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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 48

by Aymes, Kahlen

  Where in the hell do we go from here? And will I be able to handle it when he walks away?



  Angel watched Alex hand Cole her keys as she sat in the front seat of his expensive car and rolled her eyes in exasperation. She should have known the well-oiled machine would be running in spite of Alex’s presence; or maybe, because of it. She was still stunned by his appearance and what had occurred after he got to the radio station, despite the closeness and familiarity she felt with him.

  Unable to tear her eyes away, she searched for the brotherly similarity beyond the brief familiarity in the eyes, coloring, and line of the jaw. Cole was broader, but Alex was slightly taller, more commanding and polished. His confidence and sexuality oozed beyond his perfect features and lithe body. It was in the graceful, unconscious way he moved, the tone of his voice, how his eyes caressed her, and the strength in everything he did.

  She inhaled deeply and leaned back against the headrest. After their session in the studio, he’d dressed and silently pushed her hands out of the way as she buttoned the front of her blouse, his eyes never leaving hers and silently daring her to protest when he took over the task. She didn’t. She wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed that she’d lost control or that her body quickened again when his fingers accidentally brushed the top swell of her breasts when he buttoned the top button. For once, she let someone else dictate her destiny, at least for the moment, and it felt damn good.

  Angel wanted to acquiesce to Alex’s wishes and let it all happen, to believe that this intense love affair could turn into something real. She wanted to forget her trepidation, melt into him, and just feel. She wanted… Alex. Always. Not just his body and the powerful, shuddering release he gave her, but the touch of his hand, his tender words, and, more than any of it, his love. Her eyes closed as her heart contracted at the realization.

  The door opened and he slid inside, starting the car before glancing in her direction. They hadn’t spoken a word after they’d made love, and his green eyes took in her mussed hair and swollen lips. One side of his mouth lifted in the crooked smile she loved. His hand reached out to hold the side of her face, his thumb brushing back and forth against her cheek.

  “I asked Cole to take your car back to your place, but I’m taking you home with me. Okay?” His voice was like a silk cocoon that slid around her and squeezed, making it impossible to refuse. Even if he worded it like a question, Angel knew he wasn’t asking permission.

  Angel shifted in her seat as her hand came up to cover his. “Yes.”

  “Now, that didn’t hurt so much, did it?” he teased, a sparkle coming into his eyes as they crinkled at the corners.

  “Yes.” She smiled back weakly. “You have no idea how excruciating.”

  His soft laugh vibrated around her as Alex put the car in gear before reaching down and lacing his fingers through hers. “I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  They drove in silence, hands entwined, both lost in their own thoughts, afraid of ruining the moment with the wrong words. Angel studied his profile, drinking in every line of his face as the lights of the passing streetlights threw them both into shadow and then light again. He looked tired, jet lag from the six-hour time difference and the lateness of the hour clearly taking their toll on him. Angel’s fingers tightened around his, and he lifted her hand and pressed his lips in a slow sensual caress across the back of it. Her body, even so recently sated, opened and throbbed as he recreated the need once again. She said nothing as Alex deftly maneuvered the car onto I-90, the soft music from the satellite radio coming through in surround sound. Contentment took hold like a vice. She longed to be closer and wondered if, when they reached his apartment and despite his exhaustion, his arms would come around her and his mouth would find hers again.

  Finally, she spoke, her tone soft. “Are they following us?”

  Alex glanced at her quickly before turning his attention back to the interstate. “Security will follow until we’re safely in the garage of my building and the gate is secure behind us, yes. Then tomorrow, they’ll have you, as usual.”

  Angel inhaled deeply. “I wish this were over. I’d like to live my life without observation.”

  She watched his muscles visibly tense. “I don’t feel comfortable discontinuing the surveillance yet. I’m sorry.”

