

  “Really,” he said tightly. “About the case?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. It was strictly business.”

  “Yes, well, I’ll venture business isn’t all he has on his mind.”

  “Like you, he wants me to step back from this case. He doesn’t feel we can win.”

  “Maybe he deserves more credit than I’ve given him, but when did it become we? You’re just an expert witness, not part of his staff.”

  “So…” She was becoming irritated with the tack the conversation was taking. “When will you be ho… um, back in Chicago?”

  “Not soon enough. Maybe late Friday.”

  “Crap. I have the show.”

  Obviously, she wanted to see him as soon as he got back and the thought elated him. Immediately, Alex took charge. “I can call Darian—”

  “No. You can’t just rearrange my life like that!”

  “You call him, then,” he said shortly. “Th
e result will be the same.”

  “That’s not the point, and you know it.”

  “I want to see you, so fucking sue me. The show won’t go off-air if you miss one airing. I’d like to take you away for the weekend, somewhere with a crystal blue ocean and an enormous bed.”

  “You forgot teeny bikinis and Speedos.”

  “Yes on the bikinis, but there will be no Speedo.”

  “You have the ass for it.”

  “It’s not my ass I’m concerned about, and you know it.” Amusement laced his voice.

  “Okay, you’ll fill out the rest nicely as well. Is that what I’m supposed to say?”

  “No. On that I am non-negotiable. Why don’t you meet me here and we can fly back together? I’ll get my sister to watch Max.”

  Tropical paradise and Alex? What could be better? Angel bit her lip. “It’s tempting, but I can’t.”

  “Think about it, at least. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Nothing will change.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Goodnight, Alex. Good luck with your meeting.”

  “Thanks. Sleep tight, baby. Dream of me.”

  The house was dark except for one lamp in the living room and the light filtering through the blinds in the kitchen from the deck lights outside, and the giddiness created from Alex’s words still enveloped her. The sliding door opened smoothly, but Max wasn’t waiting as she’d expected. “Max!” Angel called. “Maxy Max! Here, boy!”

  She stepped out onto the smooth cedar boards of the large, multi-level deck and moved to the edge of the highest one, peering out over the massive backyard. It was well-landscaped with large trees, bushes, and a limestone patio, which held expensive furniture, an outdoor kitchen and, at the center, a large in-ground pool. “Maaaaaaax!”

  Angel strained to hear the dog’s movements through the night and the jingle of his collar as he came closer but was met with only the sound of the warm breeze through the trees. “Here, Max!”

  Unsure of what was beyond some of the trees, she scurried down the stairs to the lower levels, her eyes straining into the darkness. The estate was large, and the evening prior, he’d been out for a while, so after a few minutes of whistling and calling for the dog, Angel climbed the stairs and returned to the air-conditioned comfort of the house. The massive windows that soared in panels to the peak of the vaulted ceilings echoed the points of the roof.


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