  “But… you said Swanson wouldn’t be able to—”

  “I said he wouldn’t be able to afford a decent attorney, but he’s probably enraged right now and that makes him extremely dangerous. Most of his locations are closed, and he has no way to cover the operational expenses of those that remain; his outstanding loan payments are more than his cash flow can handle, and he’s in default. Stupidly, he didn’t protect his personal assets with an LLC incorporation. Plus, his wife is divorcing him. Logically, he has more pressing things to contend with besides hurting you, but I can’t take that chance.”

  Angel’s brow crinkled. “That’s why I didn’t want you involved, Alex. Now, he’ll just come after you. Do you have bodyguards?”

  Alex’s mouth quirked in the start of a smirk.

  “What’s so damned funny? You’re just as much of a target as I am.” She huffed, but inside she was heartsick at the thought of the break-in at his estate and what they did to Max.

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Well, I’m not some helpless damsel in distress, either. I can probably fight better than you.”

  A deep laugh burst from him, and Angel couldn’t help but smile. “Humor me,” Alex said.

  Angel’s smile faded. “Seriously, he might come after you.”

  “He knows my Achilles heel. If he wants to get at me, you’ll be the target. So Cole and his team stay in place.”

  “Until when? The end of time?” She pouted, and he rolled his eyes.

  “Until I say so. End of discussion.”

  “Well, if you would’ve stayed out of it then you’d be left untouch—”

  Alex’s irritation got the better of him, and he interrupted her impatiently. “Angel! If I’d stayed out of it, they would have succeeded the night they tried to kidnap you! The sooner you accept how serious this is, the better off we’ll be!” he practically shouted.

  She jumped in her seat, her eyes wide. “Not true! I kicked the shit out of that asshole!”

  “If my guys weren’t there, those scumbags would have chased you down. I don’t care how well you fight, they would have succeeded!”

  “It’s just as dangerous for you!”

  Alex sighed, his fingers tightening around hers, refusing to let her go as she tried to pull her hand away. “Maybe, in certain ways, but I’m more concerned about you.”

  Angel stared at Alex’s profile, the muscle in his jaw working overtime, his expression stern. “Then let’s make a plan to put him away,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Alex inhaled a deep breath. “Hasn’t your lawyer-boyfriend explained the perils of entrapment to you? We have to wait until the bastard fucks up.”

  “But, if the offense isn’t serious enough, he’ll just be back at it after he gets out! Surely, some well-placed goading or loosening of the security won’t qualify as entrapment.”

  Alex shook his head. “Forget it. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I can’t stand waiting day after day, always looking over my shoulder and worrying all the time! I can’t sleep.”

  He sighed wearily. “I know. I have the same problem. Except tonight, with you beside me, I’ll sleep like the dead. It’s unlikely Swanson will try anything at Water Tower. The security is too tight.”

  Angel’s features softened as she looked at him, the love in her heart filling her up.

  Alex glanced at her face briefly. “You’re not arguing. Are you ill?”

  A gentle laugh escaped her. “It’s only because I see how tired you are. It wouldn’t be fair to take advantage of your incapacitated state.”

  He chuckled again. “Keep telling yourself that, baby.”

/>   Alex pulled into the garage and parked, using his phone via Bluetooth to communicate with Bancroft and Cole. When he was satisfied that Angel’s car was secure and they were safely ensconced behind the security gates, he walked around and opened her door. Proffering his hand before their arms slid around the other’s waist, he placed a soft kiss on her temple as they walked.

  “I don’t have my pajamas,” she said with a devilish grin.

  Alex played along. “I guess I’ll have to suffer through.” He breathed in the scent of her perfume and shampoo, grateful she was safely wrapped in his arms.

  The ride up the private elevator was spent in gentle nuzzling and soft kisses, his lips teasing and lightly sucking on hers, neither of them able to keep their hands off the other. Angel’s fingers stroked the side of his face as his lips lifted and then returned to hers over and over. She wanted to melt into Alex’s arms for tonight and forever, even if she was still apprehensive of the pain to follow.

  His tongue snaked out to nudge her top lip before his teeth pulled gently on her lower one. “God, you taste good.”

  “I’ve missed you,” she admitted unwillingly as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

  “It’s been so unnecessary.”

  He reluctantly pulled away from her, and her hands slid from over his strong shoulders and down his arms, her fingers taking in the contours of the muscles that lay beneath the material of his shirt. His hand closed around hers as he led her into his apartment. There were low lights on in the entryway, further into the great room, and from the direction of the kitchen.

  Angel’s mind flashed to the last time she was here, when he made love to her unknowingly in a dream-like state. Her heart hammered as she followed him in, her fingers still threaded through his. It was as if Alex didn’t want to lose contact with her, and she didn’t protest. The prospect warmed her heart and a thrill coursed through her.

  The stainless steel appliances reflected the light from the single light over the sink. The kitchen was spotless, even though he’d been gone, and a full bowl of fresh fruit was on the table. It occurred to Angel that Alex would most likely be hungry. It would be nine or ten a.m. in London. “Would you like something to eat? I can make an omelet or something.”

  He shook his head and pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly against him. Angel let her head rest on his chest as her arms slid around his waist. His chest rose and fell beneath her cheek when he inhaled and expelled a deep breath. “No food. Water and then bed.”

  “You must be exhausted.”

  “Yeah. It’s been 24 hours since I’ve slept.”

  Alex carried a glass of water as he led her up the stairs and into his bedroom with one hand entwined with hers. Setting it on the nightstand, he pulled off his shirt in one smooth motion and tossed it on the chair on the far side of the room near the window. This room, like the others, was dimly lit from a small light in the bathroom, and Angel’s eyes followed his movements as he kicked off his shoes and opened his jeans.

  “Do you want something to sleep in? One of my T-shirts?”


  He smiled and tossed her one and then watched her as she undressed and turned her back to take off her lacy bra. Probably best, he thought. Sleep. I need sleep.

  The shirt came to the middle of her thighs and she pulled the bedcovers down and crawled beneath them. Alex peeled his jeans and boxer briefs off and left them where they landed on the floor. Walking naked to his dresser, he pulled out some black silk pajama pants and quickly put them on before joining Angel in the oversized bed.

  “Fuck, I’m tired,” he murmured as he sank into the several pillows at the head of the bed. She could feel the heat seeping from their bodies into the comforter. The Egyptian cotton sheets were so fine; they slid against her bare legs like silk. She itched to reach out and run her hand over the smooth skin and firm muscles of the man before her, even as her own eyes got heavy. As if reading her thoughts, strong fingers reached around her arm, gently pulling her closer and across his body. “Get over here,” Alex commanded softly.

  “Bossy, much?” She smiled into the dark, her breath bathing his chest in a warm rush as she settled her cheek against over his heart; both of them now in a tangled embrace of arms and legs.

  “Ah! At last, she understands!” he teased. She heard the smile in his voice and smiled.

  “Like I said, you’re incapacitated. I’m taking pity on you for the moment, but don’t expect it to last.” His strong arms around her and the firmness of his chest beneath her head were what dreams were made of. Even as she goaded him, she was thankful they were both safe and together. Her heart filled to capacity and contentment settled around her more closely than the blankets, now warmly infused with the heat from their bodies.

  His lips pressed to the top of her head and smiled sleepily. “Incapacitated, my ass.”

  Angel couldn’t help a short laugh. Why did she have so much fun with this man? It boggled her mind how he could be so many things to her. “Nice ass.”

  “I think yours is nicer.”

  “Nah.” She giggled openly now as she poked Alex in the ribs. “Yours is.”

  “Hey!” he protested. Before she knew it, he rolled over and her body was pinned securely beneath his, her thighs snugly cradling his hips. “Angel,” he mused before his lips traced up from her shoulder to the gentle slope of her neck and along her jaw. “Must you argue with me about everything?”

  “Not everything,” she said softly, unable to stop herself from rocking her pelvis into his now apparent arousal. Her hands ran up his back, kneading the muscles.

  “Wanna argue about how incapacitated I am?” he asked seriously, pulling his head up and searching her face. He knew he’d get no argument. The backs of his fingers brushed her cheek while his other hand traced her temple on the opposite side of her face. His hips moved against hers then, mirroring her movements. She gasped and closed her eyes, shaking her head. “No?” he whispered, his voice was thick with desire by now. “Good, then kiss me,” he commanded as his mouth hungrily latched onto hers.

  * * *

  Alex’s heart raced. It was pouring rain and very dark. He couldn’t see much, save for brief seconds when lightning lit up the night sky, followed by the loud crack of thunder.

  “Angel!” he called. “Angel!”

  She screamed in the distance, and his heart constricted with panic as he broke into a run toward the sound of her voice. His ears strained to hear her, but all he could hear was the rain, thunder, and the slap of his feet on the wet pavement. Alex stopped, panting; his head snapped around and he turned, searching for some clue to which direction he’d find her when her scream split the air.

  “Ahhhgggggg! Stop! Please, stop!” she begged. She was sobbing and her voice broke. “No! Please let me go!”

  “Shut up, you little bitch! I will kill you and then fuck you, but either way, I’m going to fuck you!”

  The expletive was followed by another scream, scuffling and the sound of someone falling against the pavement.

  Alex started running, taking a right down an alley between two old brick buildings. As he came closer, he could hear a man grunting and Angel choking. He felt like he was drowning; unable to catch his breath, his lungs were ready to explode.

  The alley seemed to stretch on forever, then finally, he saw them. Angel’s arms were clawing at her assailant but she could only reach his chest, her hips bucking underneath his heavy weight as she tried to fight the man off. One arm was straight, his hand wrapped around her throat, while he sat on her hips to hold her down. His free hand ripped at her blouse.

  Alex was paralyzed, his lungs unable to function as he begged his legs to move.

  “Angel!” he croaked. He wanted to save her, he wanted to kill that piece of shit bastard, and he wanted to die himself. “No! Get away from her!” Her arms dropped to her sides, and she stopped struggling as she lost consciousness, but the man continued ripping open her blouse and pushi
ng up her skirt. “Aaannnggeeellll!” Alex screamed in agony.

  Alex’s hands flailed in front of him, searching in the dark; they pushed across the sheets. The bed was empty, and he rolled over onto his back and sat up. “Stop!” He was panting heavily, his heart hammering, as if he’d run five miles in a full sprint. “Angel?” he gasped.

  Angel suddenly appeared as a shadowy figure in the bathroom doorway, quickly walking to the edge of the bed. “What is it? Are you okay?”

  Alex’s hand wiped at the perspiration on his forehead as his chest rose and fell. He pulled up his knees beneath the covers and leaned both arms on them before dropping his head between them. He felt sick with panic at what he’d dreamed. It could happen; it almost did. “I can’t fucking breathe.”

  Confusion wrinkled Angel’s brow, and her hand reached for his shoulder, worried at his words and the anxiety in his voice. “Alex, what is it?”

  “Where were you?” he asked.

  “Just in the bathroom.” Her hand moved in the direction she’d just come from. “I was only gone for a minute.”

  He sighed again and nodded, still seeming a little disoriented.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked again, her voice wary. She began to knead the muscles beneath her fingers. “You’re scaring me.”

  Alex moved to the edge of the bed, reaching for her arm and pulling her close. He buried his face in the side of her neck and the curtain of her silky hair fell around his face, her scent assaulting his nostrils. His arms wound tightly around her body to reassure himself that she was safe.

  Angel wound her arms around his shoulders and head as she kissed the side of his face in a series of light kisses, and she could feel his heart beating frantically, pounding against her ribcage. “What is it, sweetie?” Her heart filling with a mixture of love and pain, she ached for him.

  “Four hours ago you hated me; now you’re calling me sweetie?”

  “Well, four hours ago you were yelling at me, but, you know I don’t hate you,” she said against his temple. Her fingers threaded through his hair and curled, moving over his scalp in a calming motion.


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